Bound to be Taken (Emergence) (34 page)

BOOK: Bound to be Taken (Emergence)
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Dane pulled his fingers out and she felt bereft. How had she grown to crave the action so quickly? She was turning into a complete pervert.

A moment later, something else pressed against the tight bud. She gripped the mattress and stiffened once more.

Dane swirled the object around the entrance, teasing it in and out of her a little at a time. Finally, he pushed forward. “Bear down, babe. It’ll go in easier if you push.”

What the fuck? She couldn’t do it. He was going to have to find a way to get it in without her help.

Aiden leaned into her ear. “Push, baby. You’re fine. It will only take a second and it’ll be fully seated. Push out.”

She did. She couldn’t deny them anything. Whatever they commanded of her, they eventually got. The plug entered her in one shove, and she sucked in a breath. How big was it? It felt enormous pressing against the sides of her rectum. And how were they going to get it out?

“There.” Dane tapped her ass, only now it wasn’t exposed any longer. She realized there was an external piece flat against her butt hole. In fact, he used that handle to turn the plug in a circle, making her squirm against her will. Her pussy gripped at nothing, those stupid Kegel muscles they’d made her so aware of begging for anything.

Aiden pulled her to standing. How wide was that base? It felt very strange between her ass cheeks. “The plug will help remind you throughout the evening that you are
. You will be courteous and respectful to both us and anyone else who speaks to you. You will not address anyone, including us, at any time. We will see to all your needs.

“You will keep your gaze down and your head level at all times, making eye contact with no one unless we expressly request it. Most of the evening, we will request that you stand slightly behind us, arms crossed behind your back, legs slightly spread. If we sit, you will keep your knees apart at all times.

“You will question nothing. We will provide you with anything you are allowed to eat or drink. No requests will be honored at any time. It is out of form for a submissive to interact with her Doms in public as though she is their equal. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered. Fear spread through her body, tingling her spine from the base to her neck. Her hair stood on end. Could she do this? Spend several hours as a complete submissive to two men in public?

She prayed she didn’t see anyone she knew. Like that would happen. She was acquainted with no one who would be at a fetish party.

She took a deep breath as they led her by the elbows from the room.

When they reached the living room, Dane slipped a thin black cape over her shoulders and fastened it with a button at the neck. It just covered her and extended barely below the hem of the short leather dress. “It’s just until we get to the car. We don’t want to scare anyone in the elevator or parking garage.” Dane chuckled.

They left the apartment and headed for the elevator. Stephanie kept her gaze lowered and followed them, acutely aware that when she stepped, her legs pushed the cape open and revealed her obscenely presented cleavage. She needed to walk slow and careful to avoid undo exposure.

Mortification over someone seeing her dressed like this sent a flush down her chest. Luckily the elevator was empty and they didn’t pass anyone as they exited into the parking garage. It wasn’t until they’d almost reached the car that she heard footsteps.

“Good evening,” a voice said. She didn’t look and hoped to God it wasn’t someone she knew. With Aiden and Dane in front of her, the person couldn’t see her well, she prayed.

Dane responded in kind before he opened the car and held her hand to assist her inside. He shut the door and she scooted to the center, remembering their previous preferences.

“Take the cape off now,” Aiden demanded as he slipped into the driver’s seat.

Her fingers shook as she unhooked the single button and removed the material. She set it on the seat next to her.
God, I hope we don’t get pulled over.

As she situated herself, she lifted the short leather skirt, set her ass bare on the seat and spread her legs to straddle the center bump in the car. The plug seemed to press deeper into her in this position, and she stilled to keep it from jarring and bringing her attention to the rubber intrusion.

Deep breaths.

Dane turned to face her. “Hold your thighs apart wider while we drive. We want to be able to see your pussy at a glance.”

She reached for her thighs with shaky fingers and held them apart. Cool air blew across her lower lips and she shivered.

The submission was so fucking difficult and arousing at the same time. A true test of her will. She had to be strong to get through this. After everything she’d been through this week to get to this point, she owed it to herself to give this relationship everything she could.

She gave herself a pep talk as they drove.
You can do this. It’s no different from yesterday or earlier today.

All too soon the car stopped. The back door opened before Stephanie could even release her thighs. She shuddered as she tugged the short skirt over her pussy and stepped from the car as delicately as possible.

The cape!
She turned back, but Dane took her arm and spun her around. “You don’t need it. We’re at the back of the club and the door is right there.” He pointed in front of them.

Breathe. In. Out.

Aiden was at her other side in a flash, both men holding an arm and leading her forward.

Whoever had opened the car, disappeared with it. A valet, she assumed.

Standing beside the entrance, they were alone for a moment. Dane turned her to face him. “Lower your head a bit, babe.” She did and Aiden swooped her loose hair from her neck. Smooth black leather slipped past her vision and was secured at her nape.

It felt almost too tight. A choker?

“Okay, lift your face now,” Dane instructed. He stared at her neck, ran his fingers over the front of the choker. “So pretty.” He held up a chain and quickly clipped it to the front of the leather.

Stephanie gasped. She licked her lips and then bit her tongue to keep from protesting.

Neither man explained. They simply opened the door and led her inside by the…leash. She heaved for breath. They had her on a leash.

She kept her gaze down and locked her wrists behind her, but she shook with anger and fear.
Get control, Steph. They are just playing a role. It’s part of the game.

Her anger rose with her arousal. It really pissed her off that the second that choker had been clipped—correction, collar—her pussy had pulsed and moisture had gathered at her crotch.

Dane led her farther down a dark hall, Aiden at her rear. He reached beneath the skirt, rubbed her ass and then twisted the butt plug. She gasped and hitched forward to avoid his touch.

He stopped and grabbed her hips, holding her against him, her hands touching his cock. She could feel the length beneath his pants.

“You won’t flinch from us. Ever. Got it?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you see anyone else in this hall right now?”

“No, Sir. It’s too dark.”

“Precisely. So I may take advantage of that to fondle my sub, correct?” Aiden’s voice was firm.

“Yes, Sir.” Her voice shook.

A second door opened in front of Dane, and they walked through in a line. The lighting was brighter and her eyes took a second to adjust. Two men and a woman stood behind a table. She only glanced their way, afraid to look at anyone too long.

“Good evening. What party are you with?” one man inquired.

“Steve Walsh.” Dane handed the man something. There was a pause, and then he ushered them forward.

“My people will inspect you. No smoking is allowed in the club, no weapons of any kind and no drugs.”

“Of course, Sir.” Dane stepped forward and the second gentleman patted him down.

When he pulled the leash attached to Stephanie’s neck she thought she would faint. Luckily the woman stepped up to her. She wore medical gloves. She leaned down and ran her hands up Stephanie’s legs to her crotch—she even swiped her fingers from Stephanie’s rear to her clit in a brief tease. Next she patted Stephanie from the waist up, squeezing her breasts in total humiliation. “You’re good,” she finally declared, pointing toward another door.

Stephanie didn’t even see Aiden’s inspection. She’d been so preoccupied with her own demise she hadn’t had any other awareness.

Dane pushed through the door and they emerged into the noisy club. He held the leash in his hand and led Stephanie through the crowd. She couldn’t see as much as she wanted with her gaze lowered, but she did notice there were a lot of women dressed at least as provocatively as herself, many wearing even less. Men pulling leashes were everywhere, most of them dressed as Dane and Aiden in all black.

Screams of ecstasy filled the air. It made her pussy weep again.

“Walk with your legs spread a bit farther apart, Steph,” Aiden murmured from behind. “Keep your pussy open. Exposed to the air. You should feel the draft at all times.”

It was cool in the room. Almost too cold. Her nipples pebbled, the tips abrading against the material of her leather dress and making her aware of them. Her breasts felt swollen with need, pushed high on her chest by the dress’s own shelf. She glanced at her cleavage and found it to be obscene. Her breasts seemed more exposed than they had yesterday in the store.

They reached some stairs and Dane ascended. Aiden patted her thigh high on her leg a few times as she climbed. She worried he could see her ass plug.

When they reached a landing one story up, she could see below and got a better picture of the club while they walked the catwalk.

One corner had a dance floor and several people mingled on it, grinding against each other in poses that made her blush.

In the center was a platform. Two women were tied back to back to a post, both naked, their breasts squeezed in a sort of rope harness, bulging outward, the nipples erect and pierced. Dainty gold rings adorned both women’s tits, one with little charms dangling down.

Stephanie couldn’t breathe. The storm of sensations and activity accosted her. So much happening. Her senses were overwhelmed. A man with a crop whipped one of the women on the post. She squealed in delight, a smile on her lips. Didn’t that hurt?

Something caught her eye, and she glanced up a few inches to see a woman hanging from the ceiling by a harness. She too was naked. Her mouth hung open and Stephanie realized there was a circle just inside her lips holding them spread wide. Her arms were trapped behind her back and she was blindfolded. Stephanie shivered. The idea of being blindfolded and not knowing what was happening around her made her cringe. No way in hell could she do that.

She paused and bent at the waist for a moment, pulling the leash tight.

Dane stopped and turned toward her. “You okay?”

“Yes…Sir,” she muttered. “Just need a second.” A powerful fear took hold of her senses. The blindfold was too much.

“You know we aren’t going to do anything like that to you tonight, right?” Aiden rubbed her back while she leaned forward. She was close to hyperventilating.

“I’m okay. Just overwhelmed.”

“You’ll get used to it in a minute, babe. Come on.” Dane pulled her chain and she continued.

They reached another door and entered into a separate room.

“Dane. Aiden,” someone shouted. “Over here.”

Dane led Stephanie farther into the room. She gritted her teeth. Of course they knew people. After all the entire point of this week’s farce was this party. But still, it rankled. What would these friends of her men think of her?

Stephanie held her pose. She stayed behind Dane as they approached.

“Hey, Steve.” Dane reached forward and shook hands with his friend. “You look good. Relaxed. Happy.”

“Yeah, good love will do that to you. You’ve met Sheila.” The woman next to Steve stepped forward at his urging, but her posture resembled Stephanie’s. She was his sub. It seemed strange to be here in this capacity, or anywhere for that matter. She wouldn’t be actually meeting this woman, speaking to her, laughing, commiserating, heading for the restroom together.

No. Stephanie wouldn’t meet anyone tonight. Not directly anyway. In fact, she hadn’t even seen Steve’s face. She hadn’t lifted her gaze to him.

Aiden held her by the forearm and led her to a table in the corner, a rounded booth. He held out a hand, indicating she should sit.

Relieved to get off her wobbly legs for a while, she scooted into the booth. It wasn’t difficult to remember the rules. The skirt was so short, it rode up on its own, leaving her ass bare. She flinched when she sat as the plug made its presence known.

She spread her legs and prayed no one could see beneath the table. Aiden sat next to her. In the semi-circle, his longer legs blocked any view. She relaxed.

“Steph, I give you permission to look around for a few minutes. Get the lay of the land. Please ask if you have any questions.” As Aiden spoke, he pulled her right knee up onto the seat, opening her pussy farther.

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