Bone and Steel (An Erotic MC Romance)

BOOK: Bone and Steel (An Erotic MC Romance)
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By Talia Day


Copyright 2015 Talia Day


All Rights Reserved




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Bone and Steel





Chapter 1



I was interrupted one evening when the quiet suburb I lived in began to shake and rattle.  For a brief second I thought it was an earthquake, but pushing aside the curtain of my window I saw twenty or so motorcycles pull up outside.   Ignoring the distraction I went back to my work.  But I could hear the motorcyclists cheering and laughing as they entered what I thought was the house next door, and it wasn’t until I heard the unmistakable giggle of my best friend and roommate, Kate, that I realized they were actually in my house. 


A sudden knock at the door startled me. 


“Ally Cat?  Open up!  We're going out tonight!”  I cringed.  With finals in two of my five classes there was no way I would be going out for anything but coffee. 


“Sorry Kate, I can’t, I have exams to study for.”  I got up and opened the door.  Her face was visibly dismayed as she quickly glanced over me.  Not having planned to go out I probably looked pretty grungy. 


“Ugh…well, I wanted you to meet the guys, but…maybe next time," she said with a sigh. 


I laughed at her obvious disapproval of my appearance, my eyes curiously scanning the scene behind her.  It seemed she had somehow found a herd of larger-than-life bikers.  At least half of the men were over six feet tall.  With each breath I could smell the salty leather thickly scenting the air.   Taking a closer look I realized they all had large patches on the backs of their jackets that proclaimed them Members of Mercy Motorcycle Gang. 


“Which one is yours," I asked her curiously as I tried to imagine her with one of them. 


We were both tiny girls, neither of us over 5’4", and even put together I doubt we weighed as much as even one of them. 


“Chase,” she replied, her mouth curling up into a proud and mischievous grin as she pointed over to one of the sexiest hunks I had ever seen.  Chase had long wavy blonde hair that stopped at his shoulders, but even from across the room I could see his bright blue eyes held dark secrets. 


“Cuuute!”  I gushed, as I gave her a quick hug and wished her a fun and safe night.  I had nearly closed the door when I saw him: he was absolutely gorgeous, his jawline masculine and his lips full and sexy.  The leather clung to his masculine frame and the tight t-shirt he wore beneath it suggested his fitness.  Instantly regretting my decision to stay, I considered asking Kate to wait.  Struggling indecisively, the opportunity was lost when the sexy one called out that it was time to roll. 


Jealousy filled me as I watched them through the crack in my bedroom door and they began filing out.  When the front door closed I moved towards the window and peeked through the curtain, kicking myself for always being the good girl.  


My eyes followed the sexy one and I felt my stomach clench as he easily mounted the massive bike.  Kate squealed loudly, forcing me to take my eyes off the biker and turn my attention on her.  Chase had his arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her easily to meet his lips.  Locking their tongues in a lustful kiss his hands slid down her body and met with her bare thighs.  Her back was to me and from the window I shamefully let myself watch as his hands slid higher up her thighs and pulled her tiny dress up over her ass.  She wasn’t wearing panties, and his grip spread her thighs eagerly as they continued to kiss.  His hand dipped further and his fingers disappeared.  I felt ashamed for watching, but more than that I felt jealous of her wild side.  


I was shocked when he lifted her over his shoulder, ass exposed, and began spanking her as he walked her, on display, back to his bike and mounted it.  Some of the other men cheered and Kate squirmed to cover her bottom, giggling all the while.  With a roar the bikes sprung to life and the group sped off dangerously quick into the night. 


The rest of my night was definitely not productive and my mind wandered back to the dark sexy stranger.  After scolding myself for being so distracted I finally gave in to my fantasies.  My fingers traced circles through my panties as I imagined the cool leather pressing against my skin.  I let out a soft moan, imagining his full lips pressed heavily onto the nape of my neck.  I let my thighs fall open as my other hand slid down my tummy and to my thigh.  Gripping my own flesh I pulled my legs further apart, my nipples surged with pleasure growing erect beneath my tank top. 


My fantasies took over and in the next moment, his hands were on me.  Our lips met, softly at first, but with growing intensity we kissed passionately as his hands explored my body.  I felt his grip heavily on my waist, my hips.  I pulled my top over my head and threw it aside, allowing his lips to move south, slowly tracing circles on my wanting nipples before dipping further and sucking them playfully. 


I panted with lust and his lips moved lower.  Teasing me he planted soft kisses at the base of my tummy, each kiss taking me higher as my hips desperately flexed.  When his hands gripped my thighs and split them open onto the bed a deep moan escaped from my lips and in the next moment he pressed himself against me, his skilled tongue massaging my desires. 


“You are mine,” he breathed.  As his fingers pressed against my vagina my body went into convulsions. 


Just the thought of him inside of me was more than I could handle.  I lustfully and intensely came, finding myself alone again in my room, a sight to be seen, naked and panting with text books and pencils surrounding me.  


"Oh god how I want him,’ I thought to myself as I recovered my self-control.


Chapter 2



The next day I sent Kate a text asking her to meet up with me for a drink after my exams.  She accepted and I looked forward to prodding her with questions about her night, and about him.  Struggling to finish my chemistry exam on time made me want to kick myself for being so distracted the night before, but even now I couldn't help but catch my mind wandering back to the delicious memory. 


I walked in to Hops a half-hour early and took a seat at the bar.  The bartender was a curvaceous brunette wearing tall boots and short shorts.  Her midriff was exposed and she wore too much makeup.  Still, she was a pretty woman, and as I waited for my drink it humored me to watch several men at the bar follow her desperately with their eyes. 


I had never thought of myself as anything but average.  I could count on my hands the number of times I wore makeup, and I had never had much of a sense of fashion.  I felt like I blended into the crowd rather than stand out like the woman running the bar.  As she slid the drink over the counter to me she winked playfully and smiled.  I took a grateful sip of my beer and nodded in approval, sending her back to her work. 


Sitting there my mind started spinning fantasies again as I imagined what it would feel like to be in the arms of a dangerous and rugged man.  For that matter, I wondered what it would be like to be in the arms of any man.  I had always been shy side when it came to men.  I had rarely gone on more than a first date with anyone, and somehow the ones that did pursue me wound up in the friend zone. 


“What are you having?”  I didn't notice the man take the seat next to me, my mind distracted. 


“Oh, a Firestone I.P.A., ten percent alcohol,” I proclaimed mischievously as I lifted my beer slightly from the counter and glanced up towards him. 


I was pleasantly surprised: he was attractive, and as he let out a soft chuckle I suddenly felt shy. 


“A girl that knows her beers,” he smiled gently as he called out to the bartender and asked for two more of the same. 


“Christopher,” he held out his hand out in greeting. 


I reflexively responded, “Ally.  Thanks for the beer,” and shook his hand. 


We chatted for the next forty minutes, and to be honest, I nearly forgot about the dark sexy biker.  We conversed about everything from his being from Florida, to my interest in art.  As he spoke, utterly smooth and intelligent, I found myself feeling less and less adequate to hold his attentions.  Pretty soon I was glancing around the bar, there were plenty of women here alone.  I noticed a blonde just a few seats away.  She was gorgeous, her long curled locks surrounding her perfect porcelain skin and cherub-like features.  I felt self-conscious about my lazy attire and lack of makeup, yet not once did I notice his attentions stray.


“Are you expecting someone?” he asked, reading into my glances around the bar. 


“Oh, well, yes."  It couldn’t hurt to explain my insecure glances at the other patrons by telling him I was meeting Kate. 


“Ah, I understand. I will leave you be, I am sure your boyfriend wouldn’t be excited to see me flirting with you.”    Very slowly he started to get up, I could tell he was fishing for information about who was I was meeting. 


“No, no!  It’s my friend Kate, she was supposed to be here about ten minutes ago.” 


His eyes softened and he put his glass back onto the counter.  Just then I saw Kate rushing past the windows towards the doors. 


Turning back to him, “here she comes.”  He tore a piece of a receipt from the bill in front of him and jotted down his number, pressing it gently into my hand. 


“I would like to see you again.  Call me and we can get dinner sometime.” 


Kate approached just as he released my hand and I smiled and nodded as he turned and left.  I was blushing when I turned to Kate, her eyes following the handsome man whose hand had just been wrapped around mine.  She lifted her eyebrows at me curiously and started to giggle.  “How was your night?  I prodded her.  With Kate, you could avoid inquiry about anything if you simply changed the topic to her favorite subject: herself. 


“Well,” she looked up at me like a guilty child, “Chase is amazing! We all went out to Santos.  I had never heard of it before, it's a total biker club, of course.  Leather and lace everywhere.  The club has really strict rules about women and most of them are not allowed to speak unless directly addressed. 


Anyhow, Chase hadn’t said much about the rules at Santos and I made the mistake of getting a little out of control after a few shots.  So the next thing I know the leader, Jacob Hartley, quiets the entire bar and calls me out.  You probably saw him last night, he was the tall one with black curly hair.”


  My mind flashed back to the dark sexy one from the night before--was he the leader? I wanted to stop her there to clarify whom she was talking about, but she had already begun again. 


“Anyhow, he makes the rules, so he said I had to “pay the penalty,” which was a dance, on stage, on the pole.  I played innocent and shy but you know me, Ally, I like being the center of attention anyway, and the moment I walked in and saw the other girls taking turns dancing I wanted to give it a shot.  When Chase nodded for me to comply I totally got crazy.  I swear the whole place was in a roar and god I had so much fun! Afterwards Chase took me for a ride on his bike and we ended up back at his place…  Ally he was so strong, he lifted me off the back of his bike and carried me into his kitchen and pressed me up against the wall.  I couldn’t help myself I wanted it so badly and I gave in.  Do you think that was slutty of me?”  She momentarily stopped talking and looked at me for approval but I was slow to respond, still processing her tale. 


No experience in my life could compare to the crazy night she had.  “So this Jacob, the leader, what's his deal,” I asked, trying not to sound too interested. 


“I don’t know.  He seems really guarded and domineering.  A lot of the women are afraid of him, and the men follow his command without question.  I have heard that he holds the cards because of the secrets he holds on the other guys, but Chase told me that he was loyal because Jacob took a bullet for him.”


My mouth fell open in shock.  "A bullet?!  What are these guys involved in? I had never even seen a gun, let alone heard of someone getting shot.  "What happened?”  I probed her further.  “I’m not sure, Chase won’t say anything more than that.  These guys have secrets, and women aren’t exactly considered a place to confide.  I let it drop when I realized that I was getting nowhere asking him for more details.”  “Wow…  I am not sure what to think right now.  Be careful Kate.” 


My interest in the dark sexy biker diminished ever so slightly.  I was a cautious girl and couldn’t grasp the life that these men lived.  I wanted to know more, but my concern for Kate distracted thoughts of him.  I had to know more, to be sure she was safe and not making a mistake. 


“I am going out with them again tonight Ally.  You should come, live a little!”  She winked at me, encouraging my acceptance to her invitation. 


“Yeah, I can come out tonight, I have nothing all week with school.”  Her face lit up with excitement and she eyed my attire. 


“Let’s go shopping.”  I laughed, she had never been a subtle one, but I loved her anyway. 


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