Blonde Fury II (2 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Blonde Fury II
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“Please may I lick you again, Martha?” And it struck Martha that Sophie had always asked permission before doing anything. Maybe it was a case of ‘like mother, like daughter’ after all and Brian was right; Sophie belonged to the arenas and
, more particularly,
to The Lodge.

Eventually she had a
rrived at the gates of
the most secretive and exclusive
SM club in the country
and been allowed in. Brian had met her at the car park in front of the main house.

“I want to show you the CSL stable before you see the rest
of the place,” he had told her before guiding her quickly through a stableyard and then along paths that ran through woodland and skirted a steel building that Brian told her was the indoor training ground and then they had found the complex that housed CSL itself.
It was dusk and the slaves were being given their evening feed. Everything was busy; girls dressed in short kilt-type skirts and blouses knotted up beneath their breasts dashed back and forth with steaming bowls of food. In one shed Martha glimpsed two rows of naked girls sitting on either side of a long table all tucking into their food as it was ladled out for them
, in the background several men stood watch over them

“We used to be a small stable that trained specialists and hired them out, but now the stables
are so big there’s not quite as
much demand for that. Now we
train up squad girls for the big stables so they don’t have to bother, but we still keep a core of specialists who d
o get hired out
. They’re in here,” he told her, opening the door of another low building a little further along.
Martha had never seen girls stabled before but here there were fifteen of them. They were chained up in their stalls but able to walk about within them. The grooms were just settling them down after their feed and a small
, very attractive
Indian woman was anxiously scanning a clipboard, flicking back and forth through the papers on it. She was dressed in a simple tunic in a sari-lik
e fabric that stopped only a few inches down her exquis
ite legs
. Below it
her satin smooth thighs were
naked apart from her high-heeled court shoes. Martha thought she looked gorgeous.

“Number Fifteen needs to go to the big house at nine!” she called across to one of the grooms who went to an electronic pad on the wall beside the stall door that bore the number ‘15’ on it and keyed in some numbers.

“Thirteen is due back in the stadium for punishment at eight thirty! And
Nine! Take them both Anthea please!” she called again and another girl acknowledged her. “
Ten and Five are wanted in the surgery in half an hour! See to it please Jane!”

Brian had walked over to the woman who had looked up with a brilliant smile as she saw him. “Martha
, this is Raika, our head groom,

he said.

The two
had shaken hands and Martha had instinctively felt that she could be friends with her, perhaps more.

“Could you have Seven
brought over in an hour, Raika?
I want her for whipping and
probably some more besides,
she’s not needed for a week or two so it won’t matter if she’s knocked about.”

“Yes, Mister Brian,” the woman said, giving him another brilliant smile and even bobbing a slight curtsey before turning back to her work. “Anne! You were told to scrub out the showers! Get onto it now!”

been with us for a few years
. She’s a lovely
girl between the sheets but a real tyrant with the grooms,” Brian told her as he led her across a courtyard and into his quarters. He had had a supper sent across from the big house and Martha had seldom eaten as well and the wine had slipped down perfectly too. As they ate, Brian explained something of how the stable worked and its hierarchy.
From what he told her, she
seemed to be
up against pretty well every other female in the place. He could have any of them at any time. Either she had scored big time, or he was just angling after Sophie and shagging her was a part of that. With a couple of glasses of wine inside her she felt able to speak her mind and Brian roared with laughter.

“I’m sorry!” he said at last. “I’d never thought of it like that. It’s been my work for so many years it’s just part of everyday life here. Yes, I can and do fuck pretty well whoever I like, pr
etty well every day, but the slaves are
just fuck meat and whipping flesh
, being fucked regularly is part of their training
. If you started seeing them as people you wouldn’t get far in this game. And, yes, I’m desperate to find Sophie and I hope you’ll agree after a couple of days that she belongs here. But I’m not going to screw you over, Martha. I like you and really hope we can work together.”

This was far more than Martha had dared to hope for, but just then the slave had been led in by a groom and Brian had taken charge.

Now he climbed onto the bed be
side her and they admired the spreadeagled slave at the foot of the bed. The dense network of stripes that the whip had traced on her skin suited her so well, Martha thought and it was the thought of being surrounded by so much submissive and well-tra
ined girlflesh that pushed her
into a free fall of multiple orgasms as Brian’s weight crushed her and his cock spread her wide as he rammed himself into her, each powerful thrust seeming to Martha to set her apart from the slaves he was surrounded by and his fierce kiss as he finally pumped himself into her
seemed to confirm

Afterwards he freed the slave and had Martha lie with her legs wide apart while the slave crawled up the bed and lay between her legs to lick his spend from her thighs. She propped herself up to watch the girl at work
and to increase the pleasure
tongue was giving her.

“Can I watch you whip her?” she asked.

Brian hung her back up and gave Martha a masterclass in the prolonged use of the single
tail, driving the girl
to three more orgasms under the lash before she had to be taken down. He had worked naked and Martha had divided her time between kneeling beside his muscular thigh
and stroking his cock as he flogged and then kissing the welts on the slave’s breasts and then parting her thighs and getting her tongue into the flooding vagina.

The next day she got a tou
r of the big house and saw the H
in their spectacular corsets and sweeping skirts,
and rubbed shoulders with the members
, practically every one of whom
she had seen in the papers or on the news. Despite being a female she was treated with an exaggerated courtesy that she found intoxicating. Never had she had her hand kissed so often. She met Patti Cam
bell who trained and looked after the
girls and Dr. Sands who was the stable’s vet and the house’s doctor.

“There’s a bit of history between those two,” Brian told her
. “They fell out over who owned Raika. The doc won. They’re about the only two women in the place who are off the menu for you.
But i
f Patti
chooses to come
on to you, go for it. She’s a superb lay. And if the doc wants you the same applies
, although I can only go by what Patti and Raika tell me
I’ve never had her.

Martha began to think she’d died and gone to heaven.

they had another slave and kept this one all night. Martha buggered her with a strap-on while she gave Brian a blow job. Then she had a long and deliciously slow sixty-nine with the girl. At one point the slave’s bottom had been right over her face as Martha lay on her back and Brian had stood beside the bed and used a cane on it. She had been able to see the ripple effect of the shock waves in the flesh and then the girl had settled her cunt back over Martha’s lips until Brian had ordered her up again
for more caning

On the second day he took them for a drive in the parkland in a two
-in-hand, pulled by two of the H
ousegirls. The sight of Brian wielding the driving whip across their backs and delicious bottoms had so enflamed her that she had to stop and fuck them both with a strap-on as they bent forward
over the bar their wrists were tethered to. Eventually Brian reined in at a remote spot and unpacked a blanket for them to lie on. He hobbled the ponies to a tree some yards away and then stripped Martha naked before fucking her again.

“If I tell you what I know, will you send me away?” she whispered
again the question that still tormented her
as s
he lay, panting and wasted once more
at his side.

“No,” Brian said simply. “I like enjoying the slaves with you. And you’re different to the other girls I’ve had here. I’d like you to stay.”

Martha roused herself enough to roll over and lie on top of him so that she could look him in the eye.

“Do you want to whip me?” she asked.

“No. It wouldn’t suit you. But I love whipping the slaves with you and watching you enjoy them. You’re more domme
than anything…” Brian
frowned suddenly. “
You know, it might be an idea to spend some time with Patti, she’s a bit like you

Martha liked that idea; Patti was still a beautiful woman,
despite the dusting of grey in her copper coloured hair. T
he curves of her luscious figure were still smooth and her eyes had a fine web of laughter lines around them.
More time in her company
not only be pleasant it would give her mo
re time to consider how she could best play the one and only card she held.

In the meantime, she could feel a hardness beginning to press against her thigh, which lay between Brian’s. That needed attending to. Slowly she slithered down his body until her face was over his hard, erect cock. Gently she furl
ed back the foreskin and felt the shaft
swell and harden
in her hand
even more as the gleaming purple helm thrust eagerly up towards her. She moistened her lips and op
ening her mouth wide, dipped
her head until she felt the smooth, polished dome slide into her
. Instantly her mouth was full of him, the bulk of his shaft pushing her tongue down, the taste of him – redolent of his sperm and
her secretions – filled her senses
and urged her on to make him ejaculate again. She eased herself further and further down, fighting to relax her gag reflex and to relax her throat. She heard him gasp with pleasure as he felt her swallow him and her throat caressed him. Then his hand was in her hair and she could feel him swell as he moaned again, bracing herself she felt the pumps begin and listened for his cries as he was able to spend freely in her throat, but she made sure she lifted her head off him just before he finished ejaculating and was able to savour the final splashes
f sperm before she swallowed them down.

A woman had to fight with all the weapons she had and Martha was becoming more and more determined that The Lodge was where she wanted to be. She rested her head on Brian’s muscular stomach as he recovered and looked over to the trees where the two ponies were hobbled. They looked stunning in their full bridles and harnesses, one of them was blonde and Martha smiled slowly as she imagined Sophie, tall and graceful and waiting to be whipped up to a gallop.


By late afternoon Brian had had to be back at the stable and Martha was free to go up to the big house and find Patti. The girl on reception, a brunette with creamy breasts that were barely constrained by her bodice, rang ahead for her and confirmed that Patti could see her.

“Can you remember the way?” the girl asked and Martha had to admit that
she hadn’t the faintest idea how to find her way to Patti’s suite through
the labyrinthine corridors
. It was no problem however as
a passing girl was detailed off to guide her. The girl introduced herself as Faith and chatted volubly as they made their way upstairs.

“I’ve been booked by one of my Master’s best friends,” she told Martha. “He often leaves me here when he’s away on business; sa
ys it kee
ps me out of mischief!” she added
with a girlish giggle.

Martha looked at her. Her torso was held in the tight embrace of a superbly embroidered corset with half cups that held her breasts offered up very enticingly. Her shoulders and upper back were entirely bare. At her waist her full skirt rustled and swept gracefully as she moved, but as Brian had demonstrated earlier, the skirt was only fastened by two clips that could be undone in a trice to bare her below the waist. However, should that be too much bother, there were splits front and back so that a hand
, or anything else,
could be inserted quite easily. The girls were walking invitations to all the sorts of mischief that men could possibly imagine and Martha herself wanted nothing more than a handful of whatever was under Faith’s skirt and said as much. She wasn’t sure
was allowed to, but greatly daring managed to frame it as an order.

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