Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2) (48 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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y body relaxed when his fingers dug deep into the soft skin of my shoulders. I released a heavy moan as he moved his hands down under my thighs, gripping me like he owned me as he stood up. His mouth covered my neck, pulling skin between his teeth as he carried me over to the dining room table.

He laid me onto the wooden table and grabbed my feet
to place them over his shoulders. He kissed my calf and then groped his way down my thighs to my hips. Grabbing my hips, he ravenously pulled me to the edge of the table. I groaned loudly as he pushed deep inside of me with hard and fast drives. His grip on my hips became tighter with each thrust, my skin burning underneath his grasp. He moved one hand across my hips, pressing hard on my skin as he slid it across to my clit, making small circles over the smooth skin, mercilessly fucking me.

My breaths became shallow
as the tension built to a point of unbearable pleasure, the warmth spreading across my legs and up my abdomen. One hard, long thrust caused the tension to release and the warmth to quickly drown my entire body. My hands flattened against the table, my thighs pressed against him, and I groaned uncontrollably. My body constricted around him as his movements grew more passionate, more fierce and dominating.

rabbing onto his forearms, I clenched my nails into his skin. Gavin released a loud growl as he came. His head fell forward and his arms stiffened as he gave several tiny thrusts. My legs fell from his shoulders and he rested his head on my stomach, breathless and completely satisfied.

ressing his lips to the skin above my navel, he let out a slight sigh, the sweat dripping from his forehead. “I will never believe that you weren’t made for me,” he said sweetly. He kissed up my body toward my face. “You’re exactly what I’ve always needed, exactly.” His lips found mine, embracing them in a short, innocent kiss. “I’m completely fixated on you. Entranced with each movement of your body.”

I rolled my face to the s
ide and the tip of my nose brushed against his. Staring into his eyes, he seemed too perfect. I searched for some dark side of him. He was too perfect, I needed to find some piece of him that made him seem human – imperfect in some small way, but all I saw was the reflection of adoration. I still found myself battling my initial innate urge to avoid this man, but I was in too deep; my veins had woven themselves into his. I knew if he ever pulled himself away from me I would feel emptiness like I never had before. I had a sense that the earth had moved specifically to bring us together. I felt like no one else had ever experienced a love, desire, a passion, and need for one another the way that Gavin and I did. A lump formed in my throat as I realized that I was hopelessly in love with him,
vulnerable to him.

I turned my head to the side, slightly opening my mouth as I kiss
ed his sinful lips. Drawing away from his face, I said, “I’m pretty sure I was made with you in mind. I love you, Gavin Hunter. I’m so madly in love with you,” I paused. “I’m terrified of the way I love you.”

He narrowed his eyes
to study my face. “You’ve nothing to fear with me, love. I’m devoted to you, absolutely devoted. As long as you live, you will belong to me.” Smiling softly, he sat up and pushed himself off of the table.

e reached underneath my knees, wrapped his left arm around my back, and lifted me from the table. His mouth crushed over mine, enveloping mine passionately as he walked me back to the bedroom.

laid me down on the bed and climbed in beside me. I rested my head on his chest, laying my palm in the crevice of his muscles, allowing the lull of his heartbeat to put me to sleep.



September 5, 2014

Friday morning we packed one suitcase into Gavin’s Porsche. Something about us sharing a suitcase made our relationship seem so official, so serious. Gavin shut the trunk and climbed into the front of his car. He backed out of his driveway, stopping to pull his Versace sunglasses down over his eyes.

All right,” he said as he attached his iPod to the USB connection and scrolled through the varied selection of music. He sat the device down on his console and said, “This will do just fine.” Gavin put the car in drive and pulled down to the end of his street, halting at the stop sign.

I glared over at him
as I listened to the music. “Really? Deftones? You can’t play our sex music on a road trip. Especially not first thing!” I pressed the shuffle button and glanced over at him.

He turned left out of his subdivision
. The wheel slid through his fingers and he cut his eyes over at me. “They’re my favorite band. How are you going to tell me we can’t listen to them unless we’re having sex?” The corner of his lips curled up.

“Well, I can’t help but vividly imagine having sex to these songs
, and I can’t be all hot and bothered when I show up at my mother’s house. You can make it half a day without listening to them,” I said and patted his shoulder. “I promise.”

“Ah, so I see.” Gavin reached his hand over to my knee and squeezed. “If ever there’s a time I need to turn you on all I need to do is play some Deftones and you’ll be putty in my hands?”

I laughed, stopping to bit
e the bottom of my lip as I stared at him. “No, all you need to do is,” I blew air threw my lips, “and I’ll be putty in your hands.”

Gavin’s smile widened and the tiny dimples in his cheeks
showed. He laughed, glancing over at me briefly as he shifted gears. “So, now all I have to do is breathe to get you wet, aye?”

I nodded my head once. “Exactly.” I pulled my dark pink sunglasses down an
d peered at him from over the frames. “Sad, isn’t it?” I sighed.

“Absolutely not. I love that I turn you on so much
, love.”

“ ‘
Turn me on’ is a damn understatement, Gavin.” I glanced over at him. “I don’t even want to know what my mother and sister will say about you.” I shook my head. “You may never escape in one piece.”

ulling my feet up into the seat, I looked out at the scenery on the horizon. I felt a sense of comfort knowing I would be home in several hours.


We pulled up to the gated entrance of the bridge connecting the mainland to the small bay community. Gavin rolled to a stop and let his window down.

The security guard pee
red down from the station. It was the same guard who’d worked the gate since I was in elementary school.

His raspy voice asked, “Who ya’ vis’tin’?”

Leaning across Gavin, I smiled at the guard. “Hey, Mr. Puckett.”

ulling his glasses down his nose slightly, the guard shuffled closer to the car, leaning in further. “Brooke, that you? I’ll be. Been too long since you been home, darlin’. I bet ya’ momma’s beside herself knowin’ you’re comin’ in town.”

She’s pretty excited. How’s Mrs. Puckett?”

“Oh, she’s as crazy as a bat. Like she’s been the past fift
y some odd years.” Mr. Puckett laughed hoarsely. His tan and wrinkled face turned toward Gavin. “Now, who’s he?” Mr. Puckett squinted his hooded eyes at Gavin, trying to determine if he was from “good blood” or not.

“This is my boyfriend, Gavin Hunter.”
I relished in the moments I could actually introduce him as mine. “Gavin, this is Mr. Puckett.”

“Nice to meet you
, sir,” Gavin replied.

Mr. Puckett straighte
ned himself up, and his head drifted out of view. “Ohhhhh.” He leaned back down. “You done gone off and got you some for’ner? He, he, hee.” Mr. Puckett laughed and then abruptly stopped.

His eyes darted down to Gavin.
“Now, you best take good care of Brooke here, you see, I’ve watched this one grow up from ‘bout yea high.” He held his withered hand up right above his knees. “She’s a sweet little girl.” Mr. Puckett’s eyes focused on Gavin and his voice deepened as he sternly said, “Ya’ hear, son?”

Gavin grinned and chuckled
, “Yes, sir. My word I’ll treat her like a queen.”

Mr. Puckett shook his head. “A
’ight then.” His gaze shifted over to me. “You tell your momma we miss her at church, okay, darlin’?”

“I will. It’s so good to see you
, Mr. Puckett.”

miling sweetly at me, he said, “Good to see you too, darlin’.” He stepped into the guard station and placed a light blue pass in Gavin’s windshield. Mr. Puckett reached inside the building and released the gate, waving as we drove over the bridge.

Gavin looked over at me. “Nice man.”

I grinned. “I love Mr. Puckett.”

“One way on and one way off?”

“Yep.” I felt the bump from where the bridge met the road. “Turn right,” I instructed Gavin.

Gavin turned and looked around at the houses spaced widely apart. “These are beautiful.”

I nodded. “Okay, after that palm tree you’re gonna take another right.” I looked down the narrow road, watching as we passed a stone manatee holding a mailbox. “Now, it’s gonna be the second driveway on the right.” I sat up in my seat. “Right here.”

Gavin pulled down the driveway
. The stone pavers made a thumping noise under the tread of his high profile tires. Looking in front of me, I saw sand from the dunes creeping across the driveway. The emerald waters of the bay caught the rays from the setting sun. Gavin put the car in park and I immediately opened the door. The humid, salty air hit me as I stepped out of his car. I could feel a film of moisture form on my skin.

I turned to Gavin. His eyes
were fixated on the waters in front of us.

So, this is where you grew up?” he asked, pushing his sunglasses up onto his head.

smile washed over my face. “Yep, this is home to me.”

“Those waters
— they’re stunning. So clear!” He walked under the porch, between the sea oats, and toward the water.

I followed him down the pier and w
e stood at the edge. Pointing across the horizon, I said, “There’s the ocean.”

We looked down and a salt water skate glided across the sand.
A grin formed on Gavin’s face as he watched it swim along the bottom.

“The dol
phins come in here all the time,” I said.

He turned to me. “So, you really are a beach girl.”

“Can’t get much beachier than this.” I grabbed his hips and pulled him toward me. “I’m glad you’re here.” He leaned down and kissed me sweetly. Brushing my hair behind my back, he rested his hands on the top of my shoulders.

. Honey!” I heard my mother’s voice call out.

moved away from me and we glanced up to the white porch. My mother was standing at the railing. Her dark hair caught in the light breeze. The red and tan striped maxi dress she was wearing accentuated her curves.

made my way up the wooden pier, the weathered boards creaking beneath my feet. “Hey, Mother.” I looked over my shoulder at Gavin.

I jogged up the stairs and hug
ged her. She rubbed her hands across my back and said, “I’ve missed you, baby.”

acking away, she looked down at Gavin as he came up the stairs. Her eyes darted back over to me and she gave me an approving smile.

stopped at the top of the stairs. “You must be Claire?” he said as he approached my mother. I could tell by the quick breath she drew in that his stunning looks and foreign accent hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“Yes, Gavin
! It’s so nice to finally meet you.” My mother smiled tenderly at him and glanced back at me. “My Brooke seems to be quite taken with you.”

The color of his cheeks darkened
. I found it extremely sexy because I don’t know that I’d ever seen him blush before. Gavin glanced over at me quickly and then back at my mother. “Well, I’m quite taken with her as well,” he said, placing his arm around my waist.

Mother opened the large sliding glass door.
“Come in, come in. You two were right on time. I’m just about to pull the chicken from the oven.”

She w
ent into the house and straight into the kitchen. Opening the oven, she pulled out a large glass pan. She sat it down on the stove and then stirred whatever was simmering in her large stainless steel pot. “So, did you kids have a nice drive in?”

“Very pleasant,
” Gavin said as he took a seat at the island.

I walked over and peered into the pot. I saw rice pilaf with chunks of pineapple in it. “You made my favorite!”

My mother reached over and drew my forehead to her
s. “Of course, honey.” She looked over at Gavin. “I don’t ever cook anymore, so I hope it’s okay. Brooke told me you’re
the gourmet chef.”

I glared at her.
I didn’t need her telling him everything I’d bragged about to her.

Gavin laughed and ran his hand behind his head, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know my way around a kitchen.”

“Don’t spoil her too much.” My mother looked over at me and raised one eyebrow slightly. “She’ll let you do it. You’ll have to watch yourself,” she teased.

I tossed my hands in the air and t
ook a seat next to Gavin.

, I don’t mind. A woman should be spoiled,” Gavin said, pinching my thigh.

My mother placed one hand on her hip, pointing at me with her spoon. She shook it lightly and water dripped onto the tiled floor. “You better hang on to this one, Brooke, he knows what he’s talking about.”

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