Boy Crazy (2 page)

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Authors: Shay Kassa

BOOK: Boy Crazy
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He fumbled with his pants, feeling a lot more drunk, and couldn’t look Joe in the eye as he pulled out his dick. Joe obviously knew what he was doing, however.

His best friend knelt down between his legs, and pushed his knees apart. “Just trust me,” he murmured. He pulled Andy’s pants down to his ankles, and slid his hands up around his butt, and Andy immediately felt a jolt of nervousness.

“Hey, wait, I thought you were gonna -“

“Andy. Trust me. There’s a method to all this, okay? This is how I do it. Relax, I’m not going to do anything you won’t enjoy.”

Joe pushed his T-shirt up, exposing his stomach, and nudged Andy around until he was lying flat on the couch on his back. Then he settled between his legs, fingers trailing around his bellybutton, and began to nuzzle the soft hair around his balls.

The feel of breath tickling his crotch was strangely soothing. Andy let him work, and lay back to enjoy the lazy sensation of hands gently rubbing his skin. Yes, it was a guy feeling him up, but as long as he kept his eyes closed, he could keep that thought out of his mind. Pretend it’s one of Carla’s hot friends or something, he thought…

No. No no no! He grimaced, and tried not to think about her. Forget her. Forget two years with her, and all the good times they had together, and concentrate on…

Joe nipped at the head of his cock, playing around the sensitive skin with his lips. Andy shivered, and everything but the burst of pleasure in his crotch faded from his mind.

Goddamn, Joe can give good head. Joe can… oh… His mouth wandered up and down his erection, sometimes pulling at the skin, sometimes sucking, always gentle - and subtly demanding. Andy exhaled sharply, and realized he’d been holding his breath. The soft burn in his guts was rising, and his hips moved with it; up towards the source of pleasure, pressing into Joe, asking for more.

His roommate didn’t disappoint. Joe spread his thighs apart, massaging the skin behind his balls and working up his erection again. He took the tip into his mouth and sucked, letting his tongue ripple along the underside as his fingers explored Andy’s buttocks. As his lips slid up and down, Andy moaned uncontrollably.

“Shit… holy shit, Joe…” His hand found their way around his roommate’s head, pressing him closer, and Joe obliged by sinking down even further, swallowing around his erection. “Oh… oh god, Joe…”

His other hand bounced off the TV remote, turning up the volume. The throaty moans distracted him for a moment, and he turned to look at the screen just in time to see one of the men climax spectacularly. His whole body suddenly tensed; the sight and sound went straight to his groin and he bucked under his roommate’s hands, making a strangled noise at the back of his throat out of surprise as much as pleasure.

He never had the chance to move again. Joe pressed a hand to his stomach and held him in place, then sucked him hard and fast. His fingers worked around Andy’s balls and down into his crack, and rubbed across his sensitive asshole, pressing in and out in steady rhythm that made his head dizzy.

He could tell himself that he didn’t want it, but his body knew he was lying. Andy would have said anything, done anything, to keep Joe’s hands on him. He’d never tried any gay stuff, never even thought of experimenting, but now he could feel the ring of muscle flexing under gentle fingers and it made his dick pulse with every stroke. He couldn’t even speak, because thinking was long since too difficult - breathing was damn near too difficult.

Joe lifted his mouth off him for a moment, and Andy groaned at the loss of sensation.

“Shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay,” Joe whispered to him. He swapped hands and sucked his fingers for a moment. “Just trust me, babe, I’ll make you fly.”

Andy stared at him groggily, not really understanding. But Joe resumed stroking him with his tongue, and every rational thought disappeared from his mind. He was getting close, and it was going to be one hell of a ride…

Joe’s fingers slid down his crack again, and rubbed around his hole. It felt so good, and insane, and his dick felt like it was going to explode soon, and the pressure got just a little stronger and a little more insistent.

He didn’t realize anything had happened until Joe moved his hand upwards, and suddenly Andy knew that his fingers were stroking him on the inside. Whether the knowledge or the sensation were to blame, he didn’t know - but every muscle in his body clenched at once, and he experienced the most powerful orgasm of his life.

Andy flailed at the couch, grasping the cushions anywhere he could, swearing breathlessly while his groin throbbed and Joe drank him down. It came close to actual pain, and he would have screamed if he could, but his vocal cords wouldn’t obey. His roommate’s strong arms held his hips steady, and it seemed that hours passed before he collapsed into a dazed, limp heap.

Coming down from the high was slow. Andy was barely aware of Joe doing up his pants again, and the movie being switched off. Then he was pulled into a warm hug that smelled of aftershave and sex, and it was easier to simply curl into that warmth and fall asleep.


He wasn’t supposed to get hangovers.

He also wasn’t supposed to be awake before 8am on a Saturday, but the morning light that peeked in through the shades looked suspiciously early for Andy’s liking, when he finally opened his eyes.

His mouth tasted foul, and his neck was a little sore from having slept on the couch. The blanket they kept for friends who wanted to crash was tucked in around him; small consolation, but he was warm, in a fuzzy, don’t-want-to-get-up kind of way. His head and stomach loudly proclaimed that last night had involved too much alcohol, and they were in need of a cure.

He smelled coffee, and something frying. That decided it. Despite the headache, Andy got up - slowly, by swinging his legs out and sitting up, then hauling himself upright and staggering towards the kitchen.

He leaned heavily on the doorframe, still wobbly and feeling like a total lightweight. Joe was already up and making waffles and bacon, and the coffee machine promised caffeine rejuvenation as soon as he could find a mug.

“Hey man,” Andy said weakly. “Please tell me you got something I can eat that I won’t throw up?”

“Oh hey, good morning - one sec, I got coffee and stuff.” Joe waved him over to the table, and served up some bacon-y waffle-y goodness along with coffee strong enough to bend spoons. Andy stared at the food for a few minutes, mind blank, absorbing the smell rising from his mug while he waited for his headache to subside.

“You feeling okay?” Joe said sympathetically. “This isn’t like you, man. Since when do you get hangovers?”

“Since I drink too much, watch bad porn and let… you…” Andy trailed off.

Yeah, that did happen.

He rubbed his eyes. “I don’t feel like myself, sorry.” He started on the waffles, and couldn’t look his friend in the eye. As soon as he looked at Joe, he’d see his face as it was last night - lips wrapped around his dick and sucking him off with the kind of skill Andy had only ever dreamed about.

Joe cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Look, Andy, what we did last night - it’s okay. It’s not important. I’m still your friend, you’re not gay or anything, and it doesn’t have to be weird.”

“It’s already weird,” he muttered.

“No, c’mon man, listen. It was just a favor, you don’t need to think about it if you don’t want to.”

Andy didn’t want to talk to him. He really didn’t want to face anything about what Joe had done - what Andy had let him do. Even through the nausea of the hangover, the memory made his skin hot and his dick hard. It frightened him.

“I’m going to take a shower,” he muttered, and left before his roommate could say another word.

The water streamed over his hair and down his back. Andy tried to think about Carla, and her lithe body, and how she liked him to rub her breasts. He tried to think about all the times they had sex, and how great she was in bed. It didn’t help.

Nothing helped. He cut himself shaving - something he hadn’t done in years. He dropped the soap, and had to fumble around the floor of the shower to retrieve it. What they had done haunted him, because Andy knew that he was a couple of beers away from begging Joe to do it again. That thought alone made him more confused and terrified than he’d ever been in his life.

He felt like a coward when he slipped out of the apartment. Andy told himself that he needed space, and some time to think about everything, or to forget that it ever happened. He fled to one of his favorite hideaways - a small, bohemian cafe called Burnt Beans where he liked to meet Carla for lunch.

Where he used to meet her. He wouldn’t get to do that again. He knew he should be hurt, and he told himself that he was, but the feeling was empty.

Andy sauntered in and waved at Sandy, the tall, black, supermodel-like manager. She gave him a grin and a thumbs up in between taking an order from a couple at another table. He lurked at one of the small tables at the back, far away from the door, until she passed by.

“Morning, sugar, how’re you doing?” she said, in her soft accent. “You got the look of a man in need of some coffee.”

“Yeah honey, can I get a cup of something strong?” he replied. She winked at him and went back to the counter.

Carla had found it funny that he and Sandy never called each other by their very similar names. Joe found it ridiculous. Sandy was cool, and very good at knowing what other people needed, and they had become friends over their names.

Once the other patrons were fed and happy, Sandy returned with a cup of espresso and a glass of water. She set both in front of him and popped two tablets in the glass, which immediately fizzed up, then sat across from him. “You wanna talk about it?”

Andy groaned. “No.”

“Tell me anyway.”

He gulped the water down in one go, coughing from the taste. “Carla broke up with me,” he said hoarsely.

“Aw, sugar… that’s too bad. She say why?”

“I really don’t want to talk about it. Sorry.” There was only so much he could say, and the thought of telling Sandy what had happened last night made his stomach clench.

“Well - this is on the house, okay? You kinda look like you drank yourself stupid.” She collected the glass and stood up to leave, then hesitated. “Hey, I dunno if it’s my place to say, but I saw Carla outside with your friend last week.”


“You know the big guy? I think you said he’s your roommate. Carla was in here getting her latte, and he was waiting for her outside. Seemed like a pretty crazy talk, if you know what I mean.”

Andy tried to understand this and failed. Neither of them had mentioned meeting each other to him. Why would Joe argue with Carla without telling him? They seemed completely cool last night when he greeted her at the door.

Was Joe really gay?

He shook himself. That was stupid. Joe had sucked him off and enjoyed it, as far as Andy could tell. Then he was struck by a strange and bizarre thought: did Carla break up with him because of Joe?

Andy knocked back the espresso and handed the little cup to Sandy. “Thanks for telling me, honey. I gotta go,” he mumbled.

Sandy frowned at him. “Don’t do anything stupid, okay?”

He waved her off, and left. He needed time to think.


It was almost early evening before Andy returned to the apartment. His hangover had long since cleared. He’d walked, and got some lunch, and walked some more, and quickly realized that he’d left his cellphone at home. He was exhausted and hungry again, and he had to face Joe some time.

There was only one reasonable conclusion: Joe made Carla break up with him so he could come on to him. Andy didn’t even know what to think about that, because it would mean that he really didn’t know his roommate at all. Angry as he was, he needed to talk to Joe and find out the truth - then go to Carla and explain everything.

The emptiness hadn’t gone away. The effect of the previous night’s events hadn’t changed. He still got a slow burn in his gut whenever he thought about what he and Joe had done. Andy was almost ready to believe that it had broken him, messed him up in some crazy way. He should feel revulsion at being used, but it still made his cock twitch.

He slipped inside warily, listening for any sounds to indicate where his roommate was. Instead, he heard some voices from the kitchen - and it could only be Joe, and Carla.

He froze. He didn’t know, not for a second, if he was ready to see either of them. Curiosity got the better of him, and he moved close enough to hear clearly.

“…If he doesn’t? I don’t know how to deal with this, Carla.”

“C’mon, you know he’ll come back. Besides, he’s a big boy, he can take care of himself.”

“He left his phone here.”

“Of course he did, typical Andy.” She laughed. “I bet he’s feeling kinda silly right now.”

“What if he won’t talk to me?”

“I’ll talk to him then. He’ll listen to me if I explain.”

Andy could barely contain himself. He pushed the door open to see Joe and Carla sitting at the table, with a beer in front of them both. They both stood as soon as they saw him.

Before either of them could say a word, Andy pointed at Joe and snarled. “I want a fucking explanation, man. I want to know what the fuck you think you’re doing, messing around with me, and I want to know what you told Carla outside the cafe last week.”

Joe flinched. “Look, man, I don’t know what you think is going on here -“

“No, I don’t know what the fuck is going on here, but it looks like you’re either stealing my girlfriend or you’re fucking with me for fun. So which is it, Joe?!”

“You think I’m a thing, Andy?” Carla snapped. She walked right up to him and poked him in the chest. “What the hell makes you think I can be stolen? If I decide to go and bone fifty guys tonight, it’s not because they stole me away or some shit. You don’t own me, you got that?”

That took the wind right out of his sails. Andy opened and closed his mouth stupidly. “Then what the hell is going on?” he managed.

Carla looked back at Joe for a moment. “What’s going on is that I know you’ve got a thing for Joe. And that’s why I broke up with you, Andy. You’re so deep in the closet you can’t even admit it to yourself.”

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