Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging (3 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Somers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Healthy Living, #Alternative Therapies, #Diseases, #Cancer

BOOK: Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging
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I had read about people who lived in the high mountains of Yokohama, Japan, who were alive in their early hundreds without disease. What were they doing? What were others around the world who lived the longest and were the healthiest doing?

I began to ask doctors to guide me; I took advantage of my celebrity to get to the best and the brightest to find out what was new. What was the route to successful aging? How do we age without sickness and make aging an
? How do we aspire to enjoy aging? Can we see it as a desirable state? And what new medical advances were coming that made all the effort worthwhile? What did the future of medicine have in store for all of us? What you hold in your hands contains the answers those brilliant doctors gave me.

Your body is like a Maserati, the greatest machine ever created. It’s time to start recognizing the care and upkeep it takes to keep a machine of this magnitude running at top efficiency. You would never run a Maserati into the ground; you would never put inferior fuel into a Maserati. Instead, you would be constantly tweaking, fixing, or
replacing parts, and checking and fine-tuning it. Age isn’t a factor with this car, it’s a great machine; if you take excellent care of it, a Maserati will survive forever. You are like that machine. But you can’t wait until your Maserati is broken down and falling apart. Then the job is so much harder and in some, or maybe most, cases impossible.

You have to start now, before you get too many dings and scrapes!

And just as you can restore your insides, the same is true of your exterior “finish.” Wrinkles and a lack of perfect elasticity are no longer inevitable. Staying beautiful is certainly achievable without surgery today, through stem cell protocols. I have already accessed some of my “banked” stem cells and had a stem cell “neck lift” under the guidance of Dr. Robin Smith of NeoStem, a stem cell banking company. The result is beautiful and natural, a smoothing out and regeneration of the skin. How nice not to have wrinkly neck skin anymore. Injections to one’s lower face using banked stem cells can smooth out and regenerate the areas that are aging: the little lines above the mouth, the large pores on the chin area, smile lines. This in itself is redefining aging. We can now roll back the clock and obtain the skin we used to have, allowing us to look fresher and more vibrant.

There is also a nutraceutical available that will smooth out skin by releasing the enzyme telomerase. You’ll learn more about the importance of telomeres later on in the book, as they are key to a longer, healthier, more youthful life. I truly believe that telomeres and the discovery of telomerase are nothing short of a miracle, a real Bombshell.

Listen to what the experts in this book have to say on perfecting aging and follow their wise advice. Pay careful attention to the explosive medical secrets and groundbreaking information you will learn in
, which include:

    • Why we age.

    • What the basic steps to a longer life are.

    • How you can avoid a catastrophic event.

    • Why toxins will kill you if you don’t learn how to escape their deadly attack.

    • How environmental medicine can save your life.

    • How to rejuvenate your cells and balance your hormones.

    • What the top Bombshell foods are for longer life.

    • Why you are in control of
getting cancer and the steps you need to take.

• How to strengthen and rebuild your immune system.

    • Where the future—and current uses—of stem cells leads, and my journey.

    • How important telomeres and telomerase are for reversing aging.

    • What supersupplements are available for fantastic skin and hair, and healthy, clear eyes.

    • The new kind of doctor you’ll want to visit.

    • Future medicine and what it promises to you today.


You’ll hear from my trusted doctors and experts everything you need to know to create a healthy, bigger picture for yourself today. I’ve interviewed some people with the most amazing minds throughout the years, and the information they are sharing here will absolutely blow you away. Here’s a little bit about who you will hear from and what they will say.

Ray Kurzweil, famed futurist, discusses nanotechnology and biotechnology and its future advancements that virtually promise to eradicate disease.

Dr. Michael Galitzer drops a Bombshell about preventing bone loss, as well as other methods in the new antiaging medicine.

Dr. Joel Aronowitz performed my amazing stem cell breast regrowth; you will read all about it here.

Bill Faloon, the editor of
Life Extension
magazine, shares explosive information on preventing catastrophic medical events that strike even health-conscious individuals.

Dr. Abraham Morgentaler shares blockbuster, life-altering information on testosterone and active prostate cancer.

Dr. Prudence Hall, my gynecologist and hormone specialist, talks about the hormone that makes you want to have sex (and improves orgasms); she asserts that a healthy person is a sexual person.

Dr. Jonathan Wright, the father of bioidentical hormones, discusses how hormonal balance and cell rejuvenation can revitalize—and lengthen—your life.

Noel Thomas Patton shares information about the new nutraceutical supplement (TA-65) that may actually reverse aging.

Dr. Andy Jurow, a Renaissance man, discusses the steps to wellness and the supplement that will redefine aging.

Dr. Russell Blaylock warns of the chemical dangers killing our brains—and shows a clear path around them to keep us sharp and vital.

Dr. Garry Gordon explains the necessity of keeping the blood cleaned to eliminate disease, and how you can naturally avoid bypass surgery.

Dr. Dipnarine Maharaj shares that there may be cancer-resistant human beings and that their white blood cells may soon be able to reverse the disease in cancer patients.

David Schmidt talks about new nanotechnology patches and nondrug approaches to slowing aging.

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski discusses the cancer-protective genetic switches and how to keep them “turned on” to avoid the killer disease.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez speaks of the foods and supplements you can take to avoid the diseases of today and reiterates that cancer is avoidable and even manageable.

Dr. William Rea, an environmental doctor, discusses a detoxification protocol that will allow you to stay ahead of the toxic assault, ensuring a longer, healthier life.

And I offer a new kind of patient resource for finding doctors, Forever Health; it will make it easy to find the antiaging doctor who is best for you.

But before we read what these great experts have to say, let’s find out where you want to go. Then we’ll learn why we age, and what can we do about it.


I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying.

–Woody Allen


Getting old is not for sissies!
–Bette Davis


What if I told
you that you were in complete control of your end point? You are.

What if you approached aging as a coach would ready a baseball team for the World Series … to win? What would happen then?

How do you see yourself at the end point of your life? Are you standing straight with energy, vitality, and an intact brain? Or are you stooped over in a body that cannot hold you up, in a brain fog of confusion?

One of the greatest things anyone has said to me in the last decade was at a recent
Vanity Fair
Oscar party. A beautiful young woman came up to me—I mean gorgeous, pure perfection—and she said, “I hope I am like you when I am your age.” I smiled, felt very flattered, and said, “Then start now.”

She wanted what I had. She was young and perfect, yet she wanted what I had. And when I thought about it, instead of wishing for her youth, I realized I liked what I had more. I had experience and knowledge, I had wisdom and perspective, and I had an innate confidence and sexuality that made me feel great about myself. I like the way I look and I feel I deserve to be comfortable and happy. That took a lot of work. Daily, I am achieving my vision of how I see my life playing
out. And by never taking my eye off that “picture in the sky,” my personal projection just keeps on getting better. My end point has great clarity, and I work to make it happen. You can achieve the same results for your life; you just have to choose it.

All my life, my success has come from visualizing an achievement, whatever it might be—really seeing it before me—and then doing the work to get there.

I have visualized my end point already: I am going to live a very long time, I will be in great health, I will be thinking clearly, I will be happy, I will have abundant love in my life, and I will be sexual. I will have energy. I will have strong bones and a good working brain, and I will be a productive member of society. I will be wise, I will have great perspective, and I will be sought after as the matriarch for advice. I will be satisfied with who I am.

No wonder aging is a thrilling experience for me. It has taken on the vibe of a great adventure.

Every choice you make on a daily basis brings you closer to or further away from that picture you have of your end point. Are you vibrant? Are you healthy, energetic, and happy? Do you eat right, exercise, sleep well, and manage your stress? Every time you make a positive choice you move yourself toward your projected goal. Every bad choice leads you in the other direction.

How many times have you sat in wonder when someone close to you (usually young) has just had a debilitating, massive heart attack, and you say in amazement, “But he was so healthy!”?

I write again and again of the “language of the body.” My work not only relates to these symptoms of hormone imbalance, which are so “in your face” and certainly their very own language, but also to the other “noise” the body makes: the symptoms of distress that are your body’s way of alerting you to
pay attention now!
These symptoms are akin to the red warning light that goes on in your car, alerting you when the oil is low and needs checking. If you experience shortness of breath or if you are easily fatigued, you need a tune-up. If you have gut problems such as bloating or constipation, yeast or bacterial infections, autoimmune disorders such as lupus, MS, or fibromyalgia, stiffness in joints, skin problems, headaches, and a lack of vitality, your body is talking—screaming—to be taken in and checked. If your car had such symptoms, you would tend to it immediately. No sane person would run a car into the ground in spite of warnings from the
dashboard light; otherwise, you might face a catastrophe that could result in the engine burning up or some other devastating fatality. Of course you wouldn’t do that to your car, absolutely not! As soon as you could, you would take that car to the mechanic and have the oil checked and usually tell him, “While you’re at it, give the rest of the car a good ‘going over.’ ”

It boggles the mind that we don’t revere the health of our bodies in the same way. Perhaps it’s because the body is so forgiving … until it isn’t. We continue to feed it badly, we don’t rest it properly or exercise it properly, and then we are startled when the “red warning light” goes off and we end up in the ER having a first heart attack or sitting in the doctor’s office being diagnosed with cancer.

It’s not until something devastating, that “catastrophic event,” happens that we panic. Then we try our best to pull out all the stops to cure what could have been prevented, except now it’s like climbing uphill. Why don’t we tune in and recognize the body’s language for what it is beforehand and circumvent the catastrophe? Men generally are the worst offenders; many of them minimize, thinking it’s more “manly” to do so. Men don’t want to appear weak or as hypochondriacs, which, sadly, results in the early deaths of so many men who leave widows behind when they could have had more enjoyable years together. The common thinking about health, or a lack of health, is that it will all be rectified with the next “miracle drug.” How has that worked out for you?

We have hit the wall with pharmaceuticals. There will always be a place for them, but the reign of allopathics has clearly come to an end. The pharmaceutical companies will not go softly into the night. They will kick and scream and discredit and ridicule and violently oppose. I understand. It is their bottom line, and oh what a bottom line they have had—the greatest ride in the history of business. They even figured out a way to get the government to pay for the drugs while they continue to make the profits. In addition, they pay off some doctors with irresistible bonuses, not only monetarily but also socially—trips to Ireland, golf excursions, yachts, lavish parties—all for writing prescriptions.

Pain, infection, mental illness, and other conditions outside my understanding may always require pharmaceuticals … or will they? How long will antibiotics, with the tremendous overuse of them, continue to do the job? For symptoms of menopause or andropause,
why would we take drugs instead of replacing lost hormones with natural bioidentical ones? Why take dangerous synthetic drugs proven to cause cancer for the symptoms of declining hormones? Then there are the drugs for cholesterol, drugs for the heart, and drugs for blood pressure, water retention, and stomach problems. Drugs to sleep, drugs to wake up, drugs to take away depression. What are we thinking? That’s the issue! We are not thinking. In fact, the overuse of drugs for every ailment is robbing our brains, leading us right to our final rest stop, the nursing homes, where patients require more and more drugs to facilitate every function of their bodies. What a bonanza for the drug companies. What a perfect business template—and we are the suckers who have bought into the sinister plan.

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