BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras) (57 page)

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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This is
She curved her hand around the side of his throat, stroking the rough hair covering his jaw, letting her lips touch his as she whispered. “I love you, mi Rey. I swear, I’ll never keep anything from you again. It could be worse. If all I have to do is earn your trust back, I’m getting off easy.”

He chuckled as he kissed her, sucking on her bottom lip, claiming her mouth. His eyes were hooded as he drew away. “You are assuming you won’t be punished?” He smiled at her hesitant nod. “Don’t.”

She shivered and glanced over at Luke. He came over, brushed a soft kiss over her lips, then whispered in her ear as Sebastian moved towards the door. “Being cut off indefinitely trumps anything else he can come up with.”

“Are you sure about that, niño?” Sebastian gave them an amused look. “If you are, then I have been much too lenient on you.”

Luke swallowed. “Fuck.”

Jami squeezed Luke’s hand, rising to follow him to the door. After closing and locking the door, she leaned against it, heart racing.

We’re in trouble.

Chapter Twenty Seven

The dark blue silk tie slipped from Luke’s hands as he tried to copy the neat, Windsor knot Seb had shown him over and over. Groaning at the tangled mess, he slapped his hands on the dresser in his spacey basement bedroom. He had no problem tying intricate knots during a scene, but this stupid tie wasn’t a nice sturdy rope. And he never tried to please anyone but the sub when he worked the ropes.

Pleasing Seb was . . . important. He knew Seb would expect him to look his best, and he wanted that look he got from the man when he’d done something right. Dressing nice shouldn’t be too fucking difficult.

But it was.

“Is there a problem, Luke?”

Luke took a deep breath, turning to face Seb who stood in the open doorway. “No. I’m good.”

Seb gave him a curt nod. “I see.”

“Wait.” Luke ground his teeth and let his hands fall to his sides. “This is going to sound stupid, but I can’t do this. My hands are shaking, and the knots always look like shit.”

“Would you like me to do it for you?”

“I should be able to do it myself.” Luke scowled. “It’s pretty pathetic that you need to dress me.”

“I enjoy doing it, semental.” Seb crossed the room, eyeing the three other ties on Luke’s dresser, all hopelessly wrinkled from previous efforts. “All you need do is ask.”

“Please?” Luke held still as Seb deftly fixed his tie and smoothed it down. His pulse quickened as his flesh heated under his crisp, pale grey shirt. He really wished Seb was stripping off his clothes, rather than dressing him, but this was nothing compared to last night.

After leaving Akira’s, Luke and Seb had gone to pick up some stuff from Luke’s house. Tyler was there, with Chicklet and Laura. Laura’s face had gone red as she glanced up from where she was scrubbing the kitchen floor. Naked. A sharp word from Chicklet had her looking down and scrubbing harder.

“Nothing’s worse than a sub that decides there are things you don’t need to know.” Chicklet winced, then smiled at Tyler as he knelt beside her and rested his head on her thigh. She stroked his hair, then finally lifted her gaze to Seb. “I’m sorry. You know I would have told you, right?”

“I do.” Seb had observed Laura silently, then shook his head. “I hope you are not being too harsh with her. Jami asked her not to say anything.”

Laura had gone still. She lifted her head. “May I speak, Mistress?”

brow furrowed. She leaned over to kiss Tyler’s cheek. “Go ahead.”

“My Mistress respects loyalty, so she’s taken it easy on me, but I know what I did was wrong.” Laura bit her bottom lip. “It’s hard when it comes to my job—it’s never been an issue before. But I should have known better. Jami needed you.”

“She did not know that, pet.” Seb sighed. “But I do hope this helps you with whatever guilt you feel.”

“It does.” Laura ducked her head. “But it’s not enough.”

Seb’s brow shot up. “It is enough for me. And for your Mistress. I would not push if I were you.”

For some reason, Luke couldn’t stop thinking about the exchange, all the way to his new home. After dropping his stuff off in his room, he met Seb in the kitchen.

“Am I being punished?”

“Do you need to be?” Seb stood over the stove, making popcorn the old fashioned way. He poured the popped kernels into a big bowl, then added melted butter and salt. “I cannot think of any reason why.”

“I should have talked to you after what your cousin said.”

“You were upset. Understandably so.”

“But . . . .” Luke shook his head, confused. “You’re punishing Jami—you won’t . . . do anything with her. Or me.”

“That is not a punishment, Luke.” Seb picked up the bowl, then went to the fridge for two cans of Coke. “I was hoping we could enjoy a movie together. Your choice.”

“Sure. Cool.” Luke picked Step-mom. Halfway through the movie, he shifted from the armchair to the sofa, snuggling with Seb as his throat locked. Since sex was off the table, he found himself opening up to Seb, telling him all about his mother’s condition. Admitting that he was fucking scared.

Having another man hold him would have been weird in any other situation, but with Seb, it felt right. They’d reached another level where Luke wasn’t ashamed of his tears. Wasn’t afraid to look weak.

But once Seb kissed him goodnight, and Luke headed down to the basement, visions of the party, of Jami with Demyan and Pearce, of Seb watching over them, got him rock hard. He jerked off, taking longer to come than he ever had because he couldn’t help wishing it was Seb’s hand on him, rather than his own.

But he got it. Their relationship had been all about sex. And things had gotten pretty messed up because of it. He’d needed to know the three of them had more. Seb needed to know it too.

Seb was watching him, patiently letting him sort out his thoughts.

Luke made a face. “This whole thing is driving me nuts. You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to get on my knees and beg you to fuck me.”

“But you haven’t.”

“No. And I won’t. I need you to know you mean more to me than a way to get off.” Luke tongued his bottom lip as Seb buttoned up his suit jacket. “Because you do. But it gets harder every time you touch me.”

“Does it?” Seb tugged on the lapels of Luke’s suit jacket until their bodies pressed together. Until he could feel Seb’s hard length against his stomach. His tone roughened as he spoke close to Luke’s lips. “Because you have that effect without laying a hand on me.”

Reaching between them, Luke stroked Seb through his pants. “Let me help you.”

Seb pressed his eyes shut and shook his head. “No.”

“It’s not sex, Sir, just me sucking your dick.”

“Madre de
, Luke.” Seb let out a strained laugh, raking his fingers through his sleek, bound hair as he retreated a step. “We have a game to play.”

Baring his teeth in a broad smile, Luke shrugged, slipping by Seb to head up the stairs. “My apologies, Sir. I thought we were already playing one.”

* * * *

In the hallway by the locker room, moments before the team was to head onto the ice for warm-up, Sebastian leaned against the wall, caressing Jami’s cheeks with his fingertips, amazed at how well she looked after a good night’s sleep. Many of her bruises were concealed with makeup, but the difference went beyond the superficial. The shadows below her eyes had faded. Her eyes were bright with youth and energy. There would be nightmares, memories to haunt her, for months, but she had found the strength not to let them drag her under.

But how long will that last?

“You have to stop worrying about me.” Jami took his hand and kissed his fingertips. “At least tonight. I came to watch you win. To watch Akira’s show. If not for that, I wouldn’t have left the house.”

“Why didn’t you mention fear of going out over lunch?” Sebastian’s jaw tensed. Her promises meant nothing if she was already avoiding sharing her feelings.

“Because I wasn’t scared then.” She wrinkled her tiny nose. “It comes and goes. I woke up like it was any other day—except I overslept and got your message just in time to get dressed and meet you. I was happy to see you. Then I went back to Akira’s place and it hit me. I still haven’t taken a shower.” Her lips thinned as she fingered the sling holding her arm close to her chest. “I’ve never broken anything before, so I’m paranoid about getting this stupid thing wet.”

“Was it the shower that made you think of . . . .”

“Yeah. I felt gross and my hair was all greasy. And then I couldn’t stop thinking about how this happened.” She rolled her eyes. “I had a complete meltdown. But Akira went out and bought some dry shampoo. She fixed me up and I felt human again.”

“I am happy you have Akira,” Sebastian ran his hand over her loose hair, trailing over her shoulders like midnight woven into silk. At least she hadn’t gone through it alone. “I would still have liked it if you had called me.”

“Mi Rey, I didn’t feel like talking to anyone.” Her fingers traced the gold collar of his jersey. “But I told you. That counts, right?”

“Yes.” Sebastian’s breath hitched as her fingers dipped down, teasing the short hair of his chest. His nerves were hypersensitive, sparking at the slightest touch. Arousal flared so abruptly he had to pull her hand away from him. Erections on the ice were to be avoided at all costs. “I enjoyed having lunch with you. We should do that again soon.”

Her lips curved slightly. “I agree. But, before you go out there . . . can I give you a good luck kiss?”

“Can I have one too?” Luke asked from behind them. He moved in while Sebastian was still trying to decide how wise it would be to taste her sweet lips while his control waned. Luke latched onto Jami, holding her in a firm embrace as he took her mouth. He was breathing hard as he released her. “
, bad girl. You’re not supposed to be drinking with your meds.”

“I only had a sip!” Jami planted one hand on her hip, wincing as she automatically tried to do the same with the other. But her cheeks were flush and her eyes glazed with lust. Her pain was the least of their problems. “And you don’t get to lecture me, mister. You taste like beer and I
you’re not supposed to drink before games.”

“You little liar!” Luke chuckled, shaking his head as he shifted closer to Sebastian. He took off one glove, dropped it, then slid his hand around the back of Sebastian’s neck. “I can prove it.”

Sebastian groaned as Luke’s tongue thrust into his mouth, all wet heat, the sweet tang of Gatorade, and the desperate pressure of longing and lust. Luke made Sebastian forget where they were. Who might see them.

A throat clearing off to the side made Jami yelp and Luke stumbled back like he’d been gut checked.

Tim held the door open, looking more amused than shocked. “How about we save the celebrations until after the game, boys?”

Cheeks glowing red, Luke nodded and ducked into the locker room. Tim gave Sebastian a pointed look, tapped his wristwatch, then followed him.

“You did lie. Are you trying to rack up punishments?” Sebastian snorted a laugh as Jami’s eyes widened. “I will be bringing both you and Luke to Spain once the postseason is finished. I would rather not spend the entire trip disciplining you.”

Jami blinked. Bit back a smile. Then shrugged. “Discipline’s better than nothing.” She rose up on tiptoes to kiss him. “Good luck, mi Rey.”

She spun away from him, strolling down the hall, hips swaying provocatively. Her tight jeans—which she couldn’t have put on alone—had his hands itching to pull them off. He’d know abstaining would not be easy.

Apparently his lovers were determined to make it nearly impossible.

* * * *

Red lights flashed across the darkened ice. A lion’s roar ripped out as
Animal, by Kristina Maria
exploded from the speakers. The Ice Girl’s weren’t wearing their uniforms. Their flesh gleamed in the spotlight as they pulled away from a provocative tangle of bodies. Tan loincloths and matching tube tops revealed most of their bodies. Akira rose from her crouch in the center of the dancers, whipping her hair over her shoulder as she began moving like a sleek, wild cat, unleashed.

Ford’s mouth went dry. He’d seen some of the routine, broken down as Akira perfected each move with her team, but he never could have imagined the impact of the whole performance. The crowds buzzed with the energy the girls threw into the stands with each hard thrust of their hips. He pressed his fist against the glass, tearing at his tie with his free hand as he watched Akira’s body undulate to the wild rhythm.

“Fuck, they’re good.” Sahara, one of the Islander Ice Girls who would be doing a televised dance off against the Cobra finalists in a few weeks, leaned against the glass beside him. “I bet, by next year, half your ratings will be from people just wanting to see these girls.”

“I’d be a fool to take that bet.” He pushed back and forced a smile as he met Oriana’s questioning gaze. Not like he could tell her he wanted to go down there and drag Akira off the ice. He didn’t want anyone else to see her like that. Anyone but him. And the girl wanted nothing to do with him. So he turned to a subject he knew would distract his sister. “I hate to admit it, but Silver might have saved the team by making it more about sex than the game.”

“Don’t be bitter, Ford. You’re better than that.” Oriana folded her arms over her chest. She looked so small in Callahan’s Winter Classics Jersey, so much smaller than Ford, but somehow her size didn’t make her any less imposing. “Besides, we both know the team needs money now.” She glanced over at Sahara, then seemed to decide it didn’t matter if the girl knew what was becoming a well-known fact. “Unless we bring in a new investor, we don’t have it.”

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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