Book of Witchery (18 page)

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Authors: Ellen Dugan

Tags: #spring, #craft, #magic, #magick, #personal witchery, #fundamentals, #7 Days of Magic, #Witchcraft, #spells, #charms, #every day

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If purple is more your style, and it does seem to be a very popular color among magick users, then go for it! Whip out a violet-colored blouse. Slip on a deep purple tie or scarf. Maybe you have a favorite dark purple sweatshirt or casual pullover. Ladies, you can try wearing eye shadow in shades of plums and purples or nail polish in any tone from pale lilac to deep amethyst.

The energies and magick of Mercury are enigmatic and wild. Mercury is itself a mutable sign, which means that it is constantly changing. There are many magickal qualities to this day of the week. See what you can discover for yourself by working with a little Wednesday color magick.

Mercury's Color Candle Spell to Improve Communication

This spell reminds me of the line my two sons would often throw around the house in a deep and dramatic voice, complete with a cheesy foreign accent: “Yes, my brother, you are bold; but are you also . . .
?” Well, are you? Are you ready to dive into the complex and varied moods and attributes of a Wednesday? I thought you might be. Give this little candle spell a whirl and see how it works out for you.

While gathering your supplies, try adding a bit of Wednesday aromatherapy while you're at it—see if you can find two lavender-scented purple candles. Don't forget that lavender is an herb of transformation and magick! Other supplies you will need are two orange candles, four candle holders, matches or a lighter, and a safe, flat surface to set up on.

This spell will help you to invoke, or call on, all of the clever and skillful attributes of this magickal day of the week. Expect to notice a difference within a day or so. But remember, if you are brave enough to work this spell designed to improve your communication skills, then you need to be daring enough to step up and use these gifts in a positive and productive way. Repeat the following spell three times. Allow the candles to burn until they go out on their own.

I light purple candles for power on a Wednesday eve

Now burn the orange candles for skill and dexterity

From these two colors spring magick on this fascinating day

Send wisdom, communication skills, and clarity my way.

Close the spell with this line:

For the good of all, with harm to none
By color and light, this spell is done!

Metals & Crystals

The metal for today is quicksilver, or mercury. It is both projective and receptive and aligns with the planet Mercury, just as you'd expect. The elements it is linked to are water, earth, and air. Why three elements? Because of the weight of quicksilver, it is tied to the earth; because it is a liquid, it corresponds to water; and the quick, rolling movements that it makes link it back to the element of air. I wanted to include this information into this Book of Shadows for you to have, but please keep in mind that quicksilver is intensely toxic and should not be handled. Its use in magick is not recommended today.

The stones and crystals that are associated with Mercury and Wednesdays are the opal, agate, and aventurine. Now, agates come in a vast array of colors and types. Make sure you keep a nice selection on hand for your crystal magick. Aventurines and agates are easy to find and affordable as tumbled stones. The opal will be more affordable in its rough form, but if you own any jewelry with opals, here is the perfect opportunity to work magick with them!

The opal is a beautiful multicolored gemstone. This is the birthstone for those born in the month of October. It is associated with all of the magickal elements: earth, air, fire, water, and Spirit. It was thought that if you wrapped an opal inside of a fresh bay leaf that this would grant you the power of invisibility. I think it's much more likely that it may help you to remain unseen or safely in the background. The opal is also thought to increase psychic powers if worn. (Scott Cunningham's
Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic
suggests wearing opal earrings for this purpose.) Opals make a good subtle choice for magickal jewelry. They are thought to increase your self-esteem and bring out your inner beauty, or “sparkle.” Opals may be used to aid astral projection and all psychic work. The opal is a stone of transformation and magick.

This stone is associated with the element of air and has a projective energy. Aventurine is a translucent to opaque variety of microcrystalline quartz. This stone contains tiny inclusions of minerals that give the stone its sparkle. It brings fast cash and good luck and is regarded as a gambler's stone. It is also associated with the god Mercury and has many of the same magickal attributes as that wily god. With all that Mercury energy, you just know it has to come in a variety of colors! Aventurine comes in creamy green, peach, brown, and blue colors. The common, inexpensive green tumbled stone of aventurine is perfect to carry in your purse or pocket to promote success and prosperity and to encourage good luck. The lovely green color of this stone was also believed to soothe emotional storms, to boost creativity, and to help speed up the healing process. Try adding aventurine to your own brand of witchery, and see what you can conjure up.

The agate is a variety of chalcedony, and it comes in many different shades and colors. The overall magickal associations for agates are strengthening memory and bestowing stamina on the wearer. It also is believed to help you get a good night's sleep and will chase away bad dreams. Agates have a calming influence about them. However, each variety and color has its own enchanting meaning and, in keeping with the theme of this chapter, the meanings are many and varied. Here are a few examples of differ-ent agates and their elemental associations and magickal meanings:

Banded agate
Linked with the element of fire. Banded agates have a projective energy, and their power will radiate out and around you. Wearing jewelry made of agates is thought to keep the wearer energized yet also calm and centered. This is a beautiful, strong, protective stone that is readily available.

Blue lace agate:
Associated with the element of water. This lovely crystal has receptive energies and is a good de-stressing stone. Try carrying a tumbled blue lace agate in your pocket or tuck a stone into your desk drawer at work. Excellent for use in any ritual to clear a home of negativity and psychic garbage. (You'll find a blue lace agate ritual a bit later in this chapter to help you do just that.)

Brown agate:
Associated with the element of fire, this color of agate is a projective type of stone. Back in the day, it was used to ward off the evil eye, so this makes an excellent stone to carry for magickal protection. The brown agate (or tawny agate, as it sometimes called) is an amulet for wealth, success, prosperity, and accomplishment.

Green agate:
As you would imagine, this green agate is associated with the element of earth. Classified as a receptive energy stone, it is a lucky stone for healing spells and fertility issues. According to folklore, the green agate is thought to help improve the strength of your eyes.

Moss agate:
This receptive stone is also aligned to the element of earth. The moss agate is a gardener's stone. This is a complementary stone to utilize in green magick, garden witchery, and herbalism. If you wear moss agates, they will help to restore your energy and vitality after a long day or after you have worn yourself out by working in the magickal garden. In magick, the moss agate is used to promote luck, prosperity, and longevity.

Red agate:
This projective stone is linked to the element of fire. It is a shielding and healing stone as well. A folk name is blood agate, as it was thought to remove impurities of the blood. Try working magick with this stone for health issues and to rid the body of infections.

Wednesday's All-Purpose Agate Spell

Try using tumbled agate stones for this Wednesday spell, as they are inexpensive and can be picked up at most metaphysical or magickal shops. Even nature-themed stores or arts and crafts stores often carry tumbled stones. This is a great spell for a friend or loved one who is going through a tough time. This crystal spell pretty much covers all the bases. The next time a friend asks for a little magickal help, you'll know just what to do.

Gather several different colors or varieties of agates (tumbled stones); four to six different-colored agates would be plenty. Ring the agates around a plain white tealight candle in a holder, and then repeat the following spell three times:

Lovely agates come in many colors and hues

May this charm grant luck and prosperity to you

Health, wisdom, and protection for you now do I call

In all seasons, winter to spring and summer to fall.

Close the spell with:

By all the powers of three times three
As I will it, then so shall it be!

Let the tealight burn until it goes out on its own. Then give the stones as a gift to your friend and tell them to keep the stones in a spot where they will see them daily for a month (or from one full moon phase to the next). They can either keep the agates or return them to you after the month has passed.

Potions, Philters & Oils

Today is the time to create philters and potions that work in harmony with Mercury's planetary energy. Mercury has many moods and magickal qualities, including communication, movement, and precision, so I thought that today would be the most opportune time to create a philter for clear communication. This philter recipe will assist you in making your words heard and to get the correct message across loud and clear.

Clear Communication Philter

  • One small decorative glass bottle
  • Base oil, approximately
    cup almond oil (almond aligns with Mercury)
  • Clean dropper
  • 3 drops lavender oil
  • 3 drops bergamot oil
  • 1 clover for good luck (another Mercury plant)
  • Small chip of aventurine for creativity
  • 6 inches thin orange or purple satin ribbon
  • 1 small metal magickal charm or talisman that you feel coordinates with communication of your choosing
  • A label and a pen (to list the ingredients and to decorate and mark the bottle)

Pour the base oil into the bottle until you have filled it three quarters of the way full. Add the essential oils one at a time. Next, add the crystal and the clover. Close up the bottle with the lid, place your fingers over the lid, and carefully shake up the mixture. Hold up the mixture to the sunlight and allow the light of Wednesday's sun to illuminate the philter within.

Wipe off the outside of the bottle and use the label to list the ingredients and the use of this potion. Decorate the bottle by drawing the symbol of Mercury (
or even a winged foot. If you have other magickal symbols you would like to use, add these on the label. Attach the label to the glass bottle and finish up by threading the metal charm onto the orange or purple ribbon and then tying the ribbon around the neck of the bottle.

As you finish tying on the bow, hold the bottle in your hands and concentrate on the visualization that your aura around your throat and face is pulsing bright golden orange. Your words are unmistakably heard and your meaning is clearly comprehended; envision this outcome and nothing else. Now send all that energy from your visualization into the philter bottle that you hold in your hands. Take a deep breath, hold it for three counts, and then blow it out slowly. Now, repeat the charm below:

May the fleet-footed god hear my plea

Grant clear communication now to me

Empower this brew with magickal power

I bless this philter in this time and hour

Using a bit of Wednesday's witchery

As I do will it, so mote it be!

Set aside the philter bottle, and clean up the supplies. Ground and center yourself. Eat a few crackers or do something physical. Make sure to store the philter in a dark, dry place out of the reach of children.

Essential Oils

Here are a few of the essential oils associated with Mercury and Wednesday. As in other chapters, I chose oils that should be easy for you to find and purchase:

  • Bergamot
  • Dill
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lavender
  • Lily of the valley
  • Sweet pea

Try these oils on a candle or add them into potion or philter recipes of your own design. You could also use an oil diffuser and get some of that magickal fragrance wafting through your home. Use your imagination to customize your days of witchery.

Tarot Card Associations

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