BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras) (48 page)

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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He did leave. He gave up having a say.

So the only opinion that counted was Sebastian's. If she focused on him, she had no doubts. But this would all end if she didn't make that very

"Scott, you're making me think. I don't want to think. I want to feel." She tongued her bottom lip, swollen from Sebastian's teeth. "I like this game. Can we keep playing?"

"Yes, mi cielo. But first, I believe Scott needs some assurance that you are willing, despite your protests." Sebastian spoke in a low, hypnotic tone, causing lust to pulse through her veins. The same lust filled Scott's eyes as Sebastian whispered. "Show him you want him."

Jami tipped her chin up, lips parting slightly as Scott kissed her. He tasted her with a tentative dip of his tongue, groaning as she pressed against him, inviting him deeper. His mouth slanted and his tongue swept in. The kiss became hungry, almost feral as he used his teeth and tongue to explore her. He nipped her chin, trapping her gaze with blue eyes sharpened with desire. He lowered, pressing light kisses down the length of her throat. His teeth grazed her collar bone.

Sebastian slid his hand into her shirt, cupped her breast, lifting it over the low neckline to offer it to Scott. Scott's hot breath rushed out over her hardened nipple, he flicked it with his tongue, then let out a rough sound as Sebastian pushed his fingers into his mouth.

"I will not use you tonight, Scott." Sebastian pulled his fingers out, using the wet tips to draw a circle around Jami's nipple. He chuckled at Scott's shocked look. "But if you please her, I may consider it soon."

Jami frowned.
Why not tonight?

"Shit, man. As long as someone uses me . . . ." Scott's eyes drifted shut. He sucked at her nipple, rolling it against the roof of his mouth until she gasped at the zing of pleasure stretching in a taut cord down to her clit. His hands curved around her hips as he dropped to his knee. "As long as someone does, I don't care."

There was something sad about Scott's resigned tone, but he didn't give her time to dwell on it. His lips closed around her clit. He sucked hard. She cried out as sparks burst in the tiny bundle of nerves. Her legs quivered as he thrust two fingers into her wet slit, fucking her with them hard and fast. He seemed determined to make her come as quickly as possible.

"Slowly, hombre. Tease her." Sebastian wrapped her hair around his fist, tugging her head back so she could see his ominous smile. "We want her hot for our friends. If she is wet enough, fill her cunt and lock her up. I am eager to bring her to a place where her screams will not be heard."

Scott's fingers curved inside her, reaching a spot that sent her spiraling closer to climax. She panted, pleading with her eyes for Sebastian either stop him or let him finish.

"In case you are confused, gatita." Sebastian kissed her cheek. "You do not have permission to come."

A moan of frustration escaped her lips. She was so
close! Scott's tongue circled her clit, avoiding the tip as if he knew one touch would set her off. His fingers made as soft, wet sound as he slowed his thrusts.

Her brain shut off. Her entire being narrowed down to the rippling within. Liquid heat spilled as Scott eased his fingers out. She arched her back, spread her thighs shamelessly. "Don't stop. Please don't stop."

Something hard and round pressed against her entrance. Stretched her slightly before settling inside. She whimpered as her pussy clenched around it, but found no relief because it wasn't moving. Cool metal cover burning flesh. A lock clicked, then another and another.

The chastity belt.

"No!" She slumped back against Sebastian's chest as Scott rose up in front of her. She scowled as Scott kissed her. "You two are fucking evil."

Scott grinned. "Are kidnappers supposed to be nice?"

"Yes." She pouted, then jumped as the thing inside her—probably the stupid egg Chicklet had bought for her—began to vibrate. Her core simmered, reached a boiling point that had her holding her breath in anticipation.

The vibrations cut off so abruptly her legs almost gave out. She pushed Scott away so she could turn to glare at Sebastian.

His dark brows rose slightly. He held up the remote as though to remind her he could make things much
worse. "Patience and self-control will serve you well, gatita. You will be punished for demands."

"And if I behave? If I let you take me and don't fight?"

"You will be rewarded." He bent down to pull her shorts and panties over the chastity belt. "Scott will remove your restraints now. I would rather not risk your neighbors seeing you bound."

"That's a good idea." But as Scott undid the tape, she trembled, feeling off balance. She suddenly couldn't face the man. What would he think of her? She'd let him do intimate things to her, even though she didn't know him well. Fooling around with random guys had been much easier when she was drunk or stoned. She lowered her gaze when she caught him frowning at her. "I guess we should go."

"Wait." Sebastian put a hand on Scott's shoulder before he could move towards the door. His eyes darkened as he studied her face. "Speak to me, mi cielo."

She wrinkled her nose. "I don't know what to say."

"Are you uncomfortable with this?"

"Not exactly." She knew he wouldn't let it go, so she did her best to put her thoughts into words. "It's just . . . Scott's not a stranger. When this is all over, I'll have to see him around and I'll always wonder what he thinks of me."

"He is my teammate, Jami. I understand your concerns, but I would not have allowed this if I thought things would become awkward on or off the ice."

"They won't." Scott rubbed her arms. "I promise."

"That's easy to say, for both of you. You're just sharing a chick. A lot of the guys do it."

"There are some things the 'guys' do not do, mi
." Sebastian jerked Scott towards him, one hand gripped firmly to his jaw as he kissed him.

Scott fisted his hand into the front of Sebastian's shirt, holding on when it looked like Sebastian would pull away. Jami stared, more shocked at seeing these two men kiss than she'd ever been when it was Sebastian and Luke. For some reason, the connection Sebastian had with Luke made it seem natural. Right.

This was hot. Sexy as hell. But just as random as her letting Scott kiss her. Almost more.

And Scott looked as miserable as she'd felt when it ended.

"To some, pleasure needs no strings attached. No commitment," Sebastian said, not releasing Scott until he could clearly stand on his own. "Scott is one of those people. This is why you chose him, is it not?"

"Yes." But suddenly, that seemed selfish. Shallow. Almost as bad as what Luke had accused them of. But she waited until they got to Sebastian's car before she voiced her concerns, quietly so Scott, who was sitting in the backseat, staring out the window, wouldn't hear her. "I'm not sure I'm okay with this. I don't want him to feel used like—"

"Nor do I." Sebastian's jaw hardened as he stared ahead at the dark road. "But he expects nothing from us. Or anyone. We cannot change that." He paused and glanced over at her with a tight smile. "But I may know someone who can."

She relaxed into her seat, feeling a bit better. She didn't know who'd come to the party, but if Sebastian said Scott would be taken care of, he would be.

If only . . .

No. She wouldn't think about Luke again. She wouldn't!

But he kept slipping back into her head, like the cravings for the countless addictions she'd broken in the past. Only worse. Because things could have been so much different if he'd been willing to listen. Sebastian was a good man. Better than either of them deserved.

She pictured Sebastian kissing Scott and pressed her eyes shut. He'd done it for her. So she wouldn't feel weird about what had happened. Or what

He hadn't wanted to though. Because he still thought Luke would come back.

Tonight, she'd do everything in her power to make him forget the idiot. And if that didn't work . . .

Then what?

Then I find Luke and knock some sense into him.

Sure. Beat the pigheaded jerk into submission. That would go over well.

I'll tell him Sebastian needs him.

And he'd figure she was playing bait again.

Then I'll tell him . . .
I'll tell him I need him.

Every ounce of pride she had rebelled against admitting that to Luke. Even though it was true. She could forgive him for lashing out right after Sebastian's cousin had said all the crap—she probably would have been hurt and confused too. But going out with Amy, of all people?

He was probably with her now. Probably . . .

Stop it. How are you going to get Sebastian to forget him if you can't?

The egg inside her buzzed to life, vibrating fast, then slow, reawakening her body and fogging her brain. She gasped as Sebastian's fingers stroked lightly above her knee, finding a sensitive spot that sent a sizzling current straight up to her covered clit.

"Your mind seems very busy, mi cielo." Sebastian watched her from the corner of his eye, shaking his head slowly when she opened her mouth to speak. "Are you considering how much the bad people I'm bringing you to will hurt you? How they will use you? Because nothing else should occupy your thoughts right now."

"I'm trying, mi Rey." Jami pressed her eyes shut, doing her best to lock her thoughts on the carnal night that lay ahead. But she slipped the second the vibrations within ceased.

The car stopped. Before she could open her eyes, Sebastian hand covered them, cutting out the dim lights from the street with had filtered red through her eyelids. Her world became nothing but darkness. And the sound of his voice.

"There's no need to try any longer." His tone dropped, low and feral. His teeth grazed her neck. The moist heat, the pressure right over her pulse, had her instincts kicking up in a wash of cold even as lust blazed through her. He chuckled as she pressed her hand against his chest, holding him back even as she offered up her throat. "You are afraid, but your body betrays you. Do you know I can smell how wet you are? I can practically taste it. Can you Scott?"

Cold air hit her as the passenger side door beside her opened. A warm hand, damp with sweat, stroked up her thigh as Scott whispered, "Yes."

"She is eager to be fucked. To be used like the little toy she is." Sebastian's accent thickened, and tenderness seeped into the crude words, softening the blow so she reached the headspace she needed to act like a whore, but still feel cherished. "You will let us do anything we want to you, won't you, Jami?"

The response came automatically, because it was the right one for the game they played. But she didn't need to play. She just needed to let go. "Yes, Sebastian. I'll let you do anything. Always."

His hand moved. Slid down to cup her cheek. She didn't open her eyes, but she could hear his smile in his voice. "Very good, mi
. Because your pleasure is mine. You will not forget?"

"No." She whispered, hoping he knew she felt the same. "I'll never forget."

Chapter Twenty Two

Cigar smoke filled the basement room in a light grey haze, sweet and pungent, drifting over light musky arousal from the women and soap and sweat from the men. Sebastian studied Pearce over his cards—his only real competition. In black jeans and a snug black tank top, not quite slouched into the high-backed leather chair, but relaxed into it with his ankle on his knee, lazily puffing on his cigar, he waited for Scott to make his move. Beside Pearce, Chicklet licked a droplet of whiskey from her bottom lip as she watched Scott, still playing in a way even though she'd folded her hand. She was a savvy player, but losing two red keys—those to Laura's chastity belt—to Sebastian, she had begun to take less risks and added a mental edge to her game. Which could be dangerous, but Sebastian wasn't overly concerned. Nothing she could say or do would distract him from his goal.

It had taken one hand for Sebastian to get a feel for four of the five players he'd invited to his home for a scene which revolved around a poker game and two pretty, trussed up victims. Two offered no challenge at all. Wayne tended to scowl for a split second when the deal didn't go his way, then played on as if backing down insulted his manhood. Scott started off strong, confident, but as the stakes went up, his hands began to shake. As they were now. He considered the other players, hunched his shoulders, and eyed his cards once again. He had likely thrown in too much on a pocket pair and had only one key left.

Pearce however . . . Sebastian couldn't read him. His expression never changed. He'd won three of Jami's blue keys and one of Laura's red ones by bluffing. None of the players besides Sebastian would chance calling him as he raised the stakes because too often he turned over a hand that proved either luck or skill was on his side.

Sebastian would bet his last three keys it was skill.

His jaw ticked as Pearce's gaze flicked over to Jami, laying on her side on a padded bench to the right of the folding table where they played, blindfolded, gagged with a strip of black silk, restrained with bondage tape around her wrists and ankles. Laura lay in a mirror to her to the left. Both women moaned softly as the vibrating eggs inside them pulsed randomly, keeping them on the brink of a climax, but allowing them no relief. Pearce's focus on winning Jami's keys either meant he planned to win her for himself—or . . .

He thinks to distract me. He doesn't want her for himself.

He had a feeling he knew why Pearce wanted her. And perhaps he could use that against him.

After laying his cards down on the table, Sebastian pulled out Jami's remote and pushed a button to a higher setting. She thrashed and let out a muffled cry.

Scott groaned and pushed his remaining chips to the center of the table. "I'm cashing in."

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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