Bound (5 page)

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Authors: C.K. Bryant

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

BOOK: Bound
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The slight evening breeze shifted, sending a
puff of smoke into her face. She pulled the neck of her T-shirt
over her nose, then let the fabric fall away when the air cleared.
She blinked hard to keep the remaining haze from burning her eyes.
Unfortunately, it did nothing to snuff out the questions that
smoldered inside her head.

How could she have known Lydia for two years
and not known about her family? Not only did Lydia have a brother
with the temperament of a pit bull, but a sister who obviously
meant to do her harm. And then there was her face, the change in
her voice, and her strength. No wonder she could climb that stupid

As the questions continued to plague her, a
log shifted in the fire pit, sending sparks in her direction. She
jumped to her feet, shook out her hair, and brushed her hands down
the front of her clothes to make sure stray embers hadn’t burrowed
through to singe her skin. Her sudden movement triggered something
in the trees to stir as well.

Kira stepped to the other side of the fire,
leaving the flames between her and whatever had made the noise.
Reaching down, she took a large branch in her hand to use as a
weapon. Nothing came. Instead, there was silence and an uneasy
feeling she was being watched.

She looked over her shoulder in the direction
Octavion had gone and seriously considered following, but the
uncertainty of what she would find kept her feet in place—at least
for the moment. She changed her mind when she heard Lydia’s eerie
scream. It sounded as though she yelled into a wooden barrel or
bucket—a chilling cry that sent Kira searching for the source. By
the time she reached the edge of the clearing, she’d dismissed any
thoughts of who or what may be watching her.

Another muffled scream drew her deeper into
the forest, squinting to find her way. She hadn’t gone far when she
came to a large outcropping of boulders jutting from the side of
the mountain. She ran her hand along its smooth surface as she made
her way around the formation—each jagged crevice marking her
progress like notches carved into a stick. Her pulse quickened with
each step.

And then she heard it. A low rumbling growl
came from behind her. She turned, pressing her back against the
solid stone wall.

Another growl. She tightened her grip around
her primitive weapon, grateful she hadn’t left the hefty branch by
the fire.

Ten feet in front of her, a white Bengal
tiger strode out of the forest—its long fur shone bright white
against the black night. The beast let out a ferocious roar,
bearing a giant maw filled with razor-sharp teeth. Kira tried to
scream, but fear seized her throat, letting only a high-pitched
squeal escape.

The wild cat stepped closer as another long,
deep growl vibrated through the ground and into Kira’s chest. Its
piercing blue eyes locked on hers. Another step brought it within
arms’ reach. Gripping her branch with both hands, she held it
between her and the beast. The tiger reacted by jerking its head to
the side and letting out another roar. Her branch gave it no fear;
only increased its anger. She lowered the useless chunk of wood,
but she couldn’t make herself drop it and to admit defeat so

One more step and Kira felt the warmth of the
tiger’s breath on her face. When the giant cat peeled back its
upper lip in a snarl, she leaned her head against the rock and
turned away. She knew it sensed her fear, but she couldn’t run. She
couldn’t move. All she could do was pray she’d pass out before its
powerful jaws ripped her in two.

“Down, Toran!” Octavion commanded as he came
into view. Kira brought her weapon back up for protection—this time
from Octavion.

Toran gave her a look she could only
translate as a warning before he casually rambled toward the sound
of Lydia’s pain-filled moans.

Now safe from the tiger, Kira feared
Octavion’s wrath. She moved away from the rocks and took a swing at
him with her branch. “Get away from me,” she yelled, still trying
to steady her trembling hands.

“You said you would stay by the fire. Toran
should have kept you there.”

“Kept me there? That monster is your

“Toran is no monster and he is certainly
my pet.” He took one leap, grabbed her stick, and tossed
it against a rock—splintering it into kindling. Kira cowered to the
ground and pushed her back against the boulders, drawing her knees
under her chin. She was no match for his temper. She knew that all
too well.

Octavion paced in front of her. The constant
slap of his boots on the dirt sent little puffs of dust into the
air until she felt the grit of it on her lips. She brushed it away
with the back of her hand. Her heart had just begun regaining its
normal rhythm when Octavion let out a thunderous roar—striking the
boulder at her side with so much force it sent bits of dirt and
gravel raining down.

Kira screamed.

Fearing she would be next, she threw her arms
over her head. When the blow didn’t come and the forest grew
silent, she opened her eyes to find Octavion crouched in front of

“Forgive me.” His deep blue eyes fixed on
hers. “My concern for my sister has tarnished my . . . behavior. I
would never hurt you, Kira. I am angry at myself, not you.”

Kira had barely held her emotions together
until that moment, but his sudden kindness lowered her restraint
and she couldn’t hold them back anymore. Her eyes burned as tears
trickled down her cheeks.

Octavion’s expression softened. He leaned
closer, softly brushing the moisture from her face with the back of
his hand.

“I heard her . . . screaming.” Kira stifled a

As if on cue, Lydia’s painful whimper gripped
Kira’s heart. She tried to stand, but Octavion pressed a hand to
her shoulder, guiding her back to the ground.

“Not yet,” he said. “We need to talk

“Talk? She needs a doctor. Why can’t you see
that? You have to help—“

“There are things you do not understand.” He
cut her off.

“You’re right, there is. Like, who were those
guys, and why didn’t you come to our rescue? Didn’t you hear Lydia

“No, I was too far away.”

“That’s not true. You showed up not two
minutes after it happened.” Kira flipped her long auburn hair
behind her shoulder. “It’s your fault Lydia was injured and it will
be your fault when she dies if you don’t take her to the

“Perhaps you are right about this being my
fault, but you must trust my decision to keep her here—to tend to
her wounds in my own way.”

“Trust you? I don’t even know you and from
what I’ve seen, you’re an ani. . .”

His sudden scowl stopped Kira’s words.
“Animal?” he asked, finishing her sentence. The muscles in his jaw
tightened as his fingers clenched into fists.

“Look, I didn’t mean it like that . . . it’s
just . . .
she needs help

Octavion stood and took a step back. “Do you
think I would let her suffer intentionally? She is my sister and I
have taken an oath to protect her at all costs. I have tried all I
know to lessen her pain, but it is not enough.”

“What do you mean . . .

“Come with me.” He extended his hand to help
her stand.

Kira tucked her fingers into her palms and
buried them in her jacket pockets. No way was she going with him.
And there was no way in hell she’d trust him. But then there was
something in his eyes that caught her attention—a flicker of truth
and sincerity. She thought for a moment about what Lydia would want
her to do. He
Lydia’s brother, after all. And Lydia
obviously trusted him.

“Please, Kira. I will not hurt you.”

Kira hesitated for a few more seconds before
pulling her hand out of her pocket. As she laid her hand in his,
she was finally able to grasp the enormous difference of its size
compared to hers. Even though he was gentle, she still felt the
strength of his fingers as he helped her from the ground and
pressed his hand on the small of her back to guide her toward the
fire. Another series of moans coming from behind them caused Kira
to stop and look over her shoulder.

“I want to see Lydia,” she said.

The pressure he placed on her back increased,
urging her to continue in the direction of the clearing and away
from Lydia. She pulled her hand free and stepped off to one

“I said I want to see Lydia.” They’d gone far
enough that the glow of the fire was more prominent, silhouetting
the trees and causing a faint spark to highlight Octavion’s eyes.
She gazed into them, trying to read his intentions like she’d done
with a thousand other eyes, but all she saw this time was her own

“She is not the Lydia you know,” he said.
“There are many things about us you will not understand and I need
to explain them first.”

“She’s my friend. I don’t care about the
rest. Just let me see her—maybe there’s something I can do to help.
,” Kira added for good measure. Then she stepped
closer and did something that took all her courage. She placed her
hand back in his. She wanted to show him that she trusted him, even
if she still wasn’t sure herself. “I
to see her.”

His focus shifted to the simple embrace of
her hand, then back to her eyes. He gently tightened his fingers
around her palm and sighed in surrender. “Then I shall allow it.”
He turned back the way they’d come and led Kira deeper into the
forest and around the massive boulders.

As Kira’s eyes adjusted to the increased
darkness, a sliver of light appeared. Its subtle glow seeped
through a large crevice in the rocks and created an eerie streak
across the earthen floor. Octavion dropped her hand and motioned
for her to follow him through an opening in the boulder barely
large enough for one person. They’d only taken a few steps when the
mountainside opened into a large cave. Most of it was lost in the
darkness, but a few candles burned off to one side, lighting an
area where Lydia lay next to the white tiger, whose eyes followed
Kira’s every move.

Octavion nodded for her to go closer. “Toran
will not hurt you. He is gentle—like a house cat.”

Yeah, right
, Kira thought while
visualizing the oversized house cat eating a mouse—which was
exactly what she felt like. Toran lay between Lydia and the wall of
the cave, so Kira took the other side, and knelt next to her.

Lydia lay on a pile of animal pelts. A thick,
wool blanket drawn up under her arms revealed the top of an unusual
looking white blouse, her sparkling ruby necklace barely visible
between the unlaced pieces of fabric. Her hair lay askew around her
head on an embroidered pillowcase like waves of honey being poured
out of a bottle. But her face was far from healthy, taking on a
ghost-like pallor that bordered on death.

“Lydia,” Kira whispered, taking her hand.

Lydia moaned, then opened her eyes just
enough to reveal their dull gleam. Even the glow of the candles
gave them no life. But then she looked at Kira and the corners of
her mouth twitched in to a brief smile.

Kira leaned closer and made a frail attempt
to smile back. “Hey, you.”

Lydia swallowed hard and licked her dry lips.
She opened her mouth as if trying to speak, but nothing came out.
Instead, she pressed her hand against her side and cried out. Toran
adjusted his position and laid his head across her thighs, which
seemed to calm her a bit.

“What’s he doing?” Kira asked.

Octavion circled around to the other side and
knelt next to Toran, burying his left hand in the tiger’s fur.
“Toran has a gift. He can take pain, actually feel it for her. He
is making it easier.”

“Take her pain?” The hairs on the back of
Kira’s neck pricked her skin. For the first time in her life, she
didn’t think she was the craziest person in the room—or cave. There
had to be a logical explanation. But before she could ask, Lydia’s
eyes fluttered open and she began to move around.

“Octavion,” Lydia whispered. “Don’t . . . do

A small wooden crate sat near Lydia’s head
where three flat rocks served as a pedestal for a metal washbasin.
In the middle, just an inch or so under the basin, sat a single
candle, the flame warming the water. Octavion rung the excess
liquid from a cloth and washed the beads of sweat from Lydia’s

“Be still,” he said, his voice soft and

“Please,” she said. Her request was barely
audible, but the intensity of her emotion tugged at Kira’s heart.
Lydia grabbed Octavion’s hand, pulling it away from her face.

Octavion’s brow furrowed as if he were the
one in pain. “I made a vow to protect you. You cannot ask me to go
against that.” He pried her fingers loose from his hand and lay
them at her side.

“What’s she talking about?”

Octavion didn’t answer at first. He watched
as his sister closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep. With his
voice full of emotion, he whispered, “She is dying.” He dabbed the
moisture from Lydia’s face and neck. “Her body is already beginning
to warm with fever, and with the swelling in her abdomen . . . I
believe she is bleeding within. Even if I had the power to heal the
flesh wound, it would do nothing for that which will take her
life.” He took in a deep breath and let it out slow. “She knows
this and has asked me to take you home, to help you forget.”

“What do you mean,
help me forget
? I’m
not going anywhere. We have to do something. If we take her to the
hospital, they can stop the bleeding and fix it. You can’t just let
her suffer like this.” She grabbed his arm, forcing him to look at
her. “If you think I’m just gonna sit here and let her die, you’re
out of your freakin’ mind.”

Octavion jerked his arm out of her grasp.
“You do not understand. We are of royal blood, and it is different
than yours. There would be questions. I cannot risk putting us in
more danger.”

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