Blue (Darkness Falls #3) (11 page)

BOOK: Blue (Darkness Falls #3)
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Lisette wavered slightly when they entered the dining room and everyone turned around to smile at them, but she put a brave face on it and smiled when Blue put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“Please come
in and eat.” Cal gestured to the empty chairs at the far end. “You can have whatever you want.”

“The scrambled eggs are good.” Noelle smiled at Lisette and the girl’s jaw dropped.

“Oh my god!” She squeaked, her eyes going as round as saucers. “Are you…?”

“Am I what?” She looked to Blue for help but he was equally as confused.

“Are you Noelle Winters? As in Darkness Falls?” Lisette was actually bouncing.

“Uh…yeah. I guess.” She blushed, still unused to being recognised.

Blue hid a smirk as he shepherded the girls to the end of the table and organised food for them. It was almost comforting to know that she was as thrown by the situation as he was.

When Lisette learned that they were staying at Noelle’s house and that she’d be spending the day shopping with her, he actually thought for a moment that she might pass out. Her eyes were so wide her eyebrows were disappearing into her hairline and her voice was registering at octaves only dogs could hear.

“Are you coming?” She asked Blue and he shook his head.

“I have to work this morning.
I’ll catch up with you at lunchtime.” She shrugged and returned her awestruck gaze to Noelle and Blue was torn between amusement and relief. However crazy Alexandra was, he’d brought two young girls to a house full of strangers. He couldn’t believe they were being so resilient, but the crash would have to happen at some stage.

“I’m not going to be able to sit with James this morning.” Noelle thought of something and turned to Thomas. “If it’s a nice day, will you walk with him outside?”

“Yes, Mistress.” He frowned. “Are you sure you don’t need somebody with you?”

“I have that taken care of.” Cal cut in before Noelle could protest.

“You’ve arranged security?” Noelle looked glum. She’d obviously been looking forward to some girly time alone, even though she had to know how irrational and furious Alexandra would be after they’d taken her daughters away.

“I’ve called around this morning and the most trusted tops from the club are going to be guarding you on rotation.”

“I suppose it’s for the best.” She backed down gracefully and focused on her breakfast.

As they ate, Blue found himself mulling over the situation again. It was like an ever-circling record playing through his thoughts.
Lisette had told him the night before that they’d been in foster care while Alexandra was in prison and that Amelie was born after their mother had already started her sentence, so she didn’t really know her at all. Hopefully that would make it much easier for the little one to adapt. Alexandra had been almost as much of a stranger to the younger girl as he was. He knew that the conversation with Lisette about life before Alexandra went to prison would have to happen at some point, but he didn’t want to ask. If they’d had an entirely happy fostering experience on top of that, they were lucky. He’d heard the horror stories and now they tormented him.

t least they were starting out on the right foot with Noelle. She was firm but fun, making sure they ate all their food before they left the table.

“You go on up and get ready.” Cal smiled indulgently at her. “I’ll have the car brought around and your guards ready to leave in ten minutes.”

“Thanks Cal.” She went around the long way so she could kiss him on the cheek as she passed. “I’ll get you something nice while I’m out.”

Cal did something Blue had never seen, in fifteen years of living with him. He blushed. Blue and Storm gaped at the older Master as Noelle went skipping out, oblivious to the monumental feat she had just accomplished. The indulgent smile lasted until the door closed behind her and then his cool, impenetrable façade slid once more into place.

“I’ll send more guards with you when you go at lunch.” Ignoring their shocked stares, he finished his breakfast and then waved at the staff to remove his plate. “I have a client this morning. If there’s an emergency, knock on my door.” Without waiting to see if they acknowledged him, he got up and left the room.

“Please tell me you just saw that?” Storm was still paused with a fork of food raised halfway to her mouth.

“The smile or the blush?” Blue was just as frozen.

Storm’s fork clattered to her plate and she leaned back to look out of the window. “Yep.” She shook her head. “The sky is caving in.”

Chapter 8


Blue arrived at the shopping mall shortly after one. The girls still hadn’t finished their shopping, so they were waiting for him in the food court where they could eat lunch together. They were causing such a commotion that they didn’t even notice him at first. Between the security guards and the camera crew, people were crowding around, clogging up the aisles between the tables, trying to see who it was that was so important.

Noelle chattered away with the girls, trying to ignore the storm they were creating as they pondered menus. One of the
Doms guarding her spotted Blue and stepped out of the melee to wave him over.

They greeted each other with fist bumps and then the guard turned serious. “I don’t like this.” He said, looking around. “There are too many people and too many avenues of approach. Even with three of us and the two you brought, we can’t manage a crowd of this size. We either need to go home or find somewhere quieter to eat.”

“I’ll speak to her.” Blue nodded and made his way through the crowd to the table.

“Hey!” She smiled up at him first as he squeezed her shoulder. “How was your morning?”

“It was good.” It had been awful. He’d been so torn up inside with a twisting, cutting anxiety that he’d struggled to focus on his job. “How was yours?”

“It’s been great!” She looked so carefree and relaxed that he envied her. “What do you say, girls?”

“It’s been so much fun!” They were bouncing in their seats as they began to regale him with the things they’d bought. She’d even let them choose their own bed sheets. Crazy woman. She leaned back into him, her lips parting with a soft sigh, and he realised he’d been tracing circles on the back of her neck with his thumb. God her skin was soft.

“I’m glad you’re having a good time.” He jumped in when they miraculously paused for breath at the same time. “But I’m afraid we can’t eat here. There are so many people and we’re causing a scene. What do you say to going to
a great restaurant I know nearby?”

Noelle looked around at the crowd and her shoulders slumped. “You’re right. It is getting a little crazy in here. Come on, girls.” She gathered them up, checking they hadn’t left any bags behind, and let the guards hustle them through the watching people. Blue ground his teeth when he saw how many were filming them and taking pictures on their phones, but at least the girls seemed more curious than frightened. At least no-one was shouting obscenities at them. It wasn’t unusual
for either he or Noelle to be called a whore in the street. The picketing campaign had garnered a lot of unwanted attention from religious groups.

“I’m surprised you don’t have more bags.” He took the ones Noelle was carrying.

“We already made four trips to the car.” She laughed. “It’s so jam-packed full of stuff, it’s going to take us at least an hour to unpack it all at the other end.”

“What else do you need to get?”

“Just toiletries. I thought we’d stop at that really nice place that does the all-natural, organic stuff that I use. It’s on the way to the supermarket. They’ll love it there.”

Blue smiled. They would love it. Even he’d loved it when he’d gone in to find something for Noelle on her birthday. He’d given himself a headache from smelling so many things and left the shop having put a considerable dent in his account, partly on gifts for her but also on a number of items for himself. Being ruggedly handsome didn’t mean he didn’t have to take care of
his body.

Noelle insisted that all of their guards and the cameraman sit and eat lunch with them, taking up one whole room of the restaurant. The owner didn’t mind – his wife had been a client of Storm’s for a number of years and as far as he was concerned, the appearance on Noelle’s reality show was just good publicity for the restaurant. With a more secure location, everyone was finally able to relax and the girls rose back to their excited fever pitch.

Blue watched Noelle as she interacted with them. She was so good and patient, so kind. She’d make an excellent mother, if he could just persuade her to be a bigger part of his life. His panic from the night before about not wanting to drag her into this had been eclipsed by a more obvious realisation – there was no way in hell he could do this without her. He wasn’t equipped to be a father, particularly when he was so all over the place emotionally about Alexandra. He needed Noelle to help him make this right.

The afternoon passed without a hitch and they arrived at Noelle’s new place around four. It was massive. Although Blue had seen the plans, he hadn’t envisioned anything like the reality of it.

“We live
?!” Lisette gaped up at the house.

“That’s the plan.” Noelle smiled at her. “Pretty, isn’t it? I’m just moving in so it’s not quite ready yet, but it’ll be comfortable enough.” They all stepped out of the car and while Noelle walked straight up to the door to let herself in, the others all just stood and stared at the house. It was all oak frame and glass, so elegant in its simplicity that it fair took one
’s breath away. Now that he was closer, Blue realised the house wasn’t as huge as it had first appeared. The glass walls were placed in such a way that they deceived the eye. It was extraordinary.

Noelle’s guess that it would take an hour to unpack wasn’t far wrong. She showed the girls to their rooms and left Blue to help them put things away in closets and make beds while she went to tackle the kitchen.

“Are you and Noelle dating?” Lisette asked bluntly when they were alone.

“Define dating.” She was old enough to ask adult questions, so she was old enough to get adult answers.

“Are you boyfriend and girlfriend? Is this your house too? Was the talk about choosing the house this morning just a plan B?”

“Not yet.” He straightened, looking around the guest room that was a mess of bags and clothes. “I’d like us to be but I haven’t found the right way to tell her I love her yet. We have an unusual relationship – it’s more than friends but not quite official. Would you be okay with us dating?”

She looked astonished that he’d even thought to ask her opinion as though it mattered and his heart cracked a little more. “I’d love it.” She was fierce in her affirmation. “She’s exactly how I want to be when I grow up. I want to live here in this house. I wish…” She trailed off, tears filling her eyes and Blue didn’t have to hear the words. She wished Noelle were her mum instead of that crazy bitch.

“I’m working on it, kiddo.” He attempted an awkward half-hug, not sure what was appropriate under the circumstances, and patted her back.

“Is it true what they say on the news?” She snuffled, pulling back. “She’s so nice. I don’t believe she beats men up.”

Blue winced, wishing Noelle could have this conversation with her instead. Maybe she could… “Noelle is the warmest, kindest and sweetest person I’ve ever met, I’ll tell you that. Her way of life is a lot more complicated than just beating people up, but I think that’s something you should speak to her about. She’s much better at explaining it.”

“Does she beat you up?”

“No.” He fought to stop himself laughing at the idea of it. “She wouldn’t ever dream of beating me up. She and I, we’re all good.” Lisette put a few things away in silence, digesting this information, and then she sighed.

“Mum’s going to try and kill her, isn’t she?”

“Probably.” He wasn’t going to lie about it. “Your mum is sick, Lisette, but we won’t allow her to hurt Noelle. She won’t even come close. We have guards and this house has a state of the art security system. She’s safe here. You’re safe here.”

“Promise you won’t ever make us go back.” She looked up at him. “Promise me.”

“You won’t ever have to go back, I swear it.” He ruffled her hair, so like his own. “I’m just so sorry that it took me this long to
get you out of there. If I’d known-…” Gods, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to stop apologising, or trying to make it up to them, even though it hadn’t been his fault.

“I know.” She went back to putting things in drawers and after a few moments, when he was sure she was okay, he went to help Amelie.

The younger girl was fast asleep in her room, bags strewn everywhere, exhausted from the long day shopping. His heart ached with a fullness he just couldn’t comprehend as he started picking things up and putting them away. She was his. They were both his. While the fear was absolutely overwhelming, he couldn’t deny that unconditional love was warming his heart.

It twisted hi
s feelings for Alexandra even more. He feared her and hated her all at once, yet he couldn’t help but be grateful to her for bringing these two little people into his life, however angry he was with her for concealing their existence.

Social work had a lot to answer for as well. Why hadn’t they told him? He’d been part of the last trial – someone should have said that he had a child. Where had Lisette been when Alexandra had taken him to her apartment the day the Police had caught her? Thinking back, forcing down the nausea that churned in his gut whenever he thought of that night, he couldn’t remember seeing anything in the house that might have indicated a child lived there.
That said, he wasn’t really focusing on the house. He just wanted Cal to get there as fast as he could and end the whole mess.

With Amelie’s room put to rights, he headed down to the kitchen where Noelle was cooking something that smelled amazing
while the camera crew looked on. “What are we having?” He asked, pulling her into his arms. He sometimes forgot how short she was. He couldn’t even rest his chin on her head.

“Spaghetti and meatballs.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I was just about to start thinking about dessert.”

“This kitchen is amazing.” It really was – smooth marble countertops seemed to stretch for acres between the oak cabinets with wrought iron handles.

“You should see the pantry!” Full of enthusiasm, she grabbed his hand and led him to a door off the side of the kitchen
. “Check this out!” It was small but lined with shelves filled with glass jars of ingredients. “I had them made by a lady in York. Aren’t they pretty?” She reached down a jar to show him and he realised it had the name of its contents frosted straight onto the glass. He couldn’t think about how much a whole room of them had cost – all her dry ingredients were in here, her wholefoods and her baking ingredients. There was even a range of spaghetti jars.

“Impressive.” He agreed, amused at her obvious love of her kitchen. “How are you going to reach the top shelves?”

“I’m having steps delivered.” She stepped out and closed the door. “Until then, I’ll have to ask you or Thomas to get them down for me.” As they went back across the kitchen, one of the camera men went to the pantry and filmed the jars. Blue watched him with mounting irritation. They were supposed to try and pretend the cameras weren’t here but they were so intrusive. This was his first night in his, hopefully, future home with his new family, and Red was part of his new family, whether she knew it or not.  He wanted privacy.

“When do the cameras leave?” He asked and Noelle shrugged.

“They said they wanted some shots of us eating and then they’d probably go, so maybe halfway through dinner.” The director confirmed that by nodding. He’d done enough reality shows to know how irritated people got with being constantly monitored.

As promised, the camera crew were unobtrusive in their departure, leaving twenty minutes into dinner. Everyone noticeably relaxed when they’d gone, dispelling an atmosphere that had been building ever since they’d arrived home from the shops.
Amelie was quiet, still unsure of her new environment, but Lisette was chattering away. They had to decide where to send them to school soon. That was going to be a nightmare in itself if Alexandra couldn’t be contained. Blue couldn’t think of any schools that would have happy to have private security following their pupils around. Maybe he could persuade Red to home-school them until everything was settled.

When he finally conceded defeat after the third round of spaghetti, Noelle smiled. “Girls, why don’t you clear the table and I’ll go and get dessert? I made
tarte tatin

“Sure.” Lisette got to her feet and then her face crumpled and she burst into tears. “I’m sorry!” She blurted out and then ran from the room. Blue gaped after her in astonishment, wondering what the hell was wrong. It wasn’t like clearing the table was a fate worse than death.

“I’ll go.” Noelle patted his arm as she passed. “You help Amelie clear up.”

He watched her leave and turned to the younger girl. “Guess it’s you and me, Pipsqueak!” She laughed and capered around as he cleared all the dishes and stacked them in the dishwasher. Thomas would go nuts when he got home – this was his domain. At the thought, Blue winced again. They were going to have to find some way to explain Thomas to the girls and he wasn’t looking forward to that at all.

Noelle finally returned when they’d set out bowls and spoons and were waiting patiently. “Is she okay?” Blue asked and she nodded.

“Just a bit overwhelmed. It suddenly sank in that her life is going to be completely different now. She’s never had a home where they ate meals as a family and made her feel wanted.
She’s never had a role before, a place in a routine. They weren’t sad tears.”

“Well that’s good.”
He relaxed. “Is she coming down?”

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