Breathing Her Air (6 page)

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Authors: Lacey Thorn

BOOK: Breathing Her Air
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She couldn’t stem the flow of tears for Micah and for
, brothers who should have loved and supported one another. Instead one had been so consumed by jealousy that they had never really had the chance.

“I watched them surround him. It was a note from me that led him there. He came because I asked him to and then I watched as they riddled him with arrows. Finally I saw Micah fall to his knees. Finally the great prince was brought low.” He looked at her and she cried harder at the tears she saw in his eyes, on his cheeks. “And do you know what he said to me when I knelt beside him as he died?”

She shook her head, unable to say anything. Her voice was gone and it was all she could do to stop the sobs from leaving her throat.

“He smiled at me. He told me that he would always love me.
Told me that I had been a wonderful brother.”
His eyes were a faucet now, the tears streaming unchecked as he shared the last moments of Micah’s life with her. “He told me to tell you that he loved you. He was never happier than the moments he spent with you.” She did sob then, her grief so overwhelming that she could no longer contain it. “Then he told me that he forgave me.” He found her gaze with his and implored her to share the same with him. “He forgave me. Can you forgive me? Can you?”

She shuddered, letting her eyes squeeze tight for one instant before she opened them again. She shook her head sadly, refusing to lie to him even in death. “No. I cannot forgive you. Not only does Micah’s blood stain your hands, but that of many of our warriors and women. The blood of the people, the women and children who shared your life before you even came here.” She shook her head at the horror of all that he had done.
“So much blood.
So much hate.
And for what,
Did it get you what you desired? Did it give you the happiness that you wanted?”

“It led me to you,” his voice was soft and weak and she knew the end was near. “For a brief time I had everything.”

“You could have had it for more than a brief time. I loved you and once I would have died for you.” She leaned over him, demanding his full attention. Anger—she was consumed by it, overflowed with it. “Damn you. Damn you and your hatred. Be glad that Micah could forgive you because I never will. I will never forgive what you took from Micah, what you took from me. But most importantly I will never forgive what you denied yourself by letting this fester and grow until it consumed you.” His blood soaked the earth beneath him and even as she finished speaking she saw the light fade from his eyes and knew that he was gone.

“May you find the peace in death that you denied yourself in life,” she whispered as she closed his eyes. She placed one kiss on his forehead in memory of the love she had once shared with him. She stood on shaky legs, digging deep for strength when all she wanted to do was fall back to her knees and

She threw her head back and screamed her anger at the sky. She screamed with fear and sorrow and a hurt that fractured her very soul. “Damn you,” she cried, shaking her fists. “When will it be enough for you? How much blood do you need? How many must die before we earn the right to the Guardians you
us?” She shuddered out a harsh breath and dropped her hands back to her sides. “How many more must die?” She whispered the last question, knowing that no answer awaited her. Or at least not one that she wanted to hear.
For she could feel the answer in her heart, in the very blood that flowed through her body.

There was one last task to complete before the Mystic would awaken and strengthen the call. And it was a task that
must complete alone. With sadness in her heart she took slow steps toward the home she had spent many happy moments in with her mates. Once it had been a temple to the Goddess of Altair and there was still one secret it held from all but the last female of the blood line. Destiny
, and with it everything would change.

Chapter Six


floated in the pool, enjoying the soft lap of the water over her skin. They would be leaving the cave today. She knew it, could feel it in her blood like a call from some primal force. She knew where they would head even though it was a part of the island that she had never been before. And she knew that the
would travel with her, protect and keep her safe. She had dreamed it all the night before.

A woman had appeared to her in her sleep.
A dream that seemed more.
Though she couldn’t recall the woman or anything really about her it was as if her spirit recognized the other woman. And there had been others in the dream as well, three women the same height as her. And all of them had the same green eyes, except for the one who had called them. For some reason she knew that her eyes were different—a shade of blue. Why she recalled that,
had no idea. And she was taller. Again just a feeling but she was sure it was right.

They were the Island Guardians. It was as if some hidden part of herself had awakened during the dream, a piece of her that had always been there but was dormant. She had always felt she was different somehow, and not just because of the way she dressed or the lack of feminine guidance early in her life. The air had always seemed thicker around her.
And Vulcan, her first friend.
A flying bird of prey that was almost like a second part of her.

She knew Willow, the Guardian of Water.
had met her at the last camp, the one where the prince had been killed. She had watched Willow use her powers to control the water and send boats away from their island. She had watched and felt a stirring in her own blood.
The roar of air, the feel of it not just on her skin but in her skin.
And the feeling had only been growing over the last few days.

The woman in the dream had told her that it was time to awaken and embrace who she was. She had shown
what power lay within. In the dream
had whispered a chant to the Goddess of Altair and invoked her power. The rush of wind had been like nothing she had ever known. Around and over and inside her it rushed with a power that was consuming. Vulcan had flown high in the sky above and with a few words she had been able to see as if she were looking through his eyes.

And there was more, so much more to the power that she had. She could control the wind, control and contort the very air around her. Powerful gusts that could lift and destroy the earth and trees and anything that was in its path. And she could control it, could wield it like a warrior’s sword. And she had. In the dream they all had. Four of them, united as one in a circle. Each called unto the goddess, invoking that power which she had been gifted.

And together.
Together they were unstoppable. They were all to travel to the same spot and perform some type of ceremony. It was imperative that they all leave soon, before the rising of the next moon. Time was of the essence. And they must take care to arrive safely.
For if even one of them were to fail to arrive, then everything would change and the island would be doomed to war and death.
Until no one was left to fight.

She felt a ripple in the water and knew without opening her eyes that one of her warriors had joined her. He grabbed her ankle and floated her across the surface of the water until she lay just in front of him. Hands brushed up her thighs, lightly over her cunt and higher still to cup her breasts and fondle her ripening nipples. She sighed with awakening desire and opened her eyes to smile at
. His hands were so different from Drew’s. Or at least to her they were. His touch was softer somehow.

“I wondered if either of you would miss me,” she exhaled as his hands continued to work magic on her body. One strong arm circled under her hips, keeping them above the water and in his view.

“I knew the moment you slipped from between Drew and me,” he whispered, bending over to kiss her softly on the lips. His tongue glided over her bottom lip before dipping between them to taste her. Slowly he released her from his kiss, using his hands to lift her so that she was upright in front of him. He cupped her hips and she wrapped her legs around his hips.

“I’ve been here for a while,” she murmured.

“I thought you might need a few minutes to soak away what aches you might have from yesterday. We weren’t exactly easy on you, little warrior.”

She grinned up at him. “And I enjoyed every moment of it.”

She gasped as he moved one big hand between her spread thighs and slipped two fingers inside her. His thumb brushed light circles over her distended clit and her body bucked closer toward him, seeking relief from the fires he was stoking. He used his other hand to lift her just a bit higher and bent his head to suck one nipple into the hot cavern of his mouth. He sucked and nipped her pebbled flesh with his teeth and the entire time his fingers continued caressing her pussy, making it wetter and hungrier. His thumb pressed down just as he bit her and she screamed as her orgasm rocked through her in waves of pleasure.

She was still shuddering when he pulled his fingers free and plunged his rock-hard cock deep within. The water splashed around them but neither cared. He moved through the water with her until he could rest her hips on the side of the pool and pound in and out of her saturated core. She leaned back on her hands, her breasts thrusting high, bouncing with every stroke he took.

hands held her in place on the smooth stones that surrounded the natural warm pool. He looked magnificent with his brown hair hanging loose, the silver streaks on the sides seeming to reflect the blue of the water. His grey eyes were deeper, darker and burning with passion for her. The muscles in his chest and shoulders rippled as he held her and his abs bunched and contracted as he pumped his hips faster and faster. She lifted her legs, spreading her knees wide so that she could watch his hard shaft move in and out of her.

It glistened with her juices, so long and so thick against the nest of brown curls. It amazed her how much power his cock possessed. Each movement slid his turgid length along the bundle of nerves inside her, the spot that brought her closer and closer to another orgasm. It was a hard glide of flesh inside flesh with the greedy clasp of her pussy doing its all to hold him inside. Over and over again he plunged and retreated until they both dripped with more than water and panted for air to fill their starved lungs.

“So good,”
told her. “You feel like heaven here on earth when I
am inside you, touching you, loving

“Yes,” she cried.

He moved one hand and brushed her clit with his finger and she burst with pleasure again. His cry joined hers and as she felt the harsh blast of his cum filling her, she went higher, cresting on a continuous wave of unrelenting pleasure. He held her tightly to him, her face buried in his neck, and it was a natural desire to open her mouth and bite down on him. He grunted and she felt another splash of seed releasing in her as a shudder racked through his body.

They stayed that way for a long moment, both reluctant to pull from the intimate embrace they shared. Yes, this was the way she wanted to spend every day for the rest of her life, lost in the arms of one of her warriors, bound by pleasure that consumed and ravished.

She felt a hand on her shoulder as Drew joined them, sitting beside her on the edge.

“Are you ready for round two?” he murmured and when she pulled her head from
neck and turned to him, Drew took her with a kiss that had her blood beating fast again.

slipped from her and helped Drew to lift and turn her so that she sat astride. Drew used one hand to hold his shaft and the other to help guide her hips. She felt the kiss of his cock at her portal and then the slow glide of his shaft into her pussy until she felt flush against him. He felt divine but she had no idea where she would find the energy to ride him the way this position required.

But she needn’t have worried. Her warriors knew just what they were about.
stayed in the water behind her and with his hands on her hips and Drew’s at her waist they helped her to rise and fall, creating a pleasant rhythm. Drew thrust into her as she glided down his length and it brought a fast build-up of the sensations she had just shared with

Drew caught one nipple between his teeth and held tight to it as she continued to rock on him.
The feel of his teeth holding her so firmly while she bounced and jostled was incredible.
It was pleasure and pain with no real distinction between the two. It was exquisite torture, and just when she thought she couldn’t take any more
moved one hand and she felt once again an oil-slickened finger pushing into her anus. Drew must have brought the oil over with him. Heaven knew she wouldn’t have noticed at the time.

finger seemed to excite Drew as much as it did her. They both gasped and groaned as one finger became two. As the pleasure built for them all the burning began again inside her. She wanted possession there, needed it like she needed air. His fingers weren’t easing her, it was his cock she had to have, and soon.

“Now,” she demanded and
groaned as he pulled his fingers free and replaced them with what she desired most. Each inch that filled her made her pussy that much tighter around Drew and his groan of pleasure echoed his brother’s. Finally they both rested deep within her body and it was as if the three of them were one being.

“Like this forever,” she sighed as she leaned her head back on
chest. His arms slipped under hers and his hands claimed her breasts, pinching and tweaking her nipples. Drew held firm at her hips, keeping her in place between them as they began a
of thrust and retreat.

“Yes,” Drew groaned.
So good, little warrior.”

buried his face in her throat and sucked and nipped at her skin, nibbling a continuous path from ear to shoulder and back.

This was what it meant to be a mate, to be the chosen woman of two strong warriors. She was glad that she was so lucky as to be with them. They were gentle and easy with her, even in their passion. Her pleasure was important to them. They were always touching her, soothing her, stroking her flesh. It was nothing like she had feared when she had first learned that she was to be their mate.

Yes, when it came to battle they would surely be a force to be reckoned with. And that was just as it should be. They were, after all, key members of the prince’s guard, those chosen above all other warriors to guard and protect the prince and his family. And these two, her mates, had been hand selected by the prince to journey off island in search of a haven or allies. She had no idea what, if anything, they had found, no idea what had brought them back at this time. But she knew that eventually they would tell her. They had said several times that they expected her to travel with them, to be with them always. And they embraced the fact that she wore warrior pants instead of the skirts of an island woman. Yes, these two warriors were made for her.

Drew brought her back with a sharp cry and the pressure of his fingers pinching her swollen clit. She bucked between them and cried her own release as
pinched her nipples and thrust deep inside her ass, spilling his cum as she clenched and released around him. Her body shuddered and collapsed. She couldn’t move, had trouble just catching her breath as she struggled under the force of the pleasure rocking through her body. It was more than she could stand, more than she could take. With a gasp she dropped her head forward onto Drew’s sweat-soaked chest and gave in to the darkness pulling at her.

Just a little nap before they left the relative safety of the cavern they were in. She had a feeling that they were going to need it. A journey lay just before them, one that could mean the very lives of everyone on the Isle of Altair. Something was in the air, and soon she would no longer be able to deny the pull in her soul. Destiny awaited them all. And something told her that more blood would spill before it all came to an end.

* * * * *

stood before her mother, once the island priestess, and bowed her head in respect. She had entered the chamber of the goddess and called for the power to complete what was already begun. And in answer to her call, her mother had appeared to her, not in spirit, but in flesh.

“I have waited for this call,” Althea spoke softly to her.

“How long did you know that this was coming, Mother?”
asked. “How long had you foreseen what was in store for us?
For me?”

Althea smiled softly and reached out to brush her hand across her daughter’s cheek.
I have always known what would be expected of you. Your purpose was clear to me before you were ever even conceived.” She met
gaze and her eyes shone with moisture. “I knew and I grieved for what would happen. But I knew that you would also know great love before the time came. And I held that promise closest to me. And you have. You have experienced a love like no other. A love that was all that I could have wished for you.”

“And what of the betrayal?
Was that foretold as well?”
asked, but in her heart she already knew the answer and her mother’s nod only confirmed it.

“With great joys also
come great pain
. It is the balance that keeps life moving forward. In your heart you know this.”

nodded but knowing it and living it were two very different things. She closed her eyes for a moment and grieved for what could have been, for what briefly was, and for what was still to come. Destiny would not be thwarted or altered. She opened her eyes and met her mother’s with a resolve that showed in every line of her body.

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