Brie Learns Restraint (After Graduation, #5) (3 page)

Read Brie Learns Restraint (After Graduation, #5) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Brie

BOOK: Brie Learns Restraint (After Graduation, #5)
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Brie felt a sense of relief. Although they would not be talking every day, there would be a daily connection nonetheless. She looked at him and whispered, “Thank you, Sir.”

“I assume you have no issues with that?” he asked Tono.

“It seems like a healthy solution,” Tono replied with a smirk, “on many levels.”

Sir smiled in reaction to Tono’s jesting, but it disappeared when he added, “It is important that Brie submits to you fully. I do not believe it is possible to serve two Masters, but I do not want the connection between us to be lost.”

Tono put the pen down. “I understand my place, Thane. Temporary Dom. I will treat the role as such.” He looked at Brie compassionately.

Sir stood up and held out his hand. “You are an honorable man, Ren.”

Tono took his hand and shook it. “Toriko’s well-being is equally important to me.”

Sir slapped him on the back the way Brie had seen him do with his good friends. “I am counting on it.” He picked up the pen and handed it to Tono. “If téa agrees, sign the contract and initial the addendums.”

Tono turned to Brie. “Are you willing to become my sub based on these parameters?”

She stood up and bowed to him formally. “Yes, Tono Nosaka.”

“Fine, we are all in agreement,” Sir announced, sounding as if a big weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

After Tono had signed it, Sir took the contract and added his name and initials before sliding it across the table to Brie.

Brie looked at the pages for the first time. It looked official, like a legal document. Sir handed her the pen, but cautioned, “Read it thoroughly, Brie, before you sign.”

She sat back down and read each line meticulously, trying to grasp the concept that she was being transferred to another as she read her Master’s wishes in black and white. She hesitated for a moment before finally adding her name to the document, a feeling of apprehension tugging at her heart. She looked up at Sir’s confident face and those fears abated.

Brie held out the contract to him. He took the paper and gave her a tender kiss.

Then he turned back to Tono. “I will drop téa off at eight tomorrow morning. She will be packed for the three-week duration. Is there anything you would like her to bring?”

Tono responded immediately with one request. “I would like toriko to bring her favorite vibrator.”

She blushed again. Oh, God, what did the next three weeks hold for her?

That night, things were different with Sir. He asked her to lie on the bed, then slowly removed her clothing himself. He caressed her skin as if he were a blind man wanting to ‘see’ her through touch alone.

She closed her eyes and took in his cherishing contact, wanting to hold onto the feeling so that it would comfort her when he had gone. Brie held back tears, not allowing herself to think about tomorrow.

There was a shift of the bed as Sir settled lower. She gasped and opened her eyes when she felt his tongue between her toes. Brie struggled to stay still as he sensually took a toe in his mouth and sucked lightly.

“Sir…” she whimpered.

“Stay still, little girl.”

He moved to the next one, his wet tongue licking in between her toes—the most sensitive area—before taking it into his mouth. She threw her head back and breathed out slowly. It was extremely sexual while being incredibly ticklish—an addictive combination. She moaned when he took her big toe into his mouth. How was it possible that Sir could cause her pussy to contract in pleasure by sucking on her toes?

He moved to the other foot, slowly licking her instep. It made her squirm and struggle.

“Be still.”

She instantly stopped her movements and closed her eyes again, her pussy moistening in response to the attention of his mouth.

“Play with yourself,” Sir commanded huskily.

Brie slipped her fingers between her legs and started rubbing her slippery clit, craving the extra pleasure. It aroused her to no end knowing that Sir was watching.

His tongue caressed the crease in her smallest toe and she squeaked. He chuckled and nibbled on it lightly as he watched her press her fingers into her pussy.


She pushed two fingers deep into her vagina and ground against her own hand.

“That’s beautiful, téa. You are going to play with yourself until you come.” Sir returned to nibbling her toes.

Brie revisited her clit and began flicking it with her fingers enthusiastically. She moaned as his teeth grazed her skin. The first pulse announced her upcoming orgasm. “Sir…”

“Are you close, téa?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Wait until I bite down.”

She nodded, keeping her pussy at the high level of arousal without tipping over. She’d suspected he would make her wait, and he did. But it was glorious to be so deliciously close, to have his attention centered on her.

She opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling, smiling as she wondered when…

He cradled her foot and turned the sole upward. Brie lifted her head to watch. He met her gaze as he lowered his mouth onto her instep and bit her sensitive skin.

She let out a small gasp as her body exploded in an energetic orgasm. She pressed her fingers against her clit to increase the sensation as her pussy pulsed against her hand.

As soon as it passed, he released her foot and he grinned lustfully. He looked so damn masculine as he crawled between her legs, pushing her thighs apart with his body.

His cock rested at her entrance, but he did not thrust. He gazed down at her instead. “Do you remember the first time I took you as your Master?”

“Of course, Master…” she whispered.

“I plan to take you just as slowly. Feel the depth and width of my love, téa,” Sir said as he breached her opening.

Brie held her breath, every fiber of her being concentrated on his shaft. He slid inside a fraction at a time—achingly slow, deliciously arousing—but above all else, the feeling of his love enveloped her.

“I love—” she whispered, unable to finish, the intensity of the feeling choking her.

He looked down as he began to thrust. “I love you, too.”

To have not only his dominance expressed, but his love fully communicated in words and actions sent her over the edge. Her spirit floated upward from sheer happiness, and then he took her even further…

“I will always love you, Brie.”

He’d used her given name. Brie could not trust herself to speak, but met his every movement, the two becoming one in their emotional dance of souls. When Thane eventually came inside her, she wrapped her legs around his hips and drew him in deeper.

This was her Master. Whoever had control over her, this wonderfully perfect but flawed man owned her heart.

She fell asleep in his arms, no longer dreading what the future held.

Transfer of Power

rie packed quickly, her hands trembling as she placed the last of her clothing in the suitcase and zipped it closed. Sir grabbed it and nodded to her.

I will miss you…
she cried in her head.

Sir had been unusually quiet and curt with her this morning. Neither of them wanted this parting, but Brie dutifully followed him out of the apartment.

The drive to Tono’s was silent, but full of unspoken conversations. Would their relationship survive such a test this early on? Brie was suddenly scared again. It was not Tono she feared, but her natural attraction to him.
Will I grow to love Tono too much…?
Brie shook her head, hating her doubts.

“What is it, Brie?” he asked, noting her headshake.

She blanched, ashamed of the reason for her misgivings. “It’s nothing, Sir.”

He let it drop and stared forward, concentrating on the road.

When they pulled up to Tono’s home, Sir turned off the engine and stared at the simple rock garden in the front yard. “We will say our goodbyes now. Once we enter Nosaka’s house, I will present you to him, along with the key to your collar.”

Brie grasped her collar, shaking her head.

Sir smiled gently, pulling out the key from under his shirt. “The original key remains with me, téa. You are my sub; this arrangement does not change that.”

She nodded and wiped away the tear that had formed in the corner of her eye. “I don’t want you to go,” she whispered, and then looked at her lap, trying hard to keep her emotions in check.

“No tears. Consider this a lesson. Embrace it and learn from it. It is a characteristic of yours that I greatly admire.”

“Sir… I am unsure if I am allowed to ask, but I have a personal question about your trip.”

“All questions are allowed, even those I may choose not to answer.”

Brie voiced a concern that had been burning in her heart ever since he’d announced he was heading back to Russia. Before she lost her nerve, she blurted, “Will you be entertaining Rytsar’s subs while you’re there?”

His laughter filled the small sports car. “No, téa. This is a business trip. I will have no time for such play.” He added in a more serious tone, “I would not damage the newly forged trust between us. This separation will be hard enough without adding that element to the mix.”

Brie smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. Of course he would be thoughtful of their growing relationship.

“It is time, téa. Look up and tell your Master goodbye.”

She met his confident gaze, but could not stop her bottom lip from trembling. “Goodbye, Master.”

He grazed her lip with his finger. “Be my good girl. Follow Nosaka’s orders dutifully and with a servant’s heart.”

“Yes, Master.” She could not stop an errant tear from escaping.

Sir wiped away the wetness with his thumb without mentioning it. “I look forward to seeing your completed documentary and hearing about the lessons you learned from Nosaka on my return.”

Brie spoke the words that had been pounding in her head, in time with her heartbeat, since she’d woken up that morning. “I will miss you…”

He smiled, but she noticed it did not reach his eyes. “For the first time since my father’s death, I am experiencing that emotion as well. I do not care for it, but I assume it is a positive sign.”

Brie took his hand and kissed it, choking down her emotions.

His countenance changed to that of a trainer, his voice unemotional and firm. “So now you begin your three-week adventure in the hands of another. Do not burden him with tears. Look at it as the unique opportunity it is.”

She accepted that his defensive barrier had reared its ugly head again. “I will, Master.”

“The transfer is a formal, but simple ritual. I will present you to Tono Nosaka. You must bow at his feet. When he places his hand on your head, it signifies his acceptance of you as his temporary submissive.”

Sir exited the car and walked around to open her door. He pulled her small suitcase from behind the seat and then held out his arm for her to clasp. “Head held high, but at a respectful angle. Chest out.”

Those were the same words he’d used the night he’d collared her. She forced herself to smile, even though each step towards the house was killing her inside.

Tono opened the door moments after Sir rang the doorbell. The Asian Dom was dressed in a traditional brown kimono that matched his chocolate-brown eyes. “Welcome, Sir Davis. Won’t you both come inside?”

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