Book of Witchery (15 page)

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Authors: Ellen Dugan

Tags: #spring, #craft, #magic, #magick, #personal witchery, #fundamentals, #7 Days of Magic, #Witchcraft, #spells, #charms, #every day

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Five of Wands

Five of Wands is an intriguing card. At first, when folks see this card, they see struggles and conflicts. What they often miss is that this card usually signifies a person who enjoys dealing with minor problems and day-to-day obstacles. This person loves to get in there and set things right again—you know, the type of personality you imagine as kicking butt and taking names? This is their card. This person adores challenges and revels in the excitement that only a good argument or debate can bring. This card encourages excitement and helps you to step up and face the average problems that life often throws your way.


Strength is usually depicted in one of two ways. Depending on your deck, it may show Hercules battling a lion or a woman who embraces a lion and gently holds the lion's head within her arms. The lion on the card is an illustration of powerful emotions under control. This may be a case of “you need to get your emotions under control” or “you have your emotions firmly under control,” so think about it. When this card pops up in a reading, it always reminds you to suck it up and to stand strong. This card, used as a prop in magick, symbolizes self-control and the ability to handle things during a crisis by tapping into your inner strength. This is the card of quiet strength, conviction, gentle courage, heroism, and valor.

Here is a tarot card spell for you to try. This spell comes in handy during those stressful times of your life when you need a little extra courage and strength.

Victory Through Strength Tarot Spell

This tarot spell may be set up simply or more elaborately; it is up to you. Don't be afraid to make your magick personal and unique.

Either use the featured cards (Six of Wands, Five of Wands, and Strength) as your only props around a red candle or add the associated crystals for a Tuesday (ruby, bloodstone, and garnet). Try draping the workspace with a red cloth or scarf. Consider working this spell at sunrise or at noon, when the sun is directly overhead and bright. I suggest setting the candle and its holder in the center of your workspace, then arranging the cards and other accessories around it.

Another good idea would be to scatter those flat-bottomed, red glass marbles on the work surface. (You know, those pretty glass gems that are so popular for wedding-reception table decorations?) You can pick up a bag of those at most arts and crafts stores for a few bucks. Find some iridescent ones; wouldn't they look sharp? Use your imagination! How about holly leaves or red flower petals? Are you getting inspired yet? Good. Now psych yourself up and repeat the spell below three times:

The lady holds the lion within her arms
My strength comes from my soul and causes no harm
I hold the power to succeed time and time again
Honor and victory are mine, let the spell begin.

Meditate on the symbolism of the cards for a short time. Close the spell by saying:

For the good of all, causing harm to none
By fire and passion, this spell is done!

Let the candle burn until it goes out on its own. If you used stones in the spell, you may keep them with you for a few days in your purse or pocket to help reinforce the spell.

Daily Witch Craft

a witch's jar for protection

Today is a perfect day to create a Witch's jar. Classically, a Witch's jar is a lidded glass jar filled with broken glass, herbs, old nails, pins, thorns, and anything that is sharp and can catch something or prick something. For a modern spin on the Witch jar, I like to use those flat-bottomed glass marbles that are so popular for wedding decorations and in floral design. Check any floral section of the arts and crafts stores for lots of colors and options. (Also, they're safer to handle than shards of broken glass.) In this case, using the glass marbles reflects negativity all over the surfaces of the colored glass and keeps bouncing around inside of the jar until it gets smaller and smaller and finally dissipates.

  • 1 medium-sized glass jar with lid
  • 1 small bag red or black glass marbles
  • Old iron nails or pins
  • 3–4 holly leaves
  • 3–4 thorns from a red rose
  • A garlic clove (a Mars herb that will absorb negativity)
  • A black permanent marker

Wash and dry the jar and the lid; set them aside. Begin by placing the clove of garlic in the bottom of the dry jar. Next, begin layering in some of the glass marbles, a few pins or a nail, a holly leaf, and the rose thorns. Add more marbles, then another nail or pins, the holly leaf, and the thorns. Keep going until you fill up the jar.

When the jar is full, hold your hands over the top of the jar and put some of your own protective energy into it. Visualize your need for protection filling up the jar and empowering all the supplies that are held within. Now screw the lid onto the jar, and draw a pentagram surrounded by a circle on the top of the jar with the black marker.

Now pick up the jar and hold it up to the sunlight. See all the light sparkling through the glass and bouncing around off those colored marbles? Pretty, isn't it? But in this case, pretty really gets the job done. Now, give the jar a gentle shake to start the magick. Hold the jar in both hands and concentrate on what you are doing. Then, when you are ready, repeat the spell:

Tuesdays are the day for protection and courage

This Witch's jar will remove any and all worries

Garlic to keep emotional vampires at bay

This jar is a magickal tool working night and day

The thorns and nails catch any evil that may occur

While colored pieces of glass will reflect and scatter

This jar is now sealed with the sound of a Witch's rhyme

The protective magick begins in this place and time.

Place the jar in the most-used room in your house. Tuck it in a corner, behind the living room couch, or under your desk. Allow the jar to absorb and to break up any negativity or spite coming your way. This spell may be renewed every few months or so by holding up the jar to the light and allowing the sun's light to burn out any lingering energy. If you wish, you may replace the old garlic clove with a fresh one. Then, please repeat the spell verse over the newly arranged, sealed, and freshened jar.

Custom-Made Daily Magick

Now that you are starting to get into the passionate, courageous, and daring qualities of Tuesday, here are a few more spells for you to experiment with. Don't be afraid to adapt these spells to suit your needs. Add some tarot cards, herbs, scents, crystals, or essential oils to these Tuesday spells, and crank up the volume on your own witchery! As long as your intentions are honorable, I am sure they will work out beautifully.

The “Enchanted Evening” Elemental Spell

Looking to put a little passion back into your love life? How do you feel about working with the four elements and Lilith, our goddess of power and passion? There are times when even the most loving relationship needs a little
. So, if you simply want to spice things up with your partner in the bedroom, well, hey, Lilith's your best bet! But be careful; she has a wicked sense of humor. Calling on Lilith for some extra spark or desire works very well, and you may feel like you have a magickal hangover in the morning. A small price to pay . . . just don't say that I didn't warn you.

Let's get all of your senses involved. This spell is a sensual and sensory experience. To represent the four elements in this spell, light a few black or red candles to represent the element of fire. Burn dragon's blood incense to represent the element of air. To symbolize water, open a bottle of red wine and drink from the same cup as your partner. Finally, sprinkle the sheets with some crimson-colored rose petals to represent the element of earth.

And at the risk of sounding like a mom, while you're setting this stage for loving seduction, don't forget to practice safe sex! Ask for Lilith's blessings by using the following invocation:

Lilith, dark goddess, teach me to love, laugh, and be wise
Aid me in my witchery as you sail through the skies
By the natural magick of air, water, earth, and fire
I manifest the gifts of love, seduction, and desire
By the elements four, this spell is now begun
As I will, so shall it be, and let it harm none.

Ritual for Tuesday

mars' energy ritual

Try your hand at this fiery ritual for courage, passion, and winning battles. This ritual will take several days to complete, until the pillar candle burns all the way down. Also, personalize this spellwork by incorporating into it as many warm Marslike colors and other coordinating magickal correspondences as you can come up with. You just read an entire chapter devoted to Tuesday and Mars associations; here is your chance to flex your witchy muscles a bit and to show yourself what you have learned.

  • 1 red pillar candle
  • Coordinating-style candle holder (black wrought iron would be perfect)
  • A nail or large pin to engrave the candle
  • Any Mars-associated stones: red jasper, ruby, garnet, bloodstone
  • A pinch of powdered garlic
  • A pinch of allspice
  • Your philter for courage and protection
  • A lighter or matches
  • A safe, flat surface on which to set up the spell

Take the nail and engrave the symbol for the planet Mars into the side of the candle. Take your time and make it look as nice as you can. Also, consider adding a bit of spice to this Tuesday ritual. Toss a pinch of powdered garlic in the candle holder to promote protection. Try adding a pinch of allspice to bring good fortune and success. You could also dig out a small hole in the top of the pillar candle and sprinkle the spices inside of it. Then, as the candle starts to burn, the hole will seal up with melting wax and eventually incorporate the herbs into the body of the candle. Or just place the candle on top of these powdered spices inside the candle holder, and you're all set.

In addition, think about using the philter recipe from this chapter, and dress the pillar candle with it for some increased power. Set a few Mars-associated tumbled stones next to a candle holder containing the pillar candle—try a ruby for power and a red jasper to encourage protection and defending yourself.

Another suggestion would be to work with those pretty red glass marbles again, and arrange them on your work surface to set an enchanting mood. Take the time to make the spell candle setup unique and attractive. Put some effort into it if you want good, strong results. Light the pillar candle, and then repeat the following spell verse three times:

Tuesday is the day for fiery, aggressive Mars
Live with courage and passion, and you will go far
Candle colors for today are midnight black and red
These will draw success and deflect all harm and dread
Help me to win my battles fairly, both great and small
While I show kindness and compassion to one and all
Candle burn and magick spin
Let my ritual now begin.

Close the spell verse by saying:

By all the power of three times three
As I will it, then so shall it be.

Let the candle burn until it is consumed; figure three to five days, depending on the width of the pillar. Make sure you have it in a safe place to finish burning, such as inside of an old metal cauldron or tucked into an unlit fireplace.

Please note:
If you cannot leave the ritual candle safely burning, then snuff it out when you leave and relight it as soon as you are home. It may take a few days longer, but the magick will still turn out, especially since you are taking the time and energy to tend the ritual candle so carefully. As you relight the candle, say:

As this ritual candle relights, so does my magick once more ignite.

Happy casting!

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