Read Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #bondage;BDSM;submissive;Dom;sub;club;erotic romance;kink;gags

Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 (10 page)

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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“Easy.” He removed his thumb. “Don’t come. Just let the cock enter you. Feel it slide between your tight walls. Breathe.”

Little by little he continued until the dildo was pressed deep inside her. As it hit the farthest place against her cervix, she moaned. Without his instructions she spread her knees wider to accommodate the girth. She didn’t know they made dildos that wide.

After catching her breath, she opened her eyes to find Carlton staring intently at her face. His brow was furrowed, but a smile of pride lifted the corners of his mouth. She loved that look. She wanted to see more of it. If she followed his instructions, she would.

“See, you’re okay.” He stroked her belly, pressing gently, making her aware of the fullness in her pussy.

She wanted him to pull the dildo back out and thrust it in. Why wasn’t he moving?

“Get the feel of it. It’s big. Not as big as me, but large enough to help you accommodate me.”


She was more than ready for the feel of it. Time to move.

Instead, Carlton grabbed something next to her. When had he placed something else on the bed?
Geez, girl, you’re so aroused you can’t see straight

It was leather. A strap of some sort. Looked like a harness…or a collar…

She watched as he brought it between her legs with one hand, the other holding the enormous dildo deep inside her. For the first time she realized it was almost flush against her. No part of the huge cock was sticking out. If he let go, it would slide out, giving her the relief she needed.

He pressed on the center, pushing it deeper, and she heard a snap. She jerked her head off the bed to see what he was doing.

“Relax, baby.” He was fond of that word. Especially using it when she wasn’t capable of anything close to relaxing. “It’s just a belt. It will hold the phallus inside you. You don’t have the muscles in your pussy to grip it yet.”


How would she ever have the muscles to hold something like that in place? She panted as realization dawned. He intended for her to wear the dildo. He secured it inside her as he spoke.

“Lift your hips, baby.”

She did as he instructed, her torso shaking with the effort.

Carlton slid a section of the leather strap under her body and then buckled it at her waist.

It wasn’t so bad. She could do this.

And then he cinched up the strap that ran across her pussy and up her rear crack. She almost came. The leather rubbed her clit and slid between her ass cheeks so tight she couldn’t control her reactions.

“Sorry.” Carlton nudged the strap over her clit to one side. No, both sides.

She blinked as she took in the apparatus. The strap running up the front was actually two sections of leather, designed to straddle her clit so that it was trapped but not directly in contact with the leather.

She eased her head back onto the mattress. She’d seen enough. How long would he leave her lying like this?

“Come. Let’s get breakfast.” He tapped her thigh as he spoke.

It took Margaret a moment to realize what he’d suggested. “Get up? Sir, you want me to walk in this?”

“Of course. And I want you to think before you speak. You don’t have permission to question my decisions. If you can’t control your excess talking and your bad language, you’ll find yourself gagged. I know you won’t enjoy spending the day with your mouth full of my rubber ball or a bit.” He lifted one eyebrow.

Margaret nodded. She lifted herself to sitting, cringing as the dildo shifted inside her, seeming to go deeper than she knew was possible.

She moved quicker to get off the bed, hoping if she weren’t sitting, the pressure would abate. She was right. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she found marginal relief. The pressure on all sides of her channel was intense, but at least it wasn’t pressing so forcefully against her cervix.

And then the next struggle began. She had to walk awkwardly, her legs spread wider than usual.

Carlton turned and left the room. He didn’t look back as she followed, small steps in his direction, every movement pinching her clit between the straps and rubbing against her rear hole. She kept her thighs spread and waddled behind him in an awkward gait.

Carlton grabbed a pillow from the couch on his way by and pointed to a chair at the table. “That’s mine. Please kneel next to it. You know the position.” He set the pillow on the floor.

She lowered herself to this spot. She spread her knees, perhaps wider than required. It made it easier to direct her attention anywhere but toward the huge phallus inside her. If she stayed very still, she could even ignore the leather pressing around her clit.

The smell of bacon filled the room. Her stomach rumbled. She’d been so preoccupied with her pussy she hadn’t stopped to consider how long it had been since she’d eaten. The sun streaming in the window of the breakfast room was high. It was late morning. She’d slept long and hard.

It didn’t take long for Carlton to finish cooking and sit next to her with a huge plate of food. Just one, but she knew his intentions. He would feed her at his whim, and she would accept each morsel he offered, eating the amount he found appropriate.

She tried to relax her body, leaning on her heels, her hands clasped behind her back, her chin dipping enough to suit her master. It was difficult. Her body hummed with unrequited need.

Carlton lifted a giant glass of orange juice and held it to her lips. “You must be thirsty.”

She was. And she drank about half the glass as he offered it. He waited patiently until he was sure she was finished before he set it down. Next he picked up his fork and took a bite of eggs. He offered her a forkful after he’d taken his own, and she moaned around the flavor. They were just scrambled eggs, but food always tasted better when either someone else prepared it or she was very hungry. In this case, she met both criteria.

Bacon followed, and then a bite of toast spread with strawberry jam. She was in heaven.

Carlton was generous. He didn’t stop feeding her until she shook her head. “Thank you, Sir. That was delicious. I’m stuffed.”

He finished the rest himself and then stood to clear the table.

“May I clean the kitchen, Sir? You did the cooking.”

“Another time, baby. Not today. Today you need to concentrate on you. I want to ensure we’re on the same page in this arrangement and have a mutual agreement.”

And then you’ll fuck me?
That was foremost on her mind.

“You may use the bathroom. Shower. Brush your teeth. I’ll be there to help when I’m done here.”

Help? She was more than capable of taking care of personal hygiene alone, though she doubted there would be many things she did alone for a while. As she stood, she closed her eyes against the renewed pressure inside her. Did he want her to wear the dildo even in the shower?

He hadn’t said otherwise, so she made her way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She stood awkwardly in the bathroom once again, waiting for the water to warm. The belt around her waist was tight. It had to be to keep the rubber phallus from slipping out.
How long does he want me to wear this?

Margaret stepped into the shower, keeping her legs spread, and let the water sluice over her skin. It felt soothing after the stressful morning. Her body pleaded with her for release. Even the running water teased her clit as it landed on her nude skin between the leather straps.

She reached for the shampoo, smiling at the girly brand Carlton had obviously selected for her this past week. As she massaged it into her scalp, she closed her eyes. Before she could finish, the shower door opened. She turned her face toward the entrance, not completely surprised. Her eyes remained shut to avoid the burning shampoo.

Carlton stepped in behind her. He settled his hands over hers on her scalp and massaged with her. It was so sensual the way he didn’t touch her skin at any other point yet, just her head.

And then his lips landed on her shoulder. He nibbled as he pulled the suds through her long hair to wash the ends. “Your skin is so smooth. It’s beautiful. I’m a lucky bastard if you agree to wander around here naked for my gaze all day.”

Agree? Was there any doubt really?

His hands were still covered with shampoo when he smoothed them over her shoulders and then around to cover her breasts, grasping her chest firmly and squeezing until she moaned.

“I love that sound you make, and the way you lift onto your tiptoes when I pinch your nipples.” To emphasize his point, he did just that. Had she reacted in a similar way last night?

Sure enough, she found herself rising onto the balls of her feet, straining for more of his touch.

He spread his fingers and caressed her skin down her belly until he reached her thighs. His hands were so large, he seemed to cover her entire torso. “Step out farther, baby.”

She obeyed, spreading her legs wider as he reached between them and fondled her open pussy lips. When his thumb brushed against her clit, she lifted off the floor again. “Sir…” Her voice had no power. But she needed him to know she was close. He would be disappointed otherwise.

He met her gaze, lifting one eyebrow.

“Red, Sir.” She couldn’t keep from coming. Her safe word would be used any time he pushed her too far or she got too close to the edge. It was her responsibility to make sure he stopped before she came.

“Good girl.” He smoothed his hands away from her clit and down her legs and then up her arms. “Step under the spray, baby.”

She leaned into the water and let it flow over her head until he was satisfied. When he pulled her back toward him again, he reached for the conditioner and worked it into her hair next. “My turn. Let the conditioner sit. Wash me, Maggie.”

She shook as she turned around. She stared at his body for a moment, absorbing the size of him from chest to cock. His shoulders were so wide he could have been a linebacker. Maybe he was.

She reached for the masculine shampoo in the black bottle, noting it was a 2-in-1 with conditioner. He ducked his head for her to reach his scalp better, and she shampooed his hair, loving the way the thick brown locks, shades lighter than her own, slid between her fingers.

After she angled his head under the spray to rinse, she grabbed the bar soap and explored his body thoroughly for the first time. She smoothed her palms over his chest, amazed at the rock-solid feel of his pecs. Only a smattering of hair coated his skin. His nipples stood erect as she brushed them with her fingers.

She wanted to kiss him everywhere, feel his skin against her lips, flick her tongue over his nipples as he had hers. But he hadn’t given her permission to do that right now. Instead she worked her way around him, circling his body as she soaped his back and then his tight ass cheeks.

She bent her knees to soap his legs, the dildo inside her making itself known as it pressed against her cervix.

She left the best for last, coming back to his front and lathering his cock with both hands. It stiffened in her grasp, though she hadn’t seen it deflated at any point yet. She licked her lips, wondering what he would feel like in her mouth.

“That’s enough exploration, Maggie.” He gripped her wrists and removed her from her temptation. “Later. After I’ve had you. I can’t tolerate that much fondling before my cock has had a chance to breach your tight pussy.”

She met his gaze.

Carlton stepped under the spray and rinsed the soap from his body. “Rinse your hair, baby. And then get out.” He exited the shower without another word, leaving her bereft of his presence. The man could fill a room without saying a word. In the shower he’d squeezed the oxygen out.

Margaret eased under the spray and let it wash down her frame until she was convinced she could safely exit without her knees buckling.

Carlton handed her a towel. He was already dry, and he leaned his naked frame against the counter as he watched her.

Self-conscious, she wrapped the towel around her middle and patted her skin through the terry cloth.

“Did you get modest on me?” He chuckled, yanking the towel from her body and drying her himself. He even wrung her hair out until it stopped dripping. “Open your eyes, baby. Look at us in the mirror.” He inched into her space, his front to her back. The towel fell to the floor. His cock nudged the top of her ass as he wrapped his arms around her and cupped her breasts.

Margaret lifted her gaze and found herself staring at a framed picture of the two of them from the waist up. Her pale skin contrasted with his tanned shoulders. Her nipples, the same shade as her lips, puckered between his fingers as he stroked them. She watched as his lips descended to her shoulder and he nibbled a path to her ear.

“So sexy,” he mumbled against her skin. “Come back to bed.” He turned her toward the door and gave her butt a small swat to get her to move.

She hoped he was going to take her now. If he didn’t, she would self-combust. “Is this where you’re going to keep me, Sir?” She tipped her head at an angle after she climbed onto the bed and turned to face him.

“For today.” He smirked. “And maybe tomorrow. We’ll see.”

He climbed up after her, tugged her around until she lay sprawled in the center, and then spread her legs. “How do you like the rubber cock?”

“Not very much, Sir. I’d rather it were the real deal.”

“I think I can accommodate that.” He unbuckled the leather belt around her waist, stroking her skin where it had left its mark. Before continuing, he lowered his face and kissed the indentation on her belly.

Margaret squirmed as the leather strap fell away from her clit, leaving behind the heightened awareness of its existence.

When he finally pulled back and unsnapped the belt from the base of the phallus, she held her breath. Instead of letting the cock slip from her body, he circled the base with one finger, drawing her wetness out and then spreading it around her clit. “Did you enjoy the way it filled you? I’m going to do the same thing.”

“I did, Sir.” Her voice was gravelly.

“Lift your arms over your head, baby. Grab the rungs of the bed. Don’t let go. If you touch me, I won’t last.”

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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