Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 (24 page)

Read Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #bondage;BDSM;submissive;Dom;sub;club;erotic romance;kink;gags

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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“Which one is it?”

“That one.” Carlton pointed to the green house on the right with the brown shutters. He pulled the Land Rover to a stop next to the curb and turned off the ignition. “Ready?”

“I don’t know.” She stared out the window, unsure.

“Want me to wait here?”

She turned toward him. “Of course not. Why would you do that?”

He lifted his brows and smiled. “You deserve some time alone to get reacquainted. I thought—”

She shook her head. “No.” She squeezed his hand. “I want you with me. We’re a unit.”

“Okay, baby.” He took her chin in his hand and kissed her soundly. “I don’t know what you’re so worried about. It’s going to be fine.”

“I know. It’s just been so long…” She looked back out the window.

He released her hand and she heard him exit the car. She watched as he rounded the hood, opened her door and helped her to the ground.

“Do I look okay?”

“You look fabulous.”

She smoothed the material of her sweater and wiped her palms on her best jeans, a nervous habit. She wasn’t wearing panties under the denim, but at least she wasn’t dressed in a skirt. She needed some sort of protection today to ease her nerves. “Let’s go.”

Carlton took her hand in his and led her to the front door. He nodded for her to knock, and she did, although her hand felt like lead when she lifted it.

“I’ll get it,” a voice said from the other side of the door. A moment later, the door opened and a tall blonde woman stood at the threshold, a huge smile on her face and the cutest baby in her grasp.

Margaret lowered her gaze from the woman to the baby. She smiled at the little girl, an exact clone of her mother, who was clearly not biologically this woman.

“Can I help you?”

Margaret lifted her gaze. “I’m an old friend of Leslie’s from grade school and later high school. Her mom gave me this address.”

“Oh. Well, come in.” She opened the door wider without asking another question. “Les, someone’s here to see you,” she yelled over her shoulder. She turned her attention back to Margaret and Carlton as she shut the door. “Please sit down. If you can find a spot.” She giggled. “Sorry about the mess. We have our hands full lately.”

The living room was warm and inviting, and littered with toys of every shape and size. A small boy, older than the girl, sat on the floor, zooming a truck around his body in circles while he made tiny motor noises with his puckered lips. His blond hair lay in disarray across his forehead.

The blonde woman, obviously the boy’s biological mother, worked her way through the toys and shoved several off the couch. “There,” she declared. “Please, sit. I’m sure Les will just be a second.” She lowered herself into a rocker next to the couch and settled the baby against her chest, soothing the child with a hand on her back.

Margaret fought back tears as she and Carlton perched on the couch. Leslie was happy. She had a great life. She was clearly married to a wonderful woman and enjoying the entire package.

The woman rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “I’m so sorry. I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Carrie.” She tucked her chin to the baby and kissed her forehead. “And this is Maggie.”

Margaret nearly choked. She grabbed Carlton’s hand and squeezed, swaying into him. A tear slipped from her eye unbidden. Shit. She hadn’t wanted to cry. She’d told herself over and over she wouldn’t cry. But this sweet, unknowing Carrie had blindsided her.

“Oh.” Carrie’s eyes grew wide. “God.” She stopped rocking. “You’re Margaret.”

Margaret nodded. She wiped her tear with the back of her hand.

Carrie’s smile widened. “So nice to meet you. Les will be so happy.”

At that moment, footsteps sounded in the hall. “Who is it, Carrie?”

And then she was there, standing in the entrance to the room, looking better than ever. Her hair was longer. Her hips were rounder from childbirth. She looked fantastic. She grabbed the doorframe and leaned into it, never taking her gaze off Margaret. “Oh my God. Margaret. I can’t believe it.”

Margaret smiled.
Please, God, let her forgive me
. She finally cleared her throat and said the first thing that came to mind. “Leslie, I’m so sorry.” She swallowed back emotion. “I’ve thought about you every single day of my life. I’ve wanted to find you and apologize for twelve years.”

Leslie released the door to slip farther into the room. She made her way toward Carrie and perched on the arm of the chair Carrie occupied, setting a hand on the woman’s shoulder. Maybe for moral support or maybe to make a statement. “Apologize for what, Margaret? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Margaret sniffled. “I felt horrible that my parents whisked me away and I never even knew if you were alive.” She choked on a sob, losing the battle to control her emotions.

Carlton wrapped his huge arm around her and held her tight. He squeezed her shoulder in support.

Margaret took a deep breath and continued. “I was fifteen years old. I should have fought them harder. Said something. Come to find you. I was only in the next town. A half hour away. I could have hitched a ride or walked even. God, Leslie. You look so happy.”

Leslie smiled. She leaned into Carrie and kissed the baby Carrie held. “I am. And you?”

“I am now.” Margaret took Carlton’s hand and squeezed it. “It’s been a long time coming, but I’m healing.”

“Your parents never came around?”

Margaret shook her head. “Took me twelve years to confront them and sever that vile relationship.”

“God. That’s awful.”

“It’s worse. My father and my uncle hired my cousins to attack us. I just found out a few weeks ago.”

“Oh my God. Margaret, I’m so sorry.”

“I’m so sorry it was my own family who attacked us. I’m still stunned. And you were hurt by my own flesh and blood.”

“Margaret. It wasn’t your fault. You shouldn’t carry that sort of guilt. You aren’t responsible for their actions.”

Margaret gave her a wan smile.

“How are you doing with all this? It must be difficult. Especially if you just found out.”

“I’m learning to live with it.” She glanced at Carlton. “I have the most supportive boyfriend I could ask for.” She turned back toward Leslie. “You were very hard to track down.”

Leslie chuckled. “Yeah, my parents moved me also. So, see, you wouldn’t have been able to find me even if you’d looked for me back then. Not only did we move a few months after you, but they changed my last name. They were extremely paranoid about us, not knowing who attacked us. How did you find me?”

Margaret smiled even bigger. “Your mom, actually. When I learned my cousins had been the ones to attack us, a few months ago, the police contacted the precinct where our first case had been filed. There’s no way to go back and apprehend my cousins after all these years. Some sort of statute of limitations, but the police had all the information about your name and address change so they could contact your parents in the event there were any developments in the case.

“I gave them my information and asked them to pass it to your mom.”

Leslie beamed. “I’m so glad. She never said a word.”

“Yeah, when she called me the other day, she gave me your address and said she would let me surprise you. I’ve never been so nervous. Your mom was always so nice. I miss her.”

“I’m sure she’d love to see you. Both my parents are a huge help to us. They live a few blocks away. They help out tremendously with the kids. I’m so blessed.”

“You are. I can see that.” Margaret looked around, taking in the love scattered all over the room. “I wanted to see you. Know if you were okay.”

“I’m better than okay. I’m perfect.”

Even Carrie had a few tears.

Then Leslie confronted the elephant. “So, you’re with a man?”

Margaret chuckled. “Oh, yeah. Sorry. This is Carlton. And yes. I’m with a man. We’ve been together three months. He’s my first…man, that is.”

“I always thought you were an either-or kind of gal.” Leslie grinned. She looked at Carlton. “Nice to meet you. You seem to love Margaret.”

“With all my heart.” He squeezed her closer and kissed the top of her head. Anyone would be able to see how he felt about her. He wore it on his face.

Leslie turned back to Margaret. “I’m so glad you found your way. And I’m so glad you found me. I’ve always wondered about you. I had no idea where to start looking. I tried several times when I was young, but didn’t have the resources back then to do a thorough search. I’ve thought about finding you on social media, but I didn’t want to upset your life by possibly dragging up memories you might have preferred to leave buried.”

Carrie stood, easing the now-sleeping baby into Leslie’s arms. “Can I get anyone anything to drink?”

Leslie took her wife’s spot in the rocker and held the baby tight.

“We’re fine,” Margaret said. She moved to stand. “I don’t want to disrupt your day. I just wanted to see…”

Leslie nodded. “I’m so glad, hon. So very glad. How far away do you live?”

“Not far. Half an hour.”

“Let’s get together then. It’s hard with the kids these days, but my parents love an opportunity to babysit.”

“That would be wonderful.” Margaret’s heart filled. Her friend was safe, happy and whole. Maybe she’d gone through some of the same stresses as Margaret over the years, but she’d come out in one piece on the right side.

Leslie stood. She walked Margaret to the door.

Carlton opened it.

Before Margaret stepped outside, Leslie reached for her hand with her one free one and pulled her close. She hugged her tight, the baby squished between them. “Thank you,” Leslie murmured.

Margaret nodded into her childhood friend. She couldn’t speak again without bawling, so she turned and left the house, shutting the door behind her.

Carlton led her to the car, never releasing her hand. He helped her inside and then quickly rounded the front to climb in beside her. “You okay, baby?”

“Perfect.” She leaned back into the seat as he started the engine and drove away. She let her eyes slide shut. “So perfect.”

“Yes, you are, Maggie. Yes, you are.” He took her hand as he drove. “It was chaotic there.”

“Yes. But warm and inviting and…like a home. I felt the love as though it was vibrant in the air.”

“It was. I felt it too.” He squeezed her hand. “So many toys. I had no idea babies needed so much stuff.”

Margaret giggled. She slid her gaze to him and watched his profile as he drove. “Was it that bad?”

“Nah. It was…kinda nice. Made me think.”

She sucked in a breath. They’d never discussed kids in any fashion. Not other people’s and certainly not their own.

“You want that kind of mess in our house one day?” He glanced at her.

“Umm.” She didn’t know what to say. Was he suggesting they have a baby?

“I mean, I’m fine either way, if you don’t want kids. I’ll live.”

He’ll live? He’ll

“I’m just saying, if you do, I would be open to the idea.”

Margaret fought back tears again for the tenth time that day.

He smiled at her, a quick glance and a wink. “I mean, you’re already moody most of the time. How much worse could it be if you were pregnant?”

Her ears were ringing. Her chest pounded. And damn him. He kept driving. As though they weren’t discussing the most important thing in her life. Their lives. “Carlton Fisher, pull this car over right now.”

He chuckled, but he did as she said. And then he turned to face her. “What, baby?”

what, baby
me. You can’t nonchalantly tell a woman you’d be willing to have a baby with her and keep driving.” She sat up straight and then moved so fast he wouldn’t even know what hit him. She scrambled over the console and planted herself straddling his lap.

She took his face in both her hands and held it. “Did you mean it? You’d do that for me?”

“No.” He grinned. “But I’d do that for us. I’m not going to be one of those absent fathers who waves on the way in the house and goes to his study to work all night. If that’s what you were hoping, you’ll need to find a different Dom.”

She slapped his chest as he teased her. “Carlton. You can’t just say shit like that. This is important.”

He sobered and set his hands on top of hers. “Yes, it is, baby. And yes, I would like to have a baby with you. I’ve thought about it for a while. Seeing those sweet kids of your friend’s and how happy they were made me go all mushy inside. And I don’t do mushy.”

“You’ve thought about it for a while?” Her pussy clenched. Damn him for making her horny with such a serious topic.

He shrugged. “A month or so.”

“You’ve been thinking about having a baby for a month or so, and you didn’t think to tell me this?” She pushed back an inch, but he wrapped his arms around her and hauled her closer instead.

“Well, I hadn’t worked up the courage to get the first step in that equation covered yet, so it wouldn’t have been prudent of me to charge that far ahead.”

“Carlton, what the hell are you talking about? You’re speaking in riddles. As far as I know, the first step is sex. We have that every day. If you wanted to have a baby, you would have needed to speak to me about not using birth control.”

He shook his head. And then he jostled her on his lap, lifting her right thigh off his leg and bucking his hips up to reach into his front pocket.

Perplexed by his weird behavior, she watched as he pulled something from his jeans and twisted it in his hand until he held it between two fingers right in front of her face. “This first step.”

Margaret couldn’t breathe. She stared at the giant, glaring diamond ring in shock, afraid to reach out and touch it for fear it was an apparition.

“Will you marry me, Margaret Donovan?”

“Fuck.” She couldn’t even answer his question right. Stunned.

“That’s not the answer I was hoping for, baby.” He chuckled. “And you’ve cussed twice since we left Leslie’s. Your ass is going to be sore for days. As soon as we get home, I’m going to make sure of that. Now, answer my damn question.”

She lifted her gaze from the sparkling ring to his face. Emotion overflowed, threatening to take her under and drown her. Could a person drown in happy tears?

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