Boswell, LaVenia (29 page)

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Authors: THE DAWNING (The Dawning Trilogy)

BOOK: Boswell, LaVenia
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            Jennifer reached under her skirt found his groping hand and led him to the wandering garter.  He’d seen three of his brother’s do this and countless other men over the years, who would’ve thought?  He had broken out in a nervous sweat, but lifting her foot he released the garter and standing triumphantly spun it around his finger.  With his back turned to the men he threw it over his head behind him.   

            Fate was here today he thought, because Thomas caught it after wrangling after it against two other dudes. 

            “Thanks, big guy!” Thomas called out with a grin as he too twirled it on his finger.   

            More hugs and kisses and well wishes kept them a while longer.  Both their mothers were guarding the Gift table, Jason realized with a little shrug of his shoulders.   

            “Darling, I hate to mention it but we still have gifts to open so our parents can put them in the house for us.  They’ll make us a list for thank you cards to write when we return from

            Martha had the hotel waiters place a movable partition on two sides of the gift table and put a few dozen chairs near it.   

            Once most everyone left, Jennifer and Jason went behind the partition and sat near the table.  Jennifer had never seen so many presents at one time, and most were wrapped so beautifully.  The wedding photographer and camera man took their place and recorded the opening of gifts as Jason and Jennifer’s moms opened cards, recorded the giver and the gift of each item.  A number of them were checks, cash and visa cards, most in the largest boxes.   

            Jennifer had registered at a few stores per Martha’s wise suggestion and they had received almost an entire set of the beautiful china Jason had agreed was perfect for their home.   

            The cookware she loved would now only be missing a few pieces for her to purchase.  A fancy cappuccino, hot cocoa and coffee machine that Edward exclaimed in surprise was about a thousand dollars on sale, was added to their home appliances. That gift was from one of Jason’s business clients.  Crepe makers, several types of waffle irons since the word was out that Jenny liked deep
waffles.  A milkshake maker, multiple kitchen tools, decorative items for their pool and patio.  Electric griddles, crock pots, beautiful queen sized bed linens, since Jennifer had chosen queen beds for all their bedrooms except one bedroom that hosted twin beds.  Fine quality bath sets in neutral colors, and a number of gift certificates to various shops, department stores and up scale catalogs finished the line up of gifts.    

            It’s now almost seven and the happy but tiring couple made certain the cameras saw them as excited and thankful for each present, which they were, but even Jason had stifled a yawn a time or two.  Mental and emotional exhaustion, he knew.  He’d barely slept all night thinking about today, and he would bet Jenny did the same.   

            Jennifer’s mom asked for the bows and ribbons, their family was like that, they recycled everything.   

            Edward had driven the van so there would be room to take the gifts home.  Later in the next two weeks they would place them in the house.   

            Mister and Mrs. Jason Zonelli gave hugs and kisses all around and wished Jennifer’s parents bon voyage.  They gave Jason’s parents, siblings, nieces and nephews all kisses and thanks as well.    

            They waved at everyone as they entered the elevator, going up to their room.  As soon as the elevator doors closed they both gave out deep sighs of relief. 


Jason opened the door to their room and found both their luggage sets inside. 

       Jennifer’s wedding dress would be hung in its garment bag and left with the concierge for his mom to pick up tomorrow.  She would have it spot cleaned, sealed and preserved, along with several of the wedding mementos.  Tonight he’s most thankful his mother is so thoughtful and generous, because this was his wife’s dress and their wedding mementos.  

       Jenny took off her wedding veil and he watched as she caressed it with her fingers and began to inspect it for stains or tears.            

       Walking up behind her he asked, “May I help?”   

       She nodded.  

       His fingers grasped the dress zipper at the back of her neck to help her remove the gown.   

       She needed his additional assistance to step out of the material she didn’t want wrinkled.  It covered several feet of floor space.  He hurried to hang up the dress for her as she managed the petticoats herself and then the long slip. 

       She handed each of them behind her to him as he worked, trying not to stare at her to make her feel uneasy.    

       She was left with some kind of one piece foundation garment that covered more than most women’s swim suits he realized with a little irritation, knowing his mom was the cause of that.   

       Jenny also still wore her lacy white real garter belt and to the upper thigh length sheer white hose with rhinestones and roses up the side of the legs that he hadn’t been able to see or appreciate before now, so very, very lovely.     

       Her hair hung long in back, to just below her waist, also absolutely beautiful.    

       Jenny removed her white silk prayer cap, but kept it in her hands as she walked quietly into the bathroom without looking at him and shut the door.   

       Neither had said a word other than when Jason asked if he could help her with the gown.  He realized he was standing in the middle of the room still holding her petticoats and slip in his suddenly sweaty hands.   

       Looking around he saw the curtains needed double checking for closure and the bottle of champagne would probably not be drunk yet or at all, so he cleared off the table and put one of his suitcases on it instead.  His tux bag was hanging in the closet beside her garment bag. He swiftly began removing his tie, being careful of the tie clip and cuff links Jenny had given him.   

       Not knowing what she was doing, other than perhaps undressing more, he realized he didn’t want her to feel over exposed with him standing there still completely dressed in his tux.    

       Working as swiftly as he could he hung up his tux, bagged his shoes and placed his tie set in his second piece of check-in luggage. 

       They each had two check-ins and one carry on.  He knew he’d buy more luggage for the return home to carry all the gifts they’d surely buy, but going with two should be enough for their little over three week long honeymoon.

       Working swiftly he was down to his socks and boxers.    

       He hurriedly placed one of her bags on the long dresser and opened it for her so she’d have whatever she might want to change into – or not.   

       “Jen, sweetheart?” he called out after about ten minutes.  There was no answer for about fifteen seconds.  He was about to break the door down realizing she may have forgotten to breathe!   

       “I’m alright Jason,” she finally called out to his utter relief.  Then she added, “I was just praying and asking God how I could sleep with you, in the same bed, and not be a temptation, if you didn’t want me to be one.”   

       He stood at the bathroom door. 

       “Awww, Jenny, sweet Jenny.  Come on out, my love.  I
to be tempted!” he replied, knowing it was a fact.   

       “Ohh, I know that already.  He told me to go enjoy my husband.  He would show us the great joy he has prepared for us both as his married children,” she stated matter-of-factly.   

       “He did?” Jason responded with awe and happiness, but no disbelief, for Jenny was like that, God simply talked to her – a lot.                The door slowly opened and Jenny came out. 

       Jason was without his own breath and no words would come, not one.   

       She took him by the hand and asked, “Jason, my beloved husband, will you pray for us before we become one?”   

       He collapsed onto his knees as she knelt beside him.  “Father, thank You so much for giving me Jenny.  I receive her in the love You gave me for her in my heart and soul.  Help me to place her first above myself, even as You love the Church and gave Yourself for us.  Bless our union dear God as we are both open to your will, you know what is best for us.  We praise and thank you dear God, in Jesus’ precious name.  Amen.”   

            They rose, kissed lightly and both once more heaved joint sighs of relief.


21 – THE



The next morning, early, Jennifer awakened to find Jason lying beside her, his head propped up on one elbow staring down at her face.  She was stunned that even his hair didn’t look mussed.  The man was perfect all the time she thought with amazement.  

            He smiled a little oddly and asked, “Did you know that you even pray in your sleep?”  

            She shook her head no.  

            “Well, you do, and you pray in the Spirit for most of it,” he announced with a tender smile.  Stroking her shoulder he said, “I’ve been praying too, asking Father to help me be worthy of such a wonderful woman.”  

            Jennifer responded smiling back, “And I’ve been praying to be worthy of such a fantastic, holy man.”  

            He laughed suddenly and loudly, throwing his head back.  She’d never heard him laugh like that. 

            “Well, for such a holy man, I certainly still have some mighty strong fleshly appetites, especially for you.”  

            “Jason!” she scolds, “That’s not wrong!  That’s the desire for your beloved that God’s put there - to bless
with.”  Wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him to her she grinned and asked, “Unless, you get those same feelings for another woman?”  

            “Nope!” he answered before they enjoyed the love God had blessed them with to share with each other one more time.  

            Jason was pleasantly thrilled last night when she admitted her lack of experience to him.  All this time he thought she would be comparing him to Scott and maybe a couple other guys.  That’s sadly the way too many females were these days he realized and it had made him quite tense.  She actually acted shocked when he admitted he too had saved himself for her.  Seemed they were both happily surprised at each other.   

            Staring at the ceiling and thinking about that conversation again, he smiled before turning his eyes to watch his bride some more.  Jason asked, “Hon, do you want that
breakfast buffet they have or would you prefer room service?”

            Being his eyes seemed to widen with the mention of the ‘big’ buffet, she answered, “Well, seeing as your appetites have grown so much over the past few weeks, I do believe that unless you get that big buffet, you might wither from lack of nourishment.” 

            “And coffee, lots of coffee, with sugar for you I know,” he responded with a light laugh as he slapped her leg and hopped out of bed.   

            Jenny was searching through her suitcase for her traveling outfits - lots of un-crushable dresses, skirts and tops. Choosing a long bold blue and cream checked skirt with gussets, short sleeved light weight cream colored pullover with cowl neck and a matching solid blue pinwheel dolman crochet over sweater with three-quarter length angel sleeves to finish the country peasant look, she wrapped the cream colored four inch wide fringe cutout lace belt so it set loose and low at her waist.   

            As she tied the fringes she remembered something important she’d been shown in a dream last night, but actually dreaded having to talk to Jason about it, fearing his reaction.  Searching diligently, hoping she had packed what she now needed.  She was relieved when she finally found it.   

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