Branding A Legacy (A Silver Star Ranch Novel) (11 page)

BOOK: Branding A Legacy (A Silver Star Ranch Novel)
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he house is
cheerful with all the family gathered around Granddad’s dining room table. Ella’s belly hits the edge of it as she keeps leaning over to eat, so Maverik has resorted to feeding her. Granddad sits back in his chair with a smile covering his face, and it’s one of those rare moments for me where I feel like the old Marvel. The one who loved deep, worked hard, and lived life to the fullest.

A knock on the door grabs my attention as I watch Maverik stand to answer it. There’s undercover agents crawling all over the ranch disguised as workers, and it may be the only thing that doesn’t have the hairs on the back of my neck standing to attention. I take a long drink of the coke and whiskey in my cup and watch Maverik open the door.

Sterling appears in the doorframe. He nearly covers the entire entrance with his height and bulk. The man is fucking built from head to toe. I smile remembering some of the torture he and Maverik used to put me through when we were little kids.

He steps into the house, taking off his black Stetson cowboy hat and hanging it up on the coat rack. The noise level in the house raises but all becomes a blur when I see her. Clover is right behind Sterling, her hand clutched in his as they walk in. I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face and do notice the tinge of jealousy at the sight of their connected hands.

I lean back on the dark marble counter, tipping back the rest of my drink, and then fold my arms over my chest. I admire Clover from head to toe—her straight dark hair falling over her shoulders, tight jeans, and sweater. It’s almost like seeing her for the first time with her hair down and in normal clothes. I know I’m staring and should take my eyes off of her but can’t help it. I wait for her to make eye contact with me.

Granddad’s out of his chair and has her wrapped up in a hug and then Ella and Challis both give her a squeeze. Sterling takes her hand once again and guides her to the table, and that’s when our eyes lock. She immediately ducks her head when she sees me and I know it’s because of the way I’ve treated her.

I react quickly, leaping forward from the counter and pulling a chair out for her. It’s centered between Merek and lil’ Mav. And you can bet your sweet ass there’s only room for one.

“Here, Clover.” I nod to her and point to the chair.

I hear Maverik call to Sterling, distracting him from finding a seat for both of them and mentally thank my older brother.

I grab her hand and pull her near the chair and as close to me as possible without making her feel uncomfortable. Dragging my hand slowly up from hers and the length of her arm, I trail my fingertips up her jawline, until they disappear beneath her hair and wrap around the back of her neck. I lean in inhaling her sweet scent. The same one that kept me going while in the hospital, even though I fought it every chance I could get.

“You look amazing tonight, Clover.”

I have to force myself from leaning over and kissing her. I drop my hand before my will escapes me. When I look down at her, she smiles back up at me with flushed cheeks.

“Thanks for coming tonight,” I say.

“I wasn’t sure.”

“About?” I ask, tilting my head and clutching my hands together so I don’t touch her.

“Coming here.”

“Can we talk later, Clover?”

She only nods to me as the rest of the party invades our conversation. I turn to go back to the counter and signal to Merek I need another stiff drink. Anyone else in the house would throw a complete shit fit about me drinking, and rightfully so, but I need something to take the edge off and detour my thoughts from going down the wrong path.

Merek places another stiff one at my side and then goes right back to the party. I let the liquid flow down, enjoying the taste of it, but when my vision lands on the back of Clover, the alcohol does nothing for me. She does.

Ella pats the empty chair next to her and nods in my direction. My body is stiff and sore, but there’s nothing that would stop me from joining my family right now. I settle in at the table and am thankful Sterling is far away from Clover.

Ella pats my leg then leans over and whispers in my ear, “She likes you.”

I lean away from her and shake my head from side to side, because there’s no way Ella would know what’s going on. She nods her head up and down then leans toward me again.

“She really likes you, Marvel, and may be the one to save you. I know how it feels to be at the bottom of the world hurt, don’t push her away.”

Her words hit me hard and deep, and I know exactly what she means. Ella has suffered just as much as anyone at this table and knows what it takes to fight back.

“Thank you,” I whisper and clutch her free hand. “I mean it, Ella.”

She winks back at me. “You are going to be just fine, Marvel.”

“Mom, Dad, look at this.” Lil’ Mav holds up a brand new rope. “It’s so sick, thanks, Challis.”

Challis stands up, enveloping lil’ Mav into a big old hug. From the sounds of it, the two have become quite the pair, running up and down the road going to different ropings.

Lil’ Mav sits down and tears into his next present. It’s a large box and was clearly wrapped by Merek. He’s notorious for using way too much tape and wrinkling the paper. I look over to him and his shit-eating grin on his face. He’s propped back in his chair with one arm wrapped around Challis with his ball cap on crooked.

“Holy shit,” Lil’ Mav squeals as he peeks down in the box. “Holy shit, Merek.”

Ella is on her feet scolding him and running over to the box.

“No, you didn’t, Merek Slatter.” She whops him on the back of the head as she nears the box. “Maverik, if your little brother did what I think he did, shit is going to hit the fan.”

Merek sits back and laughs as Maverik and Sterling near the box to peek in it.

“What’s going on?” Clover asks, looking toward me since I’m the only one left sitting. I stand and go to her, grabbing her hand, pulling her to stand, and then lead her down the dark hallway into the bathroom. I shut the door, flip on the lights, and take a moment to admire her.


I place my finger over her lips, stopping her from talking or giving her a chance to ask any questions. I remove my finger and replace it with my lips. They freeze on hers. It’s the most delicious taste I’ve tasted, and in this moment I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I want this taste for the rest of my life. I run my hands up her back, finally gripping her neck and tugging it gently. I wait for her reaction, not wanting to be too overbearing.

I back up a bit. “Clover, when I start I won’t be able to stop.”

“Kiss me, Marvel.”

Those three words destroy every ounce of self-control I thought I had left. I place my lips back down on her and relish the feel of her sweet skin on mine for a second before I indulge. When our lips fuse together, I lose all sense of reality.

I tighten my hold around her neck as I deepen our kiss, gliding my tongue along the inside of her mouth. Clover moans into my mouth as I feel her knees weaken, and I do my best to keep her upright using what strength I have. I push her body back against the door, pinning her just where I want her.

“Don’t ever stop kissing me, Marvel.” Clover turns her head, laying it back on the door.

I take advantage of her position by trailing kisses up her exposed skin. I feel her fingernails dig into the top of my shoulders as she pushes her chest into mine. I growl with the need to move this further and faster along. I need to release inside of her now.

“I want you, Clover.”

Both of my palms plant on her cheeks, prying her gorgeous face back up to mine.

“I think I’m ready to kiss you back now.”

“What?” I tilt my head to the side.

“I’ve never been kissed, Marvel.” She raises one hand to her mouth, brushing her fingertips along her swollen lips. “I’m ready now.”

Leaning down, I lightly nibble on the back of her hand that’s covering her mouth until she moves it. I freeze as I feel her weave her hand to the back of my head, clutching onto my hair. Clover presses her hand into the back of my head, guiding my mouth down to hers, and when our lips touch a fire ignites between the both of us. It’s just not me kissing this time.

Between her sweet tongue darting in and out of my mouth and her innocent hips rocking into mine, I nearly rip all of her clothes off. The speed of our kisses quickens as Clover begins tearing at my clothes.

I slide my hand under her shirt up to her bra. My fingers dance around the bottom edge of her bra while her full tits brush my knuckles. I’d warned her about my self-control flooding once I started. And it was a fucking promise. I cup both of her tits, letting my fingers dig into her luscious flesh. When Clover moans and bucks her hips toward me, I can tell she’s coming nearly almost as undone as me.

I lift the bottom of her shirt, taking time to admire her perfect body. A silver necklace is hidden under her shirt. I immediately recognize the silver cross and look down into her eyes. She hurries to cover it from me.

“Is that mine?”

“I’m sorry, Marvel, here, you can have it back. I found it the night I cleaned up the ER and I…”

She’s nervous again and trembling in my arms, steadying herself for my angry rage to explode. This will take time for me to earn her trust back.

“Keep it.” Bending down, I kiss her lightly. “I want a piece of me always on you forever.”

Our lips remained tangled with no more talking between us. Her pants come down easily and my hand finds the sweetest place on earth. Clover writhes under my touch, moaning and working herself on my hand. I have to see her face when she comes undone under my spell. I pull back, admiring her flushed red cheeks and delight beaming in her eyes. I work faster and watch her explode.

I’m not a disciplined man when it comes to something I fucking crave, but I do know this needs to stop before I have her bent over, claiming all of her. I make a show out of pulling my fingers up to my mouth and sucking each one of them off.

“Mmmm…dessert.” I moan, lapping up the rest of her juices with my tongue.

“Marvel.” Her blush glows on her cheeks, making the bulge in my pants grow even bigger.

I seal my lips to hers, taking my time enjoying her one last time for the night.

“Hurry up.” A loud pounding on the door sounds.

Clover startles, jumping up and biting down onto my lip, letting out a yell.

“Shit.” I bend over, clutching my throbbing lip.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Clover bends down trying to see my lip.

“What the hell is going on in there?” Merek hollers.

Standing up, I gain enough bearings to open the door and tuck Clover behind me before I open the door.

“What?” I hiss out.

“I need to fucking piss.” Merek pauses for a second. “And why is your lip bleeding?”

I watch as the realization dawns in his eyes.

“You’re not alone,” he says slowly.

I shake my head up and down hoping he’ll get the clue and go piss outside.

“Jesus, if she bites your lip like that don’t let her get anywhere near your dick.”

“Oh, my God,” Clover squeaks out.

“Leave now, Merek.”

“Clover, is that you, and did I just catch my little brother with his hand in the cookie jar?”

He’s shamelessly staring at Clover’s unbuttoned pants.

“Bye.” I slam the door in his face and lock the door. Merek’s not known for giving up easily, and I’m fully ready for him to give up a fight slamming on the door and begging for details. It’s what’s he’s done my whole life. As each quiet second ticks by, I’m stumped by Merek’s silence.

“Marvel.” Clover’s timid voice draws my attention back to her. She’s clutched to my back, trembling.

I whirl around, wrapping her up in my arms and holding her close. Flashbacks of me berating her in the hospital and her terror the night she found me reminds me just how fragile she is and how I’ve never been receptive to her.

Each shiver my chest absorbs causes me to fall harder for her than I ever thought imaginable.

“It’s okay.” I kiss the top of her head. “Look up at me.”

“I’m embarrassed.”

“Of what?”

I feel her shrug as she keeps her head tucked into my chest.

“Being caught with a stud?”

“Marvel.” She finally looks up.

“It’s fine.”

“I’m here with Sterling and kissing you in the bathroom and letting you, well, you know what.”

“I don’t see the problem.” I lift her chin up with my hand.

“I do, for so many reasons.”

“Clover.” I wait until she looks me in the eye. “I’m not your patient anymore. You help me feel alive, and I need that right now.”

She doesn’t move or show any emotions as I stare down into her eyes. I need to tell her so many things and all the thoughts and demons I’ve fought but don’t say a word. My worries and problems are not hers. She’s been the gracious angel to save me around every single corner and melt my frozen heart.

“It’s fine, baby.” I brush a lock of hair from her face.

“It’s just…” I watch her stumble for words and give her time to process it all. It’s as if I can read the thoughts as they flash across her face.

Gently, I lean down and place a tender kiss on her forehead and stand tall again, waiting for her to gather her thoughts.

“It’s just, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way or have been treated this way, Marvel.” Clover reaches up on her tiptoes landing a tender kiss on my lips and pulling away quickly. “You’re my first, Marvel. My first heartbreak, love, and crush. Take it easy on my heart.”

“I’m not here to break your heart.” I brush my lips against hers again, stunned by the way she makes me feel. It’s like the rest of my worries and pending doom are erased away with her in my arms.

“But you already have.”

And I’m left gutted after everything I’ve been through. This woman just tore me apart, leaving me desperate for nothing but her love and approval. Grasping her tender skin on her cheeks, I say the most important words of my life. “I’ll never be able to tell you sorry enough, Clover. You saved me that dark night and continue to rescue me with each touch of yours.”

BOOK: Branding A Legacy (A Silver Star Ranch Novel)
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