Bondage Wedding (13 page)

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Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Bondage Wedding
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“It’s my job to protect you.” He took a step closer and she backed up hard against the rails.

“I don’t cry in front of people. Please, James, just don’t.” She had to get away from him or she was going to lose it. He was too potent. She needed six-foot cement block walls around her emotions right now and walls didn’t work if James was touching her.

“You cried for me,” he whispered seductively as he twirled a strand of her hair.

“That’s different. You matter.” She wanted him to know this wasn’t about him. This was sheer self-defense.

“Because you love me.” He made it a statement of fact.

A small smile peeked out. “Such a bossy man. I conceded that you matter. Must you continue to push?”

“Pushing limits is what a good Dom does. Besides, you know you love me. You’re just being stubborn.” He held her hand as he showered kisses along her fingers.

“I’ll never tell.” She couldn’t help but tease him when he looked so arrogant and sure of himself.

“Maybe turning you over my knee and spanking your ass would loosen your tongue,” he whispered in her ear as he drew her hand to his heart.

“I’m sure it would, but I doubt I’d be saying anything you’d like to hear.” Why did his threat send wetness pooling in her pussy? That was wrong on so many levels, but she welcomed the distraction. Dealing with the mess that used to be her apartment was going to be the most depressing hours of her life.

“And what if I promised you’d be saying, ‘More, Master’, what would you say then?”

“I’d say you’re full goose bozo or in plainer language frickin’ nuts.”

James laughed, and she thought she saw him wince just the littlest bit. “Challenge accepted,” he assured her.

* * * *

Amanda looked around James’ bedroom, grateful the stalker had gone after her apartment and not his home. She had such pent-up energy, she couldn’t think about going to sleep.

“I’m not sure how to proceed, Amanda, you need to talk to me. Do you want a bath? Do you need something to eat? What can I do?” James asked.

He’d been so helpful in dealing with the police and filing the initial insurance claim. After all the photos had been taken and the officers had finished, he’d helped her tidy up and search for anything salvageable. There hadn’t been much left beyond her pots and pans.

Blushing profusely, she admitted, “I want to make love.”

“Never be embarrassed about wanting me, Amanda.” He brought her hand to his cock, letting her feel how hard he was for her. “Do you want to play or do you want vanilla?”

“I want to be in charge.”

He shook his head. “I don’t switch.” James pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. “Get undressed, sweetheart, I’ll take your mind off of things.”

She followed his directions because she didn’t know what else to do. Amanda wanted to get lost in his touch, but the world was spinning out of control. She was holding on by her fingertips and they were slipping.

Amanda lay down on the bed and pulled the sheet over her while she watched James get ready for bed.

“I like seeing you in my bed. You belong there.”

She loved hearing his voice. It was soothing and erotic at the same time. “Since mine was shredded, I’m grateful you don’t mind a roomie for a few days.”

“Just pocket the insurance money and move in with me. I’m sure the complex will allow you to break your lease. No one would expect you to stay there now.”

“I’m not a charity case, James. I watch my money. I’ll be fine.” She didn’t want him to feel he had to take care of her or that he was stuck with her until the insurance check showed up.

“I never considered you a charity case. I want you in my bed because I want to hold you, kiss you and fuck you all the time.” James ripped the sheet off her body. His strong actions surprised her. He could be rough and oh so tender just moments apart. It sent her heart racing.

Amanda sat up on her knees and kissed him. As the kiss deepened, she leaned into James, pushing him onto the bed. She climbed on top of him, straddling his waist for a brief moment in time.

Almost immediately, James wrapped his arms around her, cradling her to him as he shifted his weight, taking the top position and laying her beneath him. “I’m not submissive, Amanda, and I don’t switch.”

“James…” She didn’t know how to explain what she was feeling, what she needed. “I need to be in control of something. Everything I own was destroyed. I lost my car, my books, my clothes.” She fought to keep the tears at bay.

“Sshh.” James rained kisses down her cheek. “Okay, Amanda, this one time, for you, I’ll do this.” With one last kiss on the tip of her nose he rolled onto his back. “I’m all yours, Mistress, have your way with me.”

With a feeling of relief, she giggled. “Can I tie you up?”

James seemed to consider her request. “No, you have to know what you’re doing with rope or you could cause permanent damage. I’ll let you restrain me, though, using cuffs.”

He rolled out of bed, granting her a great view of his ass. She knew a lot of her friends didn’t think butts were sexy, but she sure did. A guy’s ass was a major turn-on. That and his hands. James fit the bill on both accounts.

Amanda sat on her knees on the mattress and waited as James opened the closet door and pulled out the gym bag he’d used at the club. He set it on the dresser and started looking through it. Before long, he pulled out two leather cuffs and a length of chain.

“Here you go. How do you want me?” He laid the toys and a condom on the bed then kissed her hard.

Feeling so much better, she scooted to the edge of the bed. “On your back, arms over your head. That won’t hurt your ribs, will it?”

“Stop worrying about my ribs, woman. I’m not an invalid,” he complained, as he followed her orders.

“Have you been restrained before?” Amanda asked, afraid to hear the answer.

“Yes, but probably not in the way you’re thinking. To gain Master’s rights at the club, Doms experience everything they would ask a sub to do. You can’t appreciate the gift of submission unless you understand what they’re giving you.”

Amanda had one cuff around his wrist and was attaching the second when she stopped and looked him in the eyes. “I had no idea.”

“We take our role very seriously and we don’t abuse our submissives, Amanda. We please them and protect them. It’s the sub who holds all the power.”

“That’s not true, James. The one night I stayed at André’s, I was trying to find the vacuum. I wanted to help with the housework to pay him back for letting me stay there. Except the door I opened wasn’t the utility room, it was what he called his ‘playroom’.” She shivered, remembering the shock and embarrassment of walking in on them. “He had Sherri bound to a wall and he was beating her with a whip. Really hitting her, with a huge frickin’ whip. I’d say she was about as powerless as anyone could get. Why she stays with him is beyond me.” Amanda decided to just clip the cuffs together. She didn’t want to risk hurting the headboard with the chain. “Just keep your hands above your head.”

“Yes, ma’am.” James waited a moment then continued, “All Sherri had to do to stop the play was say her safeword. One word, that’s it, and André would have stopped. I know it seems foreign to you, Amanda, but Sherri enjoys a bite of pain. It helps her get off.”

Amanda sat back on her heels. “Doesn’t that seem sick to you?”

“I get aroused by D/s. Some would say that’s wrong. I disagree. If it’s safe, sane and consensual, I don’t have a problem with it. That doesn’t mean I want to try everything, but live and let live. Ya know?”

She bent forward and kissed him while she rubbed her hands up and down his arms. He had such strong arms, he probably hit the gym often. “Explain how a safeword works. I’ve heard it a lot, but I guess I don’t understand the dynamics.”

“Before a scene begins, the Dom needs to know what the sub likes and doesn’t like. You’ve seen the limits list used at the club.”

“Yeah, it has both hard and soft limits and a negotiate column.”

James nodded. “A good Dom never violates a sub’s hard limits and they respect the safeword. Basically it’s a word or phrase that stops all play. If a sub says the word, the scene stops immediately.”

“We didn’t do any of that.” She liked having complete access to James’ body. As they talked, she ran her hands and mouth over every inch of his chest and arms.

“Sure we did. You told me you didn’t want to experience pain and I told you if you said stop, I would. And I would have. For that scene, stop was a safeword. Even though you didn’t say it, when you asked me to untie you, I did. All the protocols were technically met. They just weren’t as formal as they might have been if you’d been familiar with the lifestyle.”

As she processed what he had said, she scooted down the bed and ran her hand experimentally over his cock. She smiled when it jumped toward her. “For someone who doesn’t switch, you sure seem…happy.”

“The woman of my dreams is touching me. That’s definitely arousing.”

Amanda put her mouth around his cock and slid it in and out. The angle was wrong and she couldn’t take him as deeply as she wanted. She pulled him out and dusted his balls with kisses. “You’re so handsome, James. I could look at your body for all time.”

“I’m glad I please you. I love your curves. If I wasn’t worried I’d be accused of topping, I’d tell you to put those luscious tits in my mouth so I could drive us both crazy.”

“I don’t mind hearing suggestions.” She straddled his waist then leaned down within his reach. As he licked and suckled her nipples she gave in to the pleasure. The man had serious talent. She remembered how he’d used that mouth earlier today. She would definitely let him give a repeat performance anytime he wanted.

When she was dripping wet, she gently moved back until her tit popped out of his mouth leaving her gasping at the unexpected sensations. She had thought he would let go, not tip his head back, pulling until it stung. Oh, God, she liked it.

A little freaked out at the realization, she scrambled away from his mouth. Even restrained, he was a bad boy. Maybe she was in over her head. Pushing the thought away, she tormented his cock like he’d tormented her nipples. He tasted good, but she wished his hands were in her hair.

Once he was thrusting in and out of her mouth, she couldn’t wait anymore. She wanted to ride him, to feel his cock buried deep inside her pussy. Amanda pulled back, tore the condom foil and rolled it over his cock. With great care, she positioned him at her opening and slid down his shaft. “Oh, James, you’re so big.” After a few strokes, she found a wonderful rhythm.

Amanda rode him until she was exhausted. He was hard and perfect. Yet, she couldn’t come. “It isn’t working,” she confessed, as she fell forward and held herself up with her arms. She tossed her hair over her eyes so she wouldn’t see his disappointment.

“This angle would make it difficult for you to come even if you were a Domme and you’re not, Amanda. You’re a submissive. My submissive. You need more than a stiff cock to find your release. Don’t be upset, sweetheart.”

“I want to be normal.” She had a sinking feeling he was right. She missed him telling her what to do. She wanted his hands demanding her arousal.

“Normal is an illusion, Amanda.”

She swung her hair out of her face. He might be right, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.

“If you don’t believe me, touch your clit while you ride me.”

She didn’t want to. Could it get any more embarrassing than that? But if she came, that would prove he was wrong about her. He said the angle could be the problem…

Closing her eyes, she reached down and stroked her clitoris while she rode him for another minute or two. “Play with my boobs, James.”

“Yes, Mistress.” He immediately complied.

It just didn’t feel right. She was hot and wet and needed desperately to come. “Stop.” Once he put his hands back above his head, she crawled off him and lay down beside him. “It isn’t going to work, is it?”

James held the cuffs in front of her. She assumed it was a silent request she release him. Not wanting to be reminded of her failed experiment, she unclipped the latch giving him the ability to remove them.

“Is submitting to me such a terrible thing?” He brushed the hair from her face and gently kissed her cheek.

“No, this isn’t about you. This is about me wanting to hang on to the semblance of normality. So I’m gonna believe it’s the angle.”

“Sorry, my little subbie, we need to put this silly fear of yours to rest once and for all. Get on your knees.”

She was afraid. Not of James and what he might do to her, but that he was right. What would it mean if the only way she could find pleasure was through submission? Would she one day find herself restrained and whipped? And loving it?

Slowly, reluctantly, she followed his direction. James rolled out of bed, slid the condom off and threw it in the trash. As he walked past his toy bag, he grabbed another. Approaching her from behind, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into him. He wrapped his right arm across her chest, holding her tightly. His left hand tipped her head backward and he plundered her mouth. His hands were firm and unyielding. And she melted. She loved his touch, craved it, needed it. Just like that, the fight was over. She wanted to please him.

After James had released her mouth, he took the cuffs and restrained her hands behind her back. “You’re beautiful and intelligent and submissive. Accept it and let’s move forward.” He walked around to the other side of the bed then lay down on his back just like before. “Suck my cock. Get it good and hard so I can fuck you with it.”

“Oh, God. That shouldn’t get me hot. It should be insulting.”

“I would never insult you, Amanda.” With a firm grip on her biceps, he pulled her face toward his cock. “You love the taste of me. I’m giving you permission to do something you already want to do. So thank me then open wide.”

“Thank you, James.” She opened her mouth, but he pulled her backward.

“Thank you, Master. When we play, you will show me respect.”

“Yes, Master.” As he moved her within reach of his cock, her mouth started to water. Fear was coming back for a second round, but she pushed it away. They weren’t doing anything wrong. She wanted this. She couldn’t deny she did.

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