comes platooning up in mudsplash,
Monty, examining every commando
standing naked in the rain,
âThat hurt?' whacking
a guy on the rib, âNo
sir,' âWhy not?'
âCommando, sir'
Finally he comes to a man
with a long hardon, & whacks
it with his military crop
âwith his batonâ
âThat hurt?' âNo sir'
“Why not?”
“Man behind me sir.”
The star is reflected in the puddle
and the star dont care
and the puddle dont care
Nothing is thinking
not even the puddle poet
That's why “This Thinking Has Stopped”
Is the best way I know to imitate
this starry state of affairs
in puddles
Plass! plash!âwait a minute!â
wait a second buddy while I
hock up old Desroches three
For each sacrifice you're reborn
and you're only reborn once
because there is only One
Slatter me pet Charley, T-rod,
pettle pole and all, believes,
and goes rosing in the woods
Purt! Foley! Words! Names!
Ahab, Starbuck & Pip
Iago and Poltroon
and Pipestaff the Ribber
âpain, pain, the no-name retoin
On the street I seen three guys
standing talking quietly in the sun
and suddenly one guy leaps in pain
and whacks his fingers in the air
as he's burned his hand
with a match
lighting a butt
The other two guys dont even
know this,
they go right on talking
gesticulating with hands
I seen it, it was on San Jose
Boulevard in St Joseph
Missouri, nineteen thirty
Them guys didnt even realize
pain is one thing, everywhere?
Whai? Every golden
sweetgirl come & befawdle
her pillow in my hair
and I dont care?
Wha? Whaddayou mean,
there are ten thousands mysteries
of me by the millions standing
with hand-molded shows
and sports jacket
and no hair
bouncing along in one long corridor
of images in a mirror
into infinity
call it what you will!
I know that!âYou dont have
pull that Buddha-stuff
on me, Jack, I dont care
I've seen me in the picture
stretched out everywhere
it dont matter?
Who cares!
I go to Lefty's & eat pastrami
on Sunday afternoon,
with mustardâI go hear
some music at Carnegie Hall
âI lay my wifeâ
I sit on the bed, work
Who cares? Wha?
What's the moon got?
What's the moon got but tunes?
Wha? I dont care I'll talk
I'll stand right here talk
till doomsday, nobody care,
nobody say, who knows? who
wants? What's gonna free
what from what? Shit!
Gold! Girl! Honey! Call!
What you will, call it,
shit, I'll sit, I'll talk,
I'll hang all day, because,
it doesnt matter, you talk
about it doesnt matter
but you dont realize how
it really doesnt-matters,
Wow man, I mean,
Sure, shoes, Shows, Hand
painted molds from azimuth
shoes, azipeth azipor
azinine blues, you got,
who cares, tsawright, eat,
pickles in the barrelâ
âhail a cabâ
do what you want
“It all goes down the same hole”
said Allen, eating cake & food
in a restaurant, with milk
in his coffee, no milk in the can,
no sense in the sour bottom
of that can
All goes up the same sky,
all sucks on same air,
all plops drops impregnates
and saves anywhere
The same limitation gentiles
the crave for a show
on notwithstanding lost bibles
dedicating the mystery
to a vain empty show,
âVanity of Vanities,
All is Vanity'
“Behold her breasts are like
in the summer air,
Her eyes are like doves,
skin like the tents
âSkin like the rents
in the heavenly air
A murder stern gird
A million dollar ba by
Rowers of galleys,
Candle lights,
Hearners of yorn,
Parturient ones,
Patch art part tea
Gart and band thee
Harden thy garkle
And get ye no purple kirtles
Ere aye mice Burns
Hands Mc Caedmon let loose
His last tired crazy pom
âHung la terre,
hang the twarrie,
part de twaklockleme,
gockle somackle magee'
Down with the back rooms
Of Dublin
God, protect me!
See that I dont defecate
on the Holy See
See that I dont
murder the bee
God! be kind!
Free all your dedicate
angels, for me
Or if not for me
for anybody
God! Hold fast!
I'm dying in your arms
Ah God be merciful
to Princeton me
Ah God, alack a God,
nobody farms
There'll be no more ginger ale
for me
goodbye ginger ale
when I die
in Innisfree
That's where I'll go to die
to look and die
I'll never go there now
Because I've already told the boys
at the paper
the sound is crashing me
And they ate paper
And it was a paper party
But when the bell bonged toll,
And we all had to pay,
“Die in my arms, lamb,”
sang Rudy Vallee
from here to eternity
Die in my that's a beautiful arms,
Die in my that's a beautiful arms,
said God
To me
That's just something
that isnt written
in Wells' history
That's something, Window Knock,
when you can make me
pray me
That'll do the reading
in London Library
And in Dublin I is free
To read
Old Innisfree
And then I'll read Finn
Again, and meet Magee
In a back alley
And get to know
And the brothers Donnelly
That's where I'll be,
My Arma Carney,
I'll be dyin
down in Innisfree
Waiting for ye
Mary Carney
Le corp de la verité
pourre dans la terre
The body of truth
rots in the earth
nourriture dans la terre
Sanchez fourwinds bigtown,
dont wail that at me
Fraserville Quebec
comes back to me
In the night sun sleep
warm, store it in tanks
Blues of Old Virginia tree
moonbottles over kiss time
listener appeal
Kissimee Florida
These are Orlanda Blues
O Cross on my wall
O body of Christ
When I was awright
Saturday night
Little in your arms
your thousands of years
In electric resist I wanted
to soul the liking I saw
(musician pauses)
This book is too nice for me
They made Clay Felker editor
of Esquire
Or Rust Hills one
and what ever happened to glass
and the joke about the Lord.
The Lord is my Agent.
My message is blah blah blah
My yort tackalitwingingly
pasta vala tt, yea, p,
my reurnent gollagigle
dil plat most-rat, my
erneealieing cralmaa
tooth, ant, mop, sh,
my devoid less 2 immensity
secret muzning midnight,
my whatzit
you wanta
Joy Look out!
Joy look in,
look in,
the pretty
Loy, t a tt ct b
I fooled with the long
(wrong over road?)
What a moistious wronk
we're in fair words,
or is it wairds
in your part
of the
In Scotland we just throw
the bones to the dogs
& toast at the
Well then let's have a toast
I wonder if I can write
poems just like Gregory
Croso:âlet's see:â
The dead are dead,
I'll resurrect them with
this song, O fall
you fair held
(wood wood wood)
O held the fair held
in the skinny bar!
(the skinny bar held Indian sonofabitch)
So North Mood wrote:â
ColtingâThe Gregory
says “Eels & gripplings
Finally I was in Stockholm at last
Cold night
Dark in Swedenborg
Zeldipeldi my junkey friend
from N.Y. and Maldo
Saldo the hot trumpeter
from Nigeria, turned on
in the cold room overlooking
black rooftops of winter,
Sweden night skies February,
Ommani pahdme horn
I wanted to catch a train
to the Capital
I was on a seacoast town,
the name of it was Fidel
or Fido
wow, mominu,
You dont know how far
that sky
Message from Orlanda:â
You guys cant explore
all of outer space, unless
you want to spend
a million million million
million million million
billion billion bullion
bullion years at it
âand when you gets
there, and you cant
even get there, give my
regards to Captain Bligh
And lissen, before you leave,
how bringin my money
with you to preserve
in eternity, see, I
can cash in when
I get there & spend it
Thats awright, space'll carry
us maybe like little eggs,
the buggy children work
their way out
to the surface
of the egg,
to the shell,
they swim soft,
& they get there
& meet God
The Shell
The Shell
hard & cold
against the cold
gray sun
Long Winter
So sleep
Me, I'm worried I'm a secret sinner
and God
Ole Tangerine
I call Him
because one day I was settin
under trees
And deciding what name
to give to God, is it
a personal God? & blam
the little tangerine
on my
like Newton's
& so I saw it personal
And I say the moral is simple
But it landed right on the
tippy tiptop
of the sconce,
and that's why I believe
(since it's all grinning
in there)
it was a little
tap reminder
I dont
“Maybe Eden aint so
lonesome as New England
used to be,” said Emily
Dickinson sitting with
a tangerine in her hand
(They shipped it from Cuba)
It was a great show
I guess God is alright
He'll take care of us
But there are perturbing roots
in these trees,
that claw in earth
& outa fingernails
as long as Malaya
eat up thru sucktubes
the juice of the mother
Terra Firma
Mona Leisure
& these roots remind you
of the roots in your grave
I wish I could be cremated
& sprung
(to the wave),
but Ah, hell, I donno
I think I'll go to
& idle away the
unfinished poem
The evening silencius
is so pretty
When you silence it like that
It's nice to pop pearl pages
the candlelight, you know,
is dedicated to poets
Okayâdreaming fieldsâBlake
wants to hear the latest development
in the man the way the bleat
lambs bleakly blake it now
and that is soft,
Ah William,
I guess as soft as Spanish
dreams, what was it Trappist
said:â “Goats
Something like that
Jack Micheline
“Feet of children playing by
the millӉhe didnt say
hillâWhen tongue gets
caught inside the lapels
of the mouth, that's what
I wanta hearâLike Fred
Katz the cellistâor is
it chellist?
“Tongue crucified, seven stitched”
is pretty weird
Make it down to New Orleans
one of these days
says Moonlight Martin
“Maniac massacred” on account
of “blinded on stone”
Wow, whatze mean?
Like Wolfe's Underground, mad dog
choking in tunnels of hate
“Spring has come
yellow teeth & black hair”
is exactly like the magnificent
haiku mailed to President
Eisenhower by Manosuke
“They have succeeded
in shooting up a star
And Spring is near”
Yeah, where down yonder
in you now Where
Now I'm getting to sound
like a drearisome
Folks, read Jack Micheline,
n doubt about it
He's a great poeit
And see?âread Gregory Corso
too all about “bookies
& chickenpluckers”
& Read Competition Ginsberg
the maddest brain
in poetry
Ginsberg has a poet who
has a “great precise
practical benevolence
& new understanding,”
and I have Jack
Micheline, Steve Tropp,
Steve White, and
many other naked heads
What I wrote first I kept,
because I figure
God moves
the body hand
the body of the truth
is a body
in graves
O Schweitzer
Africa Trumpet!
(And George Jones blows too!)
“Kneeling in the sun beside
the bright red mad beauties
of Street!” sings Corso
“I drag him into
myricolorous St Chapelle
Stained Glass marvel,”
sings Ginsberg
Dont discourage
the poets!
Sings Jack Micheline:
“And kiss the strangers
& plant the seeds of life among the dead”
Because it's a distant
hightone rail
“Flower of cities”
And these sweet lines revive
the open poetry of hope
in old America
long fish
And this sweet moth revised
the entelechy
in my endebechy
in old pardodechy
where Croo-Ba
made it working
boy girls in
He was hanged in the closet
The King ate sliced sage
John the Baptist had no head
Jesus had nails in his skin
The Neon's nailed to me
I wish I were dead
Or King of Ronald Colman
country, or Kin to Sariputra
Shakespeare, one
Well, s'long as barrel womps we'll
womp em on in, Used to write
poems about Princeton boy rose
Also Baltimore bleedings
& think rabbit plate
I wish I had
a way
to make
Tuesday Sarah
come by
any day
With China throwup
hadnt Puttered
men with me
but bile was free,
& girl long blonde
taffy pull
I guess best thing to do
is to write to
Blues Bessie
I wonder what Emily's thinkin
in that groomus earth of
coral snakes & alligators
on the sidewalk, is she got down
by Sunday in the Tomb, or
does time matter no blow out
bulbs of shame, Jesus, what
shame in eyelid war life
no shame at all in eyelid
ant eat
allied ant eat
What wars Bismarck plotted
on accounta ambitious
bishops, I dont know,
what Colbert built
for Mazarin slurp,
or why French Blond
Hero bombs black
Arab dream in sand
of Berber Ya ke
Silhouette Blue men
veil, kill me, I'se
Jazz killed itself
But dont let poetry kill itself
Dont be afraid
of the cold night air
Dont listen to institutions
When you return manuscripts to
dont bow & scuffle
for Edith Wharton pioneers
or ursula major nebraska prose
just hang in your own backyard
& laugh play pretty
cake trombone
& if somebody gives you beads
juju, jew, or otherwise,
sleep with em around your neck
Your dreams'll maybe better
There's no rain,
there's no me,
I'm telling ya man
sure as shit
That cat's in paradise
The noise of automobile sigh
dont interfere with the knowing
of me or any paper party
but's what smat smeldied
on hey-now, Zulch!
Truth is, cry
Because the radar never was invented
could find paradise sound
or cat lost in the night
branged suitcases as a kid
& sang to Glenn Miller's
Moonlight Serenade
& Laid
But O, Lord above,
have pity on my
missin kitty
Usta smear ma lips with whiskey
Fred and open up the doors
to make a jokeâwhile
women waited
and Bert Lahr waited
playing what he waited
like Duke Ellington
used to sit staring at Seymour
who implied to me the swing
of the music by his
low crash
high abidin
and what wow hoo?
Compose Vehicle
Bat bow
lack Jack
swing Bing
that's right!
You're gut okay man
swing on along
I don't care
I can do it
Orlak + +
If you once
for all good
Man's fine,
My mind! even harder than
my path, my freedom
is in piano
O, wow, wild wow
Like Lee Konitz
Yay, wow?
Slow! Swing?
That new tenor cat
made me drop my pencil,
Elvin Jones
Zoot Sims
and his
Johnny Williams
“This Happy Leaping Thing”