Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4) (4 page)

Read Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #romance, #menage, #mmf, #lovers, #womens erotica, #explicit adult fiction, #erotica with story, #red phoenix

BOOK: Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4)
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He shook his head. “No, my love. I am
your complement, but you are the prize.”

Jenny was touched by his words and
wanted him inside her that instant. Jenny wiggled seductively on
the car. “Partake of me, Complement.”

She giggled as Dan awkwardly stripped
out of the rest of his clothes. He crawled onto the hood, lying on
top of her. Her giggles instantly quieted when his shaft pressed
against her opening. “Dan…”

Yes?” he asked, remaining
completely still.

I need you.”

He pressed his cock harder against her
inner lips. “Is this what you need, woman?”

She nodded, smiling up at him. Dan
slowly pushed the head of his shaft inside her warm depths - and
then stopped. He leaned over and kissed her. His cold lips pressed
hard against hers, creating a fire in her core. Her inner muscles
squeezed his shaft and he growled in appreciation. He inched a
little further in.

Jenny cried, “More of you…”

His white smile glowed in the
moonlight. “More? You are at my mercy, my love.” He pulled out and
rested his shaft against her swollen lips.

No! Please…” she

He chuckled and reentered her, his
shaft already cold from the momentary exposure to the air. “You are
too hot for me to resist.” He thrust hard and Jenny arched her back
in response, wanting his full length. He placed his hands on either
side of her and began sliding in and out rhythmically in a slow
controlled manner, his cock igniting the fire even

Her nipples ached in tight
constriction while her loins coated her lover in her dripping
adoration. She looked up at Dan, the moon a halo around his face.
“I love you, fiancé.”

He groaned and possessed her then. Dan
enclosed her delicate wrists with his strong hands as his lips
commanded her mouth and his cock released its passion. She moaned,
rejoicing in the repeated thrusts of his masculine ownership. He
knew her body, knew how to make her combust in unquenchable

Baby…” he breathed just
before his body tensed and his eyes closed in rapture. Jenny
concentrated all of her focus on his shaft as it shuddered,
cherishing his orgasm. She lay there panting afterwards, content
with the weight of his body pressing down on her.

Jenny assumed their session was over
but Dan slowly stroked her with his spent shaft, rubbing that area
he knew so well. She felt the tension rise and the fire ignite into
a growing inferno. There was no stopping the surge that crashed
over her and stole her breath away. Her body milked his cock with
its rhythmic tightening. The fact he was no longer hard, made her
come that much more intense as she felt the fullness of each
contraction. This time she was the one shuddering

Baby, Baby,” he whispered
in her ear.

She wrapped her legs around him. “I
love you, Dan. You’ll never know how much.”

They lay in the freezing mountain air,
lost in the afterglow. They were a couple now, exclusive lovers. It
was an incredible feeling, incredible except for the harsh chill
creeping into her bones…

Dan,” she said,
struggling underneath.

He smiled down at her, not moving.
“Yeah, Baby?”

I’m getting

Are you, my

She struggled harder and was met by
his chuckles as he pressed her against the hood with his body
weight. She growled playfully, certain she could topple him off the
car. She twisted and squirmed, but when that didn’t work she tried
to tickle him. He easily captured her arms and held them back down.
She was utterly defenseless. “Dan!”

His laughter filled the forest. “What,
my little Kumquat?”

Get off me,” she

But I like having you at
my mercy,” he purred into her ear.

She struggled unsuccessfully and was
about to complain again when his lips met hers, taking all
resistance away. She became acutely aware that his cock had
recovered and was pressing against her thigh. “Oh…”

See what you do?” He
slipped back into her seamlessly and began pumping her a second
time. Having just come, her body was immediately responsive and
throbbed in time with his thrusts.

Dan pulled himself up. “Your breasts
are so big and luscious, woman.” He cupped them in each hand and
then braced himself against them as he slowly pulled out and pushed
back in forcefully.

Jenny stretched her arm
up, touching the windshield with her fingertips. She looked up at
the few stars bright enough to compete with the moon as he took her
again. The feeling of being held down by his large hands pressing
against her breasts added a raw element she hadn’t experienced
before. She thrilled at the feeling of possession.
I am Dan’s.

His thrusts were more pronounced this
second time - deeper, demanding and hard. “You… feel… so…good,” he
panted in time with each stroke.

She panted with him, her body building
up to a dangerous level, so intense it felt as if it might rip her
apart. The freezing temperatures no longer mattered as her body
tensed for a massive orgasm. Her hips thrust up violently and Dan’s
cock met her perfectly. They both cried out as her body convulsed
in a powerful explosion. Jenny strained against his strong hands
while he held her in place as her orgasm claimed her. She screamed
into the night, alerting all the wildlife to her climax.

That’s it, Baby,” Dan
said lustfully.

It seemed to go on forever, and
somehow he maintained control until after her last contraction
ended. Then he gritted his teeth and pumped her slowly letting his
shaft fill her with his seed. He collapsed on her then and she
wrapped her arms around him. “How do you do it?”


Share new facets of
yourself each time?”

He lifted his head and brushed back
his hair all sexy-like. “You are my muse, I am continually
inspired.” Dan gave her a ghostly white smile and helped her off
the hood. They dressed in a rush and piled back into the car,
shivering from the cold.

Dan turned the heat on full blast.
Once Jenny stopped shaking, she drifted off to sleep. But she woke
with a start when the car jerked.


Dan turned off the heat and unrolled
his window, letting wind whip around the car. “Remind me never to
have mind blowing sex just before a long drive in the

You fell

Nodded off for a second,
but that’s all it takes.” He turned towards her. “Mind if you keep
me company the rest of the drive down?”

Jenny unrolled hers as well to rid
herself of the need to sleep. Even with the cold blast of air on
her face, all she wanted to do was close her eyes. To keep herself
awake, she found her favorite station and turned up the radio. At
one point, she saw his eyes flutter shut. “Dan, wake

His head jerked back up and his eyes
popped open. Dan slapped his face a couple of times, before turning
to her. “Thanks, Baby. I won’t let that happen again.”

He leaned forward and spent the rest
of the long, difficult drive with his eyes glued to the road. Both
of them were exhausted by the time they finally made it to John’s
place. They made their way to the couch and curled up together,
falling asleep in their clothes.

Jenny woke up to, “Hey, Sleepyhead!”
She cracked open an eye and saw John staring at Dan. He tilted his
head and asked, “Could you wake him?”

Jenny wiggled against Dan until he
began to stir. John told him, “That Ryan guy stopped by last night
wanting to talk to you. Just thought you should know.” He picked up
his keys and turned back to them. “By the way, it’s almost eight.
You’re late.”

Both Jenny and Dan rolled off the
couch. She looked at his rumpled hair and laughed, knowing she must
look as unkempt. “I don’t have time to change. Think anyone will

If they do, I’m sure
they’ll have a good idea why and feel only jealousy.”


As the two headed out the door Dan
said, “I think I’ll visit Ryan after work. See what he wanted last

Okay... I hope it goes
well,” she said with trepidation.

I’m not worried. Ryan has
every right to confront me. We both need to square

The day went smoothly with only one
person commenting on her clothing. Lucky for her, it was a slow day
of trading. Jenny stopped by the grocery store after work and
picked up items for lasagna. Knowing that Dan would be gone for a
couple of hours, she decided to take the time to create a nice,
hearty meal. John came out of his room and patted her on the back
when he saw what she was making.

Hot damn, I love having a
woman in the house.” With that, he disappeared into his bedroom
again and shut the door with no offer to help.
Typical man.

Jenny had just topped the noodles with
fresh mozzarella and was stuffing it into the oven when Dan
appeared at the door.

Her hand flew to her mouth the instant
she saw him. “Oh my God, what did he do?” She flew across the small
apartment focused on his red, swollen eye.

Ryan sucker punched me.
Didn’t see it coming.”

She shook her head in disbelief. “Rye
did this?” She tried to caress the tender area, but Dan grabbed her
hand and kissed it before putting it back to her side.

Yeah, Ryan was seething
with rage. It is a side of him I have never seen before, but…I
can’t blame him.” He walked over to the couch and sat down, laying
his head back. “Fuck that was nuts.”

Jenny grabbed a bag of peas out of the
freezer and sat next to him, gently laying it over his eye. He
opened his one good eye and smiled sadly. “Thanks.”

What happened,

He groaned and shut his eyes again,
remaining silent for several moments. “Ryan is pretty torn up. I
thought he wanted to talk, but really all he wanted was to punch
the shit out of me. He got one good hit in before I could defend

Does he look as bad?”
Jenny asked, worried for both men.

Dan snorted. “No, Baby. I held him
down until he didn’t have any fight left.”

She couldn’t hide her disbelief. “How
is that possible? Ryan is no shrinking violet.”

I have an arm hold that
immobilizes even the strongest man, although I’m sure he will be
sore in the morning. After Ryan stopped threatening to kill me, we
talked or at least tried to.”

She asked quietly, “What did he

Dan looked nauseous when he answered
her. “Jenny… he cried. I have never seen Ryan…” he turned away from
her. He muttered, “He’s struggling.”

She shrunk away from Dan. It felt
wrong that they were so happy while Rye was suffering so
profoundly. “Tell me exactly what happened.”

He blames me for
everything like you said, and is convinced we were having an affair
long before the cabin. Ryan claims we’ve played him for a fool. But
it is not just that.” He looked at her in concern. “His work is
going badly. His assistant quit and he has a new temp who doesn’t
know what she is doing. It’s affecting his productivity and
possibly costing him the Jr. Partnership. He’s got nothing left,
Baby. He looks… terrible.”

She knotted her hands in worry. “What
are we going to do?”

There is nothing we can
do. You and I continue forward with our plans. Whether we go
through with our marriage or not, Ryan will hurt the same.” He
stroked her cheek. “It is the loss of you that he is mourning

I feel so awful,

He took the bag of peas off his eye
and said with conviction, “If you and I weren’t so right, I would
question our actions. However, I have never felt such certainty
before. We are meant for each other. I will not allow anyone or
anything to tear us apart.”

Even when it crushes your
best friend?” she whispered.

Dan winced but answered, “Even

Jenny cuddled up to him, laying her
head on his shoulder. She whimpered softly, “Are we going to hell
for this?”

No, Baby. Time will prove
us right. We just have to get through this part. It’s like birth;
it squeezes like a mother fucker, but then you see the light and
breathe in life-sustaining air.”


That night, Jenny was desperate for
connection with Dan. She needed to feel his comfort and physical
connection. She lay beside him on the couch resentful that they
could not be intimate.

What’s wrong,

She whispered, “I need

He held her closer and kissed her, but
it was not enough to ease the ache in her soul. “I need you, Dan,
but it’s not possible.” She looked in the direction of John’s door.
The light was still on and she could hear him talking to

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