Bliss (The Custos) (23 page)

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Authors: Melanie Walker

BOOK: Bliss (The Custos)
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        I could see him processing my sarcasm and deciding it was in fact sarcasm, not an open invite.


              "Princess, I needed to get to Klem when I saw he was free. Preacher was in the middle of getting some good info and I needed Klem to keep the door open to Conlin if he tried to sale again here."


              "He's been here?" I asked no longer concerned with my pride. I'll fight with him later right now this was a lead we desperately needed. "Where’s Preacher?"


              "Inside getting the guy worked up enough to follow us out here so we can....question him." He said then reached for my hand to pull me against him. I found it funny how men assumed that because you dropped something for one second that the issue was dead and buried. Fool’s the whole lot of them. He looked cute though, his sympathetic eyes and a smile so innocent you would think he was a saint not a sinner. But I would not be swayed. He hurt my feelings.


              "How hard was that Cash?" I asked my voice full of pain I tried to mask.


              He cupped my face in his hands. "I know Baby, I'm sorry. I forget sometimes how strong you are and what you can handle." He kissed my forehead and I couldn’t help but sigh. The feel of him inside of me earlier had stayed with me throughout the night and his touch brought me back there again. And I know it's me thinking like a high school girl but I love when he calls me Baby, it was few and far between but when he did it brought me down from climbing the rafters in anger.


              "You hurt my feelings Cash. I hate being treated like a nuisance when I have done everything in my power to help." I could see that he hated that he hurt me and I knew the fight was over.


              "I'm sorry I hurt you. Please forgive me Princess...." His mouth hit mine and a smooth sneaky hand slid a thumb beneath the waistband of my jeans. "Let me in Baby.... five minutes and I'll make you scream I swear."


              I forgave him immediately, like I said school girl. He succeeded in working me up, quick slippery flicks on my clit had me barely able to stand but before I could agree to hit the van we heard Preacher.


              "Watch your heart rate and bite your tongue this is going to be hard but remember it's not real and you’re loved." Cash spoke so quietly I hoped I understood him correctly. The minute I heard Preachers tone I knew I'd heard right.


              "Done with the human yet?" he asked Cash who laughed and slid his hand behind my neck and pulled me to his mouth. He let his fangs strike hard enough that the vampire at Preachers side would smell my blood, but in reality he barely broke my skin. Awareness flooded me and I knew my role was to be a simple little human feeding machine.


              Cash's laugh was like a cackle. "Not yet, gonna take her home and fuck her too." He stroked his thumb against the back of my neck confirming as best he could his love for me."Aint that right
?" I knew why he said my name and why he said it in that tone. The unknown Vampire was introduced as Simon Hall. He couldn’t have been more average than if he said his previous job when human was working in a call center that gave killer benefits. I wasn’t even a Vampire yet but even I thought they were getting a little desperate.


              Simon stared at me like I had beer flavored nipples. Not sure what his deal was Cash figured it out. "Don’t even bother friend, she is under my Infatuation and I am way too powerful for you to override."


              "Not with what he has in his pocket." Preacher said before looking at Simon. "Show him."


              Simon reached into his pocket and I felt my heart speed up. I knew what he was pulling out and Cash stroked the back of my neck letting me know he was picking up on my vitals and I needed to calm down.


              Simon extended his hand and in a small match box sized baggie he held seven small red pills that looked like Sudafed. "What's that?" Cash scoffed and moved his arm over my shoulders to pull me tighter. I ate it up on cue and nuzzled into his side. As jobs went cuddling into him was damn awesome.


              "It’s a drug that uses Vamp blood; it'll override any Infatuation and make any human bend to our will." Simon said far too excited than I was comfortable with. The fact he found the idea appealing made my stomach turn.


              "Never heard of it." Cash said dismissing the young


              "You will, your friend said the same thing. In about a month every Vamp in the nation will have heard of it and the
are gonna have their hands full." He laughed a fast nervous cackle that made my skin crawl. "Give it to your girl there and you'll see."


              Cash's instinct was to rip this
apart but before he could jump in the guys face I stepped in. "Drugs? Will they get me high?"


              Cash looked at me, a look to speak, no scream volumes. He did not want me touching that stuff. I hadn’t been trained in what to do in this situation but I figured as long as I was with Cash and Preacher then Simon’s Infatuation wouldn’t affect me as hard regardless of the drugs capabilities. Cash was gripping my hand tighter but I yanked free and stumbled into Simon. He put his arm around my waist to steady my phony fall and Cash growled.


              "Why not head back to our place and talk about this further?" Preacher said, his voice as soothing as ever. He was high, super high and I was feeling even better about the drug. If all I had to fight off was Simon I was certain I would be fine. Infatuation was strong but it didn’t remove my free will. I would know what was going on.


              "Hey Simon, will it get me high?" I asked again leaning in and playing up my easy girl vibe. He ate it right up.


              "Oh yeah Baby, you'll feel like the sexiest girl in the world and you'll want a party." He looked at Cash who was ready to kill and at Preacher who was stunned, both because of my performance. "We can take turns showing her a good time."


              It took every fiber inside of me to not freak out and yeah he totally ruined Baby for me. He was asking permission to gang rape me with Preacher and Cash. Cash was keeping calm to my complete shock. Preacher said “whatever lets go." and walked to the van. Inside he texted Leushus saying to meet at the house for back up. Good Preacher.


              "Let’s party big boy. How many do I take?" I asked with my hand out. Cash came to stand behind me and try and pull me against him. "Take two." Simon said and handed them to me. I turned and held on to Cash making it seem like I was a girl up for anything.


              "C'mon handsome. Let’s go have some fun tonight." I walked with him to the Van and could feel him waging a war inside. When Simon stepped in the van Cash grabbed my wrist and kept me from getting in. "Give us a minute guys, I'm not sure I want to share tonight."


              Preacher and Simon laughed and closed the door. Cash pulled me to the side as far from the van as we could get so Simon wouldn’t hear. "What are you doing?" He hissed fangs bared and his eyes furious. Round two I guess.


              "What? It will put me in the throes of Infatuation. Who cares?" I shrugged my shoulders. "You can take him to the prison down stairs and then fuck me till the affects wear off." I actually liked the way it was playing out in my head.


              "And what if you don’t want me? What if something in the drug makes Simon or Preacher more desirable? What then? Know what; don’t answer you are not doing this!" He growled.


              Just like before in the bar, he told me what to do instead of asking me and, sick of his shit I popped the pills in my mouth and swallowed. The look of complete shock on his face was priceless. "Maybe now you'll learn once and for all who the boss of me is." I said completely annoyed and ready to claw his eyes out. I walked to the van but didn’t feel him behind me. Looking over my shoulder he stood still where we were talking. Shocked at what I had done. "Better hurry Cash, don’t want to miss the show."


              Oh I was in so much trouble but it would have to wait because before I was even in the van I felt dizzy and, well only one way to describe it. I was wet and ready to fuck the first willing partner. My mind was still my mind, I knew that the effects of the drug were about to take over me entirely and the fear I felt was epic. Terrified Cash swooped in and helped me in the van and he knew when it kicked in. I was all over him.








She was in deep shit. I could smell her arousal, as could Preacher and Simon. Simon that fucker, he kept turning around and pawing at her asking if she wanted to sit up front. "Said I don’t share remember." I snapped and Simon smiled and turned back around.


              London was groping me and sure in a normal situation I would have been inside of her already, but felt wrong. "You suck." She slurred and leaned between the two seats, her eyes drooping unable to focus. Licking her finger she traced the shell of Preachers ear. "Hey Preacher will you fuck me later?"


              Holy shit, I felt Preachers shock but bless him he seemed unaffected but acted pleased. "Sure thing human when we get home."


              "Human? Why are you calling me human? Call me Cookie." She whined. Preacher, who was now looking over his shoulder at me like I had the answers.
You’re annoyed and offended? Your girlfriend didn’t just ask your best friend to fuck her
. I wanted to say it but knew I couldn’t. Pulling London back on my lap and giving in I kissed her but for once she wasn’t getting me jacked up. I like getting dirty but this was not hot, it was uncomfortable and a means till we got to the house.


              Jesus that was close, asking Preacher to call her Cookie. I had to keep her from talking. Simon leaned over the seat and watched as London arched on my lap while I pinched her nipples. He reached to feel her ass and I grabbed his hand and crushed every bone making him wail out in pain. "I said I don’t share."


              "Fuck you man." Simon cried and London looked at him with heat in her eyes. "I'll kiss it better." She giggled and tried to climb over the seat but I caught her. Simon who was still moaning about his hand was pissing me off and I couldn’t wait to kill this guy. "Stop crying you pussy and man up. You'll heal in a few hours; you can touch when I'm done." God it made me sick to say those words. I had to keep telling myself it was fake, all of it. Well almost, London wasn’t faking, she wanted to fuck everyone in this van, god help me.


              And her.


              The drive to my house lasted forever, but luckily Simon finally stopped trying to grope her and I kept her entertained. As we got out of the van I chose to carry the hot mess that was
girlfriend. Wrapping her legs around me we walked inside. If I breathed I would have taken a deep breath right then. No need for the games any longer I kissed London good and hard before setting her down on a kitchen chair. "Ooooh yes, are you gonna fuck me right here again Cash?" She asked.


              The look on Simons face was prime and I was glad to kill the little fucker. In one little moan and a few words Simon realized she wasn’t an easy human, she was mine and he was fucked. "That’s right; you fucked with the wrong boys tonight." I said before kicking one of the kitchen chairs and splitting the legs off in different directions. Reaching for one of the pieces I made sure it would make a good stake and lunged for Simon. Before I could get close enough Preacher pulled me back. "No Cash, we need info." He said his voice calm; I could barely hear him over the roar in my mind.


              Vampires were territorial, but fuck with ones mate? You can kiss your ass goodbye. Even if I wanted to be reasonable, the beast inside of me was itching to mark her, and kill Simon for touching her.


              "No Cash, I need him." London said from behind me. Those words broke my heart. I knew it was the drug talking but to hear the woman you love plead for another man, shit was hard.


              S'all I’m sayin'.


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