Bought and Paid For (48 page)

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Authors: Charles Gasparino

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as Wall St. ally
Wall St. contributions to
Freddie Mac.
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
Froman, Michael, in Obama administration
Fuld, Richard (“Dick”)
as Obama supporter
See also
Lehman Brothers
Gallogly, Mark, and Wall St.-Obama ties
Geithner, Timothy
stabilization plan
as Treasury secretary
Wall St. ties
General Electric, profits after bailout
Gensler, Gary
in Obama administration
Wall St. ties
Gillibrand, Kirsten
Giuliani, Rudy
Glass-Steagall Act
profits after bailout
renewal proposal
repeal of
Goldman Sachs
Abacus deal
as bank versus hedge fund
bonus payouts
contributions to Obama
and Greek financial crisis
legal charges against
myth of
postbailout profit
profiteering, PR strategy about
public outrage toward
Rubin at
shorting housing market
TARP payback by
transformation under Blankfein
Volcker rule impact on
Wells notice
See also
Blankfein, Lloyd
Gorman, James
See also
Morgan Stanley
Government-sponsored enterprises
Grasso, Richard
Greece, financial crisis and Goldman
Green agenda, big business profits from
Greenberg, Alan (“Ace”)
Greenberg, Hank
Greenspan, Alan
federal career of
and Wall St. prosperity
Hall, Andy
Health-care reform
Hedge funds
collapse of
Hedging, defined
Heilemann, John
Housing market
collapse of
and toxic loans.
Mortgage-backed bonds
Immelt, Jeffrey
Interest rates
low, benefit to Wall St.
raising, impact of
Jackson, Jesse
Jarrett, Valerie
Jones, Van
JPMorgan Chase
Bear Stearns purchased by
bonus payouts
contributions to Obama
Dodd bill, impact on
postbailout profit
profiteering, PR strategy about
TARP payback by
Volcker rule impact on
See also
Dimon, Jamie
Kennedy, Teddy
King, Peter
Koenen, Austin
Komansky, David
Langone, Ken
Lehman Brothers, collapse of
liquidation of
Levitt, Arthur
Levy, Harold
Lewis, Ken
on postbailout progress
See also
Bank of America
Liberation theology
Liberals and left
tax agenda of
Wall St. bias toward
See also
Democratic Party
Lincoln, Blanche
Long-Term Capital Management
Ludwig, Eugene
McCain, John
antibank position
Wall St. rejects
McConnell, Mitch
Mack, John
politics and policies of
postbailout high road
retirement of
See also
Morgan Stanley
McKenna, Andy
Madoff, Bernie
Maloney, Carolyn
Mark-to-market accounting
Merrill Lynch
Mexican peso crisis
Miller, Paul
Moody's Investor Service
Moral hazard
Morgan Stanley
bonus payouts
contributions to Obama
postbailout loss
postbailout profit
public outrage toward
TARP payback by
See also
Mack, John
Mortgage-backed bonds
development of
federal purchase of
and financial collapse
resurgence after bailout
Moynihan, Brian
Mozilo, Angelo
Municipal bonds
political connection to
Nanny state
New York City, shady fiscal practices
Nides, Tom
on health-care reform
as Obama supporter
postelection positions
Wall St. ties
Obama, Barack
anti-Wall St. actions.
Financial reform
approval ratings decline
attacks bonuses/Wall St.
and big banks.
Wall Street- Washington connection
as community organizer
economy, approach to.
Federal bailout; Financial reform; Obamanomics; Stimulus package
economy, lack of understanding of
“fat cats” statement
health-care reform
“savvy businessmen” statement
ultraliberalism of
Wall St. contributions to
Wall St. execs in administration of
Wall St. initial contact with
banking regulation.
Financial reform inequity for middle Americans
See also
Small business; Unemployment rate
public attacks on
stimulus package, failure of
tax agenda
Wall St. misgivings about
Wall St. profiteering from.
Federal bailout
O'Neal, Stanley
Orange County, Calif., shady fiscal practices
Paese, Michael
Palin, Sarah
Pandit, Vikram
ineffectiveness of
support of financial reform
See also
Parsons, Dick
Paulson, Hank
as bailout architect
opposition from McCain
Wall St. ties
Paulson, John
Paulson & Co.
Pelosi, Nancy
Perella, Joe
Prince, Charles (“Chuck”)
Proprietary trading, reform of
Reed, John
Financial reform
Reid, Harry
Republican Party
and election 2000
financial collapse, blame on
Wall St. donors to
Wall St. support, postbailout
See also
Conservatives and right
Rezko, Tony
Ring-fenced assets
Roubini, Nouriel
Rubin, James
Rubin, Robert
and Citi failure
at Treasury department
Wall St. ties
Run on the bank
Savings and loan (S&L)
Schapiro, Mary
Schumer, Charles (“Chuck”)
Schwarzman, Steve
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
functions of
Goldman investigation
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA)
Seidenberg, Ivan
Shapiro, Mark
ShoreBank, Wall St. rescue of
Shorting, by Goldman
Sidoti, Peter
Simmons, Adele
Small business
Obamanomics, negative impact on
recession, survival tactics
Soros, George
Spector, Warren
fired from Bear Stearns
as Obama campaign worker
as Obama supporter
Spitzer, Eliot
Stamenson, Michael
Standard & Poors
States, stimulus package, failure of
Stimulus package
cost of
failure of
and green agenda
Summers, Larry
as chief economic adviser
and peso crisis
Wall St. ties
Systemic risk
TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program)
in bailout
bonus cap under
cost of
payback by banks
conservative approach
liberal approach
Obama agenda
Tea Party
Thain, John
and borrowing by banks
and Citigroup
Dimon criticism of
downside to banks
and Goldman Sachs
Traveler's Group
Treasury Department, functions of
contributions to Obama
fraud charges
postbailout rate
stimulus package, failure of
van Praag, Lucas
Viniar, David
Volcker, Paul
antibank position
Fed chairman, actions as
interest rate increase by
as Obama economic adviser
as Obama supporter
positive economic actions of
Volcker rule
Wall Street Project
Wall Street-Washington connection
bailout, profiteering from.
Federal bailout
“bankers' meeting,”
and Big Government
bond ratings, fictitious
“bought and paid for,”
and Bush (G. W.)
conservatism, myth of
contributions to Obama
development of (1970s)
and financial instruments.
Bonds; Derivatives; Interest rates; Mortgage-backed bonds; Municipal bonds
and green agenda stimulus
and Greenspan
liberal bias
megabank creation
of Obama bureaucrats
Obama versus Wall St., progression of
See also
Financial reform
Republican-Wall St. ties, postbailout
and Rubin
Waters, Maxine
Weather Underground
Weill, Sandy, Citigroup, creation of
Wells notice
Wolf, Robert
Wright, Reverend Jeremiah

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