Brendon (14 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Brendon
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However, it didn’t seem to matter that Travis was happy these days. He was still acting like the big brother. The way his eyes narrowed on Brendon told her he was in that mode now. She just wondered whether he knew which one of them he should be protecting from the other.

Cheyenne got the feeling Travis was going to exert that big-brother power here soon and she wanted to cut him off at the pass. Although right here probably wasn’t the place to do that. Luckily, she was saved when Brendon’s cousins Jared and CJ approached. Cheyenne had only been introduced to CJ one other time, but she remembered that day clearly.

“Hey, little one,” CJ greeted her with a smile. Just like every other family member she’d met so far, Chase Jameson, better known as CJ, was incredibly handsome. Lorrie had introduced her nephew at one of the many family functions. He wasn’t usually in attendance, but that was mostly due to the fact that he was a volunteer firefighter in Coyote Ridge. When he wasn’t doing that, he was a construction contractor who often worked in tandem with Walker Demolition.

“Good to see you, CJ. How’s your mom and dad?” Cheyenne asked, accepting his hug when it was offered. CJ’s mother, Deborah, was married to Lorrie’s brother, Owen, who was the youngest of Lorrie’s eight siblings.

When she took a step back, she found herself pulled up against Brendon’s side, which had her laughing at the absurdity of the move, although there wasn’t an ounce of humor in Brendon’s intense gaze.

Oh, damn. There was a lot of damn testosterone crowding her all of a sudden.

“They’re doin’ well. They’re actually both here tonight. As are my brothers and sisters.” CJ turned his attention to Brendon. “Good to see you, man. How’s it goin’?”

Cheyenne still couldn’t believe how many people were there, but if Chase’s two brothers and two sisters were in attendance, then it explained how there were so many bodies filling one room. If Cheyenne recalled correctly, the fewest number of children that any of Lorrie’s or Curtis’s siblings had was three. Who knew how many of them showed up tonight. That had her thoughts drifting to her cousins’ ranch. Yep, Dead Heat Ranch was definitely the place for this family’s reunion because, by her math, that meant there were somewhere around one hundred people in all, not including any significant others of their cousins.


Cheyenne tuned out Brendon and CJ as they chatted. She was too busy checking out everything going on around her. These people sure did know how to throw a party.


pparently turning thirty-five was a big fucking deal. At least to Sawyer. Or whoever planned this crazy-ass party. Everywhere Brendon looked, he saw family members, some of which he hadn’t seen in a few years. It was insane.

Now that they’d been there for two hours and he’d managed to find his way back to Cheyenne after Kylie stole her away, he wasn’t sure he was going to willingly let her get away from him again.

“Need anything?” he asked, noticing the glass in her hand was empty. She’d been drinking soda and forgoing alcohol altogether tonight. He’d done the same, not at all interested in getting blitzed and running the risk of making a fool of himself. He’d done that more times than he could count over the last few months.

“I’m good. You?” she asked, turning her full attention to him.

“I could be better,” he told her, leaning down to whisper in her ear.

“How so?” she asked, her tone chock-full of curiosity.

Peering over her head, Brendon made sure no one was in earshot before he said, “I could be buried inside you right this minute.”

He stepped back so that he could look down at her, noticing the heat shimmering in her pretty eyes.

“What’re you waitin’ for, camo boy?”

Brendon’s eyebrow lifted. Was she seriously daring him? Did she think he wouldn’t do it?

When her brow cocked in return, he took her empty glass and set it on the nearest table before taking her hand and leading her toward the exit door to a hallway that wound through the hotel.

He took a quick peek behind them to ensure no one was paying them any attention. When he deemed the coast clear, he pushed open the door and pulled her with him, holding her close to his side. Finding an unlocked door wasn’t too difficult. After a quick glance inside, he realized the place was empty.

“Whose office is this?” she asked.

“No idea. Probably the club manager’s or somethin’.”

“You think they’ll mind that you’re gonna fuck me right here on his desk?” Cheyenne asked, a mischievous smirk on her sweet mouth.

“I don’t give a fuck if they’ll mind or not,” he told her as he flipped the lock on the door and pulled her up against him. Turning so that she was pressed between him and the wall, Brendon slammed his mouth down on hers. Her arms twined around his neck, her fingers tugged at the hair at his nape as she kissed him back.

“Thank God you’ve got a dress on,” he said breathlessly when he managed to pull away from her.

He slipped his hand down beneath the hem of the dress’s frilly skirt and ran it along her inner thigh. He inched higher as he pressed his mouth to her neck.

“Holy fuck,” he growled when he met her smooth, bare skin. “Did you seriously not wear panties?”

“I didn’t wear them,” Cheyenne said on a moan. “Just for you.”

“You’re a naughty girl, you know that?”

“Only for you,” she said, and his possessive side stood up and roared. He liked the idea of her being his naughty girl.

“Pull out my cock,” he instructed as he continued to kiss her neck, nipping and sucking on the smooth, sweet-smelling skin. When her hands went to work on his belt buckle, he returned his mouth to hers, crushing their lips together as he kissed her with the pent-up frustration that had been boiling in his veins since he picked her up a couple of hours ago.

“Oh, damn.” Her silky-soft fingers caressed his aching dick after she managed to free him from his jeans. He assisted by pushing his jeans down his hips but not before retrieving a condom from his wallet. “Put it on me,” he commanded, handing her the foil packet.

Cheyenne didn’t hesitate before sheathing him in the latex.

“Now hold on,” he told her as he lifted her off her feet, pressing her back into the wall. Her legs came around him and he situated her so that he could guide himself into her slick, warm pussy.

“Brendon.” The way she said his name, more of a moan than a word, made him eager to slam into her. He managed to take his time, sliding into her slowly while he devoured her mouth. Once he was fully seated inside her, he began pumping his hips.

In order to get more traction, Brendon broke the kiss and gripped her ass tighter. Watching the desire as it passed over her face was intoxicating. It was almost as good as a fucking orgasm. He continued to drive inside her, increasing his pace, doubling the power of his thrust. Cheyenne’s nails dug into his shoulders as she held on, and when her eyes opened to meet his, he saw more than he expected to see looking back at him.

It made him wild, desperate to possess her in every possible way.

“Fuck me,” Cheyenne demanded, her voice soft, but insistent. “Fuck me hard, Bren.”

“Oh, hell.” Brendon began pounding into her, fucking her hard, nailing her to the wall. The only thing that could’ve been better would have been if she were naked. Since this was the next best thing, he tried not to think about how beautiful her tits would look bouncing freely while he hammered her.

“Oh, God, Bren. It’s too good. Harder. Please.”

He wasn’t sure he could fuck her any harder than he was, but he did his best. Her pussy was a silken heaven milking his cock, her muscles tightening as he slammed into her.

“Are you gonna come for me, Chey?”

“If you keep . . . doin’ . . . that,” she said, her words broken by his brutal thrusts.

Brendon wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to hold out, but he would if she needed him to. Hell, at this rate, he wasn’t sure they’d make it back to her place before he would be ready to take her again.

“Bren! Oh, God!”

He loved that she didn’t try to keep quiet. She obviously didn’t care that anyone walking by could and would hear her. Not that the hallway was overly populated, but he was sure someone would likely venture down there sooner or later.

And he couldn’t have cared less.

“That’s it, Chey. Milk my dick, baby. Oh, yes.”

Cheyenne’s head tilted back, the smooth column of her neck tensed as she swallowed, crying out as her orgasm slammed into her. So many sensations—the bite of her fingernails, the delicious sound of her pleasure, and the amazing feel of her pussy tightening around his dick—all crashed together as he drilled into her hard and fast until he was hopeless to hold out any longer. He roared his release and there was no doubt in his mind that someone had heard.

And again, he really didn’t give a shit.

of breath and completely sated, still impaled by Brendon’s thick cock. She couldn’t believe they’d done that, but in the same sense she could. Whatever it was about him, it made Cheyenne want to let loose, to do things she’d never considered doing before. He made her wild for him.

“You okay?” he asked, his chest heaving with every deep breath he took, his breath warm against her neck.

“Fantastic,” she replied, the one word the only sound she could force past her deprived lungs.

It took them a few minutes to get themselves back under control and then cleaned up. Once that was done and Cheyenne had ensured that she still looked presentable, they returned to the club. It didn’t look like anyone noticed they’d disappeared, but Cheyenne knew better. Some of these people were incredibly perceptive and she had no doubt that someone knew they’d snuck out for a quickie.

Surprisingly, that knowledge didn’t bother her at all. She kind of liked this wanton side of herself.

They managed to weave their way back into the crowd and over to Sawyer and Kennedy who were standing near the bar laughing at something Sawyer’s friend Greyson said. When they approached, three interested pairs of eyes turned their way.

“Hey. I’m so glad you came,” Sawyer slurred and Cheyenne realized he was drunk. Not only was his speech impaired, but he acted as though they hadn’t already said hello and delivered the gifts they’d brought for him.

“Forgive him,” Kennedy said sweetly. “He’s tossed back a few too many.”

“He was the second person in as many weeks who thought he could outdrink Beau,” Greyson informed them.

Cheyenne laughed, but the memory of that night made her cringe on the inside. She honestly didn’t think she’d ever willingly take another shot of tequila again. Not even if her life depended on it.

A gentle hand touched Cheyenne’s arm and she turned to see Lorrie standing behind her with two other women. “Can I steal you for a minute?” Lorrie asked.

Brendon excused them from the conversation with Sawyer and Kennedy as he turned to face his mother. Cheyenne noticed that his arm didn’t go around her shoulders as it had for most of the night. That only bothered her a little. Granted, she didn’t expect him to show her off to his parents, but she did like the idea of him claiming her in a room full of people.

That brought back thoughts of what they’d just done in that vacant office a short time ago, and her face heated. She only hoped that the lights were low enough that Lorrie didn’t notice.

“I wanted to introduce you to a couple of people,” Lorrie said, turning and holding out her arm to the older woman standing by her side. “This is my baby brother, Owen, and his wife, Deborah.”

“It’s very nice to meet you both,” Cheyenne said, extending her hand.

Cheyenne noticed Deborah’s eyes widen and she appeared to be hiding a smile, which made Cheyenne laugh. Starstruck, apparently. She was familiar with the reaction and as long as there weren’t any tears, Cheyenne would be fine. If Owen’s pretty wife started to cry, well, Cheyenne knew the waterworks would start from her own eyes as well.

Lorrie must’ve noticed Deborah’s reaction because she laughed. “It’s all right, honey. She doesn’t bite.”

“Can I hug you?” Deborah asked.

“Absolutely.” Cheyenne moved closer so that Deborah could embrace her.

“Oh, my goodness. You’re so tiny. You look taller on TV. “

Cheyenne laughed. She got that all the time. She was small, she knew that, and people generally reacted to that. Standing next to Brendon wasn’t helping her appear any taller, either.

“Look! It really is her.”

All eyes, including Cheyenne’s, turned to the two women who were approaching cautiously. This time Brendon’s hands landed on her shoulders and she welcomed his warmth as he pulled her back against him.

“You’re Cheyenne Montgomery, aren’t you?” one of the younger women asked.

“I am,” Cheyenne responded.

“Cheyenne, these are my nieces, Chelsea and Reilly. CJ’s sisters.”

“I can’t believe you’re really here. This is so cool,” Chelsea said excitedly.

“Remember, what happens here stays here,” Travis said as he approached. “I don’t want a single word gettin’ out that she’s in town. You hear me?”

Ever the protector
, Cheyenne thought. Reaching back, Cheyenne put her hand on Brendon’s thigh, letting him know she was right there with him and that she appreciated his presence.

“Anyone tell you that you’re a pain in the rear?” Reilly teased Travis.

“All the time,” Travis confirmed. “Especially my wife.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it,” Chelsea stated, her eyes continuing to dart over to Cheyenne. “It really is so great to meet you. And I promise, we’ll keep our mouths shut. Despite what the old man here thinks, we’re quite capable of acting like adults.”

Cheyenne figured Chelsea and Reilly to both be about her age, but she didn’t know for sure. However, she did believe them when they said they’d keep their mouths shut. If not, they probably would have to deal with Travis’s wrath. And more than likely Brendon’s, but she didn’t think either of them realized that.

At that moment, Kylie walked up, placing her hand on Travis’s arm and smiling at Cheyenne. “Is he bein’ bossy?”

Everyone within earshot laughed at that, including Gage, who came to stand directly behind Travis, his hand landing on Travis’s shoulder. “When is he not?”

Brendon’s hands tightened on her shoulders and Cheyenne looked up to see Travis glaring at Brendon.


What the hell was it with all these guys and their protective instincts?

“Hey! Looks like the party’s reconvened over here,” Jessie said as she came to stand at Cheyenne’s side along with Braydon, who was directly behind her. “Someone told me to ask you if you’d sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Sawyer.”

Cheyenne smiled, noticing all eyes were on her. She knew there was no way she could get out of that one.

“Maybe you could sing somethin’ else for us, too,” Reilly said.

“I didn’t bring my guitar,” Cheyenne replied.

“We’ve got one round here somewhere,” Sawyer muttered as he stuck his head between Lorrie and Deborah.

Oh, boy.

Glancing behind her, she met Brendon’s gaze. She was surprised to see he was smiling. Based on his defensive stance at her back, she’d expected him to be as tight faced as Travis. “You okay with that?” she asked.

Rather than say anything, he simply nodded.

That was apparently the green light that was needed because the group dispersed, and Lorrie directed Kylie, Jessie, and Kennedy to get everyone gathered to sing “Happy Birthday.” Cheyenne allowed Brendon to lead her as they followed Gage to the stage, hopefully to get the guitar.

She just hoped these people didn’t expect her to get up on that stage. It wasn’t that she was scared to sing for the crowd, but she did have enough mind to remember that her dress was short and what she wasn’t wearing beneath it would be apparent if she got up there.

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