Branding A Legacy (A Silver Star Ranch Novel) (8 page)

BOOK: Branding A Legacy (A Silver Star Ranch Novel)
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.” My voice shakes as I offer up a weak wave.

Running my hands down the front of my jeans, I let out a nervous breath and walk down the sidewalk to where Sterling is waiting. I’m not sure I’ve ever been on a real official date in my entire life. My mother setting me up with one of her business partner’s sons isn’t really what I consider a date since we were at company functions.

It’s just dinner. It’s just dinner.
I repeat over and over in my mind. When I get closer to Sterling, I feel my knees physically go weak, and then when his musky scent assaults me I nearly faint. Out of the hospital lights and standing under the shining Texas sun, he’s gorgeous. Simply stunning with a strong jawline, olive skin, and piercing green eyes and towering height. I feel tiny in my flats.


His voice draws my attention from the tip of my black flats back up to his face. I meet a smiling Sterling, who tips his cowboy hat in my direction. His voice causes my fingers to thump with nerves.

“Ready?” he asks.

I manage a nod back in his direction and then follow him to his truck. He walks around to the passenger side, and that’s when I spot Challis and Ella smiling like fools from Granddad’s front porch and then ol’ Granddad himself waving like a fool. You’d think the man had just escaped from a life sentence at the state penitentiary. He glows at home on his ranch.

I know it killed him leaving Marvel at the hospital, but one of the brothers still stays with him. I wave to Ella and Challis, praying to God they stop staring at me. Suddenly, I’m beginning to feel like a circus freak act.

“I wasn’t sure if this was going to ever happen.” Sterling grips the handle of his truck and opens the door for me.

I feel a heated flush creep up from the base of my neck to my cheeks. I had wondered if it was getting obvious that I was dodging this dinner date. It has nothing to do with Sterling, but everything to do with me. However, the overtime shifts ran out and so did my excuses.

“Sorry.” I tuck my head as I jump up into his truck. I feel the palm of his hand on my back helping me up, causing heat to shoot straight down to the tips of my toes. Clutching my hands together once settled in the front seat, I can’t believe what I’m about to do.

“You seem nervous.” Sterling looks over at me as he starts his truck.

I only nod and try to keep my eyes on the road as he drives into town.

“No need to be nervous. Challis and Ella told me a bit about you and I just thought…”

I turn to look at Sterling when he pauses and notice a slow smile spread across his face.

“You’re gorgeous, Clover, and I just wanted to have dinner with you.”

His declaration causes me to burst out in laughter. Not just any laughter, but a fit of hyena cries. The word Clover and beautiful have never been used in the same sentence. Now shy, awkward, nerd, studious, quiet, and well-mannered are the typical ones used to describe me, but not beautiful. This man must need his eyes checked, and his head while he’s at it.

“What’s so damn funny?”

I steady my laughter and clutch my hands to my sore gut. “You trying to tell me I’m beautiful.”

“You are. What’s so damn funny about that?”

“Oh, Sterling, you must be damn near blind.”

“I have twenty-twenty. Thank you very much.” I watch as he puts the truck in park and kills the engine, all the while sending me a little wink.

“I’m just normal. Plain and well…”

He cuts me off before I can get the rest of my thought out. “You’re naturally gorgeous, Clover. Not many women are, but you are. Shit, you don’t need makeup and all that bling shit. You’re beautiful.”

“Well, I don’t know what to say, but you’re wrong about that.”

“Really?” Sterling leans over toward my side, exposing more of his hard chest through his V-neck t-shirt. “Merek, Maverik, and Marvel all agree with me.”

“Marvel.” His name flows off my lips before I have the chance to stop it.

Sterling doesn’t ask questions as he jumps from the truck. He moves quickly to my side once again opening the door and helping me down.

“You can say thank you.”

“Excuse me?” I look up into Sterling’s determined face.

“You can say thank you when the next man tells you that you’re beautiful. Because trust me, I’m sure I won’t be the last.”

Between my nerves and the combination of this conversation, I decide just to walk quietly into the restaurant beside Sterling. I recognize the steakhouse immediately. It’s the same one that my uncle and aunt brought me to my first night in town, and if I remember correctly their flat iron steak was mouthwatering, not to mention their cheesecake.

Sterling swings open the door to the restaurant as my stomach lets out a loud and gnarly sound. I look around to find nothing or no one to blame it on.

“Good, you’re hungry.” He smiles down at me. “Me too, I could eat the asshole out of a cow right now.”

The picture he leaves me with is nothing but toe cringing and a bit hysterical. “Well, I’m not that hungry, Sterling, but yes, I’m ready to eat.”

“Look who the cat dragged in.”

A high pitch screeching voice startles me. I watch Sterling nod to the hostess.

“Hey, how are you?” He tips his hat and sends her a panty-melting smile. The man is a real stud and definitely knows how to make lady parts get all tingly or whatever they’re supposed to do.

“Are you back for good?” I watch the very interested woman ask Sterling.

“Yeah, it’s time to come home.”

“Sorry to hear about your daddy, but sure is nice to see you, Sterling.” The woman steps up to him, running her pointer finger down the front of his chest. Soon she leaves no space between the two of them as she pushes herself all the way on to him.

I steady myself to turn when I feel Sterling reach back and clasp onto my hand. He drags me right up next to him until I’m somehow drug into the weird triangle. He doesn’t step back nor push the woman back.

“This is my date, Clover, and we have reservations.”

I watch the realization dawn on her face and nearly feel guilty for being here with Sterling when clearly she wishes it was her. She moves quickly after the introduction and keeps conversation to a minimum while seating us. Silence coats the table as we both order a drink.

“Sorry, she’s an old friend.”

“It’s fine.” I wave him off.

The waiter places our sodas on the table before us.

“Do you have a bottle of Moscato?” Sterling asks him before he leaves.

“Yes, we do. What label are you interested in?"

“House is fine.”

“Excellent. I’ll be right back.”

“Two glasses with it please.” Sterling holds up two fingers with a light smile on his face.

“Cowboys drink wine?” I ask him when the waiter leaves.

“They sure do. Do nurses drink wine?”

“Actually, we do. It’s the only thing I drink.”

“I’m not bias to anything alcohol related. Just thought it might relax the situation a bit.”

“Good call.” I smile back to him. “My mother is a wino whoreasaurus. She nearly drinks a bottle each night, and when in the middle of a tough case, probably two.”

“That’s an interesting title.”

“She’s an interesting woman.” I take a long drink of my Diet Coke.

“Why is that?” Sterling asks, propping both of his elbows up on the table.

“She’s just everything I’m not. Cut throat, outgoing, greedy, and very cold.”

“Well, it sounds like a good thing you’re nothing like her.” He winks back at me.

We both fall into easy conversation before the wine even comes to the table.

“So, the girls said you came here to live with an uncle.”

“Yeah.” I blow a puff of my bangs up out of my eyes and then suddenly feel extremely underdressed in my cons, jeans, and flannel shirt. “Well, I pissed him off and he kicked me out. I really need to find a place of my own. I mean, it’s nice of the Slatters and all, but I don’t belong there.”

“I’m not sure Granddad would let you move anywhere else.”

“That’s true.” I laugh at the thought of it. “What about you, Sterling? Clearly you’re coming home.”

He lets the waiter pour two glasses of wine before he answers me.

“Left home when I graduated high school and explored the world a bit, but I guess like they say there’s no place like home.”

“You’re lucky you have a home to come home to.”

“Yeah, you’re right. My dad has fallen ill and I need to be here for him.”

“And remind me how do you know the Slatters?” I ask as I sip on my sweet wine.

“Graduated with Maverik. We were best friends growing up, or at least his second best to Ella.”

Just the mention of their names brings a goofy smile to my face. “They are something else—a real love story, uh?”

“Oh yes they are.”

We order our food and never quit talking while we wait for it. The first bottle of wine is finished before our food even comes, so Sterling orders another one. The sweet and refreshing liquid quickly relaxes me, putting me into a very comfortable state. Our conversation flows easily, from our likes to dislikes and a little bit of both of our backgrounds.

“So, I’m a stud and you’re a nerd?” Sterling asks as he finishes his last bite of steak.

I giggle back to him and only nod as I indulge in my dinner.

“Hey, they say opposites do attract.”

“And you’re blind and think I’m beautiful, it’s like magic.”

“You are gorgeous, Clover.”

And even through my drunken induced stated I feel embarrassed at his compliment.

“What’s going on with Marvel?” I ask and watch Sterling freeze.

He just shakes his head from side to side.

“Tell me.” I nearly plead with him.

“It’s not good, Clover, but he has his whole family there to watch after him.”

“Is he in trouble?” I know at this point I should shut up. One, it’s rude to be talking about another man, and two, I totally swerved the topic of me being beautiful.

“Yeah, he’s in trouble.”

“I want to help him.”

“Best if you stay out of it, Clover, and I’m serious about that.” He rakes his fork over his plate a couple of times. “You enjoying yourself?”

I nod to Sterling, trying to process Marvel’s whole situation.

“Good, then maybe there’ll be a second date.” He stands from the table, tossing down his napkin on his empty plate. “Excuse me for a second.”

I follow him as he makes his way to the bathroom and feel lonely as soon he disappears behind the door. An unexplainable whirl of emotions flows through me as my head spins a bit. I try to focus in on the present, the right now, Sterling, who has taken me out. I clutch to the stem of my wine glass and finish it off. Fighting to keep Marvel from my thoughts.

oo much wine
. Way too much damn wine. My head reminds me of it with each step I take down the hall. I picked the wrong morning to be utterly hung over. After Sterling dropped me off and I dodged the kiss he leaned in for, I sprinted to my door and found an old bottle of whiskey in my cupboard and didn’t let an ounce of it go to waste.

“Clover, room twenty-eight is all yours.”

Internally I groan knowing that’s Marvel’s room, and I’m definitely not ready to put up with shit this morning.


“Yep, his one bandage comes off this morning and he’s at physical therapy right now. And to no surprise he’s in a horrible pissy mood.” My co-worker hands over a stack of papers to me.

“Oh joy.” I offer up a fake smile.

I have a hunch as to why he’s in a pissy mood, but then shake it off thinking it would be silly for Marvel to be jealous of Sterling and me. Hell, he doesn’t even like me, and there’s nothing between Sterling and me. The more my thoughts play out in my head the more it pounds, causing dizziness to take over.

I focus on my rounds, delaying the obvious, and only hope the physical therapist brings Marvel back to his room. If that happens, then I have at least another hour before I have to face him. With each task I complete the more I feel gutted and can’t quite put my finger on what’s bringing me down so rapidly.

I keep a steady hand while finishing up all my chart work before checking in on Marvel—my last patient. As my shaky hand raises to knock on his door before entering, a loud crashing sound fills the air. Every single one of my nurse instincts kicks in at once, leaving behind any emotions or feelings I may or may not be experiencing when Marvel is involved.

Swinging the door wide open, a sight lays before me that threatens to crush my heart. Marvel face down on the ground fighting to get up to his feet with his body fighting him on every single movement.

“Marvel,” I holler his name and leap in his direction while pushing the nurse button on his bed for more help. As soon as my palm hits his shoulder, I feel him relax as he looks up over his shoulder.

“Clover.” A wave of relief washes over his face when we make eye contact.

“I’m here, Marvel.” I grip onto both of his shoulders, trying to help him up from the ground. “Are you okay?”

He plants both of his palms on the tile floor beneath him, fighting to steady himself. I watch as the muscles in his arms quiver in exhaustion.

“Marvel, stop, I’ll help you.”

He looks back at me one more time and there’s a frigid mean look in his eyes that cannot be mistaken. His whole body shivers as he refuses to give up fighting.

“Marvel, stop fighting me.”

“How was your date?” The intense anger that laces his voice is scary and downright bone-chilling.

“I’m your nurse and here to help you.”

“Don’t touch me, you bitch.”

His whole body flops to the floor with a loud thump and I swear I hear his sternum crack in half as he does. Marvel lies still for merely a few seconds before he rotates his head to the side.

“I tried being the good guy,” he says before pushing up off the floor once again. His whole body fights against him as he urges his legs to work with him. It’s clear he’s beyond exhausted from therapy and too damn stubborn to take any help from me.

“Marvel, enough dammit. You’ll never get back home if you keep this up.”

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