Body Worship: The Billionaire and the BBW: Body Heat Series Book 3 (6 page)

BOOK: Body Worship: The Billionaire and the BBW: Body Heat Series Book 3
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t takes
me all of ten seconds to get his pants off. The briefs come next and I groan involuntarily when his giant cock springs free. I want him so much. I don’t understand what I’m so damn afraid of.

“Lay on your back.” I give him a playful push and he stretches out next to me. I lean over and kiss the thick cords of muscle in his neck. I trace his pecs with the tip of my tongue. I trace the curve of his armpit with my fingertips. I’m so enchanted with this man. With every inch of him.

I slide my body along his as I move lower, rubbing hot sweaty skin against hot sweaty skin. I straddle his legs and he moans when I settle my wet pussy against his thigh.

I cup one breast in my hand and lower it to his throbbing cock. He jerks in my hand as I trace every landmark on his erection with my swollen nipple. Up and down the ridge of sensitive tissue along the underside. Around the bulbous head. Across the slit dripping precum. Over every throbbing vein.

He thrusts against the air as I play with him. Tickling his heavy sac with my fingertips. Running my finger up and down his perineum. Flipping my head so my long hair caresses him. Kissing the skin of his navel and upper thighs, but avoiding contact with anything more precious.

I give him a few light strokes with my hand. He gets close and I pull my hand away, reveling in the groan of frustration and the wet slap of his cock against his belly.

I crawl forward on my knees until I’m hovering over his cock.

“You can’t be inside me, but there are other ways you can have my pussy.” I lower my swollen wet cunt onto the underside of his cock. The contact is electric. He fits perfectly, sandwiched between my lips and his navel. I slide my hips back and forth and massage him with the length of my wet seam. My clit travels the length of his iron-hard shaft. He takes my hips in his hands and moves me faster, like I’m his fuck doll. I reach behind my back and cradle his balls.

I thought he might not come this way, but I should have saved myself the worry. His fingers dig into my hips and every muscle in his perfectly formed torso stands out as he bellows and shoots his cum between us. It falls onto his chest but I quickly scoop it up and rub it over my body. I want his mark on me when I leave tonight.

e grabs
my hand as we leave the room but I shake free of his grasp. He pretends it doesn’t bother him.

“Want to get a drink in the bar?” He leans in close and bumps my arm with his own.

“I really need to get home.” It’s true. Technically. “I have to be in to the shop early tomorrow to cover for someone on vacation.” I collect my coat and phone from the coat check/security station as I breeze by. He does the same and hustles to keep up with me.

“It doesn’t have to be here,” he says on the elevator ride down to the ground floor. “We can grab something anyplace you want. I’m not trying to hide you, you know.”

“I wish you were.” Things would be easier that way. For both of us.

He punches the button that stops the elevator and turns to face me.

“Why?” he asks. “Would being seen in public with me be so horrible?”

“Not for you, but it would be for me.”

“I don’t understand.” He throws his hands up in frustration.

I’m frustrated, too. I rest my hands on my hips and lean toward him. “Guys like you don’t end up with girls like me.”

“Says who?”

“Says society. We’d be the laughingstock of the newsroom, and I’m the one who’d take the brunt of it.”

“Who cares what they say?”

“I do,” I practically scream, “because it hurts like hell. I’m not ready to face it. I can just imagine you bringing me home. The entire time your family would be wondering why you didn’t choose one of the many models, movie stars, or socialites that have graced your arm over the years.”


“And why didn’t you choose one of them?” I move closer and poke a finger into his chest. “What is it about me that drives you so wild? Because I have a hard time buying it myself.”

“You don’t want to know, Evie.”

“Yes I do,” I say as I push against his chest with the palms of both hands. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“You want the whole ugly truth?”

“I do. I need it.” I pound my hands against his chest.

He grasps my wrists and looks me in the eyes. “You’re the first woman I’ve been physically intimate with in years.
, Evie.”

He lowers his head, I stop pounding against his chest. “And it’s not because I didn’t want to. I wasn’t able to.” My hands clutch at his shirt. I lean in and rest my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me.

“I’m not some prize, Evie. Not like everyone thinks. I’m a barely functional man who spent years dealing with a distant father and a disappointed mother. I tried to tough it out, I always have tried to tough everything out. I joined the service because my father was thinking of running for public office and my mother thought it would help his chances. And I wanted the chance to be part of a real family. But then I got into a situation I couldn’t tough out, and it broke me. Utterly and completely. And they didn’t give a goddamn. They locked me up in a padded room and pumped me full of meds until I was a zombie. I couldn’t feel anything.”

“That’s not how people see you. You always look so strong and sexy and put together.”

“My family spends a great deal of money and wields a great deal of influence to make sure that’s how I’m portrayed.”

The elevator buzzes and he pushes the button to start it moving again.

“I want to talk about this more,” I say.

“I do, too. But not here.”

He leads me by the hand through the restaurant on the ground floor and I let him. I welcome his touch now that I understand the intensity of it. And his honesty moves me.

“Where are you parked?”

“The ground floor of the ramp,” I say.

“I’d like to make sure you get to your car okay.” He looks at me with those brilliant clear eyes. He looks like a weight has been lifted.

“I’d like that.” A smile plays at my lips as I lead him to my car. The night air is cool; it’s a bit of a shock to me and I pull my coat tighter to guard against the wind.

“Fall’s on the way,” he says. He puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me across the walkway. Once we’re into the ramp, his hand snakes around my waist and he pulls me closer.

“I need to see you again, but I really don’t want it to be here,” he says when we reach my car. “It was a perfect place for us to start, but we’re beyond it now.”

“What do you have in mind?” I hate how anxious I sound, but I can’t help it.

“Don’t worry. We can keep things just between us. For now.” I lean with my back against the car. He stands in front of me and boxes me in, extending his arms around me and resting the palms of his hands against the car.

“Why don’t you come over to my place?” He leans in and kisses along my neck. “And for the love of God, please don’t make me wait until next weekend.”

“Fair enough.” I nuzzle my face in his hair and breathe deeply.

“One other request.”

“Feeling bold, are we?”

“I want to taste you next time. More than I’ve wanted anything in a long while.”

“I’m pretty sure that can be arranged.”

y cell phone
rings in the evening while I’m grocery shopping, and when no number displays, I know exactly who it is. I can’t keep the smile out of my voice as I answer.

“Hello?” I tuck the phone between my neck and my shoulder as I reach for a box of Wheat Thins.

“Is this Evelyn?” His voice is deep and raspy and my heart speeds up at the sound of it.

“You can call me Evie,” I say. “Everyone does.”

“Evie it is,” he says. “Am I mistaken, or do you actually sound a little happy to hear from me?”

“Well, I’m dead on my feet after a long day of work, but I still had to stop and get groceries on the way home. I’m stumbling through the aisles like a zombie right now, and I could use a distraction.”

“Is that all I am to you, a distraction?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“You’re far more than a distraction to me. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you all week.” He pauses. Maybe he’s uncomfortable with the honesty of his statement. Or maybe I’m just reading too much into it. Hearing what I want so desperately to hear. “Tell me everything you have in your cart right now,” he says, instantly lightening the conversation.

“No.” I laugh. “Why?”

“I want to know everything about you.”

“And you can’t think of a better question?” I lean against the cart as I go slowly up and down the aisles.

“I figured I better start with a slow pitch. Why don’t we start with that and see where things go?

“Alright,” I say. “Get ready for some excitement. I have ground turkey, pasta, frozen waffles, cranberry juice, Cheerios cereal, 2% milk, a loaf of bread, an avocado, and a box of Wheat Thins.”

“I have to hand it to you, Evie. That’s all pretty boring.”

“What were you hoping for?”

“I don’t know. Maybe a giant pack of condoms. A guy can dream, right?”

“Keep dreaming, pal,” I say. I think of something and tilt my head. “Have you ever even gone grocery shopping before? Or does food magically appear in your cupboards. I don’t know how things work for the super rich.”


“Do you have anything else you want to ask?” I turn the corner into the frozen foods aisle. “You might as well keep going while you have a captive audience.”

“Do you play any sports?”

“Not a one.” I grab a few frozen meals from behind the frosty glass and toss them in my cart.

“How about hidden talents?”

I have to think on that one. “I can name all 50 states in alphabetical order.”

“I’m happy if I can name all 50 states, period. I was never very good at geography.” I have a hard time imagining him not being good at anything. He keeps pummeling me with questions as I wander through the nearly empty rows.

“Favorite Movie?”

“Night of the Living Dead. Or Shakespeare in Love. I can’t choose.”

“Favorite Book?”

“To Kill a Mockingbird.”

“First crush?”


There’s dead silence on his end of the line.

“Didn’t you watch Thunder Cats when you were a kid?”

“I did. I’m just trying to come to terms with the fact that your first crush was animated.”

“He had an animal magnetism.”

“That’s probably because he was an actual animal.”

I giggle into the phone. “I guess it is kind of strange, huh?”

“Who was your first crush?” I ask.

“Sarah Jensen. She sat next to me in third grade math class. I told everyone I was going to marry her. Which, it turns out, did not make me a big hit with her.”

“You never had a chance.”

“Even less than I thought. She lives on the coast with her wife and their four kids.”

“Do you have any strange habits I need to know about?” I ask.

“I squeeze toothpaste from the middle of the tube like a total savage,” he says. “But toilet paper has to unroll from the top. End of story. I’ll change it if I’m at somebody’s house and it’s the wrong way.”

“Sometimes a man has to take a stand,” I tease as I approach the checkout line. “This has been lovely, Nash, but I’m at the register . . .”

“I let you go. For now.”

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