Break Me Open (11 page)

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Authors: Amy Kiss

Tags: #Desert Wraiths MC

BOOK: Break Me Open
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He let me appreciate them, and then curled his wrist and plunged deep into me. My eyes shut at the new high water mark. I heard pleasure breathe off his face.

He tugged down my panties and then shuffled down his own pants with a zip. I felt his hard cock smack out against my thighs. It laid out so long and rippled with fine little bits. It moved up me and I gasped in anticipation at how it would feel.

It wasn't close to the real thing. His head spread me open, wider than his fingers could. My whole body sang at the pleasure of him, and then he rode into me. We groaned together. He ran out, and sank up into me again.

No tightness. No pain. Only the slightest pinch of pressure as he made me a woman.

He rolled into me - a vast and unstoppable force, and when he came out the vacuum his cock left just built my lust higher. His body sank lower on me as his thrusts came faster. I clutched myself to him, feeling all those vast muscles moving him into me. These muscles had murdered, they had fought, they had ridden. All of it practice for penetrating my body.

He had spread my legs wide open. One hung off the bed. I was completely bare to him. His cock filled the space left behind. It grew stiffer inside of me.

My limit was coming. I could only be stretched so far. The pleasure had nowhere to go. It rolled over me like a tide at beach. Rising, falling. Growing each time.

I crawled my hands off his massive back and clutched his head to my neck. I wanted him to hear what he was doing to me. I wanted to hear the madness he had brought to my life ever since those eyes had first shone on mine. I was moaning into his ears, and that just made him grow and made me moan louder. He grunted with each thrust now, and I could feel him shudder. We were breaking each other.

He rolled my legs into the sky, guides for his body. He plunged hard down and into me, like he were setting of an explosion. A fuse went off and when it reached my spine my body blew apart. I clawed into his skull and screamed as pulse after pulse of light ran through me. 

My body shuddered and I could feel him go tense under my grip. He groaned like I had stabbed him. It was the sweetest sound. He stiffened and plunged in wetter, and then his juices burned into me, shot after thick shot. He pumped me full of himself, and then toppled us over.

My eyes opened and we were on our sides just faintly apart. His body burned but the small space between us made me shiver. I started to edge into him and his arms scooped me into his glistening body. He smelled sweet and thick with the exertion of us.

“Thank you,” I said.

“For what?” he said, heavy in my ear.

“Giving me this.”

There was a pause. “What’s this?” He sounded genuinely curious.

“My life.”


He must have thought I meant just saving me from being killed, but that wasn’t it. It wasn’t even about trusting me to run free and not reporting murder. It was deeper.

Sometimes when a heart stops you can get it running again with enough of shock. My life had been going, but barely. Ever since my parents’ death, I’d been crawling.

Ever since that night Ghost had put his hands on me, I’d been saved. He’d shocked my heart back into the fierce, fighting thing pounding life through me now. I wanted to gasp and gulp air down, and not just from the sex. I felt like I’d been born again.

Coming into this world a second time has a way of tiring you out though.

I buried into that warm cave of muscle. Soothed by the deep gusts of his breath, I settled into a sweet and well-earned rest.








The room lay dark by the time I woke up. I flicked on the lamp and my corner lit up yellow. It hurt my eyes to look at, but the more interesting sight was on my other side anyway.

Katie dozed against me, the gentle swells of her rising into me like plush rolling waves. The pacing of them felt like meditation. The VA guy had recommended the practice to me, but I could never last counting my own breath. Hers though, I could observe forever.

I tried for awhile, feeling the stillness of the room. The warm peace. This was more relaxing than sleep. I whispered her name to myself, something I realized I hadn’t actually done ever. Well, maybe I had groaned it when she had me mounted. That wasn’t intentional then. I said it a few more times on purpose to get a taste for it.

It occurred to me that I didn’t know much else about her than her name and the feel of her body. She was in training to be a vet. She lived in the rich part of Gilsner. She was friends with some blond girl that had been walking with her.

That was it. I didn’t know how old this girl was. Why she was in the rough side of town that night.

Why she was here with me.

Oh, I’d have dragged her here if I needed to to keep her safe, but she didn’t put up an ounce of fight . I didn’t take her to be dumb, and as nice as we’d felt together, I didn’t flatter myself to think it was my looks that had won her over. What reason did a girl like that have to trust me?

I eased myself off the bed and gathered her clothes off the puke green carpeting. This room wasn’t exactly the most romantic of places but this wasn’t exactly a first date either. I set them down on the coffee table next to her purse. I hesitated, then began rifling through.

I needed knowledge to keep her safe.

Yeah, right.

She barely had more than a pocketbook in there. A few things of makeup, keys. A phone, which I turned off, just in case Nico had a hook up with the Sheriff’s office too. I unzipped a side compartment and found a picture of her much younger and standing between a couple who had joint custody of the features on her face. Parents, no doubt. Were they nearby? Looking for their baby girl right this moment. I flipped through her wallet, but nothing more in there. Not even a receipt.

She was her own sort of ghost.

Her backpack sat by the door and I restocked the purse and went to that. There were a few papers in there, coursework, but mostly clothes. I zipped it up, softly.

Not soft enough. The air in the room shifted subtly.

“See anything you like?”

Her voice shivered down my spine. I turned around and saw her propped up from the pillow. The blanket had slunk down and her breasts floated out in the open.

“Sorry,” I said, mesmerized.

“For what?”

“Checking your things, it’s habit.”

“Is that a military habit?” she asked, calm, curious.

“Not strictly,” I said. “But getting your hand on intel was often half the work in special ops.”

“Oh,” she said. “So it used to be your job to go commando?”

Her eyes wandered down my body, and she smiled slyly.

I had to follow the gaze to realize I was still nude. “I’ll put something on,” I said.

“Why would you do that?”

The words stood more invitation than question. I felt any hesitation harden out of my center, and I strode to the bed. I scooped her up, pressed my lips to hers and spread her apart at once.

She gasped, arched under my grip like I had drugged her. I found her center and pressed in with my fingers.

“Oh,” her voice crumbled. My breathing went taut. I didn’t want to play, I needed to be in her. I found the wetness of her with my cock and slid in easy.

We groaned together like a metal joint crumbling. Any doubt slid away as I slipped deeper and deeper. Her eyes shone up urgent as if I were far away and she needed to bring me closer into her world.

“I’m coming baby,” I whispered softly into her ear. She encircled me with those long creamy legs and my words felt like an omen. One touch and this girl was reducing me to a puddle.

I eased my pace and pressed my face down on hers. Her lips parted as easily as her legs. My tongue twirled around hers warm and sweet, and we danced in her mouth. The soft wet noises of our kisses blended with the slick of my thrusts into her.

The flame rose in my body again. Not a firecracker popping off this time, but a slow burn. A forest fire, spreading from my center to my thighs and biceps and mouth. I moved into her harder, rose her legs higher so I could explore her depths. She pushed my mouth off hers and moaned into my ear. The sound felt like a siren, a red alert in the night and I pushed myself as hard as I could go. The flames roared now, the smoke churning above us. She bit into my neck and clawed across my back. She wanted to rip me open, spill me out. She would get there. She had already done it in every way but physical. But I was gonna get her first when it came to that.

I rolled myself deep into her, and felt her crumble under my lust.

“Oh, Ghost,” she said, as if the life were leaving her. Her entire body fought me as she bucked over and over in my grasp, a soft wail of a sigh leaking out of her. She kissed my ear and my heat finally consumed me. My center broke and I groaned like a falling tree, pumping and shooting down.

I collapsed around her, and lay in the pool of our gathered sweat between us. She eased me off and we stared into each other again. She looked dazed, but not tired.

“How many times can we do that?” she asked.

“No law against it far as I know,” I said.

“I mean, physically, “ she said. “How many times?”

I wondered what she was asking. How much practice I had? How messed up my system was?

Or just how much I could take of her.

“As many as you want, baby,” I said, wiping her forehead clear.

“I think I need energy first,” she said. Her stomach rumbled on cue.

“Not a bad idea,” I said.

We got up, wiped down with towels and got dressed. We weren’t going to smell great, but our scents were deep on each other, and I liked how they mingled on her skin. Possessing her sweetness.

Did it matter if she possessed me too? I didn’t know what I wanted from her yet, but I wanted her.

There was a burger joint across the street. We walked across the cracked and empty parking lot, hands apart, breathing in the silence of the night. I felt myself tense up as we crossed the road, but there wasn’t even a car around to hit us, never mind any other threats.

Inside, she stood in line in front. “Tell me what you want,” she said. “I’ll pay.”

“Was the sex that good?”

She smiled that sleek hidden smile. “It was. This one’s for saving my life, but I’ll owe you another for that.”

I smiled and took her under my arm. “Baby, we are more than even on all counts. And legally that means, it’s my treat.”

Before she could argue I thrust ahead of her and started talking to the guy at the counter. He was younger, smaller but he looked at me with bored eyes. Caught me off guard a little and it took me a second to realize I expected a reaction. Boredom was not what my body usually earned.

Katie had them seeing a different side of me just by virtue of her presence.

I ordered cheeseburger meals for the two of us and paid. Katie had already gone off to fill up on ketchup and grab a booth. I walked over with the baskets, suddenly nervous as a teenager, wondering what to say on a date. I sat the tray down though and she dug in. My appetite roared at seeing this other sort of hunger from her and I tore through my burger in record time.

I started working on fries and Katie finished up and looked at me. She took a tug of soda, her eyes never leaving my face and I could feel something coming.

“Is it just my body?” she asked.

This was not what I expected. “What?”

“Is that the only reason you’re protecting me? To get inside me?”

“Of course not.”

She chewed thoughtfully on a fry. “I mean, I’m a threat to your club right? I don’t know what today was about exactly, but it had to do with what I saw that night. Everything comes from that.”

I tried to argue, but I didn’t have much practice arguing against the truth. I shut my mouth.

She nodded. “Everything. Even that day you came to my house for help. That was kinda my fault too right?”

“That would have happened whether you were there or not.”

“So is today because of that? Is that why you’re protecting me?”

“It’s not just that,” I said. “I’m keeping you safe because…you didn’t do anything wrong.”

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