Blizzard (The Brotherhood Journals #1) (29 page)

BOOK: Blizzard (The Brotherhood Journals #1)
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Angelo nodded thoughtfully. “Then maybe we can reach some kind of compromise.”



I didn’t want to let him go.


I knew that this was where I belonged, that this was the future I’d always dreamed of and it wasn’t just because of Blizzard. It was the whole club.

They were the family I’d imagined. They were rough around the edges and dysfunctional at times, but they let me be myself. Be who I wanted to be, and do what I wanted to do without judgment. They accepted me for me, and the knowledge that I would no longer have to smile and force my true self below the surface. That was the most freeing feeling I had ever experienced.

Being a DePalma was no longer a part of my future. I didn’t want to have to live the rest of my life being smothered by a
. I was done with pretending. It only ever brought me—and the people I cared about—pain.

Blizzard and the club had finally given me a place where I could be myself and not have to worry about whose last name I had, and making sure it stayed sparkly and clean. I wasn’t perfect. I was going to make mistakes, I had already made so many. But the club would accept me anyway because that’s what a real family did.

Anthony DePalma and his empire didn’t need me, there were people here who needed me. And I needed them. I would thank him for taking me in, and giving me a place to live. But I would walk away knowing that I was happy with my decision.

“Rose!” I smiled as Jayla came running at me from the playground. I was laying on the deck watching her, Harlyn, and Macy play.

Harlyn called after her friend. “Careful, Jay! There’s a hole.” Jayla slowed down and jumped over the dip in the grass, smiling triumphantly as she picked up speed again.

Harlyn was going to be the most amazing big sister. She watched over these two little girls with eagle eyes. She helped them when they got stuck and reassured them when they were scared or nervous. She was young, but she had the most amazing protective instincts I’d ever seen.

“Jayla!” Laughing, I held out my arms just as she launched herself on top of me. I hid a painful grimace behind a smile, my abdomen still ached, but I wouldn’t let her see me cringe away from her. I knew it would hurt her so see me in pain. She was a smart little girl despite the lack of vocals.

She smiled down at me before tilting her head questioningly. “Bwizzid?”

I smiled. “Chelsea said he had to go out for a bit, beautiful.” I tucked a stray piece of hair back from her eyes. “I miss him, too.”

She nodded sadly. It was true. The last couple weeks had been a rollercoaster ride for all of us. Blizzard had told me about Jay’s nightmare, but according to Chelsea, she’d slept like a rock while he was gone. It was so strange. She seemed so perfectly fine.

I wanted to ask questions, but I was afraid that if I did, her mind would go back to that place that she’d done such a good job of blocking out.

I knew the feeling.


I looked over my shoulder to see Ham standing just outside the doors with a soft smile.


“Blizzard rang, he wanted me to get you girls inside.” He seemed relaxed, but I was sure that he was acting that way for my benefit.

Jay climbed off me and I struggled to my feet. My body is still full of aches. “Okay. Did he say why?” I caught Harlyn’s eye and waved my hand for her to come to me. She frowned, but lifted Macy out of the kid’s swing and held her hand as they walked over.

He stood to the side of the patio doors as I ushered the girls in. “Nah, just said he wanted you to wait for him in the clubhouse. He’d be back soon.”

I didn’t miss the flick of the lock behind me as Ham followed us in. Chelsea came down the stairs not a moment later.

“I’ve put cartoons on Dad’s television for you girls. Harlyn, there’s popcorn, too.” She grinned as they raced past her without even a goodbye or thank you.

I frowned as I followed her past the bar and to a sofa that was set against the wall. “What’s going on, Chel?”

She sat down and I had to smile as her hand instantly went to the tiny bump in her stomach. “Dunno. Op said, everyone inside. I have my moments, but I know when not to argue.”

I dropped into the soft cushions beside her, wriggling until I got comfortable. “Does it ever stop?” She looked over at me, clearly confused. “The drama, the running, the scary men trying to take down the people you care for.”

She giggled. “Rose, honey. It’s not always like this. Sure, you get drama often, but usually, it’s something that can be sorted out with a conversation or for some of the boys, a short trip to court and some community service.” She laughed again. “The club isn’t just the brothers. There’s club girls, old ladies, the staff at X-Rated and the other businesses. There’s always going to be people with personal problems, or work problems, problems with their kids. But we always find a way to sort them out.”

“Ow! That hurts!” I heard a sharp crack. It sounded like a whip. Phil, one of the prospects came flying out of the doors that lead to the kitchen and dining room a second later with his pants around his ankles and holding his junk. Camo was hot on his heels bearing a wide grin, twirling what seemed to be a wet dishcloth.

“Get back here ya pussy and take it like a man.” Camo flicked the cloth and it made another cracking sound in the air. I cringed. That sounded like it would be painful and from the red welts on Phil’s white ass, I was probably correct.

Phil shuffled past us, Camo stalking after him as he ducked into the hall.

Chelsea and I both looked at each other. “What was that?”

She smiled as she rolled her eyes. “Did I say this was a club? What I meant to say was glorified frat house.”

I laughed. “They haze the prospects?”

“I guess you could say that. But believe it or not, all the guys went through it. Even our boys who seem now like they’re completely untouchable.”

I shook my head. “I don’t believe it. I can’t imagine Blizzard or Optimus putting up with that.”

“It’s true, this one time I heard they gave Op a bag of oranges—”

“Don’t even finish that sentence woman,” came the voice of a stern warning. I looked up to see Op and Blizzard walk out of the doors that Camo and Phil had just disappeared through.

Blizzard had a broad grin on his face. “They made him take the oranges and—” Optimus plowed his fist into Blizzard’s arm. Blizzard just laughed, but holy shit that must have hurt.

Chelsea wiggled off the couch and walked to her man, wrapping both arms around him and snuggling in.

They moved away and Blizzard dropped himself onto the sofa beside me. I instantly shuffled closer, laying my head on his shoulder.

“You’re back,” I sighed.

Tucking his arm behind my back and pulling me in, he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. “Always come back, baby.”

I could feel the tightness in his body despite his comforting words.

“So…” I let the subtle question hang in the air.

“Can’t I just enjoy one nice moment with my woman before I get the third degree?”

Op snorted. “Welcome to the world of relationships, brother.” The comment was followed by an oomph and I looked up to see Chelsea glaring at her old man.

Blizzard ignored them. “Come on…” He stood up and pulled me to my feet, guiding me up the stairs and into his bedroom, closing the door and locking it behind us.

“You’re not in trouble, are you?” I asked cautiously as he slipped his club colors off and hung them on the back of the door.

“Nah, baby.”

His shirt followed next and I licked my lips. Even his back was ridiculously attractive. The club emblem filled a lot of the space along with the club name and Athens which curved over the top and underneath. When he reached his arms up and stretched, I had to actually sit down on the edge of the bed, eager to watch the impromptu show.

I cleared my throat and he turned his head, looking at me over his shoulder with a smirk. “You wouldn’t be trying to distract me would you?”

I noticed his belt buckle was already undone and his zipper pulled low as he slowly turned to face me. “Why would you think that?”

“Would you like some music to go with this little strip show?” I muttered sarcastically.

He stalked toward me and I couldn’t help but rub my legs together.

Blizzard was hot. His body was toned, but not full of bulk. He had a sexy set of ripples on his stomach and wide shoulders but his waist was slim. Perfect for me to wrap my legs around as he pounded inside me.

I licked my lips, the thought absolutely delicious.

“Want to share with the class what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he teased as he pulled up just inches from me, my face at exactly the right height to taste those gorgeous abs with my tongue.

“Nope,” I whispered, absolutely mesmerized.

Blizzard had treated me with the gentlest hands since I was discharged out of the hospital a few days ago. But when I finally broke my daze and looked up at him, his eyes said something completely different. There was hunger and excitement sparkling in his amused smile.

“Sorry, what?” I blinked and shook my head, attempting to focus.

“Move up the bed. I want to try something.”

I did as he asked and shuffled up, laying my head down on the pillow. He moved over to the wardrobe, digging through clothing and boxes until he found what he wanted. The silk scarf, he twisted in his hands as he returned, surprised me.

“You trust me?” he asked curiously, sitting at the edge of the bed.

I responded immediately, not even having to second guess the question, “Of course.”

A thankful smile graced his face.

He took my hands in his and wound the scarf around my wrists. It was tight, but not uncomfortable. He lifted my arms above my head and secured them to the headboard. I tugged at them gently, but they weren’t budging. I wasn’t scared, though.

I was horny as hell.

I’d always had an interest in play in the bedroom. I guess it could be the amount of erotic romance novels I read. I’d never been comfortable enough with anyone to want to explore them more. That was until Blizzard had shown up at my Arkansas apartment, and his dominance had wound me so tightly the words and actions had flowed out freely. He made me feel safe and sexy.

“Comfortable?” He smirked as he dropped his jeans to the floor and was left standing in all his fucking glory.

I wiggled, my hips having a mind of their own as they attempted to find some kind of pressure in the right place in order to give me some relief.

He laughed as he climbed onto the bed, spreading my legs with his hands and moving in between them. “Fuck! It’s so fucking sexy seeing you tied up like that, completely at my mercy.”

I chewed my lip as his hand slipped up the inside of my thigh and inside the leg of my shorts, his fingers teasing my panty line. I squirmed in anticipation.

“Shall we get rid of these?” he asked, giving my shorts a gentle tug.

“Yes,” I whispered.

He shook his head. “You’re going to have to ask me a little nicer than that.”

“Please, Blizzard.”

“That’s a little better, but we need to work on that.” He undid the button and slid both my shorts and panties down my legs, tossing them over his shoulder.

One hand went to his cock, the other pressed on my mound, his thumb softly rubbing at my clit which was already wet due to my excitement. I lifted my head, the sight of him stroking himself as he touched me was so fucking hot. I lifted my hips against his hand hoping to find more pressure, but he pressed them back down and shook his head.

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