Read Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #bondage;BDSM;submissive;Dom;sub;club;erotic romance;kink;gags

Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 (9 page)

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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Maggie’s knuckles turned white as she held herself for him. He was proud of her. She didn’t protest or make a sound. He knew this was difficult. She’d been submissive to other people, and even long-term, but not for Carlton. Not for a man. It would be challenging for her every day for a while, exposing herself to a man, and not just any man, but a strict Dom.

Carlton went over her folds several times to ensure she was completely bare. It would be easier tomorrow, but today, for this first shave, he needed to be more careful and thorough.

When he finished, he wiped her clean with a warm washcloth. He stroked his fingers over her newly bared skin, enjoying the look and feel longer than necessary.

Maggie held still for his inspection. He was proud of her. He rewarded her by slipping his fingers inside her tightness again. “Still so wet for me…”

She gasped at the renewed invasion, her fingers flexing on her legs and pulling her knees farther apart.

“I love this look. Your curls were precious too, but a naked pussy is so fucking sexy, baby.” He stroked her outer lips with his free hand while grazing her G-spot with the fingers tucked inside her. He needed to stretch her pussy. It was so tight. He didn’t want to hurt her with his cock. Some pain would be unavoidable, but if he got her to relax and open up to him, it would help. “See how much more sensitive you are?”

“Please… Sir… I need you inside me. I’m so fucking horny.” Her eyes shot wide as that last sentence slipped out. “Sorry, Sir. I wasn’t thinking.”

“You won’t cuss out loud, Maggie. Don’t even let yourself think in four-letter words so they won’t be tempted to slip from your lips. I don’t like it.”

“I know, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

His fingers had stilled at her infraction, and now he removed them.

Maggie’s head rolled back as she released her thighs and moaned. She knew she’d taken a step in the wrong direction.

Of course this wasn’t the direction he’d had in mind either. His cock hurt now. He gripped it with one hand and squeezed, gritting his teeth. As he watched her frustration, he stroked his palm up and down his cock. Finally, she lowered her gaze to meet his. Her eyes widened as she watched him, tipping her face farther to take in his work.

“Watch me, baby. Learn how I like to be handled. In the future, I’ll expect you to do the work.”

Startling him, she lifted onto her elbows to get a better view.

“Do you have any experience with cocks, Maggie?”

She shook her head. “No, but I’m ready.” Her bold words shook him to the core.

“Good. Watch.” He thrust back and forth through his palm as he grew harder. Letting his dick slip almost all the way through his hand, he grazed his thumb over the precome leaking from the head and spread it around. He pressed his thumb into the slit, gritting his teeth against the moan forming in his chest.

He pumped faster now, his hand moving rapidly over his length. With his free hand, he cupped his balls and rolled them around beneath his cock, enjoying the feel as they drew up tighter to his body.

He stepped closer to lean on the edge of the bed with his thighs. He wanted to be near her, but more importantly he wasn’t sure he could keep his legs from buckling if he didn’t provide some support.

Maggie scooted her ass away from the edge and sat up straighter. She watched, her hands gripping the bedding on both sides of her body.

Carlton didn’t touch her, nor did she touch him, but the way she looked at him gave him the sensation of having her small hands on his body. Her long hair fell over her shoulders. When she licked her lips, her gaze riveted on his cock, he groaned. His balls drew up tighter, and he pumped faster. It took only seconds for his orgasm to reach the point of no return.

He squeezed gently as he came, his release landing on the towel between Maggie’s legs. The vision was picturesque—Maggie’s spread thighs, her rapt attention, his throbbing cock, and the stream that landed so close to her virgin sex.

When he was spent, his arms shook. He no longer enjoyed the distance between them. He needed to consume her. In essence he wanted to swallow her innocence, both figuratively and literally.

It was going to be a long day filled with sex, but he couldn’t concentrate on training her to follow his directives until he got her out of his system. Although that might have been wishful thinking. He doubted she’d ever be out of his system. And her pussy called to him.

Margaret’s mouth was dry. She tried to lick her lips, but her tongue had no moisture. She’d seen cocks before. Plenty of men had been naked on occasion at the club. She’d watched scenes where they let everything hang out.

But nothing compared to this one. Carlton was huge. She should have known. His entire body was huge. Part of her was frightened out of her mind to imagine him putting that inside her, but the other half of her wanted him to do it so badly she could almost taste the semen he’d deposited between her legs.

“Are you on any form of birth control, Maggie?”

She yanked her gaze from where he still stroked his cock to his face. “Yes.” She’d been getting the shots for years. With her small frame and little body fat, she’d needed the regulation of hormones. She rarely had a period, but at least her cycle was controlled.

“Good. Did you get your doctor’s records this week?”

“Yes, Sir. They’re in my purse.”

He stared at her and raised an eyebrow.

She licked her lips. “Did you, Sir?”

He smiled. “Good girl. Yes.” He grabbed the pages he’d set on his bedside table three days ago and handed them to her. “Never take a man’s word for it, baby. Always read the fine print. Safety first.”

She looked down at his medical report. All clean. She handed the pages back to him. “Thank you, Sir.”

The ache low in her belly had subsided while she’d watched Carlton in action and then listened to this frank discussion about logistics. She still wanted him, but not with the same intensity of before. At least her vision had cleared and her mind was less foggy. For a while, until she’d blown the moment with her cussing, she’d been ready to beg him to enter her.

Now that she was more level-headed, she realized why he’d masturbated instead. Indeed whatever he had in mind to stretch her pussy and prepare her to take his length, she was game for. She wasn’t stupid. It was going to hurt the first time, but there were surely ways he could make it better.

As she watched, Carlton rolled up the towel between them and tossed it on the floor. He grabbed her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the bed. “You must need the restroom. I haven’t let you out of bed yet.”

She’d been so consumed with her arousal she’d hardly noticed, but he was right. She nodded.

“Go. Come right back.” He dipped his head toward the attached bathroom, and she slipped from the bed to head that direction.

A moment alone would help her regain her senses. The first thing she did was pee, acutely aware of her naked pussy. It felt strange having her hair gone, but arousing too. She washed her hands and face and brushed her teeth before returning to Carlton.

“Get back on the bed, baby. Same position.”

She did as he instructed, placing herself sideways on the mattress, her legs spread, her hands at her sides.

He stared intently at her pussy, sending her mind into a needy orbit in two seconds. He was right. She felt far more exposed and vulnerable shaved. It heightened her arousal for him to stare at her so blatantly. Normally, it would unnerve her, if it were anyone besides Carlton. But the intensity in his expression relaxed her. He looked upon her with true desire to possess her, lovingly.

And it should have scared her. After all, he’d said this was a temporary exchange of needs. He had no intention of keeping her. And she had no intention of staying.

Reverently he stroked her thighs again, bringing her back to the edge of need. He pressed them wider, held her open to his gaze, not touching her.

Slowly his thumbs moved over her inner legs. He drew them to her center and pulled her lower lips apart. She felt the exposure immediately, the cooler air in the room meeting the wetness at the opening to her channel.

Still he stared. His gaze made her heart beat faster. She gripped the sheets in her fists at her sides for the umpteenth time, as though doing so would ground her in this world.

All she knew was the need to come as it ratcheted up with each passing second.

Carlton leaned his face closer to her pussy. His breath hit her sex where it lay open. She flinched.
God, please fucking touch me…
She sucked in a breath at the foul word as it entered her mind. He’d instructed her not to even think in that language. How would he know?

Somehow he would. Honesty was important to him. If he asked, she would be forced to admit her infraction as though she were in a confessional dragging up the sins she’d committed.

The difference was, in this case, Carlton was God. She’d be confessing directly to the one in charge. He would dole out her punishments as he saw fit. There would be no denying her culpability.

Carlton lowered farther.
… She wanted his mouth on her. If she couldn’t have his cock yet, she at least wanted this deep need to dissipate in any way possible. He could easily put her over the edge with his lips.

She wasn’t a stranger to having someone go down on her. In fact, she loved it, had always preferred it over penetration any day. The bulk of her orgasms came from her clit anyway. Having a dildo or vibrator in her pussy at the same time had always been icing on the cake—fun, but not necessary.

Until now. Today she wanted more. She could sense she was going to have to be patient, but if he would just lick her with those full lips…

Finally, the wait ended. Carlton reached out with his tongue and pulled it through her opening and across her clit.

She whimpered, her legs shaking beneath his grasp. Holy mother of God, the man could tease. His touch wasn’t quite like a woman’s. His tongue was larger, wider, stronger. “Do you like that, Maggie?” He lifted his face.

“God yes, Sir.” Her vision swam, making it difficult to focus after only the one touch of his tongue. To be fair, she’d been close to coming without the attention.

He lowered his face again and flicked his tongue over her clit, pushing the hood back to gain access with each stroke. “You’re delicious, baby. I’m going to want to do this a lot.” He released her thigh with one hand and pulled the hood away from her clit, gazing at her from such a short distance she gasped. “Ah, such a perfect pink pearl. Wet. Pulsing with your need. I can see it moving with each beat of your heart. You enjoy being licked.”

She nodded, though she doubted he noticed. It wasn’t really a question. There was no denying the effect he had on her.

He dipped his tongue lower and reached inside her.

Margaret moaned. She gritted her teeth to keep from pleading with him. She thought she’d needed to come earlier, but now the need was consuming her.

He pulled away. “How close are you, baby?”

“Very.” Was it a good idea to tell him that?

“Don’t come yet, Maggie. I haven’t given you permission.” He squeezed her thighs to emphasize his words. “Do you know what my favorite form of punishment is?”

“No, Sir.” She bit her lip and released it, the pain from her teeth drawing her away from the need in her pussy. She gasped as she realized what the answer would be. “Edging, Sir?”

“Exactly.” He smiled proudly. “I want you to experience that this morning.”

She shivered, unsure if he could accomplish what he set out to do. She didn’t think she had enough control to keep from coming even if he demanded it.

“I want inside here.” He tapped her pussy as he spoke. “I know you want it too. And we’ll be on pins and needles until we accomplish that feat. Are you with me?”

“Yes, Sir.” Was she ever.

He leaned down to get something at his feet. She heard the rustling, and her heart beat faster. How had she not noticed the addition of new items when she’d come back from the bathroom?

When he returned to his full height, he frowned at her. “Keep your legs spread, Maggie. It’s one of my primary rules. Keep your pussy open to my view whenever possible. Concentrate on that task above all others for the first few days until it becomes a habit.”

She jerked her knees apart, not realizing she’d closed them. The unknown at his feet must have given her the subconscious nudge to protect. “Sorry, Sir.”

Carlton prodded her entrance with something she couldn’t see. He hadn’t bothered to lift it to her gaze first. “Don’t panic. It’s just a dildo. You said you have several. I know you haven’t had a man’s cock in here before, but you’ve at least experienced the fullness.”

It was true, but nothing she owned compared to his size, and furthermore, no plastic, glass, or rubber was the same as his warm flesh. She was certain.

She thought the item at her entrance was rubber. The wide end swirled around her pussy, dragging her wetness in its wake.

Margaret concentrated on the pressure as he held the dildo firmly at her opening.

He kept moving it around, gathering more of her moisture and driving her to crave whatever he held inside her.

“That’s it. Just relax. Feel.” His words were gentle as he set his free hand on her belly and held her down. “Legs apart. Keep them wide, baby. Feel the cock as it works its way inside you.” He pushed at her entrance, letting the first inch slide into her pussy.

Margaret squeezed her fists. It was a fucking dildo. Why the angst?

Somehow the man managed to make everything he did so much more intense than it had to be. It was intentional. She knew that. But her body screamed all the same.

Another inch. He pressed forward and pulled back out as she accommodated the girth. So tight. So fucking filling.

She tipped her head back, elongating her neck, praying he wouldn’t ask her to watch. Her eyes weren’t likely to follow any commands.

“Breathe, baby. Is it too much?”

“No, Sir,” she managed to whisper.

He pushed farther. God, it was tight. When his thumb landed on her clit, she nearly shot off.

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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