Brody (11 page)

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Authors: Susan Fisher-Davis

BOOK: Brody
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“I was
running from my car and he grabbed me. Then he dragged me up here, took my
keys, and then pushed me into my apartment. I tried to run for the phone and he
tackled me. That’s when I kicked him.”

Mark nodded.
“Good enough.” He pulled Zach up from the sofa and led him from the apartment.
Madilyn could hear him reading Zach his rights. She moved to her couch and
collapsed on it. What had he been planning to do? She shivered. Was he going to
force himself on her? Leaning her head back against the sofa, she closed her
eyes. If Brody found out about this, there would be hell to pay. He’d kill
Zach. Madilyn sat up and reached for her phone and dialed Sam’s number.

he answered.


something wrong?” She could hear the concern in his voice.

shouldn’t have called…”

tell me.”

sighed and told Sam what happened with Zach and Mark arresting him. “I’m afraid
when Brody finds out, he’ll go ballistic.”

putting it mildly,” Sam muttered. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow when he goes in
for his shift. I’ll take care of it.”

you. Is Katie all right?”

fine. Sound asleep. It’s been a rough day for her.”

let you go, Sam. Thank you.” She heard him hang up.

Madilyn stood and headed for her
bathroom. She hoped a hot shower would help her relax and help her forget what
almost happened.


* * *


Delgado sat in his car and watched as the sheriff’s deputy put a man in the
back of the patrol car and then pulled out of the parking lot. Wilson wasn’t
sure which apartment the man was taken from but he really didn’t care either.
He was there to keep an eye on Madilyn Young and get her routine down so he
could make his move. He grinned as he thought of how Morgan would panic when he
took her from his life.

Wilson turned on the wipers to clear the
windshield. The rain was coming down heavier, making it almost impossible to
see. He sighed and started the car. There wasn’t much he was going to see
tonight. He doubted she would leave her apartment anymore tonight since she’d
just gotten home from Morgan’s. Wilson followed her from Morgan’s ranch and
drove on past when she pulled into her parking lot. He circled back and parked.
It would have been so easy to run her off the road but that would have been too
simple. Morgan needed to suffer for what he’d done to Abby.
what he’d made Wilson do to his wife.
His fist hit the steering wheel.
The lying whore.
She swore she wasn’t seeing anyone but he’d
had her followed. When he saw the pictures, he saw red and put his plan into
action. Wilson grunted as he remembered the night he’d had her killed.

Wilson, please. Please don’t do
this.” Abby begged while she grabbed the lapels of his jacket.

off me, you fucking whore. Do you think you can lie to me?” he yelled.

not lying. We only had lunch together a few times.”

slapped her and shoved her to the ground. He strode away from her to his car
and opened the glove box. When he came back to her, he shoved the glossy photos
in her face while he grabbed her hair. He put his face next to hers.

don’t lie, bitch!” He pushed her to the ground and turned to the two men
standing by the car. “Kill her, get rid of the body.”

she screamed.

stood over her. “No one, especially my wife, lies to me.” He strode to the car.
“Kill her,” he growled as he stood beside his car and watched them shoot his
wife. Wilson knew her body wouldn’t be found for a long time. Cheyenne, Wyoming
was a long way from Butte, Montana. With any luck, animals would ravage it.
Knowing his men would do as instructed, Wilson drove back to Butte. The bitch
deserved what she got, but Morgan would pay, too. The thought of taking someone
from him kept Wilson going. He would take care of this one himself then head
into Canada. With more than enough money to live on, he’d disappear.

What a
whore his wife turned out to be. He was glad she was dead but he didn’t
understand why she whored around. Wilson gave her everything she wanted.
Cars, jewelry, clothes, and a huge home to live in.
He hit
his fist on the steering wheel again.
He was better off without her. Revenge was going to taste so sweet when he took
Madilyn Young away from Brody Morgan.


* * *


Brody jerked awake and sat up. The dreams
were back. Nightmares were more like it. He kept seeing Abby lying in a shallow
grave, the animals digging at the dirt and pulling her out. Only, she wasn’t
dead. Her screams woke him for months after she’d been found.
He ran his hand down his face and
took deep breaths. Why now? Her death was over a year ago. He’d been free of
the nightmares for months now.

Brody swung his legs off the bed and
headed toward the kitchen. It was almost dawn. Getting a glass of water, he
leaned against the countertop and gazed out at the sun coming over the
mountains. The sky was beautiful with pink, blue, and yellow hues. He glanced
over to the old hay barn. It was time to tear it down and build a new one. The
ranch prospered in its day. Black Angus cattle had roamed the pastures. Brody
wanted to make a go of it again. He knew he could do it and he wanted Madilyn
alongside him. Their kids running around the fields and barns as he’d done
growing up. Both red barns needed repainting. He’d take care of that too.

Why did he have the dream? He made coffee and headed for the shower
while it brewed. Today, he’d start on tearing down the barn and sleep later.
Back to work tonight. He really hated nightshift.


* * *


Madilyn sat at the counter placing orders
for the shop when Kaitlyn strolled through the door. True to her word, she
showed up for work. Madilyn smiled at her.

you sure you want to be here?” she asked.

place else I’d rather be. I have bills to pay.” Kaitlyn smiled at her. “I’m
going to the house tonight and get some things. I’m going to stay with Sam
until I can get an apartment.”

grinned. “He talked you into it, huh?”

laughed. “What can I say? My big brother is very persuasive.”

moved around the counter and hugged her. “I’m glad. Are you going to sell the

There is nothing but bad memories there. I want to start over with my baby.”

nodded at her. “It’ll be a good start.”

in the afternoon, as Madilyn sat at the counter, the bell rang above the door
announcing a customer. She automatically smiled at them. The man headed
straight for her. No smile touched his lips.

you get Kaitlyn Parker for me?” he asked.

sir, I certainly can.” Madilyn headed for the back office and knocked. Kaitlyn
told her to enter. “There’s a man at the counter asking for you.”

frowned up at her and stood. They walked together to the front of the shop.

“Mr. Scott?” Kaitlyn asked in a surprised
voice. “What can I do for you?”

Scott was the owner of the Clifton Florist and Greenhouse. Why he was there was
anyone’s guess. In the five years Madilyn worked there, she’d never met him
until today.

first off let me say I’m sorry for your loss. I went to your home first but
when you weren’t there, I called Sam. I couldn’t believe it when he said you
were working.” He took a deep breath. “Secondly, I’m selling the shop. Millie
and I want to travel. Visit our children. I’m sorry to spring this on you but
as of tomorrow it will go up for sale. I am stipulating you and
Young be allowed to remain here if the person buying it
keeps it as it is.” He shrugged. “If they change it to some other type of
business, I’m afraid you’ll both be out of jobs and I have no control over

didn’t know what to say and she knew Kaitlyn felt the same way. If they lost
their jobs, they were both in trouble. Jobs were scarce in Clifton, even with
the B and B doing so well, it was only open five months out of the year. She
had no idea what would happen if it came down to the shop closing.

sorry to tell you this the day after you buried your husband, but Millie and I
are leaving on a cruise tomorrow and I wanted to tell you in person. I know how
much you love working here and I really hope the new owner will keep it as it
is,” Cal Scott said.

understand, Mr. Scott,” Kaitlyn said softly.

nodded and left, leaving Madilyn and Kaitlyn staring at the door he’d
disappeared through. Kaitlyn sighed and took a seat behind the counter. Madilyn
leaned against it.

“I can’t believe this,” Kaitlyn
whispered. “As if I don’t have enough to deal with, now I have to deal with the
possibility of losing my job.”

sorry, Katie.”

didn’t mean to sound selfish. I know you’re worried too.”

“I am,
but you have a baby to think of.”

I should have an abortion.” Kaitlyn’s voice caught on a sob.

You know you can’t do that. You’d never be able to live with yourself.”

right. I’ll manage somehow.”

women were lost in their own thoughts then finally got back to work. The
thought of losing her job stayed in the back of Madilyn’s mind all through the
rest of the day. She was sure Kaitlyn was going through the same thing. Kaitlyn
had Sam to help her, though. Madilyn wasn’t sure how Brody would feel about it.
He’d asked her to marry him but nowadays, both people in a marriage held jobs.
Being married to Brody, Madilyn knew she wouldn’t need to work but she’d want
At least, until she had children.

took her break, called Brody, and hoped she didn’t wake him up. Since he was
going back to work tonight, he may be asleep.

baby,” he said in way of answering.

Madilyn chewed on her bottom lip.

“What’s wrong, Maddie?”

owner of the shop came in today to let us know he’s putting it on the market
tomorrow. He’s going to stipulate we keep our jobs as long as it’s kept as a
florist and greenhouse but if the new owner changes it to something else, we
could be out of jobs.”

sorry. I know how much you love it there. What do you need me to do?”

blinked back tears at the concern in his voice. “Just be there for me.”

You know, if you lose your job,
you’ll have to move in with me.”

could hear the smile in his voice. “Yes, I know.” She sighed.

chuckle came over the line. “We could get married right away then you’d have to
move here anyway.”

got it all figured out, don’t you, Brody?”

we can get married whenever you want. Tomorrow sounds good to me.”

love to, but let’s see what happens first, okay?” she whispered.

you want, Maddie.”
Brody sighed. “I have so much to do out here and I’d hate to have you move in
yet anyway. I want to knock down the old hay barn and build a new one. I want
to build it myself though.”

need to have a ‘barn
’. The people of Clifton
would help you build it.”

still do that here?” Brody sounded surprised.

laughed. “Yes, of course. This is Clifton, remember?”

put a post on the bulletin board at the feed store tonight.”

“You’ll get a lot of help. I’ll get with
the women to make food. Just let me know when you want to do it.”

like that.” Brody sighed. “I’m here anytime, Maddie.”

know, Brody. I’d better go. I love you.”

“I love
you more.” He hung up.

smiled and headed out to the greenhouse. Brody was right. She loved this job
and it would hurt to lose it but she was also a firm believer in everything
happened for a reason. She may not know the reasons yet but she hoped that one
day it would all become clear.


Chapter Eight


Brody drove to the station and walked
inside. He was surprised to see Sam still there. He leaned against the doorjamb
and folded his arms.

“Do you
go home anymore, Sam?” Brody grinned.

sure as hell doesn’t feel like it. Mark isn’t coming in, so you’re on your own.
I’ll stay for a while but I don’t like leaving Katie alone too long.”

“Is she
doing all right? Maddie said she worked today.”

Seems she doesn’t care about burying her cheating
husband yesterday.”

snorted. “No one cared about him. She’s better off without him.”

stood and strolled around the desk. “I know. I’m glad she’s free of him now and
especially after what I found out about the bastard.”

her?” Brody said softly.

Madilyn tell you?” Sam leaned back against his desk and folded his arms.

I’m sorry Katie went through it, but she’ll love the baby unconditionally.”

straightened up.
“Of course.
I’ll go to Dewey’s with
you, and then I’m heading home.”

and Sam walked out, got into the Sheriff’s SUV, and drove to Dewey’s bar. They
strolled inside to hear loud music blaring and the place wall-to-wall people.

“Is this place always packed?” Brody
yelled above the music.

night of the week.”
Sam jerked his chin. “Head off that way, I’ll go this way.”

managed to make the rounds without incident. As they drove back to the station,
Brody glanced over to Sam. “Did Katie mention the sale of the shop?”

Sam growled. “She loves the place. I don’t know what she’ll do if she can’t
work there.”

pretty upset too. There aren’t too many jobs in this town.”

got that shit right. Katie mentioned moving away. I don’t want her to do that.
She’s all I have here as far as family. With our parents living in San Diego,
we’re all we have.”

didn’t say anything. He knew how Sam felt since his own parents were traveling
all the time but he’d gotten used to being alone while he lived in Butte. When
they pulled into the station, Brody hopped out and Sam left. Brody didn’t like
being on nightshift as it was, but to be on it alone was a little intimidating.
He agreed with Sam’s idea of two deputies together at all times. It was just
No one for backup wasn’t a smart move.
knew if there was trouble, though, all he had to do was call Sam and he’d be

sat at his desk working on reports when he heard the front door open and then
listened as footsteps came toward his office. He stood up and put his hand on
his weapon, unsnapping the holster. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw
Madilyn stop in the doorway. She grinned at him.


pursed his lips. “What can I do for you,

laughed softly.
“Loaded question, deputy.”
She glanced
around. “Are you here alone?”

Mark didn’t come in tonight.
Sam didn’t say why.” He moved around the desk and stopped in front of her.
“What are you doing here?”

“I just
wanted to see you. Is that a problem…deputy?”

Brody watched her roll her lips in to
keep from smiling. “I don’t have a problem with it at all.” He took her hand,
pulled her into the office, closed the door behind her, and pushed her back
against it. He pressed his lips to hers. When she moaned, he deepened the kiss
and slowly moved his tongue into her mouth. Her hands wrapped around his neck.
Brody picked her up and carried her to the sofa. He sat down with her
straddling his lap, never taking his lips from hers. He groaned when she took
her lips from his.

didn’t come over here for this, Brody.”

not, but since you’re here…” He moved his mouth to her neck.

pushed away from him and stood. Brody stared up at her. “I want to get

grinned at her. “I do too, baby.”

“No. I
mean now.”

too late tonight.”

you be such a smartass?” She put her hands on her hips and glared at him.

chuckled. “I already told you, we can get married whenever you want. However
you want.”

if I lose my job?”

stood and took her in his arms. “Have you forgotten I come from a rich family?
My parents gave me the ranch and I want to get it to a working ranch again.
Eventually, I may stop working in law enforcement.”


“If I
can make a go of the ranch, then yes. And I don’t see a problem getting it back
on its feet. Morgan beef was the best out there. I can get the reputation back
again.” Brody ran his hands up and down her arms.

didn’t think this way before.”

“I’ve been thinking about it a lot
lately. I loved working the ranch, though at times, I didn’t think that way. I
was young and wanted to do anything but work it. I’m sure I can make a go of

don’t know about just sitting around the house all day,” Madilyn whispered.

have enough to do taking care of our kids.”

grinned at him. “Do you plan on keeping me barefoot and pregnant?”

“I plan
on practicing to keep you barefoot and pregnant.” Brody chuckled when she

stepped back from him and placed her hands on her slim hips. “You think you’re
so funny.”

pulled her to him. “You think I’m funny, too.” He nuzzled her neck.

sprang apart when they heard the front door open. Brody opened his office door
and stepped out. Joe Baker stood in the lobby glancing around. Brody sighed and
walked toward him.

can I do for you?”

Baker glared at Brody. “Where’s Garrett?” The man could barely stand.

not here. What do you want?” Brody put his hands on his hips and narrowed his
eyes at Baker.

“I want
to tell that son of a bitch not to come out to my property again,” Baker

sure the sheriff will only go there if he needs to. Did you drive here?”

course I drove here. How the hell else would I get here?”

drunk and shouldn’t be driving.”

ain’t in my truck so you can’t arrest me.” Baker grinned.

smirked. “Not yet. How do you plan on getting home?”

eyes widened. “You can’t do that.”

“I can
and I will. Now, you have two choices. You
either get in the
cell and
sleep it off or you leave, and once you get inside your truck,
I’ll arrest you. Either way, you’ll be in the cell tonight.”

ain’t going in
cell,” Baker shouted.

way or another, you are.” Brody stepped closer toward him.

spun around and headed out the door. Brody followed and watched as Baker tried
to climb into his truck. The minute he got behind the wheel and started the
truck, Brody yanked him out of it and handcuffed him then dragged him back into
the station. He pulled him to the cell and shoved him inside it. Baker started
ranting the second the door clanged shut.

let me out of here, you son of a bitch,” he yelled.

up,” Brody said quietly. He glanced toward his office when he saw Madilyn
coming out of it. He swore under his breath, hating that she witnessed it. She
walked toward him and stopped in front of him. He raised his eyebrows when she
grinned at him.

was really hot.”

stared at her a few seconds then burst out laughing. He pulled her into his
arms and kissed her hard and quick. “I aim to please, ma’am.”

laughed. “You do it well, deputy.” She shook her head. “Who would think I’d
think it was sexy the way you arrested him?”

chuckled. “It’s the uniform.”

You only wear a khaki shirt
with a badge…oh, maybe it is the uniform.” She squealed when he picked her up,
carried her to his office, and kicked the door shut.

lips captured hers in a deep kiss. He trailed his mouth across her cheek to her
ear, taking the lobe into his mouth. He grinned when he felt her shiver. Brody
stepped back when she pushed at his chest.

“We are
not having sex in your office, Brody,” Madilyn scolded.


walked around him. “I have to get home. I’ll talk to you later.”

on. I’ll take you home.” He picked up the keys to the cruiser and followed her
out the door. The moon was beginning to make an appearance and stars were
already starting to wink against the darkening sky. Brody opened the door for
her then walked around the cruiser and got in. He glanced over at her.

“I wish
I could go home with you and crawl into bed.”

“I wish
you could, too. You really didn’t have to drive me home. It’s just across the

getting dark and I don’t want you alone out here. What kind of lawman would I
be if I let you walk home?”

chuckled. “That’s true but you left a prisoner in the jail and no one to watch

. Don’t
anyone. It’ll
only take a minute then I’ll get back to the office.” He pulled into the
parking lot, turned the car off, and turned toward her. “Come here.”

smiled and tried to get closer to him but with a computer and a shotgun between
them, it wasn’t easy. She leaned toward him and kissed him then smiled at him,
got out, and ran to her apartment. Brody got out and ran after her. He grasped
her arm.

Let me walk you up.”

“I do
this all the time, Brody,” she scolded.

not going anywhere until I see you safe in your apartment.”

shook her head. “You’ve lived in the big city too long. This is Clifton.
Nothing happens here.”

growled. “I’m walking you up. Damn that hardheaded.” He walked her to her door
and waited while she unlocked it, then he pulled her into his arms and kissed
her. “I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you.” He turned and ran down the stairs.

drove back to the station and strolled through the door. He came to a stop when
he heard Joe Baker snoring. Laughing softly, he headed for his office and did
some paperwork. It was going to be a long night.


* * *


entered her bathroom to relax in the tub before going to bed. After pouring
bubble bath under the running water, she pinned her hair on top of her head and
was about to get in when her home phone rang. Sighing, she ran to her bedroom
to get it. The number showed up as ‘Private.’

she answered.

this Madilyn Young?” a male voice asked.

who’s this?”

don’t know me,
Young. Not yet anyway. But you
will.” He laughed.

shivered. “What do you mean?”

The man
chuckled. “I mean, you and I are going to become good friends, Madilyn. We have
a friend in common. Brody Morgan.”

breathed a sigh of relief. It was a friend of Brody’s. “I see. Did he have you
call me for some reason? Is everything all right?”

is fine…for now and no, he didn’t have me call you. I took that upon myself.
You see, I want to get to know the woman who has Morgan’s heart in the palm of
her hand.”

A bad
feeling swept over Madilyn. “Why?” she whispered.

he got to know my wife before she was killed and I want the same courtesy.”

gasped and hung up. She started shaking as she sat on the bed. Dear God. Should
she call Brody? No. He’d come to her and he had to stay at the station.
Grabbing her robe, she put it on, slowly moved toward the window in her living
room, and quickly closed the blinds. After making certain she’d locked the door
and set the deadbolt, she moved back to the bathroom and quickly bathed. She
crawled into bed and pulled the blanket up to her chin. Wilson Delgado was
letting her know he wanted revenge and he’d use her to get it. She was scared
and wanted to call Brody but she couldn’t. There was no one to cover for him
and he needed to be on the job. Madilyn knew morning couldn’t come soon enough
and she could talk to Brody about the phone call. It was going to be a
sleepless night.

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