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Authors: Jordan Silver

Broken (16 page)

BOOK: Broken
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Chapter 12



yle rushed through his morning meetings and tidied up some stuff so that he wouldn’t have to be back for a long time. He couldn’t wait to get back to his little pain in the ass princess. He touched his inside jacket pocket to make sure the box from Harry Winston was there and patted the packages on the seat next to him.

She’d probably be pissed that he’d had the ring designed and rushed even before he knew he had to fly out, she’d see it as him planning her life. Which in fact he was. If he waited for her to make up her damn mind he’d be as old as gramps. No, this involved him too, this was his future, she, was his future. No way was he going to let her ex-husband and his shit fuck that up for him.

He’d decided last night after they hung up that he wasn’t going to play the game the same once he got back there. Maybe it was his fault that he’d leashed himself thinking that she needed that, but that might’ve been wrong. She’d already had one pansy ass bitch for a husband, what she needed was the real Kyle Clancy. The man who took what he wanted, and what he wanted now more than ever was her. He’ll just have to show her that he was in it for keeps.

She was a bundle of nerves knowing that he would be there any minute. This morning she’d jumped up bright and early after only a few hours sleep. Gramps had been up with the coffee going doing his morning yoga on her living room floor.

“Hi there sleepyhead, was that Kyle on the phone last night?”

“Yes, I’m sorry did you need to talk to him?” She hadn’t even thought of that, how rude.

“Nope, spoke to him earlier.” And the boy had grilled him like he stole something. Reminded him of his younger days. He’d been like that with his Ethel. It’s a wonder she never hauled off and smacked him upside the head with her cast iron pot a time or two.

“I’ll get breakfast started what do you feel like?”

“Why don’t we go on down to the diner? We can pick Lucille up on the way, it’d be nice for her to get out some.” Lucille didn’t need anyone to get her nowhere, the woman got around just fine on her own. But this was all part of their plan.

You see, Kerry hadn’t had anyone in her corner before. But if the good citizens of this town saw her with two of their more upstanding members, that’ll shift the tide. He knew how these yokels think.

Sure, Paul and his light skirt had their high and mighty friends that snubbed their noses at everyone they found beneath them, which was half the population. He figured Kyle’s money would take care of that. The boy had more money than Croesus and he was sure not the one of these snot nosed kids around here could hold a candle to his boy.

Kyle also had more moral fiber in his little finger than the rest of them. So if money was all they were interested in then that was their loss. But it was a fact that not many people except for the ones in that particular circle liked them. In other words, it was a good old fashion showdown and he aimed to win.

His boy was new, no matter that he’d spent summers here in the past. These folks tend to be clannish. Yes, they’d accept him because he was his, but he wanted them to like his boy for himself. When he’d mentioned it the boy had stopped short of cussing but he got the drift. Kyle didn’t give a good damn whether they liked him or not as long as they didn’t mess with his Kerry. So it was up to him and Lucille to see that this thing was done right. Young people-sheesh.

Kerry didn’t mind going to breakfast but she was anxious about Kyle’s return. She’d be lucky if she could keep down her coffee, but she agreed. She took extra care when she got dressed, something she hadn’t done in a while and it felt great. Even though it was just jeans and a nice top with ballet flats. That hair that Kyle was always going on about was brushed to a high sheen and left hanging down her back.

“Okay, let’s go gramps.”

“Well don’t you look pretty?” He crooked his arm for her to hold making her laugh. Laughter, that was something else she’d found again.


Breakfast was loud and fun once gramps’ friends decided to join their table. The conversation was light and everyone was having a good time, with Lucille riding herd on the men for their gossiping meddling ways. Kerry never blushed so much in her life as the men complimented her over and over again while Lucille beamed like a proud grandma.

Maybe it was because she was sitting with them. But people who’d hardly spared her a glance before, stopped by the table to shoot the breeze and ask after her wellbeing. No one mentioned Paul or the divorce. And instead of the pity she’d been afraid of, she saw genuine care from the ones who asked.

Gramps and his friends kept her entertained and kept her mind off of Kyle and his imminent return. Though that didn’t stop her from looking out the window every chance she got just in the off chance he showed up while she was there.


He walked into the diner, his eyes searching her out. It felt like days instead of hours since he’d seen her and he couldn’t believe the impact. She felt him, there was no other word for it. One minute she was listening to Theo embellishing one of his life’s accomplishments and laughing it up with the others. And the next she felt that heat between her shoulders and a prickling down her spine.

She looked up and their eyes met. She was halfway out of her seat in the booth where she was boxed in when he made his way towards her.

He never took his eyes off of her, as he drew close. She made a small squeak when he pulled her up and over the back of the booth with his mouth on hers his arms wrapped tightly around her. Love, that’s what he felt when his lips touched hers. It hit him in the gut like a sledgehammer and almost took him to his knees.

Pulling his mouth from hers he looked into her excited eyes before pulling her head into his shoulder. “Fuck, I missed you.” He growled into her hair before his mouth covered hers again hungrily to the delight of the table’s other occupants.

She forgot to be embarrassed as she lost herself in the kiss. She felt everything in that moment. His hands, one in her hair holding her head in place, while the heat of the other burned through her jeans into her ass. That length of steel she was growing accustomed to pressed into her middle, making her weak.

“Did you miss me sweetheart?”

“Yes, so much.” Her mind was mush, all she wanted was for the heat to go on. When he finally ended the kiss and kissed the tip of her nose they both grinned at each other. “You look pretty.” Her smile grew wider as she slid down his body with her arms straining to stay around his neck. She wasn’t ready to let go.

“Hi gramps, fellas, Ms. Lucille.” He turned his attention to the others as he pulled her under his arm. “Did you eat baby?” She nodded her head yes. “Let’s go. I’m taking her out of here guys, thanks for taking care of her for me.”

“Wait, wait…”

“Later gramps, I gotta get her outta here.” He pulled her along behind him and out the door.

The plane had landed less than twenty minutes ago. As soon as his feet hit the tarmac his hunger to lay eyes on her had hit hard. He knew where they were when he didn’t find them at any of their homes, but by the time he pulled into the parking lot he was going nuts.

Meanwhile, Kerry was getting her first look at him in something other than his usual uniform of jeans, and tee and have mercy. If she thought he was hot before words could not describe what the man did to a well-cut suit. She’d heard women tease about drooling over a man before, but this was the first time she’d had the real experience herself.

“You’re staring.” He had that slight smirk slash grin thing going and she could see just the tip of his tongue hidden behind his lips and every thought went right out of her head. “Sorry I don’t mean to.” Get a grip Kerryanne geez. She was having very unwholesome thoughts. Like maybe slipping that tie from around his neck and pushing his shirt off his nicely muscled shoulders…

Her thoughts were cut short when she found herself being pushed up against the car with his body pressed into hers and his tongue in her mouth. He spread her legs open with his hips and pressed his hard cock right where it did the most good.

Kyle was lost in her. He couldn’t believe the unbridled hunger one night away from her had unleashed in him. He was still coming to terms with what was going on with him. The fact that in just a few short weeks she’d come to mean so much to him.

It seemed the night away from her had triggered something in him and his eyes had been opened. There was no longer any thought of holding back. He didn’t need more time, and if she did, well then, he’d just have to drag her along with him until she caught up.

Being away from her had been harder than he’d ever imagined it could be. He’d barely slept for thoughts of her, and work was a joke. He was barely able to do what he’d gone there to do. As he held her now he knew that it was the last time he’d ever allow that to happen. From now on wherever he goes, she goes. Though their reunion was almost worth it.

“It’s okay baby calm down.” He loved it, loved that he always had to bring her down whenever he put his hands on her. There was a wolf whistle from somewhere behind them and he covered her body, this time protectively. He glared across the lot at the asshole responsible before opening the door to seat her.

She was nervous as hell when he climbed in beside her so he took her hand the way he always did when they were riding together as he maneuvered through the streets. His plan was to take her back to her place and fondle her for an hour or two, but first he wanted to listen to those messages the asshole had left on her machine.

He didn’t say anything to her about his intentions though, just drove to her place and helped her out of the truck. Once inside he went right for the flashing light on the machine. “Babe, go do something in the other room will you.” He didn’t want her hearing fuck the piece a shit had to say.

She gave him a raised brow look but did as she was told. He waited until the coast was clear to hit play and his temperature rose by the second word out the fucker’s mouth. “Hi sweetheart, why aren’t you answering the phone? I’ve been hearing some things that I’m sure aren’t true about you and some new guy around town. Please tell me you’re not jumping into anything…” He hit delete before the sentence was over.

There were three more calls of the same bent, all wanting to know if the rumors were true. By the last one he was basically commanding her to return his calls. Kyle erased every last one of them as he prayed for calm. He wasn’t even mad, just slightly annoyed. He knew one thing for sure, he was gonna put an end to this shit once and for all.

“Come here Kerryanne.” She came out of the room looking a whole lot skeptical. “What did he say?” Her eyes went to the phone and back to him. “Nothing for you to worry about. You didn’t listen to any of those?” He watched her eyes for the truth and knew it when she shook her head no. “You told me not to.” His only answer was to draw her into his arms and kiss her forehead gently.


They spent the better part of the morning with her on his lap on the couch with her top pulled up and bra removed, while his mouth wreaked havoc on her nipples. He’d long forgotten his pique over the messages and was enjoying the taste of her on his tongue. She too had put aside everything else from her mind, and concentrated only on the way he made her feel.

“Damn baby I’m sorry.” He ran a fingertip over the redness on her plump tit where his beard that he’d been in too much of a rush to take care of this morning had rubbed against her delicate skin. Holding her eyes he licked her there, soothing the slight sting, before swallowing her now swollen nipple back into his mouth again.

Kerry was lost in a world of feelings and heightened senses. Her heart knocked against her ribcage violently as her hands held his head in place. No one had ever paid so much attention to her breasts before, so she had no idea they were such a source of immense pleasure.

Any other time she would’ve been embarrassed by the wetness that seeped between her thighs, but she was too caught up in the sounds he made as he feasted on her flesh and the rush of heat that enveloped her.

By the time her nipple popped out of his mouth and he lifted his head to hers she was ready to inhale him. When she bit his lip and pulled back in horror he just grinned and squeezed her around her middle.

His dick was hard enough to pound nails, but he was more interested in the way her eyes lit up as if she’d found some new thing. It pleased him that she’d never felt this with anyone, and he didn’t need words to tell him that he was right. Just the look of wonder on her face was proof enough.

He started to and changed his mind twice about telling her about the house he’d bought for them to share. He wanted everything to be perfect for her and he thought he knew just how to do that. After listening to the messages, he kind of got an idea of what her life with the asshole had been like. The guy sounded like a real heel. And just the fact that he thought he still had the right to dictate to her after what he’d done told Kyle exactly what he was dealing with. He thought it was high time the other man saw what he was made of.

She had no idea of the thoughts that were going through his head. Had she known she would’ve been tied up in knots. Instead, she spent a lovely afternoon learning things about her body and herself that she never knew. She also learned that he was a horrid tease. She did everything but beg him to take her, but he resisted.

BOOK: Broken
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