Brie Learns Restraint (After Graduation, #5) (7 page)

Read Brie Learns Restraint (After Graduation, #5) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

BOOK: Brie Learns Restraint (After Graduation, #5)
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“I wanted you to have the best tools to work with, toriko. I am proud to be a part of your dream, even if it is simply providing you with the environment in which you can produce it.”

Brie wrapped her arms around her new Master’s waist. “My words cannot express—”

“There is no need. It is my pleasure as your Master. Sit here while I watch your genius.”

She smiled bashfully. “The tea has made its presence known, Tono. Let me excuse myself first.” When he nodded, she entered the bathroom.

She was about to close the door when Tono ordered, “Leave it open,” while he sat down at the desk.

Brie took a deep breath as she mentally accepted the review lesson.

She sat down on the toilet, upright and with all the grace she could muster as her pee trickled into the water. Despite the flush on her skin, Brie appreciated the stripping away of her pride that exposing such a private act to inspection evoked.

He nodded his approval when she came out of the bathroom. “I saw the moment of hesitation, but much more natural the second time, toriko.”

“I am still learning, Tono,” she responded, suitably humbled.

“As each of us are, little slave. That should never stop.”

Brie returned to the desk and uploaded her documentary onto the fancy new computer. “It still needs a lot of work, Tono. This is really a rough draft of sorts…”

Tono chastised her. “Hush. I want to see it without explanations. This is what you presented to the producer, correct?”


“Then that is all I need to know.”

Brie knelt down on the ground beside him and the two watched her original movie. Unlike Sir and Mr. Holloway, Tono was full of expression as he watched. He laughed out loud, but looked visibly upset when Brie spoke of Mary’s breakdown while in his care.

After the ending credits, he clapped. “I don’t care what your producer said—that is a masterpiece.” He picked her up and twirled her in the air. “We must go out and celebrate!”

Tono would not let her change, bur allowed her to wear traditional Japanese sandals to dinner. The two went to a local pizza joint, where they stood out like sore thumbs in their Japanese attire. She slid into the seat, quite mindful of the fact she was naked under the kimono. It enhanced the awareness of her own femininity.

She looked across the table at Tono. With or without physical contact, there was an arousing connection between them. It amazed her how Dominants could easily change a normal, everyday experience into something sensual and alluring, even something as innocuous as eating pizza. She bowed slightly when his gaze fell on her.

The hustle and bustle of the place was momentarily forgotten as she stared into his chocolate- brown gaze and received his silent praise.

The waitress scooted over. “Mr. Nosaka, great to see you again! What can I get started for you?”

“I would like you to bring my three favorites, Miss Mallory.”

“Three whole pies?” she asked, looking surprised.

“Yes,” he answered, with a playful smirk in Brie’s direction.

The waitress dutifully wrote down his order, obviously knowing Tono’s favorites without asking. “My pleasure, Mr. Nosaka. I’ll get Tony started right on those.” Her blush and subconscious hair-flip as she walked away from the table let Brie know the girl had a crush on her new Master.

“I came across this place by accident. Best pizza in the world,” Tono announced proudly. His enthusiastic claim was that much cuter considering he was wearing a traditional kimono.

Miss Mallory was quick to deliver his requested favorites, but became flustered when she spilled his glass of water while trying to make room for the three pizzas. He gently clasped her wrist, his touch immediately calming the girl. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” He soaked up the water with several napkins and handed them to her with a nod.

The girl smiled appreciatively. “Thank you, Mr. Nosaka.” She turned to Brie, acknowledging her for the first time. “He’s a good man.”

Brie reached over the food and put her hand on Tono’s, squeezing lightly. “I know.”

The look he gave her was unreadable, but he broke the contact, demanding that she partake.

Brie gladly succumbed to the temptation set before her. Tono hadn’t been kidding; it
the best pizza she’d ever tasted, with the unusual toppings and brick-fired crust. Her favorite by far was the simple white pizza with spinach, smoked mozzarella and garlic, but she very much enjoyed the sesame chicken with spicy sweet and sour sauce, and the unexpected surprise of the pizza pie with turkey sausage, red onion and pecan.

With Tono’s encouragement, she spent the entire meal discussing her film and sharing her plans for additional scenes. She’d never had such a captivated audience before. Tono listened intently, his enthusiasm for her work deliciously contagious. His sincere excitement tickled Brie and gave her hope that she would be a success.

When they had finished their meal, Tono stood up and offered his hand to her. Brie took it, and felt the eyes of the other diners on her. She moved with grace, deliciously aware of her nakedness beneath the thin material. Tono put his arm around her waist and escorted her away from the table, to the envious stares of several women. She felt a thrill of pride as she walked out of the door beside him.

While they strolled back to his place, she laid her head on his shoulder. “I’ve never had so much fun discussing my work. Thanks, Tono.”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I knew you were good, but I never understood how truly talented you are. This will be a huge hit.”

She grinned gleefully. “It helps to hear it. It’s easy to doubt yourself, especially when you’ve put so many hours into it. It all becomes a blur and then you start wondering if you’re fooling yourself by thinking any of it is good.”

He stopped and physically turned her to face him. “You are no fool. This is a true gem. Do not lose sight of that, toriko, no matter what obstacles are thrown your way.”

Tono’s confidence had a significant effect on her. He’d infused her with renewed conviction. Even if Mr. Holloway did not bite, she felt certain her documentary would be produced.

“Toriko, I was excited before about your documentary, but now that I have seen it…I am inspired,” he said, pressing her body against his in a heartfelt hug. Her body reacted to the contact, wanting to melt into the embrace shamelessly.

Tono pulled away and they continued walking in silence. It was a delicate balance, this act of giving herself to a new Master. Her submissive heart wanted to please him, but she could not dishonor her true Master by giving in to her need.

Part of her wished that she could live two alternate lives—one with Sir and one with the extraordinary man beside her.

That night, Brie made sure to practice tying her sash ten times before undressing for bed. Tono nodded his approval, and then pulled a straw mat from the corner of the room. He rolled it out, then placed a pillow from the bed on the mat and handed her a folded blanket.

“When I was a child I slept on the ground. It is where you will sleep now.”

Brie was surprised, but bowed in thanks. “It is my honor, Tono.” She dutifully lay on the mat next to his bed, feeling a bit like a pet. But to her surprise, it was not a negative feeling. She curled up in the blanket and closed her eyes in contentment when the lights went out.

She surveyed the room, impressed by the group of people attending. So many beautiful women dressed in colorful gowns, hiding behind decorated masks. She lightly touched the one covering her own eyes, elated to be wearing the color crimson. It marked her as
; everyone knew the one to whom she belonged.

Brie was asked to dance by a dashing young man wearing a mask of gold. She accepted his request and they began moving to the old-fashioned waltz. “You are divine,” he whispered in her ear.

“Why, thank you,” she replied unashamedly as he twirled her.

He handed her a note, and then left her on the dance floor alone. She opened the red envelope and read the words:
Meet your Master in the library

Brie kissed it, then fairly skipped off the dance floor, thrilled by his summons. She sauntered down the large hallway and took a deep breath before opening the large wooden door of the library.

The room was dark except for the crackling fire burning brightly on the opposite side of the room. The light of the flames glimmered off the covers of thousands of books lining the walls and silhouetted the high-backed chairs and the table positioned near the fireplace.

Brie did not see anyone in the room, but shut the door quietly and headed towards the fire, intoxicated by the unknown.


She held herself still, melting at the sound of his voice. Two figures appeared from the shadows—a man wearing a crimson mask, and another with a black mask that complemented his silver hair.

“We are going to play a game, pet.”

Brie’s heart skipped a beat. His games always proved challenging. “Yes, Master.”

The gentleman in the dark mask sat down while her Master moved up behind Brie. His warm breath tickled her neck. “But first, I must undress you.”

She felt his hands at the back of her neck as he unzipped her dress and let it pool at her feet. She had been instructed not to wear a bra or panties, so she stood naked except for her high heels before the two men.

“She has lovely breasts,” she heard the stranger say.

“That’s not all that is lovely about her,” her Master answered, slipping his hand between her legs. She felt his middle finger press into her pussy and she moaned softly.

He growled in her ear. “The rules of the game are simple. He watches and directs. You do what he says.”

Brie nodded in understanding, goosebumps covering her skin despite the warmth of the fireplace.
What will be asked of me?

“I want her bound to the table.”

Brie looked at the table and noticed for the first time the glint of metal.

“On your back. Put your wrists in the iron restraints,” her Master ordered.

Brie had never been bound by hard metal before. She lay down on the table and placed her wrists in the metal cuffs. It positioned her so that her ass lay at the edge of the table. She had to lay her neck on a leather strap screwed into the wood.

Her stomach jumped when her Master locked her first wrist into place. The restraint was unforgiving and hard. The helpless feeling the cold iron evoked was arousing. He locked the other—both were tight enough that she could only wiggle slightly. He moved to her legs next, locking them into place so that her thighs were spread wide and her high heels pressed against her ass. The clank of the metal sealed her fate, making her weak inside.

Then her Master returned to her head and wrapped the leather restraint around her neck. She’d never had a neck restraint before, and it frightened her. He tightened it so that she felt the constant pressure of the leather on her throat and could not move without causing herself discomfort.

Never in her life had she felt more exposed or vulnerable. She whimpered softly, her fears setting in—but not enough for her to call her safe word.

“Is she wet?” the stranger asked.

Her Master leaned forward and felt her pussy with his fingers. He chuckled. “Yes.”

“I expected as much.”

She watched as her Master undressed and stood beside her, waiting for instructions.

“She would look good in gold.”

Brie’s eyes followed her Master as he moved to the other end of the table, picked up a golden butt plug and held it up for examination. Brie squirmed as he coated the large tool in lubricant.

He moved out of her line of sight as he bent over to insert it. “Be a good sub and take the entirety of it.”

Brie gasped as the tip penetrated her tight hole. It was just like the restraints— solid and challenging.

She was forced to look at the ceiling as he eased it deeper into her ass. The butt plug opened her up and stretched her. She gasped softly, struggling to relax.

Brie’s heart was thumping rapidly by the time her sphincter clamped around the stopper. It was as if a rod had been placed inside, restraining her in yet another way.

She swallowed hard, feeling the leather press uncomfortably against her throat when she did so. It took great will to remain calm.

The older gentleman replied, “Now that she is prepped, I think she needs to be fucked.”

Her Master laid his hand on her thigh and trailed his fingers across her skin. “Would you like me to gag her first?”


Brie felt her pussy gush with wetness as her Master moved into position to take her. She was an object to be enjoyed. Unable to move without discomfort, she was completely at his mercy.

She whimpered when the head of his cock rubbed against her slick outer lips. Despite her fear, despite her distress, she wanted him to use her in front of the stranger. She was desperate for it.

“How easily a goddess becomes a slut,” the gentleman observed.

Brie closed her eyes and accepted his words. She was a slut—a slut who needed her Master to dominate her with his cock.

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