Breathing Her Air (2 page)

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Authors: Lacey Thorn

BOOK: Breathing Her Air
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Vulcan gave a cry from the air above, jerking
out of her thoughts. It was harsh and full of warning and she quickly searched the area for what Vulcan sensed. There was nothing…and then there was way too much. A man stepped out of the trees mere feet in front of her, followed quickly by another one. They were both well over seven feet tall, huge even compared to her cousins who stood seven feet even. They had shoulder-length brown hair streaked on the sides with
a deep
silver that seemed to catch in the sun, and she would have said that they were identical until they looked up and clashed gazes with her. One had a piercing gaze that hooked her and wouldn’t let her go. She had never seen such
a pure
silver before.
Except on the beak and talons of her best friend Vulcan.

As a slow smile took place on his lips another caw filled the air.
was poised to run when the unthinkable happened and the bird that called none friend but her landed on the arm of one of the warriors in front of her.

“You must be
,” the one with the piercing gaze said and slowly headed toward her. “We’ve come a long way to find you.”

And then it hit her. These were the
brothers, her chosen mates. These two men would claim her and mate with her and she would belong to them. As fear took over
was paralyzed, unable to move or breathe. The last thing she heard was a harsh gasp as the black cloud obscuring her vision overtook her and her knees gave way. The ones she had hoped wouldn’t show were here. And they had come for her.

Chapter Two


Drew looked at his brother
as their intended mate fell in a dead faint to the ground. He couldn’t reach her in time to prevent the fall and only hoped that she wasn’t hurt. She was as beautiful as they had heard with a thick fall of red hair that hung in a braid to her waist. Her eyes had appeared to be the green of moss and he couldn’t wait to see them again to be sure. She was tiny, maybe five feet eight or so, but she had the body of a woman. Her full breasts were proudly displayed in the top she wore and her hips and legs looked delectable in the warrior pants she chose to wear. Drew had never seen a woman in pants before but he liked it, liked the way she looked in them. She was beautiful and dressed like a warrior. She was indeed the fitting mate to one of the prince’s guard.

Drew and
had been away from their island home for a few years now. They had journeyed by boat with several other warriors of the prince’s choosing and searched for other islands, other places to find refuge and perhaps others to call allies. Instead they came home empty-handed to find chaos. Their prince was dead, killed some time in the night as they had reached the shores. If only they had been here, in place as his personal guard should have been, then maybe it wouldn’t have happened. But there were no what ifs or maybes and the prince was dead. Now the
, who had always been guards to the prince, would serve his sons. But first they would claim the woman who had been promised to them by the prince himself many years ago. Within days she would reach her twenty-first year. That gave them a mere matter of two days to woo her and hopefully win her heart. Then they would take her as theirs, and they would be hers. And united they would leave to find the one responsible for the death of their prince. That was their duty and hers once she became mate.

“Is she hurt?”
soft-spoken words pulled Drew from his thoughts and he glanced back to see the Aqua-
content on his brother’s arm. It was daunting to see such a legendary bird of prey perched there giving the deceiving appearance of docility. The Aqua-
was thought to be extinct by most but its legend was great. The bird was magnificent in coloring with its many shades of blue. It had a wingspan of six feet when in flight and its silver beak and talons were reputed to be lethal enough to break through flesh and bone.

Drew glanced down at
and brushed some loose hair back from her face. “She appears to be unhurt. Just fainted though I have no idea of why.” He glanced back at
and laughed. “Nay, it is you I fear for, brother. You risk much with that bird on your arm.”

laughed and confidently stroked one big hand softly down the feathered back of the bird on his arm. “He seems to like me and I choose to believe that he won’t eat me.”

Drew shook his head and grinned back at
. “You always did have a way with the beasts.” He glanced around. “Speaking of which, where has Caspian taken himself off to this time? And how do you think that he will react to

“I would worry more about how our mate will take to our pet. Caspian is not an easy beast to love.”
gave a sharp whistle that pierced the air and had the woman they were both looking at jerk up to a sitting position. She barely missed clipping Drew in the jaw as he knelt over her.

“What was that?” she cried, looking around, and both men grinned.
was known for his unique ability to attain and hold the piercing note of his signature whistle. It sounded more animal than man-made but always brought about the same result.

Drew knew that once again
whistle had brought Caspian to them by the way
eyes widened as her gaze became fixed on the creature entering the glen. He couldn’t stop the smile from taking form on his lips when he realized it wasn’t fear in her eyes but something a whole lot like anticipation. And he and
both laughed when the beast warriors were known to fear crouched like a docile cat beside the woman they planned to mate and licked her face. And
won both of their hearts when she threw her arms around his neck and laughed into his ruffled mane of hair.


caught her breath when the beast moved from between the trees behind one of the
warriors. He was magnificent. She had heard stories about the creature that walked with them, the wild beast that they called pet. But she hadn’t really believed the tales though she should have. After all, others thought the same of the stories of her and Vulcan. But no story could have prepared her for the power in each muscle as the lion moved toward her. He was huge, and the most beautiful creature she had ever seen.
Next to Vulcan of course.

His paws were large and powerful and as he passed one of the brothers on his way toward her she was amazed to note that his head was level with the warrior’s hips and lower waist. He had to weigh a ton judging by the way his muscles rippled with each step he took. His color was a gorgeous shade of gold and his mane was every shade of gold she’d ever seen and some that she hadn’t. Yes, he was magnificent and he knew it. He stopped beside her and slowly dropped down to his belly.

He opened his mouth and surprised a giggle from her when he lapped her face with his tongue. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. It amazed her when he purred low and long, dropping his muzzle to sniff along her exposed neck.

“It seems that you have made a friend.”
This from the one whom Vulcan rested so easily on.

“And you as well,” she told him, wondering at the accuracy of all the stories she had heard of these two men. Surely Vulcan would not befriend men with a blood thirst as these two were reputed to have. Then again she recalled the words of her new friend Willow when
had confessed her fear of the claiming to her. Willow had told her that what and who men were in battle did not always reveal who they were with the woman they chose as mate. Maybe Willow had been right.

“What do you call him?” They both spoke at the same time and
a lightness
inside when he smiled at her.

“We call him Caspian,” he told her and she laughed at such a warrior’s name for the animal. But then the lion she was clinging to was indeed warrior-like.

“I call him Vulcan and he answers to it when he wishes to,” she informed him, nodding toward her
and both of the men laughed softly. The husky sound washed over her skin and sent her pulse racing and moisture to settle between her thighs.

Caspian purred again, the deep rumble filling the air, and nudged her shoulder as if to bring her attention back to him. His head was twice the size of hers and the teeth she could see were sharp and wicked looking. She was very grateful that he saw her as a friend and prayed to the goddess that it would always be so.

“You are the
warriors.” It was a statement, not a question but one of them answered her anyway.

“Yes. I am Drew and this is my brother
.” He nodded toward the one still holding and stroking Vulcan. “You know of us?”

“Yes. I’ve heard of you. You are legends on the island,” she informed them.

“Don’t believe all that you hear, little warrior. Men tend to embellish with the retelling of events.” It was Drew who spoke. “Is that all that you know of us?
The stories and legends of the

“No,” she admitted. “I know that you are the ones whom I have been promised to. I wondered if you would come when my time of claiming arrived.”

There was a strange darkening of his eyes, turning the silver a deeper, darker shade as he looked at her. “We have waited what seems like forever for this time to arrive, for you to be ready. We would be no other place right now than here with you.”

“I’m not,” she shook her head.

“You are,” he countered and his voice was lower, huskier. He reached out and ran his fingers softly down her cheek. “There is nothing to fear from us,
. No matter what you have heard to the contrary we are only men. Men who wish to bring you joy and pleasure. We wish to share with you, not take from you. Will you allow us the chance to show you?”

She wondered for a brief moment what he would say if she refused but Vulcan’s caw sounded, pulling her gaze to him. An understanding passed between them and her truest friend gave his blessing on what she suddenly realized she couldn’t fight. These two warriors were meant to be her mates and though they gave her the choice to accept them everyone present knew that eventually she would be theirs anyway. They might not force her but others would try to. And she found that she could not bring shame to her fathers and her prince by running and hiding.

“Yes,” she breathed out and with that one word her future was suddenly bound to that of the
warriors, and theirs to her.

* * * * *

She was the one who led the way to the cavern and the hidden treasures within. There were several of these caverns around the island that provided shelter and more to the people who knew where to find them.
Though the opening was small, once inside it was a large open room.
One corner of the room held blankets and food while the other provided a pool of water kept naturally heated and perfect for bathing. Another smaller pool of water in the center of the room would provide plenty of fresh drinking water. It had all the comforts needed for what was coming.

Vulcan was somewhere outside the cave keeping watch over them and Caspian was lounging in the opening, ensuring that no one entered without them knowing first. The two predators should have been enemies but had somehow formed a bond. Vulcan had flown from
arm to the lion’s back and rode there most of the way on the trek through the woods. It seemed that everything was perfectly aligned for their joining and
was slowly losing her fear.

It was hard to fear men who treated her so gently and respectfully. One walked on either side of her and she knew that it was instinctual for them to feel the need to guard and protect her in case danger neared. She barely reached their chests and guessed them to be close to seven feet eight inches, about two feet taller than she was. It was daunting to walk between them. Drew kept his hand upon the small of her back and
would occasionally reach out to brush a hand along her arm or side. More, she felt, to reassure himself that she was really there than anything else.

And now here she stood in a secluded shelter with them and the fear was back but with it was a sense of the rightness of what was about to happen. Yes, she was scared though it was more nerves at this point than outright fear. She had been sheltered by her fathers for most of her life and though she was aware of the mechanics of what was to happen she had never even been kissed by a warrior. First, because of where she lived in the mountains with her fathers and then because she was the niece of the Prince and Princess of Altair and her cousins
always there to watch over her and keep any interest in her to a minimum.

She watched as
took a turn around the open room, ensuring that there were no hidden entryways inside. Drew tossed the pack he had been carrying into the corner by the other supplies and bent to take a quick inventory of what they had. It gave her a moment to watch them both, to take in the physicality of them. And they were both very physical men, she could tell that just by looking at them. Their necks were bigger around than her thigh.

Broad shoulders were bare, giving her an unhindered view of the bulging muscles both men carried with ease. They were the largest warriors that she had ever seen. Could such large men truly be gentle with a woman? Both men had touched her at different times, small caresses that felt wonderful against her skin. But would all that change in the heat of the moment? When lust entered would tenderness fall by the wayside in the need to claim? That was what she feared the most. That was what kept her nervously rooted to the spot in the middle of the cavern.

She was startled when
moved up behind her and used his hands to bring her back against his body. Her head rested on his chest and even she wasn’t sheltered enough not to realize what the long length pulsing against her back was. This warrior was hard and ready and, judging by what she could only feel, way more than she could handle.

“Relax, little warrior,” he whispered above her head. “I wish only to feel you against me. To hold you and maybe soothe away some of the fear I see hiding in your eyes.”

“I don’t think that I will be able to relax with such a weapon against my back,” she said without thinking and could have blushed when his deep chuckle filled the air.

a weapon of pleasure you feel.
Pleasure for both of us if wielded correctly.”
He bent down and she shivered at the feel of his warm breath against the shell of her ear. “And I promise to do everything in my power to make sure that it is only pleasure that you feel with me,
.” He took the lobe between his lips and sucked gently at it. A cry left her lips and her eyes closed as she leaned farther back into him.

“I’ve never seen a woman in warrior pants before,” he whispered as he slid his hands down over her hips.

“I will not dress in a skirt for any man!”
declared hotly and tried to pull away from him. Instead she found herself turned and pulled even tighter against him. Now his cock pulsed against her stomach and her breasts swelled and grew fuller where they were crushed against him. Her nipples grew hard and ached for something she didn’t know but had confidence she would soon feel.

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