Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) (15 page)

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His apology and worries were all genuine which shocked me.

“What do you need me to do to make you better?”
He continues.

“I need you to heal me, London.”
I answer.

Now, I just needed him to agree to my terms and we would have a plan.

“Tell me where to meet you so I can heal you, Parker.”
He pleads.

“I want you to come alone into the house I’m in now. I know you already know where I am.”
I reply.
“You will stay safe for as long as you are here to heal me, but if you try anything I will have you killed.”

A few minutes tick by before he finally gives me the answer I had been hoping for.

“Fine, if this will keep you alive I will do it.”
He agrees.

Our connection ends and I’m left staring up at Damon from the ground.

“What happened?” I ask curiously.

“You passed out and wouldn’t respond to any of us.” He answers motioning around to the small group surrounding me.

“I was only speaking with London.” I reply softly. “He’s coming here to heal me and is to remain unharmed as long as he doesn’t try any more of his stunts.”

“We can’t trust him.” Dillon grunts in anger.

“I know, but I don’t have a choice in this matter and I don’t think he even knew about the poison on the knife.” I answer him truthfully.

“If that’s the case this might already be out of his hands.” Titus answers referring back to what we had talked about the day before.

“When he comes maybe we can get some answers.” I reply.


20-Hear Me Roar





wo hours later I lie in my bed playing my part of being weakened and dying. It wasn’t hard to act this out considering I was pretty sick and weak in the first place.

Titus and his pack were growing restless as we waited for London to show his face.

And my pack hadn’t sat down since I had told them that London would be coming.

“Can you feel him anywhere close at all?” Dillon asks nervously as he paces the floor beside me.

“I never really could feel his whereabouts.” I answer him with a shake of my head.

The only reason I couldn’t feel him was because of our tainted matting. If it had been a proper one we would have had many special abilities that could have been shared.

Suddenly, one of Titus’s pack members bursts into the room. “He’s coming.”

Everyone jumps into action leaving the room and heading into their positions just in case London did try something.

“I’m here.”
London states what I already knew in my head.
“Where are you?”

“Meet Damon at the front door and he will lead you to me.”
I answer.

As he moves to the front door he leaves his mind open for me so I can see and predict every move he was about to make.

It hadn’t been a part of our agreement but it did give me a sense of comfort knowing that he was letting me in.

Of course it didn’t win him any points for what he had done to me.

I watch from his viewpoint as he greets Damon with a grunt and then as Damon leads him back to the door to the room I was residing in.

The image cuts out as he opens the door.

Shutting it behind him lightly he pauses to look down on me for a moment.

“I’m really sorry, Parker.” He apologizes softly as he moves to my side.

“Did you really not know that the knife was poisoned?” I question curiously and he shakes his head.

“No, I do love you, Parker, and I would never try to harm you in that way. I just wanted you to be with me. I want you to love me.” He confesses.

His words, every one of them were true.

“London, this can never be.” I motion between us. “You could have had a chance but I chose Gage. He has my heart and he always will, even if we pretended to be together it would never be the way it should.”

He nods bowing his head. “This has gotten so far out of hand.” He sighs.

“What do you mean?” I inquire touching my hand to his cheek.

Bringing his eyes back up to mine, I saw fear. “I mean that my father has taken this farther than just you, he’s gone mad with power.”

And there it was the very thing Titus and I had feared.

This went farther than just some petty lust.

This was all about power, about starting a war, and it was going to cost us lives if we didn’t stop it now.

“We have to stop this, London.” I state.

He shakes his head with a sarcastic laugh. “We can’t stop it, we never could. I never could.”

Without warning he bites into his arm and places it to my mouth practically choking me with his blood.

Instantly, Dillon bursts in through the door pulling him away as he laughs maniacally. “I’m going to have you one last time, Parker. You know as well as I do what has to happen now in order for you to heal completely.”

I curse loudly as I spit his blood from my mouth. “The last thing I want to do is be with you in that way, London.”

“You only have one choice, Parker.” He laughs out.

Hanging my head I knew he was right.

I was stupid to think that there was any other way to fix this.

This wasn’t just some random wound, this was inside of me.

This was something only his wolf could fix.

I curse once more before looking to Dillon. “Go, leave us.” I command.

He shakes his head. “No, I’m not leaving. I don’t care what he says I’m not about to let him get the chance to control you again.” He answer reading into what I was about to give up.

He knew the only way I would do this was to give up my free mind, which gave London full control.

“Let him stay.” London grunts. “He can watch and make sure I don’t try anything.”

“I want Harley in here too then, with her gun. That’s the only way this will happen.” I compromise slightly.

Well, it was more of a compromise on his part, but still.

London groans but nods in agreement. “Fine, whatever you want, Sweetheart. As long as I get what I want.”

I motion for Dillon to retrieve Harley, he does although reluctantly.

Alone in the room with London we stare each other down.

“I could have easily fallen for you before.” I whisper.

“I know. I messed up my chance.” He replies moving closer to me.

“I’m glad you did because if I would have known what I do now I would never have even touched you.” I snarl low.

He lets out a low snarl. “And I would still have taken you from that pathetic excuse for an alpha. You belong with a strong alpha male, not some weak excuse for a wolf. He couldn’t even fight to get back to you when I had him carted away.”

“He will kill you one day.” I vow.

“I doubt that. You might kill me but he will never get close enough.” He replies as he wraps his hand around my neck.

His claws scratch the surface of my skin as he stares down into my eyes.

“There was a moment when we were together that you weren’t under my control, you know. You begged for me, you held me like you would never let go.” He whispers.

“If I did it was only because I was foolish.” I reply.

“No, you did it because some part of you inside actually loves me.” He argues.

I open my mouth to argue with him but Harley and Dillon interrupt what I could have said.

But even then whatever I would have said would have been a lie because in truth there was a part of me, a very small part, which did hold some sort of feelings for him.

With a quick motion his claws sink in and I slowly feel myself being pulled under into a drug induced state.

“You do love me, Parker. You will always love me.” He whispers in my ear.

“I will, always and forever.” I reply back.

He grins pulling away his claws retracting from my neck. “That’s my girl.”

Glancing back to Harley and Dillon in the room he twirls his finger around. “You two don’t actually have to watch.”

Dillon turns his back but Harley lets out a low snarl. “Hurt her, and I won’t miss.” She points her gun to his head.

It was all so confusing.

“He’s not going to hurt me, Harley.” I laugh out as if this was all just a joke.

She frowns and looks to London in question.

“She doesn’t know what’s going on.” He answers her unspoken question. “She won’t remember any of this when we’re done either.”

Harley nods and turns her back with Dillon as London places his full attention back on me.

“I missed you.” He whispers climbing on top of me.

“I never went anywhere.” I reply with a giggle.

“You did, you left me.” He argues as he places his hands into the waist of my jeans before giving them a quick tug pulling them off of me.

Just then a whimper of pain falls from my lips.

“Shit, she really is hurting, isn’t she?” He asks gently.

I nod. “It hurts badly, and I can’t make it better.”

“Well, I can make it better, alright, Love.” He answers sweetly and I nod.

With a tender kiss he takes his own pants off and slides into me with a groan.

Closing my eyes I sigh happily.

My hands hold him to me tightly as his wolf connects with mine and I feel their souls intertwine.

It was all on a higher level than I had ever felt before, both amazing and intoxicating.

In our minds they dance around each other as his wolf frees mine from her pain.

A peaceful wave washes over me as I reach that plateau of bliss.

“I love you, Parker.” London groans just before he joins me on the wave of pure pleasure.

“I love you too.” I pant out as wave after wave washes over me.

Kissing me once more he smiles as he pulls back to look into my eyes. “Yes, you do, even without my influence.”

His words cut me deep as I search for that feeling from his claws.

It was all gone though.

His influence had faded leaving me, a raw version of me.

Pulling away from me further he stands to his feet before quickly slipping back into his clothes while I stay in the bed lying there both in shock and disgust.

At least I felt better though.

“Get dressed now, Sweetheart.” London grunts while tossing my pants to me. “I highly doubt these two want to see anymore than they had to hear already.”

I nod in agreement as I move on autopilot, slipping each of my feet into my pants before standing to pull them up.

Moving over to me London lifts my chin with his hand. “Don’t forget what you said to me. Even after I make you hate me.”

He twists suddenly catching us all of guard as he growls out fiercely heading right for Harley.

His claws slash through her neck before she even has the chance to raise her gun.

Dillon grabs her as London runs out of the room.

I take chase through the house in an angry rage, my wolf roaring for his blood.

Right at the front door I reach him tackling him down to the ground.

He smiles up at me as I get into his face with my wolf’s teeth showing in a snarl. “I will kill you for that.”

He shakes his head. “No, you won’t, you won’t because I have the one thing that will save her.” He motions towards my neck. “I did notice your new lapdog and the lack of your vial.”

I curse. “Give it to me.” I command.

He laughs out. “Let me go and it’s yours.”

Grunting I jump off of him and wait for him as he stands to his feet.

Without warning he tosses his vial towards me before escaping.

There wasn’t time to think about anything now as I rush back into the room where my best friend was now bleeding out and fighting for her last breath.

Damon glances up at me with a pleading look as he holds her close to him.

“I’m keeping my promise.” I whisper softly as I lean down next to them and hold the vial out to her lips as I start the same chant I had done for him.

This wasn’t how I wanted any of this to go, but at least I could save her.

And I could keep my promise.

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