Bound to the Fey (Book Four of The Mortal Champion): (A Supernatural, Fairy, College, Erotic Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Fey (Book Four of The Mortal Champion): (A Supernatural, Fairy, College, Erotic Romance)
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Maybe I should leave. I shouldn't involve them in this.

She took a step from the door, swallowing hard.

It opened.

“Maeve!” Felicity gasped.

“Oh, it's you,” Raven clapped.

“Hi,” Maeve said, shifting, suddenly aware just how naked she was. “I...I'm so sorry for...”

Felicity hugged Maeve.

Maeve stood there wet and shivering as Felicity pulled her tight. The blonde buried her face into the nape of Maeve's neck, sobbing softly. Maeve's arms raised slowly, almost jerkily, as the Pixie was surprised by the love Felicity shared. Maeve hugged her, relaxing into Felicity embrace, holding her tight. Tears brimmed in Maeve's green eyes.

“You came back,” Felicity sobbed. “Oh, thank god, you came back.”

Raven threw her arms around the both of them. “Maeve's back!” she screamed in joy.

More tears fell from Maeve's eyes as the black-haired Raven rocked Maeve and Felicity. “I...I thought you would...hate me...”

“Why would we hate you?” Raven asked. “You saved us. You killed that...that monster.”

“Bodath,” Maeve whispered. “But...that thing was after me. Magda...Magda would still be alive...if it wasn't...for me...”

Magda's limp body lying on the floor filled Maeve's mind.

“But she's not dead,” Felicity gasped. “Oh, Maeve, she's alive.”

“What?” the Pixie gaped. “But the Bodath touched her. I saw it kill her. It smothered the life out of her.”

“She's alive,” Raven nodded. “Barely.”

“It's Maeve!” Other members of the sorority poured down the halls and stairs, hugging Maeve and pulling her inside the sorority house. Each girl had to take a turn kissing her cheeks and hugging her. Billie Jo, a blonde sorority sister, draped a blanket around Maeve's naked form and Georgina plopped her on a couch, pushing a cup of steaming tea into her hand.

Maeve sipped, tears still rolling down her cheek. All the women were asking her questions, wanting to know what happened and what Maeve really was.

The doorbell rang.

“That's probably Brad,” Felicity said, hopping to her feet. “I thought it was him walking up to the porch. I've been waiting for him to walk me and Raven to his apartment.”

“Why are you even here?” Maeve asked.

Felicity glanced at Raven. “Well...we were having some fun. And then she was going to have fun with me and Brad.”

Raven blushed and Maeve giggled. “I'm so glad that you've made a new lover, Felicity. You two were having so much fun at the party.”

Felicity nodded.

“So what happened?” Raven asked.

Maeve frowned. “Felicity. Bring Brad in, he should hear this, too.”

“We can't have a guy in the sorority after dark,” gasped Georgina.

“Oh, I know you snuck in that quarterback last year,” Billie Jo laughed, poking Georgina in the rib.

“Bring him in,” Raven nodded.

Felicity darted out of the den and returned a few moments later with her boyfriend. Brad grinned, adjusting his glasses as he walked over and gave Maeve a strong hug and a kiss on the lips. The sorority girls all whooped and cheered, bringing a flush to Brad's lips. He moved over to a chair, sitting down. Felicity plopped on his lap. A moment later, Raven joined them, her face brushing crimson.

“Okay, Maeve, spill it,” Georgina said.

“I'm a Faerie,” Maeve answered. “A Rose Pixie. I was sent by Queen Titania to find the Mortal Champion...”

The women and Brad all leaned forward as Maeve explained her mission, how she met Magda, and how she found Gunnar. “That explains all the guys you fucked the first day  of class,” Billie Jo laughed.

“So, you're not even an actual pledge,” Raven gaped.

“No,” Maeve smiled. “It was a fun prank. I made Magda think I was, and since she was the pledge mistress...”

“A fun prank?” Georgina goggled.

“I am a Pixie. I like to have fun, play little games.” She shrugged. “It's almost as much fun as sporting.”

Maeve continued explaining how she discovered the presence of Corrigan of the Winter's Kiss. Felicity shuddered at the name, her face growing pale. Brad grimaced. “I don't like that name. It...makes my head hurt.”

“Yeah,” Felicity nodded. “I saw her with Gunnar this morning and...”

Maeve stiffened, her face paling.

“Sorry, Maeve. Gunnar' her.”

“I know,” Maeve sighed. “There is a reason you're afraid of Corrigan. At some level, you two remember what she did to you.”

Brad gaped.

“What are you talking about?” Felicity demanded.

“I'm sure you remembered how slutty you became and how it almost destroyed your relationship with Brad?” Maeve asked.

Felicity nodded her head, shooting Brad an apologetic look.

“Well, that wasn't your fault. Corrigan is a Lean Sidhe. They are very good at twisting feminine love into unbridled lust. She enjoys finding women in love and destroying their feelings and their relationship. For some reason, she freed you.”

“That's why I was suddenly overcome with disgust,” Felicity moaned. “I was blowing that quarterback who attacked us when....Corrigan showed up. And then, it was like I was thinking straight again. I fled.”

“Well, then I used my magic to mend things between the pair.”

“And you changed our outlook on monogamy, too?” Brad frowned.

Maeve's cheeks pinked. “It was the easiest way to get Brad to accept your behavior. Plus, don't you feel closer now that you share your passions?”

“I guess.” Brad glanced at his girlfriend. “How about you, babe?”

“Definitely,” she nodded and gave him a kiss.

“Well, Corrigan did more than just try to destroy your relationship. She tried to kill Felicity.”

“What?” the blonde gasped, her pigtails flying.

“The night you were beaten, Corrigan visited the pair of you. She used you to lure me into a trap. She enchanted Brad and forced him to beat you to death.”

“What?” growled Brad, gritting his jaw

Felicity's eyes widened.

“When I arrived, I stopped him and fixed the damage. I changed your memories.”

“I would never hurt Felicity. Oh, babe, you have to believe that.”

Felicity turned, cupping her boyfriend's face. “I do. I know you wouldn't.”

“Fuck,” Raven muttered. “So when you got stabbed, that was Corrigan?”

“A familiar of hers. Those football players were under her power. They wielded cold iron daggers.”

“Cold iron?”

“It's pure iron,” Maeve answered. “It's poisonous to Fey. I almost died.”

“So Saturday night was Corrigan's next attack?” Raven asked.

“She birthed a Bodath, an evil Fey of ash and choking smoke. A Bodath's touch smothers the life from a Mortal. I was so angry. I thought Magda was dead. I didn't think of anything but vengeance. I went to kill Corrigan.”

“Yeah!” a few of the girls cheered.

“ was another trap. Gunnar was there.”

“Why was Gunnar there?” Brad asked. “He should have been at the bachelor party.” Brad frowned, cocking his head. “No...he left with Evan. I barely remember that.”

“Evan?” Maeve asked, her eyes narrowing.

Brad nodded.

“So what happened?” Raven asked. “Why didn't you kill Corrigan?”

Maeve took a deep breath. “She set me up. She cast a glamour that made me look like a monster. When I arrived, she cried and begged, hiding behind Gunnar. She had her two familiars, the pair that escaped the jail last week during the blizzard, attack Gunnar. It looked like I ordered them. Gunnar...he was betrayed and hurt. He thought I was there to kill him. I...I...” Maeve shook as she sobbed. “I...fled. I thought I lost him.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” Georgina said, hugging Maeve.

“Corrigan's partially claimed him now.” Maeve took a deep breath, forcing down her tears. “Gunnar's lost his trust in me. He still loves me, but it's damaged. And with Corrigan wrapping him up in her icy web, I'm not sure I can free him. He's begun to submit to her. That gives her power over him.”

“There has to be something you can do,” Felicity said.

“I also have a claim on Gunnar,” Maeve said. “We have professed our love. We have a contract to be married.” Maeve glanced down at the pink diamond mounted on her engagement ring. “I can bring a formal challenge against Corrigan. The Pact of Autumn has provisions for two Fey from opposing courts fighting over a single Mortal. And I think there's something about betrothals in the Accords of Cadair Idris.”

“Really?” Raven asked.

“It's...not uncommon. We are attracted to beauty. Sometimes an individual comes along that inflames passions. If two Fey try to claim the Mortal, they can fight. The Mortal might be killed. When the Pact of Autumn was signed between the two Courts, provision were included for dueling.”

“You'll fight Corrigan.”

Maeve nodded.

“Do you need our help?” Felicity asked.

Maeve smiled, looking around at them. “Yes. I need cold iron spikes. As many as you can find.”

~   ~   ~

Gunnar's chest and stomach burned. Red welts crisscrossed his body. He stared at himself in the mirror, wincing as he traced a single line.

Why am I doing this?

The pain had been exciting while he had been tied up. The surrender had been freeing. He didn't ache for Maeve while the flail was falling. His blood had been boiling, his cock throbbing with bliss.

But now, his ardor cold, his body just hurt. It didn't seem worth it.

The bathroom door opened. Corrigan smiled at him. “What's wrong,” she purred, stepping up to him.

“Nothing,” he muttered.

“Did I whip you too hard?” Her finger stroked a red welt. He stiffened, prepared for the stinging jolt of pain.

Her touch soothed instead, numbing away some of the sting.

“I'm sorry,” she whispered. “I just enjoy the sound of my flail stinging flesh.”

“It's okay,” Gunnar muttered.

Her arm slipped around him. Gunnar absently put his arm around Corrigan's shoulders. She leaned her head against him, her finger tracing his welts, the pain fading. “I do love you,” she sighed. “You're my strong warrior. You'll keep me safe.”

“Yeah,” Gunnar whispered. “I love you, too.”

Why did I say that? Just because she said it? Because her touch is soothing my pain?

The three words sounded so hollow when he spoke them. Gunnar's heart tightened, squeezed by invisible chains of ice. He missed Maeve. He wanted Maeve. He feared Maeve. Gunnar shivered as images of the monstrous Maeve flashed through his mind. He struggled to hold onto the loving Maeve, but the monstrous one was drowning her out. Every time he tried to remember her—sleeping, tending her rose bush, watching a Tinkerbell movie with childish glee—she seemed twisted and wrong, the real Maeve bleeding disgustingly through the sweet mask she had worn.

The bathroom grew colder, an icy draft blowing around him.

Every time Maeve had touched him, it had really been with a slimy hand. His stomach writhed as her perfect breasts became covered in oozing boils, his lips unknowingly nuzzling at puss-filled sores. Gunnar's stomach twisted.

He vomited into the sink.

“Oh, no,” Corrigan gasped. “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” Gunnar panted, spitting out bile. He turned the sink on, leaning over to drink straight from the faucet and wash the disgusting taste away.

Corrigan rubbed at his shoulders, the nausea fading from his stomach. Her fingers massaged his shoulders. “You were thinking about her, weren't you?”

Gunnar nodded.

“It's okay. If I had touched that repulsive creature as intimately as you had, I would be puking, too. Let me get you some medicine to help settle your stomach.”

“Thanks,” Gunnar muttered. He sat on the toilet, leaning back as she walked out. The icy draft faded. Maeve rose in his mind, smiling.

He pushed the image away, fearing Maeve's innocence would transform into the monstrous.
I need to let her go. I need to stop thinking about her.

I need to stop loving her.

Corrigan returned as Gunnar fought his tears.

~   ~   ~

Maeve climbed out of Brad's car, eager to see Magda.
She's not dead!
Joy filled her as strode into the hospital, dressed in her sorority sister's borrowed clothing. When she had left the sorority, her sisters were busy searching for cold iron spikes. Maeve had a plan forming in her mind.

Brad and Felicity walked beside her as they strode into Tacoma General, walking to the nurses station. The nurse blushed when she saw Maeve, bringing a smile to the Pixie's face. Two weeks ago, this same nurse had caught Maeve and Gunnar making love in her hospital room.

Maeve's joy faded.
I'll get you back.

“Which room is Magdalena Vicario in?” Maeve asked.

The nurse glanced down at her papers. “Room 318. Head that way and take the first left. You'll see it on your right.”

“Thanks,” Maeve smiled.

“And you're not going to...” the nurse trailed off.

Maeve winked at her as she strode down the hallway.

“What was that about?” Felicity asked. The blonde giggled when Maeve explained it.

The trio quickly found room 318. Maeve opened the door cautiously. Three people were inside, standing beside Magda's bed. Maeve's friend looked so weak and vulnerable as she lay there, surrounded by machines.

“Maeve?” Professor Sommer gasped. The buxom redhead held Magda's hand, tears glistening in her green eyes. “You're here.”

“Oh, Maeve!” Akiko gasped, rushing over to hug Maeve. “You're okay. I was so worried.”

“You're...back,” Evan blinked. “ I thought you were gone for good.”

“Well, I'm not,” Maeve declared, focusing on Evan.
Why did you drive Gunnar to Corrigan's? Are you under her power?

Maeve could read auras, and Evan's seemed normal. His love for his soul mate Akiko was intact, and Maeve knew Corrigan couldn't resist tampering with a love that strong.

But he made sure Gunnar was at Corrigan's house at the right moment.

“Oh, Maeve,” Akiko sighed. “I hate to tell you this, but...”

“Corrigan and Gunnar are together.” Maeve nodded. “We need to talk about that.”

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