Read Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #bondage;BDSM;submissive;Dom;sub;club;erotic romance;kink;gags

Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 (14 page)

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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Carlton turned around. “I’ll look at a few tweezer varieties up front, and we’ll take the dress.”

“Perfect.” Kelly slipped out of the room again, leaving Margaret with Carlton’s intense gaze on her naked body.

“I can’t wait for you to wear those for me.” He stepped closer. “Did they make you wet?”

“Very, Sir.”

He shocked her by stroking a finger through her pussy and bringing it to his mouth. He sucked it clean, moaning as though her cream was the tastiest of treats.

He stepped even closer until she breathed the same air as him, a chill shaking her as he wrapped an arm around her back and forced her to step backward as he continued to approach. In seconds, he had her back against the wall. He leaned into her with his body, wedging one knee between her legs. “Step out, baby.” His voice was gravelly, low, almost hoarse.

She obeyed, widening her stance.

“Clasp your hands behind your neck.”

She lifted them and threaded her fingers together to anchor her arms behind her head.

And then he was inside her, his fingers thrusting so deep so fast he took her breath away. His thumb landed on her clit and pressed hard enough to bring her up onto her toes. “Not a sound. If you can stay perfectly still and quiet, I’ll let you come. If you make a single peep, I’ll stop.”

She nodded. Her eyes fell shut as he thrust again, deeper if that was possible. He fucked her hard and fast as her arousal built to a sharp peak.

A tiny, high-pitched squeak pierced the silence.

And then his fingers were gone.

Her eyes shot wide open, as did her mouth. “No,” she blurted. She was so close. Her body shook with need.

Carlton calmly sucked his fingers clean of her wetness and kissed her forehead. “You’ll learn to stay quiet if you want to come.”

Sweat gathered on her temples as she tried to catch her breath. Her pussy pulsed, the need still there. She pleaded with her eyes, but he ignored her. When he released her body, she nearly collapsed, her wobbly legs not willing or able to support her. All her blood pooled in her sex, demanding release she wouldn’t get.

Carlton turned to grab the dress she’d come in wearing. He slipped it over her head as though she were unable to do so herself. And he probably had good reason. She doubted her arms would have been able to keep from fumbling if she tried to lift the material over her head.

Her pussy still pulsed. Wetness ran down her legs. She stepped forward awkwardly, not closing her legs for fear they would rub together and create even more friction she would be reprimanded for.

Carlton took her hand and led her from the room so fast her face still felt flushed with need. Her feet barely followed directions. The dress felt too tight. Her nipples abraded against the cotton as though it were sandpaper. The front of the skirt grazed across her naked clit, torturing her further.

Carlton smiled at her as he checked out, completely ignoring what had just happened. If he said anything, she couldn’t hear him over the roar in her ears.

She watched him select a pair of clamps that had something dangling from them. She couldn’t say what it was. She was in a fog as though drugged. A sexual haze that wouldn’t abate until she came. And he’d denied her that opportunity. And it was her own fault for not controlling her mouth.

He wasn’t angry. It was a matter of fact. He wouldn’t punish her for her transgression. She could tell it was over for him. Her punishment for not obeying his order had already been doled out in the form of denial.

Orgasm denial
. He was fond of it. He would use it against her to train her. She understood that clearly. And any part she didn’t quite grasp would be very sharp in her mind within days. He was a fair master. She’d known he would be. He hadn’t done anything other than what he’d expressly promised.

Carlton led her to the Land Rover and helped her inside. She winced as she sat on the seat, her pussy sticking against the leather. She spread her legs to avoid any friction and to please him.

When he entered his side, he turned to her. “Do you understand what happened?”

“I do, Sir,” she mumbled.

“Tell me.”

She felt her cheeks heat under his intense scrutiny. “You asked me not to make a noise. I failed. You stopped the orgasm.”

“How do you feel?”


“Does it feel good?”

“No, Sir. It actually hurts.” She wasn’t kidding. A tight knot had formed in the pit of her stomach that wouldn’t lessen as long as she remained on the edge. And that could be a long time.

“You think you can control yourself next time?”

“I’ll try, Sir.” She couldn’t promise anything. When he touched her, she lost all sense of anything but his fingers. Her mouth hadn’t seemed to be connected to her brain anymore.

He smiled. “I know you will.” He touched her cheek with his fingers. “You’re so gorgeous when you come. I don’t like to deny you.”

She swallowed and nodded.

Carlton started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

Margaret tucked her hands under her thighs again and tried to breathe normally.

It was going to be a long day.

Chapter Ten

Carlton pulled the car up to the back entrance of Emergence without saying a word. He’d kept one eye on the rearview mirror and one out the windshield the entire drive. Either he was growing paranoid, or the same car always seemed to be on their tail every time they drove.
The world is covered with dark sedans, dude. Loosen up

He shook the irrational fear from his mind and parked. He had things he needed to take care of at work. Saturday was a busy day, and he needed to make sure everything was attended to before they opened in the evening.

Maggie fidgeted in her seat.

He knew what she was thinking. “The only person here is Jason. I don’t think Jason cares if you’re out for the day without a bra. Do you?”

“No, Sir.”

“Then let’s go inside. I’ll order lunch. It’s late. You must be starving.”

Carlton took her hand as he led her inside. He loved the feel of her small palm against his. He totally swallowed her hand with his. As they passed Jason’s office, Carlton greeted him. “Hey, boss.”

Jason glanced at his watch and smirked. “Getting a late start today?”

“We had some things to take care of.” He leaned on the doorframe, keeping Maggie at his back as he rolled his eyes. “I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

Carlton knew Jason well. The man was teasing. And Carlton deserved the ribbing after the number of years he’d gone without a sub, even a temporary one.

Carlton led Maggie to his office and pointed toward the love seat against the wall. “Sit, baby. I’ll order us some sandwiches.”

He watched as she carefully lowered herself onto his soft, beige leather couch.

“We aren’t at home, Maggie. Sit however you like. I don’t expect you to hold any particular form here unless I specifically shut the door and tell you so.”

She nodded and tucked her legs under her.

The first item of business was lunch. Carlton called his favorite deli down the street and ordered sandwiches to be delivered. Then he powered up his computer and proceeded to check his email.

“What exactly do you do for Jason?” she asked.

The door to the office was open, and at that moment Jason happened to walk in. “Everything,” he said with a smile. “Without him, I’d still be in the small, run-down location where I started. He arranges the cleaning crew, stocks the beverages and snacks, keeps up the membership, sends out the bills, handles payroll, checks the backgrounds of any perspective members. He’s God around here.” He lowered his voice to barely above a whisper. “Secretly, he runs the show. I’m just a pretty face.”

“I’d hardly go that far, but thank you, Jason.” Carlton shook his head. He’d been with Jason so long he knew the man inside and out. He could guess what the man needed before he asked. And now was no exception. “Did you get my list of guests for tonight?”

Jason laughed again. “See what I mean? He’s one step ahead of me,” he said, facing Maggie. Then he turned toward Carlton. “I did. Anything I need to know specifically?”

“I don’t think so. Nobody stands out for tonight.”

“Good. And you’ll be here?”

“I will,” Carlton said. “Maggie will be here also.”

Jason turned back to Maggie. “Let me know if you need anything. And you know you’re free to come and go from the back rooms any time, right?”

Maggie nodded. “Thank you.”

Jason backed up toward the door as he directed his attention to Carlton once again. “Make sure you have enough staff available to handle things up front. Delegate, man. You’ve been here for ten years. You deserve to enjoy yourself. Spend time with your sub. Don’t work your ass off at the front door. I’ve been telling you that for years. Now’s the time to get other people to do the grunt work for you. They can come to me if they have a problem. The place won’t fall apart if your huge frame isn’t blocking the entrance.” Jason chuckled as he left the office.

Carlton smirked and turned back to his computer.

“You’re like family to him,” Maggie said.


A buzzing noise at Maggie’s feet indicated her cell was ringing in her purse.

Carlton watched her face as she cringed, a slight flinch indicating she wasn’t pleased.

“Are you going to get that?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Who is it?” Obviously she had the ringtone set up for someone or she wouldn’t have reacted in that fashion.

“My mom.”

He watched her face as she lowered her gaze. “Does she call often?”


“And you don’t answer?”

Margaret rolled her eyes. “She wants me to come over for dinner usually. She has hounded me more often lately.”

“And your dad?”

“Nah. He doesn’t call. He probably thinks I’m a lost cause.”

“Do you ever go? To dinner, I mean?”


“Maybe you should?”

She smiled. “Are you going to bug me about this?”

“Maybe. If it’s that painful for you, you need to put it to rest. At least with your mom. Who knows? Maybe she isn’t as rigid as your dad. Maybe she secretly wishes she had a relationship with you. Maybe if you give her a chance, she’ll show you a side of her you never knew existed.”

“Or maybe she’ll tell me not to let the door hit me on the ass on the way out.”

“And would that really be worse at this point? You have to ask yourself if you’re better off with or without people sometimes. This is one of those times.”

“I know all this, Carlton.” She wasn’t angry, but exasperated.

He decided not to push the subject further right then.

The sandwiches came and they ate together. They were both starving and polished the meal off fast.

“Those are good. I’ve never been to that deli before,” Maggie said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. She leaned back on the couch. “Now I’m exhausted. You’ve worn me out.”

“Take a nap. That love seat is small, but you’re hardly bigger than it. Lie down and rest. I’ve got a few more things to do before I can wrap up for the day.” Jason was very understanding, and Carlton knew the man meant every word he’d said about Carlton taking time for himself, but his work ethic wouldn’t permit him to fool around all day. He needed to spend the afternoon making sure the place was ready to open.

“Mm. I might do that.” She leaned to one side and curled her legs under her. Her cheek rested on the arm of the sofa, and she tucked her hands under her chin and closed her eyes.

God, she was precious. He was so fucking screwed.

Carlton glanced up every few minutes to watch her sleep. So peaceful. When she was asleep, all her worries disappeared and her expression relaxed. The only other time she let go of her problems was when she was aroused.

He liked both looks on her.

About an hour later, he finished checking on everything for that evening and shut down the computer. He rounded the desk and padded to his sleeping sub. For a few minutes he simply stared down at her, not wanting to disturb her. But the need to touch her was larger than his will to hold back.

He soundlessly backed to the office door, shut it with a slight snick and turned the lock on the knob.

When he returned to Maggie, he kneeled at her side and set his hand on her smooth, creamy thigh. The dress was so short, it barely covered her ass, and he didn’t intend for it to do even that now.

He caressed her skin as he eased his hand higher.

She moaned into the arm of the couch, and her top leg rose just enough to separate her thighs and give him better access to her pussy.

Panties were the dumbest invention of man, and Carlton was glad he’d banned them. When he wanted pussy, he didn’t want the hindrance to get in the way.

She didn’t come fully awake until he grazed his fingers through her folds, finding her wet heat beneath.

And then she moaned as her eyes flittered open. She smiled at him. “Is this how you’re always going to wake me?”

“Mm. Maybe. Do you mind?” He lifted an eyebrow in question.

She shook her head. “Not a bit.” Her face grew serious and her mouth fell open wide when he pressed two fingers into her channel. She drew her knee up farther, giving him better access.

“I love the look on your face when I reach inside you.” He stroked her G-spot as she stretched her body longer. She gripped the arm of the sofa with both hands.

“So, this is my office,” he said as he continued to torment her with two fingers. “Jason is just down the hall.”

“Mmm hmmm.” Her eyes grew glassy as she sucked her lower lip in between her teeth.

“You don’t want Jason to hear you, right?”


Carlton removed his fingers and grabbed her lower thigh until he had her attention. As her eyes landed on his, he continued. “No noises. Not a sound. If you can control your voice, I’ll pleasure you. If you can’t, I’ll stop.”

She nodded.

Carlton nudged her waist with his free hand, easing her onto her back. “Keep your hands above your head.”

She grasped the leather with the flat of her palms, trying to anchor herself with little success.

He bent her back knee and leaned it against the back of the sofa. He pulled her other leg to let it dangle over the edge of the seat. And then he pushed her dress up to expose her pussy. “So sexy.” He held her open with one hand on each thigh. “So wet for me. I know you need to come. You never got to earlier. I hope you can this time. I don’t like to leave you hanging.”

She gave only the slightest whimper.

He shifted his gaze from her wetness to her face. “Tell me, Maggie. Can you stay quiet?”

“Yes, Sir,” she murmured.

“Let’s see.” With both hands splayed on her thighs, he smoothed them up to her waist and then pushed the material of her dress above her breasts. Her nipples stood stiff and eager for his touch. Carlton circled them both at the same time, careful not to touch the tips. He didn’t stop until he got the desired result. She bucked her chest into his hands.

“Stay still.” He knew he set her up for failure by teasing her, but this was her first full day as his submissive, and he wanted to set the stage with no doubts about who was in charge. He wanted her to writhe with need, but be able to control her movements and noises. He would use restraints and gags to accomplish the task until she complied, but for today, he would demonstrate he meant what he said.

She wouldn’t get to come right now, or even later when he tested her again. There was no way she would be able to control her throat or keep her body still. She was too new to his ways. And she would test him. And she would fail every time.

And in the end, she would beg him to strap her down and block her mouth so she could come.

But not this afternoon. She wouldn’t be ready yet. It wouldn’t occur to her. After a few more instances like this, she would realize what she needed to ask for to get relief.

Carlton left her needy nipples, stiff from circling them with no direct contact. He wanted her closer to the edge before he pulled back. If her legs weren’t too shaky to stand, he wouldn’t have done his job well enough.

He caressed his way back down her body to her hips, pressing them into the couch while blowing on her open pussy.

She flinched, the smallest squeak leaking out of her mouth.

He pulled her lower lips apart with his thumbs and then dragged them through the copious gathering of moisture. “Always ready for me.” It was true, and her wet heat made his cock swell to the point of almost unbearable pressure beneath his jeans.

He circled her clit with his pointer, holding the little hood up with his other index finger. Again, with no direct contact, he made her squirm. “Still, baby. No movement.”

Her rigid body fought for control. She was losing the battle. As he knew she would. But his intentions were to establish complete control over her and let her know he was the Dom. Her orgasms were his, to be doled out on his terms under his directives.

In a few days, she’d easily be able to orgasm under his command with more frequency.

Carlton thrust two fingers into her sheath. He pressed the spot at the base of her clit enough to send a wave of shock to her system.

Success was immediate. Maggie’s mouth fell open, releasing her lip. She was so close to screaming, her face appeared to mimic the action without making a sound.

“Good girl.” He was impressed. And proud of her.

He thrust again, twisting his fingers inside her. He released the pressure on her clit, knowing it would be too much. He didn’t want her to topple into an orgasm without his permission. He had no intention of letting her go over the edge just now.

He thrust harder, pressing deeper.

Maggie dug her heel into the couch and lifted her ass to meet his thrusts. A loud moan filled the room.

Carlton let her go, pulling both hands away from her body at once, leaving her hot, swollen, exposed to his view.

Her heart beat so hard he could see the rise and fall of her breasts as her gaze met his, her mouth open in shock. “No. Oh God. No. Please.”

Carlton licked his fingers of her arousal. “Those are the rules, baby.” He pulled her dress down over her breasts, though he’d rather continue to watch her nipples, swollen with need. If he didn’t remove the temptation, he’d likely take her against his own rules.

He backed up and stood, his cock protesting at least as much as her pussy. He needed relief and soon. “Let’s go home for a while before we have to be back here. Maybe I’ll give you another chance.”

Maggie’s arms shook visibly as she pulled herself to sitting. Her eyes remained wide with shock.

Carlton reached for her hand and helped her stand. He kissed her forehead. “You’ll learn, baby. The first few days will be hard while you get accustomed to my rules. I make them. You don’t have any leeway to break them.”

“Yes, Sir.” Her steps were unsteady as she followed him from the office and out to the car.

In no time, they were on the road. Carlton put his hand on her thigh as he drove, knowing his touch would keep her on edge.

Maggie kept her hands at her sides, saying nothing. Her legs eased open enough for him to reach between them. Her body pleaded with him, willing him to touch her. He knew the signs. And he ignored them.

BOOK: Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4
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