Bound to the Fey (Book Four of The Mortal Champion): (A Supernatural, Fairy, College, Erotic Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Fey (Book Four of The Mortal Champion): (A Supernatural, Fairy, College, Erotic Romance)
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His blood grew hotter. The drunken lust he had felt at the bachelor party returned, hardening his cock. He focused on the lust, the ache in his empty chest fading. It was soothing to feel anything other than despair.

“I've been waiting for this for such a long time,” purred Corrigan. “Umm, but you are so handsome, Gunnar.”

He didn't answer. That was too much effort.

“I'll make you forget all about that horrible Maeve. Don't you worry. I'll heal your pain.” Her voice was thick and sultry, purring like honey, but there was the faintest hint of ice.

Gunnar didn't care. She could be cold. All he wanted was to be rid of the pain, to lose himself in any distraction.

The last image of Maeve reared in Gunnar's mind, not the fearsome thing dripping foul ichor with hideous, fly-like wings, but of her red hair flying behind her, her gossamer wings glinting gold, and the terrible despair engulfing her face.

Gunnar stumbled, pausing on the stairs.

Why had she been full of despair? She had fled in fear of the poker, so why did she look so different that last—

A blast of frigid air engulfed Gunnar, driving away that thought. His blood burned hotter, driving away the cold. Corrigan waited at the top of the stairs, her breasts round and inviting, her pink nipples hard. She beckoned.

Gunnar's throbbing cock urged him to follow.

His feet thumped as he climbed the last few stairs. Corrigan led him into a bedroom. The decoration surprised him. The carpet was white as fresh snow, the bed was intricately carved, clearly an antique, and stained almost black. A pale-blue comforter covered the bed. The dresser was covered in dollies, and little cat knickknacks dotted the room. Pictures of an old woman holding various cats dotted the walls.

It wasn't the bedroom of a wild girl like Corrigan.

“This is my grandmother's house,” she smiled, sensing his question. “She's on a cruise and I'm watching it for her.”

Corrigan stretched out on the bed, writhing sensuously. Gunnar's cock burned hotter, aching to be buried in her flesh, to find forgetfulness in her arms. Gunnar ripped off his shirt, exposing his broad chest, ruffling his shoulder-length, sandy-blond hair. He had the build and look of a Viking warrior, wide shoulders, rippling muscles. Only his eyes would seem strange, one blue and the other brown.

“I've been dreaming of this all semester,” moaned Corrigan. “Ever since I laid eyes on you that first time in Professor Webster's class.” Her fingers slid down her lush body, pushing between her thighs and stroking her pussy. She spread her lips open, revealing her wet, pink flesh. “I need you! Make love to me, Gunnar. Forget about Maeve. Take your reward for driving off that demon.”

“Demon?” Gunnar growled.
Was Maeve a demon?

How could you love a demon?

The pain returned, so he ignored it, listening to his throbbing cock. He ripped off his pants, his girth popping out. Corrigan let out a throaty moan, her fingers playing through her pussy lips as she writhed, her tits jiggling.

“Come to me, Gunnar. Be mine.”

A cold wind tickled down the back of his neck. Corrigan seemed even more beautiful and desirable. She eclipsed any woman Gunnar had ever seen. Her beauty was perfect. He drank in her pale, lithe flesh as he moved to the bed.

He crawled onto the blue comforter, seizing her thighs and pulling her pussy closer to his mouth. She smelled cool and fresh. His mouth watered. Gunnar took a long lick up her pussy, savoring her flavor as she shuddered.

“Yes! Eat me! Love me! Worship me, Gunnar! Oh, yes! I've wanted this for so long! Umm, yes!”

Gunnar spread her pussy lips far apart with his thick fingers, working his tongue deep into her pink flesh. She squealed and moaned, shuddering beneath his hungry mouth. Her toes curled, her hips arching into his mouth.

Gunnar loved to eat pussy. He loved to give a woman pleasure, savoring her gasps and moans as he fed on her succulent flesh. Every pussy was different. Some women had plump, tight vulva, their labia barely peaking out, and other women had fat, wrinkly lips you could suck into your mouth, with so many variations in between. Shaved, trimmed, or bushy. He didn't care. From the virginal appearance of a shaved pussy, to the excitement of silky pubic hairs brushing his lips, he enjoyed every one.

But not Corrigan's.

She tasted wonderful. Her flesh was hot. Her thighs pressed against his face as she bucked and moaned against his hungry lips. He sent his tongue probing her depths, his nose nuzzling against her hard clit.

But all he could think about was driving his cock into her depths. He liked to give a woman at least one orgasm before fucking her, but the emptiness inside him needed to be filled. And he wouldn't fill that pain by eating out her pussy.

Gunnar rose, crawling up her body.

“No! Don't stop!” she hissed, her hands clasping his shoulder, trying to push him back down her body. “Make me cum, Gunnar!”

“No,” he growled. “You can cum on my cock! I need to be in you.”

She struggled to push him down, but he was strong. His hands shoved her thighs farther apart as he settled between them. Corrigan moaned her frustration, but then reached down and seized his cock, stroking him and guiding him to her pussy.

“You always were so stubborn,” Corrigan muttered as his cock nudged the lips of her pussy. Gunnar groaned, savoring her silky feel, and then drove into her.

Hot, tight flesh engulfed him. Bliss radiated out from his cock. Gunnar reveled in her wet silk, the despair in his heart banished by the pleasure. He sank deeper, going so slow, savoring every inch as he penetrated her.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she panted, her thighs wrapping about him. “You'll be worth all the effort to tame you.”

Gunnar didn't care what she said. His right hand seized her heavy breast. He squeezed it, thumbing her nipple. She shuddered beneath him, bucking up into his thrusts. Her lips nibbled at his chin and cheek, trying to find his lips.

He turned his head, raising his body up with his arms. He drove his cock deep into her pussy, his strokes growing harder and harder. She gasped beneath him, her fingernails raking down his broad chest as her golden eyes shone with passion.

“Take my cock,” he grunted. “Take it, whore!”

“Whore!” Corrigan laughed. “Umm, you'll pay for that.”

Gunnar didn't care, her fingernails biting harder into his flesh. He drew back, slamming his cock in deep. “You love it, whore. I've seen you strutting around school. You're just like Mindy and...” He couldn't say her name. “You're a slut. You've just been aching for my cock.”

“Oh, I have,” she moaned, undulating beneath him. “It's wonderful. Keep fucking me, stud. Keep pounding me. Oh, yes! You're big dick is going to make me explode.”

“Good.” The bed creaked, the headboard thumping into the wall. “I love it when a whore cums on my cock.”

Corrigan's eyes squeezed shut. A naughty squeal escaped her lips, her pussy writhing about his shaft. Gunnar savored her orgasm. Her pussy tightened and relaxed, intensifying the ache at the tip of his cock.

His balls tightened as they hammered into her.

“Cum in me!” she hissed, her fingernails biting even harder into his chest. The pain flared, compelling his hips to hammer her pussy harder.

“Yes!” he roared, burying his cock to the hilt in her depths.

Gunnar shuddered as his balls boiled.

His cum erupted from his cock. Great pulses of pleasure rocketed through him. He grunted with each one, throwing back his head. For a moment, everything faded but the wonderful bliss of his orgasm. He clutched to it, never wanting to lose it.

But he did lose it and the pain returned.

Gunnar collapsed on top of Corrigan.

“Umm, that was wonderful,” she purred in his ear. “I love you, Gunnar. I've loved you since the moment I met you.”

But I love Maeve...

How can I love a demon?

Maeve's red hair flying behind her, her gossamer wings beating gold, her sob of despair.

Gunnar rolled onto his back.

What am I going to do? Maeve is dangerous. She tried to kill us.

“You did the right thing,” Corrigan purred, leaning against him, nuzzling at his ear. “You saved me. You're a hero. I always knew it. It's why I fell in love with you. You're amazing.”

Gunnar turned his head. He wanted to believe her words. He wanted to replace his destructive love for Maeve with something else. Just for tonight. He pulled Corrigan closer. The small amount of love she offered was better than the alternative.

He kissed her lips.

Maeve's red hair, her gossamer wings, and her cry of despair filled his mind. Gunnar only tasted bitter cold on Corrigan's lips.

~   ~   ~

Frustration filled Corrigan as her magic was rebuffed. Gunnar's love for Maeve was in shambles, his defenses crumbling, but he still clutched to that one true memory of the Pixie he had glimpsed as she had fled last night.

So stubborn.

Corrigan continued plying him with lies. “I love you so much, Gunnar,” she purred, mouthing the empty the words as she nuzzled against him, sliding her hand down his stomach. Humans confused love and sex so easily. “You saved me. You're my hero. Let me thank you.”

Her hand found his cock, stroking his girth. He was a powerful lover. Corrigan had savored every moment of their rutting. She only wished he had kept eating her pussy. His will was too strong. She needed to slowly break him. Maeve had polluted every fiber of his being.

Dominating the Mortal Champion was proving harder than Corrigan had imagined.

But I have all the time in the world. The little Pixie is crushed. She lost. She won't have the fight to face me again. She'll fade into nothingness as despair bleeds the life out of her.

Corrigan kissed down his rippling abs to his hardening cock. He had spent a lot of time around Maeve, and the Pixie had been subtly increasing his stamina to keep up with her appetites. Corrigan doubted Maeve even realized she had done it. Corrigan licked her lips before tonguing the crown of Gunnar's cock.

Gunnar groaned as she savored her flavor on his dick.

“That's it, whore,” he growled.

Whore! I'll make him howl for every time he insults me.

But she let the name pass for now. He was still too strong.

Corrigan sucked his cock into her mouth, plying him with her talents. His groan was satisfying. Bit by bit, his love for Maeve was chipped away. His affection for Corrigan would grow. She would first bind him with his love before she bound with pain.

~   ~   ~

Mary stepped into the hospital room. Magda looked so frail and helpless, a tube down her throat, her eyes closed. The metal lung whooshed, Magda's chest rose, and then there was a hissing exhale. Another machine beeped, showing the steady rhythm of her heart.

Mary moved to the bed, grasping the younger woman's hand. The last two weeks had been magical. Ever since she laid eyes on Magda, the math professor had found herself consumed with love for the sexy, Hispanic coed. It just felt right, like they had known each other for years instead of days.

“I'm here for you,” Mary whispered, kissing Magda's golden-brown fingers, careful not to disturb the IV plunged into her arm.

The door opened. A doctor walked in to the room.

“Oh, hello,” Doctor Zee said, her face weary. “And you are?”

“Her girlfriend,” Mary answered, tears beading in her green eyes. “What's wrong with her, Doctor?”

“We're not sure,” Doctor Zee answered. “We're running tests. I can tell you that she's stable, but she's non-responsive.”

“What does that mean?”

“She's in a deep coma. There's barely any brain activity. We think she can breath on her own, but we don't want to take chances just yet.” The Doctor glanced at her charts. “We're running every test we can think of. The only injuries we found were minor lacerations from broken glass. None hit any vein or artery and were only superficial. Perhaps there was a toxin on the glass.”

“She inhaled something.” Mary shuddered as she remembered the foul, gray monster that had burst through the wall and grabbed her love. It had done something to Magda, smothering her with smoke. And then Maeve had turned into the most beautiful sight, growing these gossamer wings and fought the monster.

Maeve's a fairy. No wonder the woman seemed so mystical and strange at times.

“Is there anything you can do for her, Doctor?”

Doctor Zee shook her head. “Right now, all we can do is keep her comfortable while we run the test. She may recover on her own. Or...”

The tears fell down Mary's cheek.
I need Maeve. She's a pixie or fairy or whatever. She'll know how to save Magda.
Mary grabbed her purse, pulling out her cell phone.

“You can't use that in the ICU,” Doctor Zee admonished.

Mary frowned, glancing at her lover, chewing on her lip. “I'll be right back, sweetie.”

She kissed Magda on the cheek and then left the ICU. When she reached the waiting area, she called Maeve.

“Hello?” a quiet voice answered.

“Maeve?” Mary asked, her heart beating faster. “It's Professor Sommer.”

“No. It's Raven.” She was one of Magda and Maeve's sorority sister. “Maeve...she hasn't come back yet.”

“We need to find her,” Mary gasped.

“W-what is she, Professor Sommer?” Raven's voice quivered. “What happened tonight?”

“I don't know. But we need her. She'll be able to save Magda.” Mary clutched to that thought.

Chapter Two: Lacy Chains

Gunnar opened his eyes, and was lost for a moment. He wasn't in his bed. He wasn't in his bedroom. And his fiancee wasn't sleeping beside him.

Gunnar stared at the naked Corrigan, the covers kicked from her pale body. Her violet hair fanned across her pillow. Her back was to him, supple and sleek, her asscheeks perfectly formed, begging to be touched.

Lust stirred inside Gunnar, but his guilt squashed it.
I cheated on Maeve.

Maeve tried to kill me.

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