blood 03 - blood chosen (16 page)

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Authors: tamara rose blodgett

BOOK: blood 03 - blood chosen
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That was probably for the best.

William laid his hands on both of hers. His were like softened ice that melted against the heat of her touch. He laid his cool lips against her forehead. “I care... most ardently.”

“I believe you, William,” she whispered against his face, feeling like she didn't have an advocate in the world.

He released her just when he should have and Julia left the house.

They let her go. So many words left unsaid.

So many still lingering in the air, the wounds of them laid open for all.





“Fools,” William hissed in displeasure as soon as Julia was out of hearing range.

Jason scoffed, “I only have to play nice to get the deed done then I can escape this bullshit and do what I want with who I want.”

Scott's fists clenched and he moved forward. “You talk about her like she is a chore, a duty. If it is so bad, then let another of the Were take your place so that he can love her. You're too full of your own crap to see you're taking chunks out of her.”

“She is fragile, Jason. Everyone empathizes with your turning. It was not ethical; should not have been done. A Were or Vampire should be born of that blood union, not forced. Yet, it is done.” William gave a sudden smile and the two men gave him puzzled expressions back. “Did I tell you it was two years before Julia kissed me... willingly?”

Jason was at his throat even as William held him off. “Did you force yourself on her?” Jason asked, talons at William's neck.

“I am not interested in such things, Were,” William answered as if five would-be knives were not pressed against his throat. If he could have, William would have smiled; Jason's self-denial was painfully obvious to anyone who looked.

“Then what do you mean?” Scott asked as he moved closer.

Jason dropped his hand from William's throat as he laid fingers on the tender skin. “You do not behave as if you do not care...”

Jason made a dismissive noise. “Explain,” he barked.

William stepped back from the advancing pair. “Do not unleash your anger at circumstances on me. You both need me for Julia, so listen with your minds instead of your raging testosterone.”

“You're a guy, even though you're a vampire...” Jason said.

William smirked. “I am male, but the burden of that part of humanity is easily contained.”

“Right,” Scott said like he didn't believe it.

William leveled a look at the Singer then began, “Julia came to me so wounded, so grief-stricken she would not take nourishment. We had to force feed her, revive her. She buried herself in memories that were what she lived for, lived amongst. We feared for her life. I had to give her blood- twice.”

“I bet that sucked for you, being a vampire and all,” Jason said, sarcasm dripping from every syllable, but his face was troubled by the revelation.

William scowled, swiping at him with a palm. “Silence.”

“Let the vamp finish,” Scott said.

“Yeah, because what he's saying is so riveting,” Jason said.

They stared at him.

“Fine,” Jason replied.

“In any event, but a night before she was taken by the Were she came to me of her own volition and that was when I knew.”

“Knew what?” Scott asked, planting his fists on his hips, bracing himself for words he hoped would not come. Knowing they would anyway.

“That I loved her. That I love her like the moon loves the stars... with a jealous persistence that borders on obsession. So if it be that you do not, I have enough love for Julia for the two of you as well.”

“You just can't wait to be with her,” Jason grated out.

William shook his head. “You are pathetic. If you think sharing sex with Julia is all that I wish, then you know nothing, have been listening... to nothing.”

Scott looked from one to the other of them. “I want the whole package. I'm not trying here, I have no choice, I'm wired to love her. Of course... I do want her that way, I'm a guy... but I'm not going to put her mind at risk. As a Combatant her emotional protection is just as worthy as the physical.”

William gave him a nod of agreement. “After all,” he spread his palms away from his body, “an emotionally compromised person can't rule anything, for their feelings rule them.”

Jason’s breath exploded in an exhaustive exhale. “You guys are just so goddamned reasonable.” He folded his arms across his chest, trying to engage in the conversation, obviously not wanting to be there- talking to them.

“How will it help Julia if we are not?” William countered, his eyes nailing Jason, cornering him with logic.

Jason stared at him then heaved another sigh of disgust, his eyes drilling the Singer and vampire. “I don't want to share her.”

“You don't even want to be with her. You just got done telling us you want to just do the initial ceremony and be done with it.” Scott shoved his hands in his pockets, brows raised, leaning forward as his gaze locked with Jason's. He was shelving his anger and his natural possessiveness for the sake of argument, and her future safety.

“Yes, extolling your feelings on the subject is not something you shy from,” William added.

“Don't you understand?” Jason asked, his anger flaring as he flung his hands away from his body, “that if I have her, as a man has his wife... even once... I won't be able to live with her like we were supposed to?”

“Can't live with her...” Scott began, loving that his turmoil wasn't exclusive to him.

“And you cannot live without her,” William finished.

“Finally... fuck,” Jason said, plowing his fingers through his hair in irritation, “... you two brainiacs have figured it out.”

she have seen in you?” William asked. For as far as he was concerned, Jason of the Were was as loud-mouthed, profane, and insensitive man as they came. Putting Julia with him made William's head hurt and his teeth ache. It was like placing fine china in front of a raging bull.

Jason laughed low and without humor. “I think the Were could let you in on the why of what I am now. But let's put it this way: I was a Singer that wasn't supposed to be turned. I did. I survived and I'm a “red” which is doubly shit... and now the girl I married, protected... and yeah, drinker, loved—is some Queen of the freaks I didn't know about and ready to enter a marriage with two other guys instead of just me. So I'm. Kinda. Pissed. Off. Right. Now,” he said in slow enunciated anger.

“Okay,” Scott said, raking his fingers through his short black hair in a direct mimic to Jason's irritation moments before. “I feel your pain...”

Jason opened his mouth and Scott held a palm up. “Let me finish. I didn't even like Julia when I met her.”

Jason's face showed surprise.

“Truly?” William asked, searching his face for deceit and Scott gave an uneasy chuckle at his expression.

“Yeah, I thought Julia was some prima donna thrust on us by the Book. That as the Rare One she'd have all the power without being raised in the Regions. She just fell into it. Julia shows up looking all fragile and...” He met their eyes, “beautiful. And I'm pissed,” he banged his own chest with his fist. “Because goddammit, every male instinct I had wanted was to protect her, and I was attracted to her...”

“So you fought this?” William asked.

Scott just nodded.

“What happened?” Jason asked, despite himself.

“We accidentally touched and... well, the meld happened and changed everything. My body already knew, it was that one touch... and it was over.”

“Her blood chose you,” William murmured.

Scott gave a single stiff miserable nod.

“So you didn't want her either?” Jason asked, incredulous.

“No, I did... but somehow, I feel like my choice has been stolen. Then you mix in you two.” He made a stirring motion with his finger and shrugged. “It kinda sucks.”

Jason smiled and it never reached his eyes. “I guess we're in the same boat.”

Scott's serious face swung to his. “Not even close.”

Jason's smile vanished like it had never been, his hands dropping to his sides. “How do ya mean?”

“I mean,
I love her.
I can't be poetic about it like... William,” Scott said, naming him reluctantly. “But I do. And I don't know if she'll want to do it if you just... use her.”

Jason got a sick look on his face. “I'd never do that. I'm not some dick nozzle.”

William smiled, the tip of his fangs showing. Or maybe they'd gotten longer as he smelled the discord and his vampire nature responded to it like a match struck. “She is untried, Jason. Surely you, of all people, are aware.”

Jason gave him a dark look, full of warning. “Careful what you say next, vamp.”

William inclined his head in acknowledgment. “You cannot deflower a woman you have made human vows with, then leave her because you cannot stand what your new life has become, might become. Julia does not carry a casual spirit. She's a woman whose heart will follow once she gives her body. In fact, despite your accidental violence, she remains in love with you. If you cannot respect her vulnerability and trust, then you should bow out and let another take your stead. So that Julia may have opportunity for that husband to genuinely love her.”

Jason was still and silent for so long that Scott and William thought he'd leave without speaking. He began to walk away but turned at the last moment. His eyes took in the two males, both black haired, one with pale skin and gray eyes, the other with eyes so black they were like stamps of coal in his face. Scott looked brutal as a constant, only tender when Jules was near.

“It's not the loving that's the problem,” Jason said with slow conviction.

“Then what is it?” William asked. “So that we might help you and in so doing, help Julia.”

He looked at them both and inhaled sharply. “It's not that I don't love her.” His tortured gaze locked with theirs. “It's that I love her too much.” Jason held their gazes for a long moment, then turned and walked out, his broad back disappearing around the corner.

It was the identical problem for them all.

Loving Julia is not the issue
, William thought. It was sorting through the love that was.




Julia had that tight feeling of wanting to escape her skin, of a spoiled fruit before it bursts the confines of its flesh. The hot breath of it lingered and boiled across her like unseen vapor, the press of it almost suffocating.

Julia folded into herself again, at once angry and resigned. A single shaky breath escaped her as someone fell into step beside her and she glanced to her left.

It was Reagan. Julia wasn't sure if that was an improvement to her mood. After what she'd done to Tony... Julia wasn't sure that keeping company with a woman as violent as Reagan was such a swell idea. Especially when she was in such a poisonous mood.

“Hi,” Reagan said, her long arms behind her back, hands knotted.

Julia gave her a sidelong glance. “Hey.”

“I think we got off on the wrong foot,” Reagan said and Julia couldn't help the soft chuckle.

“Maybe. I mean, the whole beating the snot out of your bio-dad was kind of a

Reagan said nothing for a moment, but the small smile gave her away. “He's a father by genetics only....”

Julia stopped and looked up at the taller woman. She was struck by her intense vitality. Even when Reagan stood there so still, somehow- she still moved. It was almost a microscopic energy that she harnessed, a lot of it seeping out without her being aware.

“I'm not sure what capacity you're going to...
,” Julia said.

“My role?” Reagan asked, black brows raised.

Julia nodded.

Reagan grinned. “You're going to be the Queen bee and I'll be... like an advisor drone.”

Julia laughed. “So you're not going to be...” Julia waffled her hand back and forth, smiling at the hive analogy.

“Kind of pervy,” Reagan commented, but her eyes were smiling.

Julia blushed to the roots of her hair. “I... wow. This is beyond awkward.”

Reagan nodded. “Better you than me,” she pointed out.

Julia frowned up at her. “Gee, thanks.”

Reagan shrugged. “I am glad not to be the Rare One, I'm not suited for it.”

“No shit,” Cyn said from behind them and Julia turned, throwing her arms around the other girl. “God, am I glad to have you back.”

“Yeah, since I saved you,” Cyn said as she pressed Julia against her. It was the best feeling. After two years of grief and turmoil, Jules was back. She was back.

They pulled away and laughed simultaneously, hugging a second time.

Reagan glanced at the two women then let her eyes wander the forest as the Combatant skulked in the shadows. Reagan supposed she should feel bolstered by their presence. She didn't. They were warriors like herself, but of another ilk. Reagan didn't trust easily. Life had been a fine teacher of that lesson.

“So,” Cyn began, taking Julia's hand and meeting the gold of her eyes.

“So?” Julia answered, searching her friend's face, so glad Cyn had escaped Tony there were no words.

“Jason's being a dick,” she finished without preamble.

“Oh... I like her,” Reagan enthused, her concentration sliding from the depths of the wood to the women again.

Julia's face fell a little but she shored up. “Kinda. I mean,” she squeezed Cyn's hand, “he's different than he was. I think he still cares about me but...”

“He hates you too,” Reagan intuited and Julia nodded.

“He's just mixed up Jules... he'll come around.”

There was a minute sound and Reagan turned, a weapon in her hand. It was a blur of speed, one moment it wasn't there and the next, Julia's eyes picked up the glint of the metal against her palm.

“Or not... and if he does not, you will have to find another Were on short notice,” Jacqueline said from the distance that separated them.

“Thanks for reminding me,” Julia said, her eyes on the greatest enemy of her life. Julia didn't vie for power, she wanted what was best for both herself and the Singers. She didn't think Jacqueline would be taken seriously. Even if scripture gave the illusion of choice, there really wasn't any. The bottom line was that if Julia did not have a true inter-species marriage, her protection would be vulnerable and Jacqueline could worm her way into the hierarchy by a loophole of default by non-consent. The Combatant would not be sufficient. They were meant to protect until the power structure solidified- not indefinitely. She understood that now.

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