Brody (18 page)

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Authors: Susan Fisher-Davis

BOOK: Brody
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a bitch,” he whispered, making her laugh softly. He lay down beside her and
pulled her against him. They eventually fell back to sleep, both with smiles on
their faces.


* * *


weeks later, everyone gathered at Sam’s ranch for an engagement party for Brody
and Madilyn. She sat in her chair glancing around the room. She loved the
people who were her friends.
Hers and Brody’s friends.
Her eyes landed on Sam and Brody. They were laughing about something.
Two gorgeous men.
Madilyn glanced around again and saw Jake,
Gabe, and Wyatt standing together talking with Trick and Ryder.
, Emma, Kaylee, Kaitlyn, and Olivia stood in a small
group laughing as women do when they’re together. Madilyn loved them all. She
stood when she saw Kaitlyn heading toward her.

turnout, huh?”
Kaitlyn asked.

amazing. I’m so glad we ordered more food. The cupcakes Emma made are so
I’ll gain ten pounds just looking at them.” Madilyn

know. I’ve already had four of them.” Kaitlyn giggled.

“I’m so
happy we decided to do this. After what we went through, we needed something to
make us all laugh.”

watched as Emma,
, and Olivia headed toward her.
Kaylee moved toward her husband and Madilyn smiled as Trick automatically put
his arm around his wife’s waist. She saw Kaylee lean into him and Trick kissed
her temple. That was love. Madilyn looked toward Brody and saw him looking at
her. He winked at her making her laugh softly.

That’s what I want,” Kaitlyn whispered.

frowned at her. “What?”

you and Brody have.
Kaylee and Trick.
and Jake.
Gabe and Emma.
You are all so in love. I want that

have it, Katie. A man will come along and love you unconditionally.”

“He’ll have
to accept another man’s baby.” Kaitlyn shook her head. “That won’t be easy.”

right man will love the baby as his own if he loves you,” Madilyn told her.

right, Katie,” Olivia said as she moved to stand beside Katie.

smiled. “I hope so, because we’re going to be a package deal. Love me, love my

put her arm around her. “If he
doesn’t, then he isn’t the right man.”

smiled. “Sometimes, the right man is right in front of us. Someone we’ve known
forever, it seems.” The women laughed, drawing the gazes of everyone.

saw Brody walking toward her. He stopped in front of her and took her hand.
“I’m stealing my future bride.” He grinned at the women. They smiled back as he
led Madilyn away from everyone and stepped outside. He cupped her face in his
hands and kissed her softly.

wanted to do that for a while.” He smiled at her.

smiled up at him. “I’ve wanted you to.” She wrapped her arms around his waist
and laid her cheek on his chest. His arms wrapped around her and he rested his
cheek on the top of her head. They stood there for a while not moving. Madilyn
pulled back and gazed up at him. “I love you so much, Brody.”

“I love
you, too. It won’t be too much longer and we’ll be married and start our life
together.” He kissed the top of her head.

will be a good one, of that I have no doubt. We’ve been through so much and to
finally get to this point is wonderful. I just wish I hadn’t wasted those five

he whispered. “It’s in the past. We’re here now and moving forward.”

right. I think we need to go back inside. It is a party for us, after all.”
Madilyn laughed.

“If we must.
I’d rather head to the barn and
check out the hayloft, but I don’t think Sam would appreciate it.”

burst out laughing. “We have our own barn we can check out later. Come on.” She
put her hand out to him and he took it. They entered the house and rejoined the




mid-September, Madilyn sat on the edge of the tub staring at the pregnancy test
She took a deep breath and blew it
out. They were getting married in a month. They’d decided not to have a big
wedding, just close friends and family. Brody threw it together quickly.
Kaitlyn would be her maid of honor and Sam would be Brody’s best man. Now she
had to tell him she was pregnant. How was he going to take it? Sure, they
wanted children, but they’d talked about waiting so they could spend time together.

put her hands over her face and groaned. How? Brody wore a condom every time.
They’re not one hundred percent safe
She chastised herself. Maybe she should wait until after the wedding. Not
spring it on him right now. They were both so busy with work and wedding plans.
She stood and nodded. She'd wait. It was the smart thing to do.

She entered the kitchen to see Brody
sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in his hand. He grinned at her then

you all right? You look a little pale.” He stood and walked toward her.

nodded. “I’m fine. I’m just tired. I don’t think I’ve caught up on all the
sleep I lost.”

nodded but continued to stare at her.
“If you’re sure?”

huffed. “I’m positive, deputy. Go to work.”

smiled at her and kissed her forehead.
“Yes, ma’am.
I’ll see you later. I’m glad Sam hired another deputy so I can be on days now.”

I hated
not sleeping with you. Now, go.” She practically pushed him out the door.


* * * *


got into his truck and drove to work. Something didn’t seem right with Madilyn.
She was a morning person but she didn’t seem like it this morning. Sighing, he
pulled into the parking lot and entered the department. Betty Lou smiled up at

morning, Brody.”

morning, Betty Lou. How’s your morning so far?”

Lou chuckled. “It’s too early to tell.
How about yours?”

nodded. “Good. Is Sam in? I didn’t see the cruiser.”

haven’t seen him yet.”

I’ll talk to you later. I better get to work.” Brody walked into his office and
took a seat. He couldn’t stop thinking about Madilyn and the way she looked
this morning. He glanced up when Sam filled the doorway. “Running late, Sam?”

the sheriff. I can come in a little late if I want to.” Sam grinned at him.

shook his head. “I don’t even want to know.” He chuckled when Sam laughed.

and Madilyn doing all right?”

both getting better every day. We’re putting it behind us.” Brody smiled.

nodded. “Good. Glad to have you on day shift too. I’d better get to work. I
snuck in the back door so I didn’t catch hell from Betty Lou for being late.”

“I know
you snuck in the back door, Sam Garrett, and quit swearing,” Betty Lou shouted
from the front office.

ran his hand over his mouth as Sam muttered and walked away. Shaking his head,
Brody got back to his paperwork.


* * *


The day
of the wedding was beautiful. The sun was shining down, warming the day.
Madilyn sat at the kitchen table in her wedding dress. She didn’t wear a
traditional gown. Hers was ivory in color with sheer sleeves cuffed at her
wrists with pearl buttons. A row of pearl buttons ran down the back. The bodice
cinched at her waist with a sheer panel above her breasts. She glanced up when
the door opened and Brody’s mother, Sylvia Morgan, entered and stopped in her

look so beautiful, Madilyn. You can’t know how happy we are that you and Brody
are getting married. We’ve always loved you.” Sylvia dabbed tears from her

smiled up at the woman who’d been like a mother to her. “Thank you, Sylvia. I
love you and Jack.”

would love it if you called us Mom and Dad.”

blinked back tears. “I’d love to…Mom.”

choked on a sob. “We can’t cry. We’ll ruin our make-up. Jack’s so happy to be
giving you away.”

had asked Jack Morgan to give her away since she had no one else. He’d gotten
tears in his eyes when he hugged her and told her he’d be more than honored.

“I know. We’d better stop. My make-up is
perfect today and I refuse to ruin it,” Madilyn teased.

“You do
seem to be glowing today. But what bride doesn’t on her wedding day?”

nodded, but she hated lying to her future mother in-law. They’d all know soon
enough. She’d even taken a second test and it also showed positive. Driving
over to the next town to buy the test was the only way to get it. If she’d
bought it in Clifton, it would be out already she was pregnant.

strolled into the kitchen, smiling. “You look so gorgeous, Madilyn.”

smiled up at her friend. “So do you, Katie.” Her eyes ran over Kaitlyn’s blue
gown. The color matched her beautiful eyes.

back door opened and Jack Morgan strolled in. The man was very good-looking. He
was tall like his son, black hair with streaks of gray at his temples. He
winked at Sylvia, who blushed, and Madilyn knew right then, she wanted a
marriage like the one they had.
Still in love after
thirty-four years.
She stood and hugged Jack. He frowned.

was that for?” He smiled at her.

She grinned up at him as he beamed.

“I like
that. You’ve always been like a daughter to us and I’m glad to see my son come
to his senses. Now, let’s get you to the church. I’m sure Brody’s getting
anxious.” He put his arm out to her and she looped her arm through his.

to the church, Madilyn smiled. The baby was a surprise, but she was happy about
it. She hoped it was a boy.
A little boy with dark hair and
dark eyes.
She knew no matter what, though, she and Brody would love
this child. Hopefully, they’d have many more. Jack stopped the car at the
church entrance. Madilyn stepped from the car and laughed as the crowd outside
the church cheered. It was a tradition nowadays that started with Jake and
wedding. She waved at them. Kaitlyn stepped out and
waved. They entered the church and waited for the music to begin. Madilyn
glanced around.

here, don’t worry,” Jack whispered.

smiled at him. “I’m not worried. I know he loves me, and he knows I love him.
It’s just…I wish my dad could be here.”

honey. He’s here. Art’s looking down on his baby girl, watching her marry the
man she loves. I believe he introduced you and Brody so it would come to this.
Art loved Brody.”

A tear
rolled down her cheek. “I know he did.” She looked up. “I am marrying the man I
love, Daddy. Thank you for bringing him into my life.” A beam of sunlight
flashed through the stained glass window beside her and moved over her. She
shivered and gasped.

“I told
you he was watching.” Jack put his hand on her shoulder just as the wedding
march began. “Let’s get you married.”

As they
slowly moved down the aisle, Madilyn’s eyes found Brody’s gaze. He smiled and
winked at her. She softly laughed, remembering how Jack had winked at Sylvia.
Like father, like son. Jack walked her to Brody and put her hand in his. She
felt Brody squeeze her hand.

Dad,” he said to his father.

welcome, son. Your mother and I are very proud of you.” Jack stepped back and
took a seat beside Sylvia.

looked to Madilyn. “Hi, baby,” he whispered.

grinned at him.
“Hi, deputy.
No uniform today?”

chuckled. “No, but I have the handcuffs.” He sobered when he heard Sam clear
his throat.

giggled. “Wonderful.”

you two get married before you start the honeymoon?” Sam muttered.

burst out laughing. “Sorry, Sam,” she whispered and turned her gaze to the
people in the pews. They were all smiling. She didn’t think they’d heard any of
the conversation but she knew they heard her laughter. She shrugged at them,
making them chuckle. She then turned toward the reverend.

Brody’s gaze on her, she glanced over to him. He smiled at her. “I can’t
believe we’re finally doing this.” The reverend cleared his throat. Brody
“Sorry, padre.”

two will have years ahead of you to talk. Let me do my job,” the reverend

chuckled when he heard Sam laugh. The reverend sighed and continued to read
from the bible. In no time, they were reciting their vows to each other and
exchanging rings.

“I now
pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride,” the reverend said
and leaned forward. “But keep the handcuffs hidden until later.”

felt her cheeks heat up. Brody and Sam laughed, as did Kaitlyn. Madilyn laughed
when Brody cupped her face in his hands and leaned in to kiss her. “And baby,”
she whispered.

pulled back and frowned. “What?”

“I now
pronounce you husband and wife…and baby,” Madilyn said against his lips.


nodded. “Yes.
We’re having a baby.” She watched
his face go from shock to elation. He picked her up and let out a yell.

We’re having a baby!”

in the church cheered. When Brody set her down, she turned to hug Kaitlyn.
“Looks like you and I are going through this together.”

“I’m so
happy for you both,” Kaitlyn told her.

and Brody turned toward the guests, linked arms, and started down the aisle.
Sylvia stepped in front of them. “I knew you were glowing this morning. I’m so
happy. I get to be a nana.”

and Brody hugged her and Jack then continued outside. The crowd cheered.

having a baby,” Brody shouted. The crowd roared.

had never been so happy in her life. The love of her life came back to her. He
loved her and he was happy about the baby. They would begin their married life
together. She moved her hand to wrap around his waist. She burst out laughing
when she felt the handcuffs in his back pocket.

“I told
you I had them, and I plan on keeping you cuffed to me for the rest of my life.
I love you, Madilyn Morgan, more than life, and I love our baby already. Let’s
go start this honeymoon and then begin our life together as husband and wife.”


” Brody said. “I want babies with

for you, deputy.
I love you, Brody.
So very
Nothing will tear us apart ever again.”

got that right.” Brody took her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers. She
felt him grin when the crowd roared and Madilyn knew she would follow him
wherever he roamed.
Babies and all.


*The End*

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