Broken (20 page)

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Authors: Megan Hart

BOOK: Broken
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“It’ll be work for you, Sadie, I know it,” he said finally. “But maybe we can take Dennis with us. So you can get a break. Go to a spa, sit on the beach. It could really work.”

“It could really work,” I agreed, content to listen to his enthusiasm.

“I’ve done my best to drive you away, Sadie,” he said suddenly. “But you’ve never left me.”

“No. I don’t want to leave you.” I smoothed a hand over his hair, letting it tickle my fingers. “I’m not going to leave you, Adam.”

He paused for a moment, his expression serious. “Things are going to be different from now on, Sadie. I promise you.”

I got up to kiss him again. “Lots of things will be different.”

And for a while, they were.

Adam was noticeably cheerier. Flirtier, too. He even started talking about looking into erectile aids, a prospect that intrigued and concerned me, since drugs could always have side effects.

“Just think,” he said with a wink one night as I lay beside him. “A four-hour hard-on.”

“I wouldn’t need four hours,” I said with a roll of my eyes. “Jesus, Adam.”

He wasn’t deterred. “If I can get hard, Sadie, then…there’s a chance…”

I propped myself up on my elbow to look him. “Yes?”

“We could have a baby.”

Stunned, I sat. “Do you want a baby?”

“Don’t you?”

I didn’t know how to answer that. I didn’t know if I did or didn’t…but the fact he’d brought it up meant things had changed, indeed. I could only shrug in response.

“Lots of quads have been able to have children,” Adam told me. “It’s just something to consider, that’s all.”

A child. A son, perhaps, with Adam’s wicked grin. Maybe a daughter with a sense of practicality. A baby? Years of responsibility, of diapers and vomit. Of sweet baby hugs and childish kisses.

A part of Adam I could keep forever.

“Hey, hey,” he said, alarmed. “Don’t cry, Sadie-me-love, don’t cry!”

I wiped my tears at his command. “Do you really think we could?”

“Sadie,” Adam said in a voice that left no doubt. “I really think we could.”

That night was the first since the accident that he licked me to orgasm. After, sated, the room filled with the scent of sex, he whispered poetry into my hair and we spoke of the future as something bright with possibility.


I did not intend, on the first Friday of October, to return to the bench. Joe had made his intentions clear by bringing Priscilla to our place, and the new start with Adam had left me not needing Joe’s stories.

When I kissed Adam goodbye that morning, he’d tilted his head to sniff my neck, giving me a look I wasn’t sure how to interpret.

“Have a good day,” he told me.

I meant to. With sunshine and warm but not blistering weather, it was a good day to eat lunch outside. I didn’t have to go to that bench. There were plenty of places to enjoy, some along the riverfront, where I could enjoy the early October sunshine.

I had the best intentions, but as I shrugged into my light cardigan and grabbed up my lunch box, my feet refused to take me in any direction but toward the park where I’d spent my first Friday for the past two years.

All things must end, I told myself. Resolution.

I didn’t mean to meet Joe again.

But in the end, I did.



his month, my name is Kitten. That’s not my real name, but nobody here needs to know my real name. Besides, I am a kitten. A pussy, ready to be petted. That’s all anyone needs to know.

The man tells me to call him Joe, and that might be his real name, or not. I don’t really care. Joe is clean and has all his teeth, and he’s got a wallet full of cash that means I’ll follow him wherever he wants to go. It’s enough to make me his for the night, a prospect I don’t mind. A bird in the hand, and all.

Joe seems to like my headband with its little kitten ears. He reaches up to flick them with his finger, then strokes my sleek, black hair. It’s a wig, but a really good one. Most guys don’t know the difference. Most of them don’t bother to pay attention to anything above my shoulders, anyway.

Not this guy. He’s staring at my face like he wants to memorize it. This would creep me out, maybe, except he looks so sincere doing it. Like maybe he’s trying to figure me out or something.

“What?” I ask, self-conscious suddenly.

“You’re very pretty.”

“Thank you.” I run a finger down his chest to end at his belt buckle.

“Do you have some friends who’d be interested in talking about books?”

We don’t take money for sex, you understand, since that would be illegal. Men pay me for companionship. Anything beyond that is at the agreement of two consenting adults. If it so happens that we both consent to get naked and fuck like rabbits in a club where dozens of other couples are doing the same thing, well…all I can say is, I’m not paid for sex. I’m paid for companionship.

“I think so.” I give him a wink. I’ve got my highest heels on and can look him almost in the eye. “Want me to introduce you to her?”

He nods. I take him by the hand and lead him through the club, where music is pounding from upstairs and the black-painted walls make me feel as though I’m in outer space, sometimes. Barbie’s slouched in one of the love seats along the back wall, deep in conversation with Candy. By the waving hands, I can tell they’re discussing the latest episode of the prison drama show they’re both hooked on. They both look up when I come over with Joe.

“This is Joe,” I tell them. “He likes books.”

I like working with Barbie because she’s got a smoking hot little body. Blond and blue-eyed, she looks like a fashion doll and likes to dress in a lot of frills and bows. We make a nice pair, me with my sleek china-doll wig and black leather catsuit. Candy, on the other hand, likes the slutty schoolgirl look, which makes me roll my eyes.

“Hello, ladies,” Joe says.

“Hello, Joe,” Barbie purrs, crossing her legs so her short pink skirt rides up on tanned, tight thighs. “What do you know?”

That’s a lame joke, but he laughs anyway. A real laugh, too, not some forced chuckle. I like this Joe, who is making my job so much easier. Sometimes guys are so nervous or excited they ruin all the fun.

“What kind of books do you like, Joe?” Candy’s pigtails bounce as she sits up straight. Her head’s right at crotch level, and don’t think she doesn’t know it.

Joe must know it, too, because he tilts his hips a little in her direction. Subtle body language, but something you learn to pick out. Okay, so he’s into the slutty schoolgirl look. Barbie and I share a glance. She’s my best friend here, and we can read each other like…well, like the books Joe says he wants to discuss.

“Let me guess.” My fingers link through his, our palms moist and warm against one another. “Romance novels?”

Joe smiles.

“Stroke books,” Candy says with an unsubtle parting of her thighs. Some girls, I swear, just don’t know how to work it right.

“No,” says Barbie, sounding serious. She stands. She’s even taller than I am, and she can look him right in the eye. “Joe likes…mysteries.”

“That’s right,” Joe says, not sounding at all surprised.

Barbie moves closer. I know very well how those luscious, soft tits feel, so when she brushes them against Joe’s chest I’m not surprised that his fingers grip down on mine. Barbie puts her hands on his shoulder and leans in to whisper into his ear, the one closest to me, so I know what she’s saying.

“What do you say we go someplace more private, and you can tell me all about your favorites?”

Joe’s head turns to murmur into Barbie’s ear. “I say that sounds like a good idea.”

“Good.” She steps back and we share a smile. I like working with Barbie. A lot. “Kitten’s talked to you about the arrangements?”

He hasn’t asked for pricing for more than one girl, so we’ll have to work that out, but I don’t get the feeling he’s going to balk.

“We’ve talked,” I say.

Joe’s thumb strokes the back of my hand. “I’d like the three of you.”

Barbie raises an eyebrow, and we share another look. Two girls is a pretty common thing, and we’ve worked out a good routine. Adding Candy to the mix will shake things up a bit, but if that’s what Joe wants, I guess that’s what he’ll get.

Candy stands and throws me and Barbie a triumphant look. I don’t bother reacting. I’d never pick Candy on purpose, and she knows it. Neither would Barbie. But we’re professionals, so we’ll work with her if that’s what Joe wants. She doesn’t have to act like she’s just won some sort of bonus prize.

I take Joe upstairs, past the dance floor where people are bumping and grinding. Then up another set of stairs to the private floor. Gene gives us a nod from his chair on the landing.

“Ladies,” he says, and unlocks the door for us. “Sir.”

Joe says hello. They don’t, usually. Most men ignore Gene, as if pretending he’s not there makes this somehow something other than what it is. Like maybe they just got lucky downstairs instead of the truth, that they’ve got to pay a girl to agree to become a consenting adult with them.

The room at the end of the hall is my favorite, because it’s a little bigger and has the biggest bed. It’s also got a chair and a couch, which makes it more interesting. Once inside, Candy makes a beeline for the CD player and puts in something jazzy and smooth. I’m actually impressed by her choice.

Barbie closes the door behind us, then tells Joe exactly what the hourly fee is for “conversation,” and that if he’d like to pay in advance that would be all right with all of us.

Joe has no problem with paying in advance. The wad of money in his wallet is truly impressive, and Barbie and I share another glance. He pauses in thumbing out a handful of twenties and looks us over, including Candy. Then he separates another couple hundred from the bundle and hands the whole pile to Barbie, who counts it all and then puts it in the lockbox on the dresser where it will stay until Joe leaves. I’ve only once had a man try and stiff me, but the lockbox makes it impossible even if he tried.

Barbie reaches up and loosens his tie. “So. What shall we talk about?”

It might be a surprise to know that they do, indeed, talk about books, at least for a while. Barbie likes to read, too. She unbuttons his shirt while I slip off his jacket and hang it up. Candy hangs back, watching, one of the problems with having more than three in a group. There’s only so much room and so many places for hands.

Barbie’s telling Joe about some novel she read as we strip off his shirt, and she pauses to make a little “woof.” I love that about her, the way she enjoys her work.

I make a noise of my own when I run my hands over his back. Satin smooth, with two of the cutest fucking dimples just above his ass, one on either side of his spine. I want to lick them. Let’s face it, most men who pay me for my time aren’t hot, they hardly ever smell this good, and sometimes it takes a lot of effort to get into this.

Somehow, I doubt it’s going to be a problem with Joe.

Barbie and I share a glance over his shoulder. She undoes his belt, but before she can go for the zip, he stops her.

“I’d like it if you and Kitten discussed books for a little while.”

I hear a smile in his voice, and Barbie’s grin tells me she finds him as charming as I do.

“While you watch, I presume?”

“If that would be all right.”

She doesn’t need to tell him that whatever he wants is all right, since he’s the guy whose money’s in the lockbox. Joe knows how this is played. But he’s making it fun for us, too, and that makes it easier to get into it.

Barbie holds out her hand to me. “Sure thing. I like talking about books with Kitten.”

We kiss in front of him. Barbie’s mouth is soft and wet. She tastes a little like cherry, from her lip gloss. She runs her tongue over my lips, tickling, and my nipples get hard right away. We put our arms around each other, stroking, and I grab two handfuls of her soft, curved ass. I love the way it feels covered in satin and lace. Barbie’s not wearing a thong, so I trace the edge of her panties with my fingertips, caressing the underside of her bum until she shivers.

We kiss some more, putting on a show for him, but it’s frankly not hard to get into it. When I turn my head to let Barbie suck my neck, I see him sitting. Candy’s between his legs, her ass peeking out from under her short, plaid skirt. She is wearing a thong. She’s got Joe’s cock in her mouth. Her head moves up and down, fast, until he puts his fingers in her hair and tells her to slow down.

Barbie turns my face back to hers and kisses me again. Her tongue strokes mine as her hands slide up my sides and cup my tits. I’m not as big as she is, and she manages to fill her hands with my flesh. She kneads and squeezes, just hard enough to get me gasping, because she knows that’s the way I like it.

Barbie might look soft and sweet like pink cotton candy, but she’s nowhere near innocent. She unzips my cat suit as she backs me toward the bed and lays me down. Cool air hits my skin, and I shiver a little as her hands pull off my clothes and leave me bare. The comforter is soft beneath me. She pushes me back, spreads my knees and climbs between them.

I tense in anticipation, lifting my hips a little, but Barbie’s not ready to give me what Joe wants to see. She strokes my thighs with her fingernails, scratching just hard enough to make me moan.

“You like that?” Her voice is throaty and pleased.

“Yes, baby, I like that.” Guys don’t just like to watch. They like to listen, too.

“Good. You want me to lick that sweet pussy?”

“Oh, yes,” I purr, lifting my cunt up to prove I’m telling the truth. “Lick me.”

Barbie slides her hands under my ass and settles between my legs. I close my eyes, waiting, and a moment later I’m rewarded by the flat of her tongue on my clit. It feels good. I let out a groan and pump my hips. Barbie licks me with slow, smooth strokes, keeping the sort of steady pace only another woman truly understands.

I turn to look at Joe. Candy’s still between his legs, though she appears to have found a pace he likes better. He pets her hair every so often, almost absentmindedly.

Maybe he’ll want to fuck us, and maybe he won’t, but for now I lay back and enjoy Barbie eating my cunt. She’s an expert, using her tongue and lips and fingers in ways guaranteed to make me writhe and moan. I do, loudly, giving in to the urge to make noise as my pleasure grows.

“Don’t let her come.” Joe’s command makes Barbie pause.

I let out a little whimper of protest. My nipples are diamond-hard, my pussy slick with Barbie’s saliva and my own juices. She’s got three fingers up my snatch and her thumb against my asshole, and one or two more flutters of her tongue would have had me going over.

Still, he’s the one in charge and though I shudder when Barbie pulls her fingers out of me, I don’t come. She leans down to kiss me again. I taste myself on her mouth, underlaid with the faint remaining taste of cherry.

When I look over at Joe, I see Candy’s sitting up. Her hand moves along his cock, offering me a tempting glimpse of skin as she jacks him. Her shirt’s askew and her hair’s a mess, but she’s looking up at him adoringly. It could be an act, but if it is, she’s perfected it.

“Come here.” Joe points to Barbie. When she obeys, he takes the hand she’d had up my cunt, and he sucks her fingers, one by one.

The sight hits me like a two-by-four to the back of the head. It’s seriously the hottest thing I’ve ever seen a guy do, paying for my company or not. Barbie seems to like it, too, because her breath eases out of her with a little groan I recognize as real.

Joe leans forward with her fingers still in his mouth and Candy’s hand still jacking his prick. He puts his hand between Barbie’s legs. I can see his arm moving as he rubs her. She spreads her legs and puts a hand on his shoulder for support. Her skirt rides up, and Candy gives it some help, pushing the tight fabric higher until Barbie’s cute pink panties show.

Nothing about Joe is fast. His hand moves, up, down, against Barbie. When I see her thighs shake a little my cunt clenches. He’s turning her on. We can pretend a lot of things, but some of our body’s reactions can never be faked. I’ve felt that little quiver in the sweetness of her groin enough times to know when someone’s getting her off.

From her place on the floor, Candy leans over to kiss Barbie’s leg. Candy’s got her fingers down the front of her thong, her other hand still moving on Joe’s dick. They’re quite a picture over there, the three of them. Once again, where does the fourth person go?

I can’t see Joe’s face, but I can watch his hand stroke, stroke, stroke between Barbie’s legs. She’s leaning harder on his shoulder now, her head tipped forward so her blond hair hangs down. Her hips are moving. Candy’s mouth is tracing patterns on Barbie’s thigh, her hand moving faster on her cunt. I’ve got my hand clenched between my thighs, but I’m not rubbing myself. I’m gripping my fist with my thigh muscles, timing each clutch and release to the quickening beat of my heart. I can’t come this way, but fuck, do I want to.

Joe lets Barbie’s fingers slide out of his mouth. “Take off your panties.”

To Candy, he says, “You, too.”

So far, I’m the only one naked. I sit on the edge of the bed, watching. Candy stands and shucks off her thong while Barbie shimmies out of her panties.

“Kiss her.”

Joe sits back in his chair, watching, as Candy and Barbie turn to each other. Candy’s too eager and wants to force the kiss. Barbie has more patience than I would. She waits until Candy’s calmed a little bit, then kisses her sensually. Open mouths, probing tongues. Roaming hands. Joe seems to be enjoying it. When he sees me looking, he crooks a finger. He pushes off his pants and socks while I walk over to him, so by the time I get there, he’s naked.

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