Bone and Steel (An Erotic MC Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Bone and Steel (An Erotic MC Romance)
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Chapter 6



Pulling up to the clubhouse for the first time I felt a wave of intimidation rush over me and suddenly wished that Kate was back from Mexico.  I walked past several bikers, a few of them I recognized from last week. 


“Here Kitty, Kitty,” I heard one of them call to me, but I knew better than to give notice to cat calls. 


“Fuck off,” I called back.  Several of the other guys chuckled and chided. 


“Better watch your ass Prospect, that’s Jacob's girl.”  I turned to the familiar voice and recognized Tank.  He lifted his beer at me momentarily before returning to the woman who was straddling him.  Walking inside I was surprised by the sheer size of the place.  It was essentially a bar, and although it was only eleven, there was already a crowd of men laughing too loudly to be sober.  Across from the bar was a stage and several women were on it practicing their moves.  I watched curiously for a moment, feeling invisible as not a single soul noticed my presence. 


Just when I was about to continue on a burly guy at the bar called out to me, “You lost sweetheart?” 


I forced a smile and approached the men.  “I'm Ally,” I replied, “I’m here for Jacob.” 


His eyes narrowed and he licked his lips as he took a better look at me.  “The Reaper is out.  Sit down, have a beer.”  Before I could refuse he had cracked the top from a cold one and sat it down on the bar in front of me. 


I took a long and deep swig from the bottle—might as well take the edge off.   I was nearly finished with it when I saw Jacob pull up on his bike.  I could tell instantly that something was wrong. 


Throwing his helmet to the concrete he roared loudly, “Boys, we have fucking a problem.  Conference room, NOW!”  The men around me jumped from their seats, and low whispers were exchanged as the men crowded through a door and into a room with a large wooden table in the center. 


I got up and followed but an older woman grabbed me suddenly by the arm.  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going,” she hissed. She had long black hair, and although she was at least twice my age, she was ripped.  Her eyes glared at me as she waited for me to reply. 


“I want to know what is going on, I am with Jacob,” I said.


Her face contorted as if she had just smelled something terrible.  “Look, honey.  I don’t care if you are fucking the entire crew, unless you have a dick and a vest, you aren’t welcome in that room.” 


I stared back at her defiantly before backing down and returning to my seat at the bar. I reached behind the bar and grabbed another beer from the ice box.  “Hand me one of those, will you?”  I turned around, startled by the owner's voice. 


She was young and beautiful.  The other girls were hard, many of them tattooed and looked like they had lived hard lives. This one was different.  She didn’t have one bit of ink and she looked intelligent and innocent.  “Ally, I said, introducing myself as I handed her the beer.  “Mia,” she replied. 


“So, any idea what is going on in there?”  I asked. 


“Not entirely. I know Jacob had a meeting today with the president of Los Muertos but I only know that because I heard him on the phone.  Women aren’t involved in the business--when the men talk business, the women leave the room.  Trust me though, knowing what goes on with the men is worse than not knowing.” 


I lifted one eyebrow at her, not entirely sure how it could be better to be clueless than to be involved.  A half hour later the door opened again and the men grabbed vests and suited up.  I approached Jacob eagerly but was instantly shut down as he walked past me and to his bike.  “Not now Ally.” 


Part of me understood that the world didn’t revolve around me, but deep down I felt as if my heart was torn in two. 


As the boys drove away the older women approached me again.  “Don’t look so depressed.  If you are going to be involved with a Member, you are going to have to give up that pussy attitude.  My name’s Vicki.”


I stuck close to the bar, wondering if the guys would be back soon or if I should just go.  My phone buzzed in my purse and I took it out, not recognizing the number.  It was a text from Chris, and it read:


“Hey Ally, Want to grab dinner tonight?”


I decided against responding.  I wanted to be with Jacob, but the insecure part of me wanted to leave the invitation open because I felt rejected.  


An hour later I could hear the rumble of engines as they screamed towards the clubhouse.  I got up and headed outside.  My stomach tightened as my eyes took in the scene: blood, a lot of blood, and a lot of yelling.  And where was Jacob? 


My heart began to beat hard as I searched the chaotic scene.   Several women ran past, further blocking my view, as the men shouted orders.  “Mia, get Lynn and tell her to bring her sewing kit. Angie, I need you to get Ralphee on the phone.”  “Dead?!  What do you mean he's dead?!” a woman’s voice screamed from the crowd.  Tank carried a man in his arms past me, my knees suddenly weak as I saw that half of his face was missing.  I felt my chest constrict and my breathing grew rapid as I began to panic.  In the next moment I passed out. 





Chapter 7



“There you go hon, just relax.”  It was Vicki, and I was in an unfamiliar bed. 


“Where is Jacob?”  I cried out to her, instantly recalling the terrifying scene. 


“He’ll be okay, he was shot, but Lynn says it just grazed him." 


My heart began to race again.  “I need to see him,”  I screamed as I jumped from the bed.  But the room started spinning and fading to black. Vicki pushed me back down and held my shoulders. 


“Look honey, just relax. Jacob is fine.  You, on the other hand, are as white as a ghost.” 


I took a deep breath and tears began welling up in my eyes.  "What am I doing here?  No one gets shot!  This isn’t happening!"  I started to cry, my emotions overwhelming me. 


“Look hon, I ain't interested in being your mother.  Keep your ass in this bed and I'll send Jacob up when Lynn is finished with him.”  Setting a glass of water next to me she got up and pulled the door closed behind her. 


I curled into a ball and sobbed uncontrollably. My entire being was ripped in half.  From the moment I laid eyes on Jacob I knew that something was special about him—and each moment we were together reinforced my convictions.  I needed him to need me, to want me, to be there for me.  But this was never a part of the life I imagined with him. 


Could I survive knowing that the man I had fallen for might not come home alive one day?  I sat up in bed, wiping the tears from my eyes and pulling myself together.  I needed to see Jacob and I didn’t give a shit what Vicki said, I was going to.  Taking a quick glance at myself in the mirror I adjusted my shirt and fixed my hair in an attempt to look like I was holding it together. 


I was in an unfamiliar part of the club house, but the signs over the doors indicated that they were dorm style rooms assigned to ranking club members.  My ears registered the faint sound of voices as I crept forward and the hallway opened into a kitchen area.  The tiled surfaces enhanced the sound and as moved into the center of the room I could faintly make out the words of a heated conversation. 


“But Jacob, we have to think about the financial repercussions if we go against them.  Besides, they have the firepower, we have to be rational or we could all end up like Tails.”


My stomach twisted into a knot as the image of the dead man being carried by Tank flashed through my mind. 


“Rational?”  I heard Jacob's voice boom.  “How can we be fucking rational when they have one of our own?  We ride together, we fucking die together!  Besides, not one of us is ready to deal with the FBI down our fucking throats, and there is no way that a sex trafficking ring won’t bring federal attention right to our doorstep.  This is our town, we own it, and we make the rules!”


A loud crash rung out and I imagined his powerful fist slamming hard into the table.  The other men began conversing simultaneously and for a moment I could no longer make out the words clearly. 


“Look Jacob," an unfamiliar voice began, "If you want to do this, we are behind you one-hundred percent, but I think we need to meet up with Ralphee and get their crew involved.  They have men to spare and we need everyone we can get if we are going to go up against the Muertos.”


“Fine, do what you have to do.  Offer them a cut on the Columbian account, I don't fucking care.  The rest of you put your heads together and come up with a plan to get Chase out of there.  We ride tonight.”


Chase?  Did he just say Chase?  My stomach felt instantly sick.  Chase was in Mexico…with Kate.   



Chapter 8



When Jacob entered the kitchen his arm was bandaged, dried blood staining his shirt and forearm.  His expression was strange.  “Thank god you are ok,” I choked out. I tried to stifle the tears but suddenly broke down and started to sob. 


“Everything is going to be alright, Ally.”  His hands slid around me and wrapped my waist tightly, pulling me to him.  I looked up at him and let out a breath of relief; somehow I trusted his words.  Pressing his lips to mine he lifted me and carried me back down the hallway and to the bed in his room.  I wanted him to talk to me, to tell me everything.  My body, however, had a different plan, and as his kisses grew into a fervor of passionate need I lost all of my senses except the carnal one. 


His rugged hands traced up the sides of my body, pulling my shirt high on my chest as his tongue danced and toyed with mine.  The sound of his breathing was ragged and desperate and my hips began rhythmically undulating to the sound.  His bandaged arm held his body above mine and as his teeth bit down on my neck his fist gripped the fabric at my waist. 


With a forceful grip he pulled the fabric up, pressure building on my clit and sending my body into a contorted arc as my body prayed for more.  I slid my fingers up his back, taking his shirt up and over his head, exposing his flexed chest and cut core.  He released his grip on my pants, removed his shirt, and when he freed himself he forcefully pressed his hand between my thighs and rubbed up and down as I let out a whimper of need.  I pulled my own shirt and bra over my head, exposing my erect nipples to him, pressing them forward as his tongue made contact with each of them in turn. 


I couldn’t handle the wait, I wanted him inside, wanted him to fill me with his warmth.  I reached down and freed him of his jeans, using my foot to force them down further until he was naked above me.  He shifted his body, and at my hips he gripped the fabric and pulled me free of my tight jeans, his hands once again meeting my hips and this time lifting them high into the air. 


He held me here, my legs wrapping around his shoulders as his tongue and lips wrapped my juicy nub.  He kissed my clit gently at first, my entire body shivering with anticipation and need.  I wanted him inside of me, and as if he could read my mind he toyed with me, moving his fingers close, as if to enter, but then sliding them away.  I moaned out in desperate need of being filled but he didn’t give in to me.  I couldn’t take much more of this.


“Please Jacob, take me hard,” I cried out to him, begging for him to give me what I needed. 


From between my legs he let out a grunt, his lips and tongue pressing harder into my clit.  Releasing me from his sensual kisses his tongue slowly slid down to the slit below and he pressed his tongue firmly inside of me.  I let out a gasp, exasperated, I needed more.  Pulling my hips free of his grip I wrapped my thighs around his waist and twisted with all of my might.  He could have easily held his position, but he gave in and rolled onto his back pulling me up onto him, my thighs now straddling him at his belly.  I bent over him, kissing his mouth and sliding my slick wetness along his stomach and chest. 


"See how he likes a tease," I thought to myself as I ignored his bottom half.  I traced my fingers down his stomach behind me, my nails playing on his sensitive flesh and feeling his hips flex in response.  I had planned to go on like this for a moment, torturing him as he had me, but he had other ideas.  With ease he lifted me from my thighs and eight inches above his hips he held me, the tip of his cock pressing heavily against the soft warm flesh that welcomed him.  As his tip disappeared he suddenly dropped me, guided only by the stiff rod that was impaling me. 


“Ooooh!”  I cried out loudly as my body rapidly expanded around him. 


A wave of pleasure radiated out from deep within my belly and I pressed my hands into his chest as his hips flexed, forcefully bouncing my hips up and causing my body to repeatedly come crashing back down onto his stiff and thick cock.  Closing my eyes I let my head fall back and he kept on as I moaned in satisfaction.  His grip on my thighs intensified and suddenly my body was flipped, face down and ass up as he drilled hard into me.  I could tell by his breathing and the force of his hips that he was as close as I was to an orgasm. 


Tightening every muscle within me I pressed back harder into his thrusts, the motion sending me over the edge and sending me into uncontrollable spasms as I felt him too begin to pulsate within me.  For a moment, the entire world and all of the problems disappeared, leaving only us, and only this pleasure.  I fell to the bed panting and out of breath.  He was everything I needed in this moment.

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