Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2) (21 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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Standing, I
peered down at him. “I’m not going a
with you,” I snapped back.

“Brooke, you
need to watch your tone. You’ve developed quite the attitude. I see Ashley’s bitchiness is rubbing off on you.”

“You’re in no position to tell me who I should socialize with. I think you should just learn to mind your own damn business.”
I reached for the door and Dan cleared his throat.

He pul
led his phone out of his pocket to flip through it. “Remember, you’re on probation. I could easily fire you, and may possibly get Dr. Hunter’s sorry ass suspended,” he glared at me. “I suggest you readjust your attitude quickly, young lady.”

nostrils flared; my blood pressure shot through the damn roof as I opened the door and stomped to my office, yanking the door closed behind me. I sat there resisting the urge to scream, beat my chest, rip my shirt, and run back across the hall to Kenpo karate kick Dan’s puny ass through his window. I slammed the files around on my desk. I was furious, but I felt like he had me. What could I do at this point? I knew if I went to HR Dan would out me and Gavin. I couldn’t lose my job, and I definitely didn’t want to get Gavin into trouble.

Peggy looked over at me. “Is all that really necessary? I have a migraine.”

Rising from my chair, I glared at her and walked out. I went to the restroom and locked myself in a stall, leaned against the cool aluminum door, and wondered why in the hell people had to be so crazy. There was a brief moment where I thought I should tell Gavin about Dan, but then I realized I still had to tell him about Ashley before tomorrow. I stood in the restroom for about ten minutes before I managed to collect myself and get the nerve up to walk over to Gavin’s office.

tapped on his door before pushing it open.

” I said as I pressed my back against the door and slowly closed it. My sweaty palms stuck to the wood. Gavin looked up from his computer and smiled.

o, there’s kinda something I need to tell you.” I stopped at the end of his desk, dragging my finger along the edge.

Gavin turned his chair around and
patted his thigh. I walked over and sat on his leg. He put his arm around me and softly said, “Yes?”

well, you know Ashley?” I could feel my pulse throbbing in my temples.

.” He looked at me with slight concern.

inhaled. “Well, we kinda hang out on the weekends. She’s dating my best friend’s brother.”

Gavin looked up
at the ceiling. Closing his eyes, he bit his lip. “I see,” he paused, opening his eyes and directing his gaze down at the floor.

I wasn’t certain if he was upset or not.

He inhaled, exhaling a long breath. “That complicates things just a touch, doesn’t it?” His eyes rose and met mine. “Does she already know about us?” he asked as he pushed my hair behind my ear, waiting on me to respond.


“Okay, then. Did she say anything?” The roundness of his eyes thinned and his pupils dilated slightly as he stared at me.

nodded, “I mean, she asked about it — she found out from my friend that was supposed to pick me up from the airport.”

He cast
one of those wicked smiles at me. “She asked about
” He paused for a moment, nodding his head. “Of course she did.”

h, she did.”

tone was stern as he said, “I don’t trust her.”

I wait
ed on a grin to pull the corner of his lips upwards, but his demeanor was rigid as he stared at the floor.

“Why not? She’s not
gonna tell anybody. We’re friends,” I said.

His eyes drew back up to mine
and he touched his lips to mine. I forced myself to pull away from him and stood up because I knew if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to stop him. I made my way to the door, pausing as I placed my hand on the handle. “So, we’re supposed to go out tomorrow, want to go?”

miling at me, he asked, “Would that ‘we’ include Ashley?”


think about it, but only on one condition,” he peered at me. His green eyes hooked on mine as he motioned for me to come back over to him. I walked back toward him and stopped in front of his chair. Gavin grabbed onto my hips, pulling me close to him. He roughly ran his hand under the bottom of my shirt and up toward my breasts. His fingers were cool against my skin as he cupped me with his hand. “You’ll let me have my way with you later that night.”

y body responded violently to his touch and the promises of his words. “Absolutely,” I whispered and pushed his hand out from under my shirt. Stopping at the door, I glanced back at him.

What in the hell had I gotten myself into?




Gavin: Can’t wait to see you tonight.

Setting my phone down on my dresser,
I looked at my reflection in the mirror and noticed the ridiculous smile on my face. I really had it for this man. I was completely in lust with him.

After I’d gotten
ready, I sat on the couch with Simon and waited on Gavin to arrive. My phone rang.


Gavin’s voice came over the line
. “Hey. Which one is your apartment?”

“It’s the second unit. I’ll
just come outside.” My one bedroom apartment looked so pathetic compared to his house; I was embarrassed for him to see it.

“Okay, see you in a minute
,” he said and hung up.

jogged down the stairs and waited on the sidewalk in front of my apartment building. When I saw Gavin pull his car into a parking spot, I walked over.

etting out of his car, he went to the passenger side and opened the door for me. I locked my eyes on him as I got closer to his car. His hair was pulled back and the first three buttons of his black button-up shirt were undone. He looked absolutely irresistible standing there with one hand on the door and the other slightly shoved in the pocket of his jeans. I rose up on my tiptoes and tenderly kissed him; the smell of his cologne was so pleasing it almost made me feel dazed.

“You look stunning,
” he said. Gavin gave me one more brief kiss before he shut the door, and went around to the driver side. He put the car in reverse and pulled his sunglasses down over his eyes.

“It must suck having to work on the weekends?” I asked as we pulled out of my apartment complex.

“I don’t really think about it too much. Remember, until last Tuesday I had quite the problem separating myself from my work. Though I must say that I did find today terribly trying.”

“And why is that.”

“All I could think about was how badly I wanted to be with you.” He grabbed my hand, pulling it to his mouth and pressing his warm lips against the back of it.

I smiled. This man definitely knew how to make a woman crazy about him. I still couldn’t believe that this was real. He was too damn good to be true
– putting that whole doctor thing aside — absolutely beautiful, accomplished, romantic, and unbelievable in bed.

“Glad I could help you figure out a way to
keep your mind off work,” I said.

He looked over at me a
nd down shifted his car. “Yes, you have definitely given me a way to forget about work. Now it seems my dilemma is how I can separate work from you.” He paused and placed has hand on my thigh, gently caressing the inner part of my leg. “All I can think about is how badly I want you. I’m tempted to call you in my office and fuck you right on my desk.”

I was so turned on I was afraid if I moved my leg the wrong way I may get off.

Gavin removed his hand from my leg and shifted gears again. “So, who all will I be meeting tonight?”

“Well, Constance, she’s my best friend. We’ve been friends ever since I moved here. Then there’s Colton, he’s Constance’s brother. He’s the one that’s dating Ashley. Adam will be there too. He’s in Colton’s band.”

What type of music do they play?”

“Grunge rock stuff. You
know, Nirvana, Bush, Green Day, stuff like that.”

, okay. I like that kind of music.”

I thought for a moment
and asked. “So, who do you hang out with? I haven’t heard you talk much about your friends.”

“Well, most of my friends don’t actually live here, but I do occasionally get together with a couple of guys to have a drink.
You know Zach Johnson? We go out sometimes with a few other guys from clinic.”

name was familiar because he was another neurosurgeon at the hospital. His office was located across campus, so my interactions with him had been brief.

“So, am I the only person you hang out with that isn’t a doctor?”

He checked the street to make sure he could turn and then glanced at me briefly. “Hmmm, I guess you are.” I could tell he felt like he had to explain himself. “Not that I do that intentionally. I moved down here about six years ago. I’ve stayed so immersed in work and projects that I haven’t really met anyone outside of work.”


“What? What’s so amusing?”
he asked.

eaching over, I touched his shoulder. “I wasn’t judging you, just making an observation,” I paused. “Constance was wanting me to hook her up with one of your friends, but I’ll just tell her she’s out of luck.”

We left the restaurant and headed to the ba
r to meet up with everyone. Gavin turned off the interstate two exits before the one to the bar.

“Where are we going?”
I asked.

“I left something at the office. I have to work on a patient report tomorrow morning
, and I’d rather get it while I’m on this side of town.”

We pulled into the empty parking lot
beside the building. Gavin got out, walked over, and opened my door.

Come inside with me. I don’t want to leave you out here by yourself.”

Getting out, I
followed him to the front of the building. He pulled out his badge and swiped the card key at the side of the door. The glass doors slid open and we entered the building.

was spooky being inside the office that late at night. The only light was the dim glow from the emergency bulbs in the lobby. Gavin unlocked the door to the hallway and I followed him down to his office. He went in and rummaged through the piles of papers on his desk. Peeping across the hall to the conference room, I looked at the long table, overcome with the urge to have him. Gavin shut his door and I grabbed his hand, dragging him toward the conference room.

When I
got to the doorway I turned around, batted my eyelashes, and said, “I want you to fuck me, right here.”

That was the first time I’
d ever really talked dirty to someone, and just hearing those words come out of my mouth made me feel empowered.

pressed my mouth to his, desperate to have him. The large file fell from Gavin’s grip and hit the floor with a thud. He grabbed me, his fingers digging into my shoulders as he pushed me inside the conference room.

y fingers skimmed underneath his thin cotton shirt, gliding over the defined muscles of his chest as I pushed him back to the edge of the wooden conference table. His hands grabbed my ass as he kissed me, ruthlessly sucking on the tip of my tongue and biting my bottom lip when he pulled away from me. His hands fumbled up my back to the top of my dress, frantically unfastening it.

“Damn it,”
he murmured as he fumbled with the top button that didn’t want to pull free from the fabric. He pushed the dress from my shoulders and ran his hands along the curves of my body.

“You know you’ve just gotten yourself in trouble, aye?” he said, one eyebrow arched in a sinister look.

“Is that so?” I asked as I unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his arms.

oosening the black belt he had on, I quickly moved my hands to the fastenings of his jeans and unzipped them. I forcefully pushed both his jeans and boxers down at the same time, baring him fully to me.

Each brush of his hand, each caress from his lips commanded my body to submit to him.
I became possessed by my want for him.

persuasively pushed him back against the table and knelt down, pulling his dick to my mouth. I barely touched my lips to the tip of the head while I stroked it with my hand. The plumpness of his head sent ripples of heat down my midsection.

Gavin tensed up. His hands gripped my shoulders and squeezed. One hand fell to the table and held on to its edge.
I delicately licked around the outline and glanced up to meet his stare. I wanted to watch his reactions as I sucked on him. His mouth hung loosely open and his eyes glazed over as I pulled my tongue underneath and made one long, hard stroke with it. Gavin let out a desperate breath when I pushed him inside of my mouth.

“Your fucking mouth,” he groaned, unable to finish his sentence.

Dropping his head back, he let out a sated sigh. I continued to wrap my tongue around him, methodically making my way down on him, twisting the base of his dick while I moved my mouth up and down.

A l
ong, primitive growl slipped from his lips and he reached down, grabbing a fistful of hair at the back of my head and pulling my face up to his while he grinded his body against mine.

“My turn,” he whispered
. The heat of his breath falling over my neck as he tugged harder on my hair.

fingers scratched lightly across my skin as he unhooked my pink lace bra and laid it to the side. The cool air coursed across my bare flesh. Squeezing my breasts, his hands skated down my stomach, moving faster as they neared my thighs. His mouth sucked down my neck, and his fingers traced along my sides until he reached my panties. He worked his thumb underneath one side of them, feeling the slickness his touch created before yanking them down.

thrill of being completely naked in front of him in that room sent a bolt of electricity through my body.

Gliding his hands
between my legs, he traced my cleft with his fingers. A sadistic smirk covered his face. “You make me behave so badly. What am I supposed to do with this? So greedy – so inviting,” he groaned before slowly slipping his fingers inside of me.

e forced me down onto the wooden table top. The shock of the cool surface sent chills splintering up my back. Gavin pushed me further down onto the table and spread my legs apart, his fingers sliding over me, teasing me, making me want him. The ends of his hair brushed against my face as he covered my body with his and all I could think about was how I
him inside me.

ooking at me intently, he panted between kisses, “I want to taste you.”

With those words my legs fell weightlessly to the sides, granting him the access he requested.

Gavin worked his mouth down my body and I watched as his tongue flicked around the edges of my opening. His eyes burned into me, never leaving mine as his tongue glided inside me. One of his hands slowly wove its way up my stomach and he ran a finger across my naval, tugging on my piercing. I sighed as his hot tongue darted in and out, caressing every part of me. Every so often he’d pause and blow long, blistering breaths on me, causing my back to arch. I dug my nails into his shoulders as he sucked hard on my clit, his fingers flexing and bending inside of me.

tanding up, he grabbed onto my ankles, pulling hard on my legs and bringing me back down to the edge of the table. “I’m not even close to done with you!”

My skin caught
friction, screeching against the cold wood when he drug me toward him. A devious smile etched across his face and he slowly slid his fingers into his mouth. He moaned satedly as he licked the taste of me from them.

I craved
him in a way I could never justify with mere words. Feelings that intense – in a million years I would never be able to find the proper words to describe them, not even in the slightest.

pressed himself to my entrance and pushed inside me with one deep and hard thrust. My skin flushed as a rush of ecstasy released throughout my extremities. He fucked me so hard, I was scooted back to the middle of the table. Gavin placed one knee up onto the table, and then the next as he positioned himself on top of me. Moving deliberately, he made small circles with his hips as he coerced pleasure from me.

I opened my eyes and watch
ed his shadow above me, the only way I could describe how he looked was that he embodied sex itself as he fucked me.

angled his head back; the glow from the hallway catching the outline of his jaw. There was just enough light that I could see him bite his bottom lip as he exhaled a long, satisfied breath; it was almost like he was holding back.

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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