Brody (14 page)

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Authors: Susan Fisher-Davis

BOOK: Brody
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hope so.” Sam stood. “I’ll be in my office. Let’s hope we have a slow day and
you can get out of here on time. If not, I’ll get Madilyn over here to wait. I
don’t want her alone at any time.”

nodded as Sam left his office. Luckily, it turned out to be the slow day they’d
hoped for and Brody left at five to head to the shop. He strolled through the
doors and smiled at Kaitlyn while she waited on a customer. He watched her move
away from the customer and moved toward him.

in the break room.”

nodded. “I’ll go back there then.” He headed for the break room and stood in
the doorway. “Hey baby.” She spun around and dropped the glass she’d been
holding. Brody moved quickly. “Step back. I’m
didn’t mean to scare you.” He knelt down and started picking up the glass
shards. He jerked his head up when he heard her crying. “What is it?”

“I’m so
afraid,” she whispered.

stood and wrapped his arms around her. “I know. I can’t tell you not to be
afraid. He’s dangerous as hell but if you’re afraid, you’ll be more alert and I
want you alert.”

wasn’t very alert now.”

“Only because you feel
safe here.
Don’t let your guard down anywhere. Not even here. Any
customer coming through those doors could be someone he sent in here.” Brody
gazed down into her face. “Do you understand?”

nodded up at him. “I won’t be so jumpy the next time.”

my girl. Now, let me clean this up and we’ll go home.” They cleaned up the
glass and after telling Kaitlyn they’d see her tomorrow, they left.


* * * *


A week
later, practically the entire town of Clifton, including tourists, was in the
Town Hall for Kaitlyn’s party. Her plan to have it at the ranch soon became
evident it needed to be in a larger place since so many people planned on
attending. Madilyn stood beside her friend at the table with large plates and
bowls of food. A line of people moved down the table, getting food and talking
away with the person next to them. Betty Lou Harper stopped in front of Madilyn
and Kaitlyn.

good to see both you girls smiling.” Betty Lou smiled at them.

laughed. “I’m happy, Betty Lou.
For the first time in a long

Lou chuckled. “You deserve it honey, and so do you, Madilyn.” She leaned
forward. “Now, Katie, you just need to get your brother happy.”

not happy?” Madilyn frowned.

needs a woman,” Betty Lou whispered.

don’t need a woman and you’re holding up the line, Betty Lou,” Sam growled. The
people in line laughed.

do, Sam Garrett,” Betty Lou mumbled as she moved on.

grinned at Sam. “She loves you and wants to see you happy, Sam.”

“I am
happy, damn it.”

Madilyn and Kaitlyn laughed along with
the people in line. The smile left Madilyn’s face when Brody moved up to the
table. Their eyes met and held.

he said softly.

yourself, Deputy Morgan.”
Madilyn smiled at him.

nodded. “You make sure you call me that when I’m in uniform, ma’am. Otherwise,
I may have to handcuff you.”

could feel the heat in her cheeks as she gazed at him. The memories came
rushing back of her handcuffed to the bed. Her eyes instinctively went to the
fly of his jeans and back to his face.

“I’ll keep it in mind…Deputy,” Madilyn
said softly. She jerked when Kaitlyn elbowed her. She turned her gaze to her
friend, who nodded to the line of people. Madilyn looked at them to see them
all staring at her and Brody. She bit her lip to keep from laughing at the look
on their faces. “You’re holding up the line, Deputy. Please move along.”

chuckled as he put food on his plate and moved on. Madilyn blew out a breath.
She heard Kaitlyn chuckle beside her.

“I love
watching people in love.” Kaitlyn sighed. “I want to be in love like that.”

can’t believe you’d say that, Katie, after the relationship you just went

you went through a tough time, too. Brody left and you were alone but look at
you now. You’re both so in love, like the years faded away. I want that
all-consuming love in my life too. I thought I had it when I first married
Kevin but I didn’t. I want it. I want to find
one.” Kaitlyn shook her head. “I want a man in love with me.
To worship me.”
She gazed around the room. “Like Jake and
Emma and Gabe.
They have

gaze followed Kaitlyn’s to where the Stone family stood. Jake and
were laughing together. Gabe was no doubt teasing
Emma about something since her cheeks were red. Gabe held their little girl,
Sophie, who he adored. All of them were so much in love. Her eyes roamed over
the room until she found Brody. He stood next to Sam, his eyes constantly
searching the room. When they met hers, he smiled at her. Madilyn smiled. She
loved him so much. Nothing was going to tear them apart again. She’d follow him
to the ends of the earth if need be. Sighing, she brought her attention back to
the people in line and smiled up at the man in front of her. She didn’t
recognize him but with all the tourists in town, it was nothing new for some of
them to wander into the Town Hall while something was going on. He grinned at
her. Madilyn shivered. He didn’t seem to fit in with the other tourists. Most
of the tourists were families. This man looked like he belonged anywhere but
Clifton, Montana. He could’ve stepped from a movie involving the mob.

your name, little lady?” he asked her.

smiled up at him. “What can I get you?”

grinned at her change of subject. “Everything looks good.

smile left her face. “You’re holding up the line.”

The man
“Feisty, too.
I like that.” He leaned toward
her. “You’re going to need to be.” Then he spun on his heel and disappeared
through the crowd. Madilyn moved quickly toward Brody and Sam.

a man you need to find. He sort of threatened me and then left. I can’t see him
now.” Madilyn scanned the crowd.

did he look like?” Brody was on instant alert.

He was so out of place, in a black suit. It’s why he stood out to me. Then he
said I was feisty and I was going to need to be.” She grasped Brody’s arm. “He
looked like he belonged to the mob.”

and Sam both set their plates down and moved through the crowd toward the
doors. They disappeared outside. Madilyn jerked when Kaitlyn touched her arm.

you all right? You’re as white as a sheet.”

nodded. “I had to let Brody know about the man in line.” She’d told Kaitlyn
about Delgado and she knew to be on the lookout for any strangers who didn’t
fit in with the tourists. “He stuck out like a sore thumb. Brody and Sam went
outside to look for him but I’d bet money they won’t find him. He disappeared
through the crowd and out the door before I even told them.”

think you’re right. They just came back in.” Kaitlyn nodded toward the door.

and Sam came toward them. Brody shook his head. “We couldn’t find him. He must’ve
taken off before we got outside.” Brody took her hands in his. “He planned
this. He knew what he was going to say to you and how to get out fast. The
crowd helped him out.”

needed to sit down. “I feel lightheaded,” she whispered. Brody led her through
the doors leading to the kitchen, Sam and Kaitlyn on their heels. Brody pulled
a chair out and pushed her down onto it.

deep breaths,” Kaitlyn told her.

Madilyn sucked in deep breaths. She
glanced up at Brody. “He knew who I was, didn’t he?”

Brody told her.

dear God.
knows me.”

crouched down in front of her. “I’ll keep you safe. He can’t get to you. As
long as you’re never alone, he can’t get to you.”

“I want
to go home.” She glanced up at Kaitlyn. “I’m sorry to leave your party early,

Go home, Madilyn. I’d feel
better if you did.”

on, Maddie. Let’s go home.” Brody glanced at Sam. “Is it all right if we

Take her home. I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll keep an eye out here but I’m sure he’s
gone for now.” He narrowed his eyes. “Do not let your guard down. The son of a
bitch is going to do all he can to get to her.”

stood and let Brody lead her out and to the cars. “Do you think you can drive
or do you want to go with me?”

“I can
drive,” she assured him.

softly kissed her lips. “I’ll be right behind you.”

watched him stride to his truck. Once he was in it, she started her car and
pulled out with Brody behind her. She quickly blinked tears away. Seeing the
man, knowing he was one of Delgado’s men, put it all into perspective. Delgado
was letting her know he meant what he’d said. He planned to get to her and kill
her to make Brody suffer. She had to pull off the road. Brody was at her window
in less than a minute. He pulled her door open and squatted down.

baby. I’m so sorry. Come here.” He held his arms out to her.

leaned toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’s all real now.”

“I know
and I’m sorry this is happening.” He kissed her forehead. “Let it out.”

choked back a sob and then let go. She sobbed on his shoulder. The terror she
felt was unreal. “I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

know, baby. I know.” Brody sighed. “I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”

couldn’t stop crying. She’d never been as terrified of anything as she was of
this. Wilson Delgado, who wanted to kill her and she knew he’d stop at nothing
to achieve his goal. He hated Brody and making him suffer was all he wanted.
She pulled back from Brody and placed her palm on his cheek.

don’t want him to hurt you either,” she whispered.

much as I hate saying this, I have to. He isn’t worried about killing me.
Getting to you will be his way of hurting me. He won’t kill me. He knows taking
you from me will be as if he put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger.”

stared at him as tears rolled down her cheeks. “We have to be careful of
everything. Everywhere we go, we have to be alert. As Sam said, we can’t let
our guard down.” She leaned forward and kissed him. “I love you so much,

“I love
you too, Maddie. I always have and I always will.” He stood. “Now let’s go

nodded and started her car. She watched Brody go back to his truck and get in.
Once she heard the engine start, she pulled out and sighed with relief when he
pulled out behind her. She felt immensely better when she pulled into the
driveway and up to the back of the house.


Chapter Ten


walked toward her car and stood beside it as she opened the door. She was so
pale it worried him. He had to get her inside and protect her. He’d die before
he let Delgado get to her. Living without her wasn’t going to happen. For five
years, he’d lived without her and thought of her every day, now with her back
in his life, he’d be damned if anyone was going to take her away from him.

smiled at her as she clutched his arm. Brody’s eyes scanned the yard then came
back to her. “I want you to get back in your car and lock the door. I want to
check the house. Do not get out of the car. Blow the horn if you see anything
out of place or if someone comes up to the car. If I’m not back in fifteen
minutes, leave and call Sam. Don’t argue with me, Maddie. Do as I say.”

gaze swiftly roamed the yard. “Did you see something?” she asked.

“No but
I want to check the house before we both go in. Please, just listen to me.”

nodded and got into the car and locked the door. Brody gave a terse nod and
moved toward the house. Taking his weapon from his holster, he entered the
house. It was just a feeling he had. He wasn’t sure what it was yet but there
was no way Madilyn was entering the house until he checked it out. With his gun
held in front of him, he slowly walked through the kitchen and into the living
room. Call it a cop’s intuition but he had a feeling someone had been there. He
moved down the hallway and into each bedroom, opening closet doors. Nothing was
amiss. The feeling of someone being there intensified when he entered his
bedroom. He quickly opened the closet doors, encountering no one.

Brody sighed and put his gun in his
holster. No one was there now but he knew someone had been. He quickly walked
to the front door and checked the lock, but it didn’t look as if it’d been
tampered with. The back door was good, too. He signaled for Madilyn to come in
and watched as she practically ran to him, throwing herself into his arms.

got you. I’ve got you.” He told her over and over. Her body shook as she
wrapped her arms around his waist. Brody kissed the top of her head. “Come on.
Let’s go into the living room so you can rest. He shook you to the core. You
need to relax.”

leave me,” she pleaded.

I’ll never leave you again.” Brody led her to the living room and helped her
take a seat on the couch. “Why don’t you lie down?”

you stay here?”

I’ll just sit over there and watch television. I won’t go anywhere. I promise.”

lay down and closed her eyes while he took a seat in the chair and picked up
the remote. He still couldn’t shake the feeling someone had been in the house.


* * *


Two weeks passed with nothing happening.
No phone calls from Delgado and no sight of the man from the party. It was as
if they’d disappeared. Madilyn wasn’t as jumpy as she was weeks ago. She’d even
suggested to Brody that Delgado had given up and moved on.

probably got tired of waiting for us to be alone somewhere,” she said to him.

shook his head. “You don’t know him like I do. He won’t give up. Something
probably came up and he had to leave for a while. He’ll show up.”

don’t know—”

know, Madilyn.” Brody wrapped his
fingers around her biceps. “I’m sorry but I know him. He’s evil and once he
gets an idea in his head, he won’t let go. He’s ruthless. Please don’t think
he’s gone or won’t come back if he is. I can’t have you thinking you’re safe
until we get him on something and lock him away. Tell me you won’t do anything

agreed with him but now since nothing had happened at all, she was convinced
Delgado was gone and wouldn’t return. He’d seen he couldn’t get to her so he
left. She continued to tell herself this for days. People came into the shop
and wandered around while Madilyn stood at the counter. Kaitlyn was in the
office working on shipments. When Sam entered the shop, Madilyn felt the blood
drain from her face. She was always afraid Sam was there to tell her Brody was
injured or worse. Anytime she saw Sam enter the shop, she was so afraid he was
there to give her bad news.

Sam stopped at the counter and reached into his pocket. “Is this the man who
spoke to you at the party?” He handed her a sheet of paper with a man’s picture
on it.

She gasped when she saw it. “Yes, that’s
him. Where did you get this?”

pulled him over for drunk driving last night. As soon as I saw him this
morning, I thought he fit the description you gave.” Sam folded the paper and
stuck it in his pocket. “I did some background checking on him and he’s a known
associate of Delgado. There’s a warrant on him so I can keep him until Butte
sends someone to get him. I just wanted to see if it was the man who spoke to

grinned up at him. “I’m so glad he’s in jail. Does Brody know?”

He wanted to tell you but he’s out on a traffic accident.” Sam smiled at her.
“You two can celebrate later.” He chuckled when Madilyn’s cheeks turned pink.
“Where’s Katie?”

the office working up orders.
I’ve never seen her so happy, Sam. She loves owning the
shop. The new sign will be up tomorrow.” Madilyn grinned. Kaitlyn had changed
the name to Katie’s Florist and Greenhouse.

shook his head and grinned. “She’s very happy. Did she rope you into helping
her move this weekend too?”

nodded. “Of course and had me ask Brody too.” She laughed. “I don’t mind
helping. I’m thrilled to death for her.”

I’d better get back to the office before Betty Lou sends out the National

burst out laughing. “She would, too. I’ll tell Katie you stopped by and thanks
for showing me the picture, Sam. Have a great day. Mine just got better.”

mean to drop your guard.
Until we have Delgado, be on your toes.”

“Yes, sir.”

ass,” Sam muttered as he strolled away.

chuckled as she watched him go out the door. Two women coming in stopped to
stare at him. They watched him saunter away before coming inside. Madilyn
smiled at them.

“Can I
help you ladies with something in particular?”

take one of those,” one woman said, pointing toward Sam.

burst out laughing. “I can’t help you with that but anything in here, I can.”

women sighed and laughed. Kaitlyn came from the back and stood beside Madilyn.

women were interested in your brother,” Madilyn teased.

snorted and gazed at the women. “I doubt if Sam will ever settle down.”

honey, I don’t want to marry him,” the woman said.

and Madilyn laughed. The women headed for the greenhouse. “What was Sam doing
here? Is everything all right?” Madilyn explained why Sam had stopped by.
Kaitlyn grinned at her. “That’s great.
One bad man down and
one to go.
I think Sam and Brody will get Delgado before too much
longer. Then we can all go back to normal.
Whatever that is.”

nodded and headed toward the greenhouse to see if anyone needed help. She
couldn’t keep the smile from her face as she thought about the man being in
jail and not getting out anytime soon. The state of Wyoming would send someone
to pick him up from Butte and fly him back. She wondered what the warrant was
for but hoped it kept him in jail for quite a while. The thought of him getting
out and coming back to Clifton was something Madilyn refused to think about.
All that needed done now was for Delgado to be caught for killing his wife. She
shivered although the heat in the greenhouse was stifling.

Most of
the people were just walking around. It was too hot to be out there for a long
time. Madilyn moved back into the air-conditioned foyer. Kaitlyn stood at the
counter waiting on a customer. She raised an eyebrow at Madilyn.

so hot out there. I just needed a break.”

problem. I wasn’t reprimanding you, I was just wondering if you were all

laughed. “You are the boss, though.”

Please, we’ve been together for five years, we aren’t employer employee, we’re
friends who work together.” Kaitlyn smiled at her then smiled at the customer.
“I’m sorry. Let’s get you a beautiful bouquet.”

headed back toward the break room to get some water. It was unbearably hot
today but she felt sick earlier in the morning so it couldn’t really be the
heat. She lifted the bottle to her lips and froze.
Oh no!
Was it possible?
She ran
her hand over her flat stomach and then headed for the office to look at the
calendar. When was her last period? Madilyn sat at the desk and spun the chair
around to face the calendar behind the desk. She counted the days since her
last period. She wasn’t due for another week.

blew out a relieved breath. It was just the heat. She wanted a baby with Brody
but not yet. They just found each other again and she wanted to wait a while
before having a baby. She jumped when Kaitlyn cleared her throat from the
doorway. Madilyn glanced up to her.

you all right? I know I just asked you a few minutes ago, but I want to make

fine Katie. It’s just the heat.” Madilyn sighed. “I thought for a moment I
could be pregnant but I’m pretty sure I’m not.”

tilted her head. “Are you sure?”

not due until next week, so I’ll know for sure. I felt sick this morning but
never thought anything of it until the heat was making me feel sick. Thing is,
in the five years I’ve worked here, the heat’s never made me sick before and
it’s been hotter than this.”

“I think
you need to pick up a pregnancy test to make sure,” Kaitlyn said softly.

“Oh, I
can’t. If I go in the pharmacy and pick one up, it’ll be all over town I’m
pregnant.” Madilyn shook her head. “Brody would hear about it before I’d even
have a chance to take the test. Another week isn’t going to make a difference.”

sighed. “I suppose you’re right.”

nodded. “Katie, you know how this town is. Do you remember when Olivia went
into the pharmacy to get a test for Emma? The entire town had Olivia pregnant
by at least five guys, even though she’s never been with any of them.”

Poor Liv.
But I hear where you’re coming from. The gossip in
this town is amazing. Though sometimes it isn’t gossip, it’s the truth. I wish
I would’ve listened. I never would’ve married Kevin and put myself through the

put her arm around her. “But you also wouldn’t have this shop now. So, it
turned out just fine for you and you’re going to have a beautiful baby.”

beamed. “I am. But you know what? I’d still have the baby even without the
shop. The shop is a bonus. It still amazes me Kevin had me as beneficiary. We
took the policies out right after we married but I thought he’d change it to
his slut.”

burst out laughing. “I can’t believe you said that.”

“Why not?
It’s what she was.” She sobered.
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead but I don’t like cheaters.”

with you there.” Madilyn headed toward the door. “I’m going to run over to the
apartment and get some more clothes.

Madilyn, you’re not supposed to go anywhere alone.”

man’s in jail, Katie, and I don’t believe Delgado’s still around and even if he
is, he won’t grab me. He has other people doing his dirty work. It’s not far
and I’ll be right back. I promise.” Madilyn hugged her then left.

drove her car to the complex since the heat was so bad. She parked and ran up
the stairs to her apartment. As she unlocked her door and pushed it open,
someone put a cloth over her mouth. She struggled as she felt herself losing
consciousness then everything went black.


* * *


left the Sheriff’s Department at lunchtime and headed for his ranch. He entered
his home and laid his Smith and Wesson 9mm on the counter. He turned toward the
refrigerator to make a sandwich when he froze in his tracks. A red rose lay on
the table. That was Delgado’s M.O., his method of operation. He’d sent Brody a
red rose to remind him of Abby once a month on the anniversary of her death. It
was her favorite flower. Brody told Holt about it but that was another dead
end. It couldn’t be proven it was from Delgado.
Son of a bitch!
What did it mean this time? He slowly moved toward
it but didn’t touch it. He started to shake. It was a message and Brody prayed
it didn’t mean what he thought it did.

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