Boswell, LaVenia (26 page)

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Authors: THE DAWNING (The Dawning Trilogy)

BOOK: Boswell, LaVenia
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            Jenny genuflected and sat down beside him.  She was an angel in white.  The dress was a simple linen sheath, to the ankles with long sleeves again and high necked scalloped collar, over the dress was a layer of chiffon that had been embroidered with roses and crosses over the entire fabric.  Her prayer covering was a similar white chiffon long scarf that was wrapped loosely, crossing her neck with the ends falling down behind her back.     

            Jennifer was filled with elation, happiness and a sense of completion yet to occur. 

            Jason handed her a white box.  Lifting the satin lid revealed a beautiful white pearl Rosary.  Taking it out he took her hand kissed it and laid the Rosary in her palm.    

            The Confirmation began and she was anointed again.  Father Jose turned her to face the assembly and he introduced her to her fellow brothers and sisters.  Upon returning to her seat the Mass continued.    

            They were asked to bring the gifts to the alter, so Jennifer, Jason and his parents left their seats quietly and went to the vestibule.  At the appropriate time they had a procession of the gifts and brought the basket of money offerings, the wine and the wafers to the priest at the alter.  The wine and wafers would be transubstantiated when the Priest consecrated them to God and the spiritual substance would become the Body and Blood of Christ.    

            In only a short while Jennifer was called out to be the first to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy First Communion.   

            To Jason’s surprise she gripped his hand and with a tiny nod indicated he was to go with her.  He shook his head no, but she nodded yes, so, not understanding what she was doing he followed her lead. 

            Once she was almost in front of Father Jose who was holding the ciborium Jennifer held tighter to Jason’s hand as she knelt, turned lose his hand and prostrated herself before the Holy Eucharist.  Father Jose stepped back a little in surprise.  She kissed the floor before reaching for Jason’s hand to assist her to her knees again.  She now put her hands in prayer position. 

            Father Jose said, “The Body of Christ” as he held it before her eyes. 

            She responded firmly, “Amen.” 

            She received the Host on her tongue and Jason took her hand and helped her to her feet.  He started to return to his seat but Father Jose held up another Host and said to Jason, “Jason, the Body of Christ.” 

            Jason in turn responded and followed Jennifer the three steps to be behind her as she received the Blood of Christ from the Chalice Deacon Vincent offered. 

            The remaining church then began to come forward and receive.  Those who were Catholic and prepared accepted the Host and those who were not of the Faith or had confessions to make crossed their arms and received a blessing.   

            That experience also was so Holy to Jenny that she cried in humble joy over her Savior allowing her to partake of Him.  She knew Christ had warned, “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you.” 

            She was now one with Him and she felt His Holy presence.  When she returned to her seat to reflect upon what she had received she began to pray in a whisper while their music ministry continued their singing.    

            Jason knelt beside her on the kneelers and heard her praying quietly in that Heavenly language God had anointed them with.  Swiftly he discovered he actually understood parts of it.  God was allowing him the translation of most of her prayer, an experience he had never had before.  Her spirit was sharing with God the Father her joy and exaltations.  How she desired to please Him in her whole walk in life and many other wonderful things flowed quietly from her.  Praise was the main component, praise and glory.  Jason silently prayed himself when he could no longer interpret.   

            “Father,” Jason prayed silently, “Thank you for bringing Jenny here to this moment.  Bless our marriage too dear Lord.  Help me to always be the leader of our home You would have me be, holding the right spirit and help me in guiding my family in the paths of righteousness in a way that always pleases You.  Through Jesus Christ and in His name I pray.”   

            When Mass was over everyone rushed to greet them in the vestibule.  They quickly had to go outside where Father Jose and Deacon Vincent stood greeting everyone as they left.     

            “Aww, Jenny,” Father Jose crooned, “You are one with God now, huh?”    

            She smiled and said, “All the way Father!”  They hugged and Deacon Vincent greeted them with a handshake and a hug too.  There was a new seminarian standing slightly to the side, he came forward to wish them well and to say he planned to attend their wedding next Friday.    

            Jenny showed Father Jose the Rosary Jason had given her and he admitted that Jason had already asked him to bless it for her before putting it in the box.  Jenny had learned that everything needed to be blessed by a priest as far as Catholics were concerned and she agreed whole-heartedly, loving this aspect of their walk with God.    

            Father Jose, Deacon Vincent and the seminarian were invited to the late dinner celebration at the Sheraton Hotel near the airport.  Their families were meeting there for supper.   

            Jason kept near her with a hand on her elbow or waist as they managed to maneuver their way toward the parking lot.  There were so many people happy for her and Jason that it was hard not to linger longer.  “Darling, we have to go,” Jason whispered.     

            Jenny said her last thanks and allowed him to lead her to his car.     “This has been so wonderful!” Jenny admitted as she laid her head back against the seat while he drove slowly out onto the highway.    

            “Are you ready for tomorrow at
eleven o’clock
Mass when everyone will want to greet you again?” Jason asked, feeling extremely happy.  He only wished they could be married tonight, but he and Father Jose felt a week after her baptism would be better.  Allowing her some time in the Spirit for reflection before they wed was best.  He hadn’t wanted their wedding to over shadow her baptism and first communion, knowing God comes first and foremost.   

            The dinner celebration lasted for over three hours.     

            Jenny was thrilled her dad had been so good about going to the church with them tonight.  She knew to him it wasn’t a big deal, being baptized, but he never acted that way.  In fact, she’d seen a tear in his eyes a time or two in church.    

            Father Jose asked Jenny privately what prompted her to prostrate before the Host, he didn’t ask in a scolding voice but was as surprised by her action as most others.      

            “Father, I felt it was something God wanted me to do.  It was a sign Father, for the unbelievers.  I was strongly impressed to obey, so I did what He wanted,” Jennifer answered like it had been the most normal thing to have heard God and been told to do something she had never seen done and just do it.    

            Father Jose kept his thoughts to himself as he simply nodded his head having heard her, or perhaps understood?   

            The next morning when Jennifer went forward to receive the Host again, at the
eleven o’clock
Mass, Jason caught himself holding his breath, wondering if Jenny would prostrate again.  She didn’t, she even received in her hand before putting the Host in her mouth and stepping over to the Eucharist Minister holding the Chalice for her to sip from this day.  She looked glowy again and Jason decided that her smile at that moment was straight from an angel’s lips.




Growing Up . . .






In the mist of so many wonderful events Graduation day finally arrived that Monday after the Baptism.  Jason and Jennifer where doubly jubilant and their families were rejoicing with them as they shared a combined graduation party.   

            The two families decided to rent the area’s community center for the celebration since many fellow graduates were not having private parties and could also attend. They made the invite extend to the whole graduation class. 

            About a hundred and sixty people showed up.   

and Marcus came together to help with the party, Jennifer noted without surprise.   

            Jennifer and about twenty other females had done most of the decorating, using over sized silver stars and parchment scrolls hanging from the ceiling they draped with twinkling lights beneath black cloth to create a night sky.  On each table a large, tall frosted vase was filled with several battery operated lights amid glass marbles.  White carnations with silver ribbon trim sat on silver tablecloths.  They had a live band from their own school and had various singers from their school entertain as well.  Even the school’s chorus sang.

            Jason walked up and placed his arm around Jennifer’s waist and smiled.  “Wow, Jen, you and the ladies really pulled this one off.  I feel left out having only helped with hanging the stars and paper scrolls.  That was the easy part.  I like those pillars of silver and white balloons all around the room too.”   

            Jennifer laughed.  “You just had to leave before Marcus finished blowing them up with the helium and
kept talking like a duck while tying them.  Seems like every other one got away from her and Julie.  See the ceiling?  Those balloons up there were not planned.  I had to run back to the Party Store to buy five hundred more along with extra helium.”   

            Jason asked with dread, “We did pay for a clean up crew didn’t we?”  Seeing her frown and knowing what she was going to say, he began to laugh and shake his head.  “Jenny, Jenny.  Sweetheart, it would have been worth the money not to deal with it.  I told you I didn’t want you worrying with it.  You’ve had too many things to do this week without adding this to the list too.”    

            She pouted some as she said, “Well, Jason Zonelli, I’ve discovered your money doesn’t just climb itself into your wallet.  You do a lot of brainwork to earn your money and I didn’t want to waste it.”  Before he could say another word she swiftly added, “I asked around and managed to get five students who really needed money, so I got them a lot cheaper than the professional crew was gonna cost.”   

            “But, will they do a good job?” he inquired, raising that right brow of his.   

            “They better or they won’t get paid!”    

            Seeing his doubtful expression she hurried over to
and gave her the funds to pay the clean-up people. 
agreed to stay with Marcus and make sure they did it right.   

             Looking back at Jason watching her Jenny turned so he couldn’t see her hand as she gave
a nice sum for her to share with Marcus for their trouble.     

            “That just burns it!” she muttered to herself as she returned to Jason.  She tried not to be upset over her inability to save as much of the money he’d given her for the party as she’d hoped.  There was a handsome set of tie clip and cuff links in a store she wanted to give him as a wedding gift.  They were platinum and over three hundred dollars.  So far she‘d only saved about one twenty besides the rest of the money she’d saved him, but that would be his.   

            He proceeded to dance her around the room to a lively song.  Even his dancing was a bit stuffy she realized with a giggle.  He was waltzing, actually waltzing!  In half a minute others began to waltz too.   

            Since her parents had refused for her to work this year and now she would be married, hopefully real soon, she was a woman without funds other than to ask her parents.  She couldn’t do that, they had over stretched their budget for her graduation items and now helping a little with this party and her wedding dress is kind of still expensive even with the discount and her mom’s dress simply made it impossible to ask her parent’s for more. 

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