Read Blood Vengeance Online

Authors: L.E. Wilson

Blood Vengeance (14 page)

BOOK: Blood Vengeance
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His dark eyes smoldered into hers.

She could swear she felt them burning right through to her very soul.

“How could you do those things to me?” he asked, his voice husky with betrayal.

Tears filled Keira’s eyes and rolled down her face. She didn’t bother wiping them away. “She said she would kill my little sister if I didn’t do as she said.” Lifting her arms out to the sides, palms up, she tried to make him understand. “I had no choice…”

He barked out a harsh laugh. “Oh, you had a choice. You’re a powerful witch. You could have destroyed her easily, but you didn’t. Why not? If you’re so innocent?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer. “I think you’re not so innocent. I think you were in on it with her the entire time. I think you still are.”

“No! That’s not true!” How could he believe that of her? He had to have seen how much she was repulsed by her own magic every time she was made to assist that evil bitch! How could he not have seen that?

“Luukas, you can’t really believe that I would do something like that of my own violation,” she implored him.

“Why not? I was
, witch. I was the one you tortured, the one you starved, the one you fucking BURNED ALIVE!” he roared.

Spinning away, as if he couldn’t stand the sight of her anymore, he gripped his head with his hands, a harsh sound escaping him.

Keira stood silent and still, afraid to say anything, afraid to move, afraid to so much as breathe.

He visibly trembled before her, fighting for control. So she stood as still as a statue, not making a sound, while he battled his demons, and prayed he would get a grip on them before he remembered she was there.

After a few very long, very tense moments, he lowered his arms and straightened up. Without looking at her, he ground out, “I want to shower. You’re going to come with me.” Reaching behind him, he grabbed her wrist and tugged her into the bedroom with him.

“But I’ve already showered!” She tried to escape his grasp, but his grip was too strong. She had no choice but to allow him to pull her along.

Once in the bedroom, he didn’t hesitate, but yanked her into the bathroom with him, shutting and locking the door.

Dropping her wrist, he proceeded to ignore her and walked over to start the shower.

She watched, unable to look away, as with his back to her, he yanked his T-shirt over his head, then untied his pants and let them fall to the floor.

Not yet back to his full health, he was nonetheless a sight to behold. His back was broad, sculpted, and muscular; his beautiful skin marred only by some still-healing lash marks. Her eyes followed those muscles down to his tight ass and long, muscular legs. Slowly raising her eyes back up to his strong arms and shoulders, her belly clenched deep within her, and she squeezed her thighs together, swallowing hard.

“If you’re done staring at me, I’ll get in the shower now. Do not leave the room. I would catch you before you made it to the bedroom door.” Yanking the curtain back, he stepped into the tub, quickly pulling it closed again behind him.

He’d sounded almost...disgusted. Disgusted that she was looking at him?

She scowled at the shower curtain. And how had he known she was staring?

In spite of his warning, it crossed her mind to try to run for it, but in the end she just leaned back against the door and waiting for him to finish. Because, as much as she wanted to leave, he hadn't been lying. She knew she wouldn’t get very far, not unless she used her magic on him.

, she absolutely refused to do.

She would never use it on him again. Ever. No matter what. Not even if he did snap and try to kill her. She didn’t think she could bring herself to do it even if she wanted to.

The water shut off, and Keira spun to face the door just as he yanked the curtain open. She wasn’t about to get busted staring again.

Neither spoke as he dried off. It wasn't until she heard him opening drawers that she turned back towards him, assuming it was safe.

He had the towel wrapped around his narrow hips, the muscles in his arms and shoulders rippling under his skin as he searched for something. She tried not to stare, but it was impossible not to. Her eyes kept travelling back to him of their own accord.

She watched him brush his hair and his teeth before she noticed that he was avoiding his reflection. Like, seriously avoiding it. Her heart ached in her chest at the realization. Was he really so different now? She didn’t think so. He’d already started to fill out again, and his wounds were healing with her blood.

The only things that hadn’t changed back were his eyes. They were still a deep ebony, dark and haunted, rather than the bright grey they’d been when she’d first met him.

So maybe it wasn’t just his physical appearance that he shied away from, maybe it was what he saw in those stranger's eyes.

He'd been correct earlier, of course. She was the reason that this male standing in front of her, though still beautiful in her eyes, was nothing like the strong, confident male she had met seven years ago.

She looked down at her hands twisting in front of her, guilt eating away at her insides, unable to watch him avoiding himself any longer.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice he was standing in front of her until he lifted her face up with a finger under her chin. Turning her face to the left and then to the right, he let his eyes rove over her features and down her throat.

His jaw clenched and his nostrils flared as he stared at her neck.

Keira was confused at his reaction until she touched the bite. It was sore. She supposed it didn’t look any better than it felt.

Releasing her jaw, he scowled at her slicked back hair.

“Come,” he told her, indicating that she should open the door.

Obediently, she turned and opened the door, walking out into the bedroom. Stopping in the middle of the room, she stayed where she was and averted her eyes as he found some jeans and a T-shirt and got dressed.

Barefoot, he wandered over to the floor to ceiling windows to stare thoughtfully out at the lights of the city.

She cleared her throat. “So, um, what exactly are you planning to do with me?” For her answer, she got a whole lot of silence, so she tried again. “Luukas? What are you planning to do with me? Because if you’re going to kill me, I really wish you would just do it and get it over with.”

“I don’t know,” he finally admitted gruffly. “I want to kill you, witch. I want to hurt you as you’ve hurt me. But, I…can’t.”

Tentatively, she joined him at the window.

“You can’t?” Why she was arguing the point, she had no idea. She should be happy that he couldn’t kill her, not trying to talk him into it!

He was silent again for so long she didn’t think he was going to answer her, but then, in a voice filled with wonder and disbelief, he whispered, “Because you’re mine.”

So he did understand.

He turned to face her, and she inhaled sharply at the hunger in his eyes. Instinctively, she took a step back, but he grabbed her upper arm.

“And I’m thirsty.”

Keira’s heart began to pound, her blood rushing to the surface of her skin as he slowly pulled her towards him.

His eyes lit up, and she knew he could hear it.

“Um. Luukas, I don’t know if this is a good idea.” Placing her palms flat on his firm chest, she tried to hold him off. “Luukas…no. Please.”

But he just smiled at her lazily, exposing his fangs, and wrapped her braid around his other hand. Pulling her head to the side, he exposed her pulsing artery to his hungry gaze.

Without warning, he reared his head back and struck, sinking his fangs deep within her.

Keira's cry of alarm gradually turned into a helpless whimper as he began to drink, each pull sending a jolt of electricity straight to her groin. Her hands fisted in his soft T-shirt, pulling him closer.

He moaned softly, erotically, as he fed, and her legs went weak at the sound. Wrapping his arm around her waist as she sagged against him, he pulled her tight up against his hard torso. She could feel the thick length of him rapidly growing against her belly, and her body responded with a rush of wetness between her thighs.

Just when she thought she was going to pass out from the myriad of feelings rushing through her, he lifted his head from her throat, kissing and licking the wound to heal it. Trailing soft kisses up her neck and over her jaw, he released her braid, and gripped the back of her head with his large hand. She couldn’t escape as he claimed her lips, kissing her softly at first, and then deepening the kiss. Thrusting his tongue into her mouth, he growled low in his throat as he tasted her.

Breaking off the kiss, he leaned his forehead against hers; breathing hard, and then suddenly bent down and scooped her up into his arms.

Keira threw her arms around his neck as he carried her over to the bed and gently laid her upon the mattress. Claiming her lips again as he followed her down, he eased his weight down on top of her, nudging her legs apart with his knee. He settled between them, holding himself up on his elbows on either side of her head.

Keira moaned as he devoured her mouth, lifting her body to meet him as he rolled his hips into her, the zipper of his jeans rubbing against her through the thin cotton of her pants. She resented the two layers of clothing separated them from each other, longing to feel his skin on hers.

He stopped moving, breaking off the kiss and holding himself off of her. She felt him trembling.

“What’s wrong? Why are you stopping?” she whispered.

He tucked his head into the curve of her shoulder, breathing heavily, not answering her. Nuzzling her neck, he groaned aloud.

“Luukas? Please. Don’t stop.” Turning her face towards him, she tried to catch his eyes with hers as she tightened her arms around his waist and lifted her hips, needing to feel him. “Please…” She didn’t stop to question what she was doing; she just knew that she wanted him. And right now, she felt like she would explode if he stopped.

She continued to arch up against him until finally, with a defeated sound, he lowered himself back down to her. Shoving a hand underneath her ass, he held her still as he ground into her, hitting her clit through their clothes.

Keira cried out with longing. She needed more.

Grabbing the bottom of his T-shirt, she lifted it up as far as she could, tugging until he finally slid his knees up to either side of her hips and sat up to yank it off. Taking a piece of her shirt in each hand, he tore it clear in half, exposing her to his view.

She shivered as the cool air hit her bare skin, her nipples puckering under his heated stare. She tried to pull him back down, but he grabbed her hands and held them still while he ran his eyes over every inch of her exposed skin.

Letting go of one of her hands, he skimmed her nipple with his palm, tilting his head as it tightened even more. She gasped when he pinched it hard, before taking the weight of her full breast in his palm. It filled his large hand, swelling into his palm as he kneaded her. Releasing her other hand, he took her other breast, feeling its weight, before pinching her nipples again.

Keira gripped the comforter as she arched towards him, her legs moving restlessly, wanting still more. She was wet and throbbing, and they still had their pants on.

“Luukas! Please,” she begged.

“Please what, witch?” he taunted her, his black eyes wide and intense.

So, he wanted her to beg, was that it? Fine. She would beg.

“Please, be with me. I want you so much,” her voice was breathless with desire.

His lips parted on a hiss at her bold words, then closed as his eyes narrowed and he lowered himself back down onto the bed.

Kissing her hard and quick, he wasted no more time, and began to work his way down her body. His mouth was hot and wet as he kissed his way down to her breast and lapped at her nipple, sucking it into his mouth before nipping at it with his teeth.

Keira cried out, her hands in his soft hair, urging him on.

Moving to the other side, he followed a similar path, working it into a hard bud as she strained against him.

Shifting his weight to the side, he ran a hand down her soft curves, his eyes following its path hungrily. He untied her pants, and slid his hand under the waistband.

Her legs fell open of their own accord as he palmed her, and then slid his long fingers between her slick folds. He growled again as he felt her, hot and wet for him.

Taking her nipple with his mouth, he rolled it between his teeth as he slid a long finger inside of her.

Keira’s eyes rolled back at the sensation. It’d been so long since she’d been with anyone like this, other than what had happened back in Leeha’s cavern. The fact that she couldn’t remember being this turned on by anyone else, she conveniently pushed to the back of her mind.

He pulled his finger out, only to have another one join it, and began to thrust them in and out of her, all the while playing with her sensitive nipple with his teeth and tongue. Removing his fingers, he moved them up to her swollen clit, rubbing it in slow circles.

BOOK: Blood Vengeance
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