Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4) (2 page)

Read Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #romance, #menage, #mmf, #lovers, #womens erotica, #explicit adult fiction, #erotica with story, #red phoenix

BOOK: Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4)
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Yes, something happened.
I broke Ryan’s heart. He didn’t see it coming. I feel

I’m sorry, Jenny. I’m
sorry he took it so hard, but it had to be done. He deserved to
hear it first from you.”

Jenny remained silent as tears
cascaded down her cheeks.

Do you need me to come
get you? Where are you?”

No, I’ll be fine. I’m
just a block away from my pl… Ryan’s apartment,” she answered

Do you want to meet

I think I need some time
alone. I’ll call when I’m ready…”

Whatever you need, Jenny,
just know I’ll be waiting for your call.”

She was glad Dan wasn’t
pushing himself on her or treating her like a breakable doll. She
sat in her car replaying the last six months. The innocent trip up
to the cabin, the blizzard… Dan’s seduction of her. The realization
she loved him. Ryan’s eventual acceptance and the threesome that
formed from that mutual love.
Why couldn’t
it last?


Why did Kelly have to ruin it all?
What did she gain by driving them apart? Revenge, sure… but what
benefit was that to her? Was there comfort in knowing that Ryan was
hurting as much as she’d been hurt? How shallow and cruel of the
bitch. Ryan hadn’t done anything wrong. It seemed odd that Jenny
had been friends with her for years and not been aware of the
heartless creature underneath that energetic

Jenny wiped away the tears and drove
to a hotel near her work. Until she knew what she was doing, she
needed a place to stay. She lay down on the hard bed and stared up
at the ceiling. She was getting married to Dan. The reality of it
was slowly sinking in and helped to soften the blow. She dug out
her phone and called him. “If you want to meet me over at the
Continental, I’m in room 142.”

Excellent. I’ll be there

She waited impatiently for his
arrival, needing to feel Dan’s arms around her. She rushed to the
door when she heard his knock, swinging the door wide open. Her
relief was short-lived. “What are you doing here?”

I just heard, but I had
to hear it from the whore’s mouth.”

Jenny tried to slam the door shut, but
Kelly pushed her way inside. “Oh no, you are not getting rid of me
that easy, ho. You are going to have to face me.”

Jenny backed away from her, grabbing
her cell phone.

Are you really such a
coward? Are you calling Dan to come to the rescue?” she asked in a
patronizing tone. “That would be perfect.”

Jenny put the phone down. “I am not a

You are a lot of things,
Jen. Cunt, backstabber, bitch, cheater, whore… the list goes on.
Fucking two men at the same time? My god! But no, that wasn’t
enough for you, was it? You have to stab Ryan and me in the heart
by marrying

You lost Dan all on your
own, Kelly. He pursued me, it wasn’t the other way

I know what happened up
in the cabin. You fucking spread your legs and begged him. I can
just imagine it. You couldn’t keep your hands off my boy toy when
the opportunity presented itself. All this time I thought we were
friends. God, I was

Jenny’s eyes narrowed. “You’ve got
that right.”

Kelly delivered a hard slap to her
right cheek. “Don’t turn this on me, whore. I didn’t make moves on
your boyfriend.”

Jenny rubbed her stinging cheek.
“Yeah, but you twisted Ryan’s mind to your way of thinking. We were
happy together but you just couldn’t let that happen.”

What you were doing was
an abomination! You think I was going to sit by and let that
continue under my nose?”

It was none of your
business. You broke it off with Dan. You gave up your rights to

I dropped him because I
didn’t want what you defiled. He was dead to me the moment he
touched you. Just as you are dead to me.”

Is that why you tried to
drive me off the road? You’re fucking insane, Kelly!”

Kelly rushed her, grabbing a fist of
Jenny’s long hair. “Don’t ever call me crazy, you cunt!” Jenny
struggled out from under Kelly’s grasp, kneeing her soundly in the

Stay away from me. From
all of us!” Jenny screamed.

Kelly cradled her stomach, hissing, “I
will make you pay.” She started backing towards the door. “You are
not marrying Dan…you fucking whore. I promise you that.”

Nothing you can do will
stop us from getting married. Nothing!”

Kelly suddenly was back in her face.
“Wanna bet?” She cackled like an old woman on her way out of the
hotel room, leaving the door open.

Jenny wilted onto the bed, shaken by
the confrontation. She literally screeched when she saw a figure at
the door. Dan ran into the room demanding. “What


How did she find you

Jenny shook her head. “I don’t know,
Dan… Ryan must have called her after I told him our plans. But,”
she felt a sickening knot building in her stomach, “she must have
been there. She must have followed me from his place.”

Dan enfolded her in his protective
embrace. “We have to file a restraining order.”

Okay,” she agreed

Dan stroked her hair murmuring over
and over again, “I am so sorry, Jenny.”

I didn’t get it. I didn’t
understand how truly nuts she is.”

Dan guided her to his car and drove
her to the police station. Jenny was fine with their decision to
bring the police into it until she saw the officer who had
humiliated her twice before.

You,” the man said

Jenny turned around and immediately
exited the building. “What good will it do anyway, Dan? A
restraining order won’t prevent her from getting to me if she’s

Dan prodded her back into the police
station, insisting on a different officer. The new policeman took
down her complaint and had her fill out the required paperwork.
“Expect to hear within two days,” he said before handing her copies
of the paperwork. Jenny left the station not feeling an ounce

You are coming with me,
Jenny. I already talked to my friend, John. His place is
excruciatingly small, but Kelly can’t bother you there. The complex
has a guard at the door. I don’t want you to worry about being
alone until this situation is resolved with Kelly.”

She was surprised at the relief she
felt. A cramped place with others close by made her feel safe.
“That sounds good.”

It’ll help me worry

Jenny looked up at him sadly. “Dan, I
can’t believe Ryan told her.”

I don’t believe for one
second he thought he was placing you in danger. She probably has
him convinced she only wants the best for you two.”

Ryan is

I’ll talk to him,

She shook her head violently. “He
won’t listen to you, Dan. He blames you for everything.”

Then I will leave him a
message at work. Ryan needs to understand his interaction with her
has serious consequences for you.”

Do you think he even
cares?” Jenny asked, remembering his rage and anguish.

Dan caressed her cheek lightly. “As
hurt as he is, he still loves you, Jenny. He would never willingly
cause you harm.”

The tears started again. “If you could
have seen him today….”

Dan sighed. “Understand, if the
situation had been reversed I would have been hurt, but I would
still want what’s best for you. With time, Ryan will accept your
decision. Know that it is better to be upfront now than to drag it
out in an attempt to make it easier, because it won’t.” She buried
her face in his chest. “We will get through this, Jenny. It’ll be

She wondered if he was saying it to
convince himself as much as her.

They headed to his friend’s place
after picking up her car at the hotel. It turned out that John only
had a one bedroom apartment consisting of a small living room, the
single bedroom, and a tiny galley-like kitchen. It was doable for
one person, but nearly impossible for three.

Jenny looked the place over and smiled
hesitantly at John. “I can’t impose like this.”

He grabbed a pizza slice out of his
fridge and started munching on it. “Not a problem. I spend the
majority of my time in my bedroom anyway. You and Dan can sleep on
the couch. It’s fine. Really the only problem will be the
bathroom.” He gave Jenny a sideways glance. “I hope you aren’t one
of those prissy girls who spend hours primping.”

Dan wrapped his arms around her and
put his chin on top of her head. “No, Jenny is a natural beauty.
Primping is not required.”

She looked up at Dan, basking in his
nearness. “True. I can shower and be out of the bathroom in fifteen
minutes, no problem.”

John grinned broadly. “Then I think
we’re in business.”

Jenny looked at the small couch. It
was going to be cramped, but she was warming to the idea of
sleeping nestled in Dan’s arms.

Can you cook?” John

Probably as good as you,”
she quipped, “but I’m willing to take on the cooking duties as
payment for your kindness.”

Cool.” He grabbed another
slice of cold pizza and headed to his room. “See you guys later.”
Just before he shut the door he added, “And don’t do anything I
wouldn’t do.”

Jenny glanced over at Dan
and grinned.
Like there’s any room to get
in trouble here.
“Don’t worry. We’ll

Once the door shut, Dan moved up
behind her and growled, “I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” She sighed
in contentment when she felt his warm lips on her neck. Her body
melded into his willingly. “I want to take you to see my parents
tomorrow after work.”

Jenny stiffened and moved out of his
embrace. “Do they know?”

Not yet. That’s the
reason for the visit, my little Kumquat.” Dan gathered her back in
his arms and nibbled on her ear.

Jenny couldn’t appreciate his attempt
at seduction as nausea settled in. “How do you think they will take
the news? It’ll be strange for them, don’t you think?” Jenny knew
that Dan’s parents really liked Kelly and took Dan’s breakup

Don’t worry, Baby. They
will happy for us. How could they not be, we are meant for each
other. It’s carved in the tree.”

She smiled at the memory of his
proposal and kissed his warm lips for reassurance. “I love

He picked her up and twirled her
around the cramped space. “Love you more, woman.”



Dan met her after work the following
evening and they made the hour and a half drive to his parents’
house. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes lived on the opposite side of the city,
backing up to the foothills. Although Jenny had been to their place
on several occasions, it felt like the first time to her. “This is
going to go bad. I can feel it,” she told him as she got out of the

Jenny, it’s just my
parents. I don’t know why you’re so nervous.”

She tried to smile, but she could not
rid herself of the growing pit in her stomach. “Well, at least
it’ll be good to get it over with.”

Dan held up her left hand and caressed
her ring finger. “This is more than just a courtesy call. I plan to
ask for my great grandmother’s ring.”

Oh, Dan!” Jenny loved the
idea of wearing a part of his family’s history. It would mean so
much because the ring was part of the same couple who’d built the
cabin. “That would be incredible.”

I’m glad you think so.”
He kissed her hand before he rang the doorbell. From deep inside
the house she heard his father shout, “Come in!”

The foyer was elegant, full of
expensive sculptures. Jenny had always liked Mrs. Hayes taste in
art. “Mom and Dad, Jenny’s here with me.”

Both adults walked into entrance with
shocked expressions. “Jenny?” his mother repeated.

Dan wrapped his arm around Jenny and
smiled confidently. “Yes, I want you to meet my future wife.”
Jenny’s eyes widened. He hadn’t wasted a second.

Mrs. Hayes frowned and turned to her
husband. They stared at each other without saying

It’s a pleasure to see
you both again,” Jenny offered, wanting to kill the awkward

His father recovered first. “We’re
glad you could come.”

Dan shook his head. “What’s up with
you guys? I just introduced my future wife to you. Don’t you have
anything more to say?”

Mrs. Hayes finally spoke. “It’s a

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