Bondmate (10 page)

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Authors: J.J. Lore

BOOK: Bondmate
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it was better than any fantasy I’d had.” Bynton grinned at her.

was it possible
these virile, powerful, sexy men had
never had
before? “I don’t
understand. You were virgins?”

agreed. “Why does that surprise you?”

shrugged, unable to articulate her confusion. Bynton gathered up her hand and
kissed her fingers. “
women are rare, more so
over the last few decades, Avanelle. As warriors, one of the many sacrifices we
must make is to forever abstain from seeking a mate among our own kind.
Instead, we must prove our worthiness to procreate by capturing an alien
Defeating all challengers.
her with our seed.”
With that he pushed a playful finger at her belly.

you, do you…” Pregnancy was something she hadn’t even considered. How would two
different species even combine in that way?

we can produce young together.” Mateen’s low voice compelled her, and she again
turned her head to look at him. “Human and
strains are compatible. Most humanoid races are not, but we, most fortunately,

swallowed. The baby of one of these men would be

I believe we mentioned before, getting permission to travel to Earth and seek
you out was a reward for our long and distinguished service. We fought many
battles, killed many enemies all for the chance to win you, Avanelle Rein.”
voice grew quiet, and she stared into his golden
eyes, detecting some soft emotion that tugged at her heart.

that happen often?” Perhaps there were other women she could get to know on
Alpha, ones who’d gone through this experience and might offer her some advice,
or even support. The full weight of what she was about to do, leave her planet
and people behind, bind herself to these alien men on a strange world, hit her,
and she shivered. Mateen plucked a blanket from the bed and settled it over
them, then curved himself to her with a soft growl. An answering moan left her,
and he circled his arm around her, drawing her even closer. Bynton leaned
forward and kissed her, licking his way along her lips until she opened to him.
Her nipples tensed, and there was a soft throb of heat between her legs. How
could she be aroused so soon?

nibbled at her neck, and she shivered. Would he bite again? Bynton drew away
from her mouth and smiled at her as he pressed his palm to her breast.

is not common, but by no means will you be alone. The bondmates who live next
to us have had their woman for over a year. She is very pregnant and may well
have delivered while we’ve been gone. Wen,
, and
Tamar have been insufferably prideful for months over their coming child.”
Bynton slid his hand from her breast to her shoulder, nudging her gently onto
her back as Mateen shifted to her side.

trailed his fingers into the curls covering her mound. Sucking in a breath, she
opened her legs slightly, anxious for him. He moved down her body, hard muscles
caressing her skin. His strong hands gripped her inner thighs and opened her as
he had before, this time bracing her knees over his shoulders. Bynton shifted
behind her, cradling her against his chest and stroking her hair as his partner
took a breath and slid two fingers along her cleft. He nodded with satisfaction
and delved deeper. She knew she was wet. Mateen’s sure nips along her sensitive
skin had ensured it, as well as

men?” she whispered,
gasped as Mateen circled her clit, his calloused
fingertips gently pulling at her aching flesh. Hot pings of pleasure ricocheted
along her nerves.

is more usual for bondmates.” Bynton investigated her earlobe with his tongue,
and she moaned. Mateen stroked her faster and her hips jerked his way. “We
should avoid penetration for a few more hours at least, Mateen. I believe my
girth caused her some discomfort at the beginning.”

“Of course.
I will be very
shifted closer, and she reached down
to touch his hair, her hand brushing up against one of his horns. He stilled
and looked up at her.

that hurt?” She had no idea of the sensitivity of such an appendage.

You can pull on them if you like. The skin surrounding the base is very
said. Bynton shifted behind her,
his cock pulsing against the small of her back.

rubbed her fingers down one of Mateen’s horns, and he stared up at her, sliding
a long, thick finger along her slit to pause at her entrance. When she traced
her nails around the skin framing the horn, he pushed his finger deep inside
her. She flinched then relaxed as her pussy clenched and flooded for him.

are you doing, Mat?” Bynton asked.

for the, ah, G-spot. Is that what it’s called, Avanelle?”

a hard time catching her breath, she nodded, all her pleasured nerves firing to
life once again as he stroked his finger inside her channel.

right, the G-spot. I remember reading about that. Does g stand for good?”
Bynton lazily sucked her earlobe, his voice rumbling in her ear.

great, if I can locate it.” Mateen furrowed his brow with concentration as he
worked within her body. Warm pleasure flooded through her as his broad
fingertip homed in on a spot that seemed to electrify her clit now pressed
tightly by Mateen’s thumb. She squealed, her toes curled, and she gripped both
of his horns as a bomb of an orgasm blasted through her. Vision dimming, she
shook, all her muscles
with aching delight.

believe I found it.”

Chapter Six


had arrived, orbiting Alpha, and all Avanelle could do was stare out the small
view port and study the planet circling below. It looked very Earth-like, blue
oceans, green and brown landmasses, swirls of white clouds. The pang of leaving
home had lessened as soon as she’d seen the similar formations. The journey had
taken a week, both
candidly admitting they
weren’t hurrying because they wanted her full attention for as long as possible.
Attention that lasted for hours, left her sated and exhausted, but anxious for
more as soon as she’d caught her breath. After their first time, both Bynton
and Mateen had become much more experimental about sexual encounters, happy to
engage with her singly, often while the other watched. She found she liked it
as much as she enjoyed the times when both men came to her together. Their
shared climaxes strengthened this newfound awareness she had of both
, their moods,
their desires. It was strange to feel so content and complete in a tiny ship
among the vastness of the stars.

they’d reached Alpha, both men had sobered, ready to resume their
responsibilities, and had been busy preparing for their descent to the planet
as soon as they had permission to land.

it’s time.” Mateen instructed her on how to fasten the restraints on her seat
properly, taking the time to kiss her between each latch and strap-tightening.
He liked to kiss her, which twisted her heart a little every time he did. For
such a confident, imposing man, to have him bestow little pecks and caresses
was very moving.

manned the controls, and she waited as the ship swooped down, the gradual pull
gravity slowly becoming apparent as her
belly fluttered, then flopped. Wispy clouds soon obscured the small view ports.
With a shudder and a thump, it seemed they’d landed. She struggled free of her
seat and joined them at the cockpit to look out for her first view of her new

were on an immense stone plaza, facing a low grey building. Several people in
billowing cloaks stood some distance from them. There were a few low mountains
visible in the distance, but that was all she could see of Alpha.

the temperature is cool, so you will need additional covering.” Mateen bundled
her toward the hatch to the outside, wrapping her up in a soft cape and
adjusting the hood to cover her hair.

will be time before the ceremony for you to choose some clothing of your own. I
know we didn’t bring much that would appeal to you.” Bynton dragged on his long
black coat and grinned at her, clearly excited to be home and anxious for her
to see it. Mateen opened the hatch, and she took her first breath of
air. Cool, humid, and scented with the gasses and
fluids of space travel vehicles. Mustering up her courage with a deep breath,
she followed Mateen as he exited down the steps, Bynton close behind her.

legs wobbled a bit as she stood on solid ground for the first time in days, but
her attention was soon diverted by the people approaching her. Big
males, all golden skinned, some with dark tattoos
swirling along their cheeks. Interspersed among them were slighter figures,
human women all smiling at her in welcome. They wore beautifully flowing robes
and tunics, the glitter of gems subtly gleaming from ears, necks, and wrists.
Some tension in her eased, and she smiled back, reassured by friendly faces.
There were bellows of greeting between the men, and Avanelle found herself the
center of attention as Mateen and Bynton stood on either side to introduce her.

please greet and
protect our bondmate, Avanelle Rein of
,” Mateen announced in a loud voice with not a small
tinge of pride. She was touched he remembered her origin, and she looked up at
him with pleasure. His golden eyes met hers for a hot moment, and then Bynton
spoke up.

took blood in battle with
scum. We killed seven
that day.” His exaggeration at her part in that fight made her flush, but the
men nodded with approval.

welcome to you, Avanelle Rein.” The oldest-looking
bowed low and introduced himself as Rom. Other names flew at her, and she lost
track in moments. One of the human women murmured something about the cold, and
they were all walking toward the low building, both Bynton and Mateen touching
her every step of the way. Soon they’d entered the building. The interior was
open and filled with baggage and people moving about their business. It was
predominantly male
, and she noticed the Albin
warriors formed a ring around the women in their midst as they moved through
the crowd. She was included among them, and one, petite and pretty with soft
gold hair, reached for her hand.

you excited for the claiming?” she asked.

don’t know. Mateen and Bynton didn’t mention much about it.”

blonde’s mouth curved into a knowing smile. “I’m sure they were preoccupied
with other things. We’re lucky women here. You will be very happy to be bonded
to them.”

woman appeared at her side as they passed through a wide gate into an atrium
filled with soft light and trees growing in large black pots. “The ceremony is
a mere formality.
A way to publically recognize your new
Some words will be said by their commander, an invitation to
challenge which none will take up, and then a banquet of celebration. We are
going to take you to dress, while Mateen and Bynton are off to prepare with
their comrades.”

that she was to be separated from them so quickly startled her, and she looked
wildly around for them. She was worried about this mysterious challenge to
come, worried about being a small human woman alone amongst all these large and
. Bynton noticed her glance and
stopped talking with a burly man whose name she’d already forgotten.

is it, Avanelle?”

… where will you and Mateen be?” Anxiety filled her. She’d only just arrived
here, knew no one, and the two men she’d grown to depend on were leaving her
for who knew how long.

“At the great hall, ready to claim you.”
Bynton must
have sensed her distress because he stopped walking and captured her arm. “You
will be safe. Both
are going with the women. We will be reunited in a few hours.”

arrived at her side in a flutter of cape, his hand touching her cheek as he
peered at her. “Let us find a refreshment room where we can talk.”

other warriors fanned out, and she soon found herself in a small room furnished
with low padded benches. Without a word, Mateen bade her sit on one of the
benches where Bynton joined her, his strong arm around her waist.

thought we were going to your house.” She’d imagined them giving her a tour,
showing her the pool, the idea of which fascinated her. Then she wanted to
spend several naked hours with them. That seemed like a good way to make her
feel at home. Not being left with strangers.

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