Blizzard (The Brotherhood Journals #1) (30 page)

BOOK: Blizzard (The Brotherhood Journals #1)
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“Let me play, baby.” His face was less relaxed now as if he was struggling to control himself. “Once I get inside that wet hole, I’m gonna take you with everything I have. So I need to take this part slowly.”

He pressed a little harder on my clit and I bucked my hips, fighting to keep them down like he wanted. It was erotically torturous and I fucking loved it. I wanted to make him happy, please him by following his orders. He wasn’t making it easy, but that was all part of the game.

It was when he lowered his body to the bed that I nearly lost it. He kissed up the inside of my leg, blowing a light breeze over my pussy and causing me to pull at my restraints. I wanted to grab his head with my hand and force his mouth onto me, I was desperate for it. But he was running the show and I knew he was loving it. A gentle lick made me throw my head back and close my eyes.

I felt his hands slide up under my shirt and bra and he took both my breasts into his hands. He squeezed at the same time his mouth finally took ownership of my wetness, and I released the loud moan of ecstasy that I’d been holding down. His tongue lashed at my clit, his mouth basically covering me completely.

The build started slowly, a warm sensation starting in my stomach and spreading throughout my body as it began to burn hotter.

“Oh God, Blizzard.” I ground my hips against his face, clutching at the restraints around my hands.

When he pulled my tiny bud into his mouth and sucked, I was done for. I gasped, my body pulling up off the bed, my orgasm completely shattering and shaking every inch of me.

I fell to the sheets, sweat covering my skin and trying to catch my breath.

But a sharp slap on my ass caused me to jump and my eyes to pop open. Blizzard smirked down at me, the sting still present as he lifted his hand and delivered another. I gasped and he rubbed over the skin, soothing the pain.

“Didn’t say you could come yet, baby.”

Well, it was too late. I had, and it was fucking amazing.

“We need to work on that. But for now, I can’t wait any longer.” He braced himself over me, his tongue swept out, licking at my lips. I welcomed it, eager to know what he tasted that got him so worked up. It was different, not like his taste at all but still good.

He covered my mouth as his cock slipped against my entrance. When it finally found home, he thrust his hips, the feeling making me want to sink into the bed. The feeling of having Blizzard inside me could be compared to nothing. This man was all I wanted, here and now and forever. I knew I would do whatever it took to make him happy, to keep him safe, and to protect our life together. Because now we were connected, losing him would mean losing a part of myself. A part that there is no way I would want to live without.

I felt one of his hands on my wrists and the fabric soon came loose.

He pulled his mouth back just enough to speak. “Need to feel every part of you, Rose.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice. My arms wound around his neck, pulling his lips against mine once more. He swallowed every moan and gasp of pleasure as once again my orgasm began to take over. His body pressed against me, it was heaven.

I pulled my face away, my lips still close enough to brush his as I spoke, or pleaded, “Make me come, please?”

“Anything you want, baby.”

We fell apart together, the room filled with our cries of release.

Heaven—it was heaven.


Two damn days we’d been cooped up in the clubhouse. Seriously, if I had to watch another kid’s show we were gonna need more alcohol. Blizzard wouldn’t tell me where he heard it, but word was Edge was still out there and he wasn’t too happy about what had happened.

I shuddered.

I had wronged another person, but Edge wasn’t just going to turn his back on the club that had done it. He was out for something more.

The men had been in and out over the last few days. Holding church and riding out. But I really had no idea what was going on.

I needed to get out of here, though, even if just for an hour. The girls and I had chewed through the ice cream in the freezer and we desperately needed to do a trip to the grocery store for supplies. No one had been allowed to leave the compound except the men, and they seemed to have forgotten that we needed food if we were gonna survive.

I carried Jayla down the stairs, searching the room when we reached the bottom.

Blizzard was sitting off to the side, chatting with Eagle and Slider quietly.

I placed the little girl on the floor and crouched down to her level. “Go on, squirt. Do your thing.” I held my hand up to her. Jayla grinned widely and hi-fived me before trotting toward Blizzard.

I leaned against the bar, trying not to smile.

Jay pulled at his club cut and he looked down at her. He smiled as he listened to what she had to say before looking over her head to me.

“Sending little children to do your dirty work now, baby?”

Eagle and Slider both laughed.

I averted my eyes, looking around the room and shrugging my shoulders like I didn’t know what he was talking about. I caught him whisper something back to Jay and she bounced on her feet, running back toward me while giving me a thumbs up.

I giggled, lifting her up when she reached me. “Good work, beautiful.”

“You boys can ride with us to the store. Apparently we need food,” Blizzard grumbled, pushing his chair back and standing to his feet.

“Thank fuck for that,” Slider commented, doing the same. “If we have mac and cheese for lunch another day, I might just have to transfer clubs.”

Blizzard shook his head. “You’re an idiot.”

“A fucking hungry idiot.”

Blizzard made a quick call to Op, who agreed on the shopping front. He said it should be just the boys going, but none of them wanted to be seen pushing a cart around the supermarket, especially when I started giving them a list of woman’s products I would need.

Jay and I climbed in the car, the boys flanking us, two ahead and one behind.

“Ice cream!” Jayla sang happily from the back seat. She had a sweet tooth like nothing else. We tried to limit the amount of sugar she had. She was a good girl always eating her vegetables at dinner. But when it came to ice cream, I just couldn’t say no to that beautiful little face.

We pulled up to the supermarket and Blizzard followed us inside as the other boys stood out the front. People stared warily at them, some moving away, others—mostly women—walked a little taller and flicked their hair as they passed. It was relatively amusing to see how people reacted to these men.

Blizzard picked up Jay and carried her through the store behind me as I loaded the cart with all kinds of food. Meat mostly, and anything that could be frozen. It started to fill fast and I wondered whether I should get one of the boys to bring in another.

“Cake!” I heard Jay squeal. I turned and laughed as Blizzard stood just at the end of the aisle holding a box.

“You think we should get this Jay? I’ve tasted Rose’s chocolate cake and it isn’t very good.” His eyes danced with laughter as we both remembered the time in my apartment. Jay looked at me like she was horrified that I’d made a cake that was inedible. Her little mind not being able to compute that cake could be bad.

I wouldn’t admit it, though. “Don’t listen to him, Jay. He’s just…” my words tapered off and my heart because to race.

Blizzard stilled, gripping Jayla a little tighter and the boxed cake mix falling to the floor as the barrel of a gun was pressed against his temple.

“No,” I whispered, pushing the cart away. It hit a shelf, knocking cans to the floor. There were gasps and screaming from behind me, but I only had eyes for my man and the little girl who’d stolen my heart.

I took a few hurried steps forward before Blizzard yelled at me, “Stop!”

I froze, dead in my tracks. Jayla’s eyes moved back and forth between us, her tiny hands clutching at Blizzard’s leather.

“Listen to him,
” The way Edge used my name chilled me to the bone. He was wearing a worker’s uniform and a cap that sat low and shaded his face. He was hunched over like it was painful for him to just be standing. Bruising marred his face and bare arms—someone had beaten the crap out of him. The signs were obvious, and I should know, I’d looked exactly like that once too.

“Let me put the kid down, Edge,” Blizzard spoke slowly and softly, but his body was wound tight, I could see in the way his muscles bulged.

Edge laughed, a low deep chuckle that was anything but comforting.

“Please,” I pleaded. “Is that how you really want to get your revenge? By hurting a child?”

“You don’t get to make demands!” he roared, his voice echoing in the now empty store. He quickly calmed his temper, though. It was like he was two different people, the sporadic mood changes so clear now.

I flinched and my heart broke as I watched tears roll silently down Jayla’s cheeks. Blizzard stared directly ahead at me. His body never moved but his lips started to form the words
—‘Stall him.’

How the fuck do you stall a mad man?

“You came here for me didn’t you?” I didn’t try to hide the fear in my voice. He wanted to hear it. He wanted to know that I was scared and that he had the power. “I hurt you.”

Edge smirked like my words didn't faze him. “You hurt yourself. I saw it in your eyes, the pain. I thought it was because of your dad and what he did to you, but it wasn't. You hated that once again you were pretending to be something you weren't.”

I flinched and his dark eyes brightened.

“Do you have nightmares, Rosalie? Is it destroying you inside every time you think about how many people you’ve hurt with your lies? Does it burn you down to your soul?”

I felt tears burning in my eyes. It did hurt, every single fucking day. I’d hurt Blizzard and Chelsea and the club. Then I'd gone after Edge. Maybe I could have saved him before, helped him fight his way out of the darkness. But instead, I'd wormed my way inside his defenses like a fucking parasite and destroyed him from the inside out. I broke him, and now here he was and I'd once again put other people in danger due to my deception.

I felt a single tear trail down my cheek.

Jayla reached out to me with one hand, her face full of pain and worry—for me.

Blizzard squeezed her tighter, holding her firmly against his chest but in a protective stance that had his body turned just slightly, shading her from Edge.

My mind went to Lane. She wouldn't have the chance to hold and cradle her baby in her arms. The doctors told her it was possibly stress that had caused her miscarriage, but they couldn't say exactly.

Stress that was caused by Edge and his goons.

My emotions quickly changed as I remembered what they’d put her through. Edge had kept her locked in that room, screaming as she was losing her child. If I hadn't shown up that day, we could have lost her too.

My temper flared.

“You came for me? Then let's go.”

Blizzard’s eyes widened before a look of pure fury crossed his face. I knew he’d be angry, but this wasn’t about him. It wasn’t about the club. It was about doing the right thing. Standing for the people who couldn't stand for themselves. Holding each other up when it seemed like one was about to fall.

I’d lost so much in life, my mom, my dignity, my friends. I’d lost Blizzard too for a time. But now I had so much more. I had a family and people who cared for me—the real me.

I had Blizzard and Jayla.

Skins words rang out clearly in my head,
‘If someone you loved was in trouble, to what lengths would you go to protect them?’

I’d give up everything I had gained.

I’d give up the opportunity of finally being happy.

I’d give up my life.

If I lost them now, it was meaningless anyway.

“My dad kicked me out of the club,” Edge spoke calmly. “But only until I came back with

This was the man I had met at
The Backroom.
Focused, level-headed, smart. But it wouldn’t take much for him to turn, to slip off the edge into a rage. And I knew that was the only way I was going to get his attention away from Blizzard.

Blizzard was smart and quick, it would only take throwing Edge’s concentration off for a second for him to hopefully make a move and get himself and Jay away.

“Your dad’s angry because you weren’t smart enough to find the connection between Satan’s Sanctuary and me?” I taunted. “Or maybe he was just looking for an excuse to get rid of you, so he could have your pathetic excuse for an Old Lady.”

“Rose,” Blizzard warned, but I ignored him. Instead, keeping my eyes focused on Edge, his bruised jaw clenching as he attempted to control his anger. The problem was, no one had ever told him to keep it at bay. They had encouraged him to lose his mind and attack within a split second, not thinking of the consequences.

I felt for him. I did.

Beneath everything, there was a guy who cared. He'd even tried to protect me when his brothers found me out and tried to hurt me. There was light inside him, I knew there was, I'd seen it when we were separated from his brothers. But his loyalty was misplaced. The Vicious Vultures had their claws into him, infecting him with their poison. My heart yearned to reach out to him. To tell him that there was another path. It didn't have to be like this.

But I knew it would be wasted breath.

He was too far gone for me to help now. And now he was threatening the people I loved. He wouldn't get away with it.

“You wanted me, I knew it.” I took another step forward. The gun he held to Blizzard’s head was no longer steady and confident. It shook. I knew I had to hit home, I had to play my best cards, by turning his anger on me.

Sith and Edge had a shaky friendship at best. Sith thought he was better than Edge, and he didn’t hide it. I knew what I was about to say would push him over.

“Sith wanted me too, you could see that.” I heard the words in my head and just the thought made me sick, but I forced them out anyway. “The night we shot up and you passed out, I gave him exactly what he wanted.”

“You’re a liar and a fucking whore!” he yelled, the butt of his gun connected with Blizzard’s head.

“No!” I cried. Watching as Blizzard crashed to the floor, landing on his back with Jay bouncing on top of him. I could tell he was dazed, but conscious enough to push Jayla to her feet. She ran, my body sagging with relief as she disappeared.

Edge lifted the gun to me. “This what you wanted, Rosalie? For all the attention to be on you? Do you get off on deceiving people?”

He was baiting me but it wouldn't work. I had the upper hand now. I knew what I'd done was right. My eyes narrowed. “I thought you had some goodness in you. I thought you might be strong enough—”

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