Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 (11 page)

Read Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #bondage;BDSM;submissive;Dom;sub;club;erotic romance;kink;gags

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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She followed his directive, loving that she affected him that much.

“Keep your knees wide. Don’t squirm while I remove the dildo. I don’t want you to come.”

He gripped the rubber base with his fingers and pulled it out so slowly she had to hold her breath. Every nerve ending inside her came to life. If this was what it would feel like having his cock in her, she wanted that now.

She burned for him.

Finally it popped free of her, leaving her wanting and needy as her pussy gripped at nothing. He set the phallus aside and then used both hands to tease her entrance. “So wet.”

She didn’t dare move.

“So pink. So hot.” He pressed a finger into her. “And still so tight.” He removed his finger and sucked it clean.

She shivered. It was so erotic.

“I’m going to push you to the edge before I take you, Maggie. Don’t come until I say so. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.” Though she had no idea how she would obey that command. The “edge” had long since been reached.

He pressed his finger back into her and drew out her arousal to spread it around the entrance and across her clit. “I love how your clit jumps to attention when I touch it.” He flicked it several times.

Maggie stiffened. So close. Too close. “Sir…”

“Patience. Control.”

She gritted her teeth and prayed she could do as he wanted.

“I’m going to taste you again now. Don’t come yet.” He lowered his face and flattened his tongue over her sex, stroking it against her clit as he licked her.

Margaret moaned. She bucked her hips toward his mouth. Or rather her hips bucked themselves. It wasn’t as though she had control over her torso.

Carlton said nothing, but he threw his arm across her waist and held her down as he tormented her again.

“How close, Maggie?”

“Too close, Sir.” The pulsing that proceeded an orgasm began deep in her channel. She wouldn’t be able to hold back. “I’m going to come…” She tipped her head back and bit her lip.

“Now, Maggie. Come for me.” He pressed his palm to her clit and held it against her.

The pulsing increased in speed as her orgasm swept through her body.

In seconds, Carlton was on top of her, his cock nestled at her entrance before the orgasm was over. “Look at me, Maggie. Take me in.” He eased forward, stress evident in the furrow of his brow as he made slow progress into her channel.

The pressure was intense, more than she could have imagined. And on the heels of her orgasm, she wanted him to thrust into her fast and hard.

But he didn’t. He kept a steady, slow pace, inching into her a little more with each pass.

She squeezed the rungs above her head to keep herself steady. The sensation was both too tight and beyond awesome at the same time.

Finally, he was all the way in. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he held himself over her. He breathed deeply. “God, Maggie. That’s…” He didn’t finish. Instead, he pulled out and thrust back in. “So…” He did it again. “Fuck…” His eyes closed as he thrust again.

Margaret lifted her hips to deepen the penetration. If there had been any pain, it was so fleeting she’d already forgotten it. After the initial stretch passed, she wanted more. She wanted everything he would give her. As often as he would offer. A new orgasm built on the heels of the first, taking her by surprise. It was deeper, not coming from her clit, but from inside her.

Her pussy clenched to savor the feeling. Heaven on earth. How had she managed to miss out on this activity for twenty-seven years? All she could think was

Carlton opened his eyes finally. He cupped her face with his hands and let his body consume hers more thoroughly, enveloping her in his warmth until his chest pressed against hers and his torso pinned her completely to the bed. “You’re so beautiful, Maggie. And not just your looks. Your soul is precious. I’m a lucky man.”

She thought she had the better end of the deal here, but she didn’t argue.

He moved languidly, not fast enough to push her over the edge, but enough for her to know what was to come.

Finally, he exhaled long and hard. “I can’t hold back, baby. Come with me.” He increased the pace, thrusting deeper.

She wrapped her legs around his ass and held him tight.

“That’s it, baby. Come. Now.”

She shattered, the deep orgasm shaking her body, unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. It lasted longer too. And one orgasm became two as she felt Carlton stiffen deep inside her and pulse against her cervix. A low groan escaped his lips.

Moments later, as they both gasped for breath, he kissed her reverently on the lips. “Thank you, baby. That was the best gift I’ve ever received. I’m humbled by you.”

It seemed she should be the one doing the thanking, but she nodded instead.

He lowered his lips to hers again and claimed her mouth, angling his head to one side so he could get deeper. His tongue slipped between her lips and tangled with her own. His cock remained inside her, still rigid. Like a starving man who hadn’t just eaten breakfast, he feasted on her. And she gave as much as she took.

When he finally pulled away from her lips, they were swollen and slightly bruised. It was worth it.

“I don’t want to leave your pussy.” He stroked a finger down her cheek until it tickled, and she tipped her head into his touch.

“Don’t.” She couldn’t think of anything better than keeping him inside her. If she died now, her life would have been worth it.

“You must be sore.”

She shook her head. “Not a bit. The stretch was tight, but only for a moment. And then pure heaven. Sir.”

Chapter Eight

Carlton shifted his body to one side so she could breathe. He was too big to keep from smashing her. He kept one leg between her thighs, not willing to completely eliminate his presence. He brushed a lock of damp hair from her brow. Lord, he was in so much trouble.

He squared his face with hers and narrowed his gaze. “Tell me why you haven’t slept with a man before.”

She shrugged, though he knew what she was about to share was worth far more than a simple shrug. “It’s not all that interesting really.” She licked her lips.

“I don’t care how boring it is. Spill.”

She nodded. “I’m getting there. Give me a second.” She closed her eyes, fortifying herself or looking into her mind for the words. “When I was fifteen, I had a girlfriend, Leslie…”

“Girlfriend girlfriend?”

She smiled again. “Sort of. We had experimented a bit, kissing and groping. We were young. We weren’t sure what we were.”

“Go on.”

“One day my dad walked in on us. He was livid.”

Carlton leaned closer, keeping his eyes on hers, watching every move she made. He caressed her arm as she spoke.

“You’d think he caught me killing someone or gunning down a community the way he ranted. He told Leslie to leave his house and she wasn’t welcome to return.”

Carlton sucked in a sharp breath. He ached for the girl who’d not been accepted for who she was. Now he understood better why she was slightly estranged from her family.

“Leslie scrambled out of my room as if the house were on fire. She glanced back at me and mouthed
call me
.” Maggie paused. “I listened to my father scream at me for over an hour about what a sinner I was and how I needed to get myself straight with God if I wanted to avoid my designated spot in hell. He didn’t let me say a word, which was good because I didn’t have anything to add.

“I was livid with his reaction. It wasn’t as though I expected anything different, but I had hoped. I’d known I was attracted to girls for a long time. I was attracted to both girls and boys. Either really.

“My dad never let me explain myself. Of course nothing I could have said would have mattered to him. When he finally left, he shut me in my room and told me I was grounded until he could decide what to do next. I wasn’t to leave the room or call anyone.

“Before he could get down the hall, I had Leslie on the phone. I apologized for my dad, afraid she wouldn’t speak to me again. But she was more understanding than I gave her credit for. We’d been friends for ten years before that day. We’d started fooling around only recently.

“I wanted more. I wasn’t done. And nothing my father said would stop me. I thought I was in love with Leslie at that moment. We agreed to sneak out late that night and go to a rave.

“My mother brought me dinner, not meeting my gaze or saying a word. Dad must have told her to avoid me. He controls her like a puppet. She kept her lips pursed. Her eyes were red. I think she’d been crying. I never knew if it was in disappointment over what she’d heard about me or sadness about the way my father reacted. I’ve never known her true thoughts. She only mimics what my father insists upon.

“When the house was silent, I dressed in the sexiest outfit I had, a short black dress and high heels my parents didn’t even know I owned. I slipped out my bedroom window and ran down the block as fast as I could, carrying my shoes until I reached the meeting place.

“Leslie stood there already, waiting. She smiled at me, kissed me on the lips as though nothing had happened. And then we took off for the rave. It was the best night of my life. We danced until two in the morning, laughing and groping on the dance floor.

“Nobody at the party cared about our sexual orientation. The place was filled with every sort of couple imaginable. And some threesomes. We were among the youngest, but no one said a word.

“When we finally left, it was the middle of the night. Our feet were killing us. We carried our shoes and started on the long walk back to our neighborhood.” She stopped.

Carlton kissed her temple, sensing she needed a moment. There was more. He ached for whatever she was about to say.

Maggie took a deep breath. “Three guys followed us. I don’t know where they came from. Maybe they had been at the rave. Maybe they had simply seen us walking and decided to trail us. In any case, we walked faster, holding hands and whispering our fear to each other.

“They approached closer. They were larger. There were three of them and two of us. And when I finally turned, I found them wearing masks. I screamed and started running, tugging Leslie alongside me. But they were faster, stronger, bigger. There was no way we could outrun them.”

Carlton stiffened as she spoke. He wanted to punch those assholes for whatever they did next even before he heard the words.

“We got trapped in an alley, confused about which direction to turn, unfamiliar with the area. And the guys taunted us as we backed into a corner, still gripping each other. They shouted anti-gay slurs, calling us lesbos, homos, sinners…

“I thought at first they intended to rape us or rob us, but that wasn’t the case. It was purely a hate crime. They shoved us against the brick wall at our backs. They swung at us, slapping against our faces as they shouted that we were sluts and whores, an abomination against the Lord.

“Finally we heard sirens. Someone had heard our screams and called the cops. Before they ran off, the guys punched and hit and kicked us. They spit on us and then took off as the sirens grew louder.”

“Oh, baby. I’m so sorry.” Carlton’s throat felt tight. He held her closer, drawing her body into his as though he could make the pain dissipate.

“My injuries weren’t severe. Two black eyes, a bloody nose, some bruised ribs. When the cops arrived, two ambulances were on their tail. Before I knew it, Leslie and I were separated and taken to the hospital. I could hardly see through the slits in my eyelids for twelve hours. I don’t even know if she was transported to the same hospital or not.”

“She didn’t tell you later?”

“I never saw her again.” A tear trailed down Maggie’s face and she pursed her lips tight.

“Why? How?”

She sniffed back a choked attempt to keep from crying. “My parents picked me up the next morning, beaten and bruised. We never returned to the house. They drove straight to an apartment in a city an hour away and we started a new life without anyone so much as mentioning the incident.”

“You never spoke of it?”

She shook her head. “Not even once. My mother looked forlorn, sad for me, but she did as my father said. School had just gotten out for the summer. They kept me in the apartment for three months, not letting me out for any reason. Not that I ever asked. I had no phone, no life. I didn’t even know where I was.

“I was dead inside. I didn’t care about anything. I slept the summer away, wondering what happened to Leslie and praying she was still alive. I didn’t know. I didn’t ask. I knew it would be useless.

“In the fall, they enrolled me in a local Christian school, bought me a uniform and dropped me off at the door. Every afternoon my mother picked me up. I learned quickly that if I was ever going to have any freedoms again, I needed to play by their rules, act the perfect daughter.

“I never went so far as to repent, but I did behave perfectly. I got straight As, studied hard, maintained no friendships. I went to church every Sunday with my parents and listened to the pastor drone on and on about his kind and loving God. I attended counseling a few times at the church with a sweet lady who meant well, but entertained the same beliefs as my parents. I said nothing to her.

“She encouraged me to talk to them, but I never did. It seemed totally useless. I counted the days until my eighteenth birthday. When I got a scholarship to a local four-year college, I was ecstatic. I was even more impressed when my father consented to let me go there.

“I believe in his mind, I was cured. After all, I’d caused them no more problems, walked the straight and narrow and provided him with no reason to complain. I didn’t date. I didn’t do drugs. I didn’t smoke. I studied and went to his godforsaken church and waited for my opportunity.

“I knew if I ever wanted to get out from under his thumb, I needed to go to college. And I needed their support. It would have been nearly impossible, even with my scholarships, to attend without the financial backing of my father.

“I’d never had a job. I had no money. No prospects. I didn’t even own regular clothes. There was no need. I came and went from school in my green skirt and white blouse. On Sundays I dressed in whatever my mom deemed appropriate for church.”

“What happened in college?”

She smiled, her tears dry. “I flourished. The world was my oyster. I moved onto the campus, kept a low profile, studied hard and opened up. I made friends for the first time in years.”

“When did you start dating again?”

“My sophomore year I met a woman in my philosophy class. She was twenty-one. I was nineteen. She approached me, but only because she said I was constantly staring at her. We went out for coffee and discussed the class. At the time I didn’t want anyone to know what I’d been through. In fact, I never told her. We dated a few months. It opened me up to the possibilities out there for me.”

“When did you realize you were attracted to men?”

“I was always attracted to men. I knew that. Even before Leslie, I knew it. I think messing around with her was easy. We were already friends. When she began to show an interest in me sexually, I followed her lead. I suspect she was a lesbian. She probably thought I was too. I was confused.

“I knew about women liking women and men liking men. Everybody joked about homosexuals. But no one ever mentioned knowing anyone who liked both, or, as I prefer to think of it, ‘either’. It’s not that I’m into threesomes, just that I can be attracted to either sex.”

Carlton wanted her closer. She was already so close there was no space left to fill. He tucked her head against his chest and inhaled her scent. “I’m so in awe of you.”

Maggie pressed against his chest and lifted her face. “For what?”

“For everything. For living through what you’ve been through and coming out a victor on the other side. For not denying your true self in the face of adversity. For giving me this opportunity to help you see another side to BDSM.”

“You won’t get rid of me very easily. Plus, I just gave you my virginity, so to speak.” She punched his arm playfully.

“Crazy that. I still can’t believe it.” He lifted her chin and kissed her lips. “What happened to Leslie? You never saw her again?”

Maggie shook her head. “No idea. At first it hurt so bad I couldn’t breathe. I would wake up at night gasping for air, picturing those assholes chasing us into a corner. I never told my parents about the nightmares. I could sense immediately for them that chapter in my life was closed. It was like walking a tightrope. I either had to suck it up and live by their rules or leave home broke and alone and live on the streets.

“If I had asked for phone or computer privileges, I was afraid it might backfire on me.”

“It took a lot of courage to do what you did. It’s been twelve years. Have you tried to Google her or find her on social media?”

“Yes. I haven’t been able to find her. I’ve tried so many times over the years. She isn’t even on Facebook. And I have no idea what I would say to her if I found her after all these years. It scares me to death. She must be so angry.”

“Baby, I can’t imagine her being mad at you. You did nothing wrong.” He stroked a hand through her hair, his throat clogged with her pain.

Suddenly Maggie wiggled free of his clutches and sat up. She stared down at him, her expression grave. “Listen, Carlton. I need you to know that I’m a work in progress. I don’t trust easily. I don’t trust men at all. Allowing you to do this for me is huge. I can’t tell you how big a step this is for me.”

He reached for her to reassure her he was on her side. “And I swear I’ll make this experience worth your while, baby. Especially now that I understand better what makes you tick. I’m not surprised you’ve never been with a man. After living with your domineering father and experiencing that horrific attack, I can’t blame you. But we aren’t all assholes. I’m not.” He lifted her fingers to his lips and kissed them.

“I’m beginning to believe you.”

He tipped her head up to meet her gaze. “And you still see your parents now?”

She nodded. “Not often, mind you. It’s awful. Just enough to keep the peace.”

“And you’ve never confronted them about your sexuality?”

Her eyes widened. “Hell no. It’s bad enough confronting them about the weather.”

“But that’s toxic, baby. It’s no way to live. Doesn’t it weigh you down?”

“Yes. All the time.”

He pinched her chin and smiled. “You owe me for the cuss word too.”

She smiled back and rolled her eyes.

He would remember to address that slight later. “I want to help you. That’s why I agreed to be your trial Dom. You have so much to offer someone, female or male. And you’re a strong submissive. You just need confidence and direction. Some Dom is going to be unbelievably lucky to have you.

“But part of helping you is going to include facing whatever challenges you’re up against that are holding you back. It sounds like your parents are an anvil you’ve carried your entire life.”

She tucked her lips between her teeth. Her body shivered and her gaze lowered. “That’s more than I can handle, Carlton.”

He shook his head. “I think you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. You’re just scared.”


“Of what? Think about it. If you confront them, what’s the worst thing that can happen?”

“They could cut me out of their lives.”

He nodded. “So, let’s presume you go see them, tell them who you are. Tell them you’re bisexual and that you need them to support you and your sexuality. Let them decide if they can live with it. If not, what have you lost? They’re toxic, especially your dad.”

“And his brother is exactly the same if not worse. Uncle Rocky is a few years older. He’s the one who convinced my parents to attend the freaky church they go to. Every time I’m around my uncle and my righteous cousins, I want to vomit. But they’re the only family I have, so confronting them has been difficult, especially since I can almost guarantee the outcome. It isn’t going to be pretty.”

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