Broken Hearted (15 page)

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Authors: C.H. Carter

Tags: #romance, #murder, #mystery detective, #parannormal romance, #love adventure

BOOK: Broken Hearted
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Faith heard Eli in her ear saying, “Faith, Roni came
in tonight and told the band to rearrange our songs she wasn’t
singing tonight. She informed the band, she was taking the night
off. The band took a break while Cash yelled at her telling her she
had a job to do tonight. Katie and I heard Roni shouting back, Y
right! I have a job to finish tonight and it’ll be completed with
Eve tonight. So screw you people! I want Eve and I’m going to have
her before someone else gets the pleasure. Besides Cash, remember
me telling you daddy wanted to see Faith again? Well, he wants to
meet Eve first before he talks to Faith. I have no choice but take
her to meet him tonight. Cash, you have to do the set without me
for old time’s sake please.’”

Katie grasped Trey’s arm, “When I tried to persuade
Eve to stay with me, she smiled and told me she needed to go with
Roni. Eve told me Roni had the information that could save a lot of
people she loved. She let me know you or Faith wouldn’t let her go
if you were here. So she was going to take this opportunity to see
what Roni knows about the case. Whatever that means to the two of
you. Then she said for me to tell you to listen and wait. She knows
you’ll be there when she needs you.”

Trey smiled at Katie, a true heart felt smile,
making his one dimple in his left check show up. “Thanks, Katie,
you finally told us why we haven’t heard from Eve. She means she’ll
be turning her earpiece on and off tonight. So we can help her if
she gets into trouble and needs us.”

Katie sighed a breath of relief. “What’s next, Trey?
Are we going to sit and wait?”

We wait, we stay right here. We
let Ty and Cody do what they do best. They’ll take care of putting
the puzzle together while we wait to hear from Eve. They find and
help people every day. And Eve’s their sister too so you know
they’ll find her where ever she maybe.”

They ordered drinks to make everything appear as
normal as possible, in case Joey the bartender was in on taking
Eve. Faith would bet her left hand Joey had played a big part in
getting Eve to go with Roni. Maybe he even placed a sedative in her
drink or something worse. Faith prayed Eve was all right and she
would love to hear her crazy voice in her ear. However, she knew
Mr. Moore would hurt Eve if he didn’t get what he wanted. And
tonight he wanted Faith. She would kill him herself if he touched
Eve. His touch alone was deadly. It deadened a piece of Faith’s
heart every time he traced his finger along her body. She shuddered
remembering how horrible he could be if you crossed him.

Suddenly Ty broke into her thoughts, “She’s not in
the house and from the looks of things she hasn’t been here at

Cody came on saying, “We’ve checked everything out
and they sent us here, giving them time to hide her somewhere

Trey huffed. “What are we going to do now? We have
to find her soon or they may hurt her to show us they mean

Faith touched Treys hand
softly, stroking his fingers reassuringly. “We stay here, Trey. We
don’t have a choice. You know Roni will show back up here to let us
know what we need to do to keep Eve safe. I hope she will take me
with her this time and let Eve go. Mr. Moore’s men have captured
me. I know what they can and will do to get information from you.
This might be worse now because he’s out for revenge. We put away
some of his men, and he still doesn’t have the information my
father had on him. He still believes I know where my father placed
it before he was murdered. I’m prepared for what might happen to me
again, however, Eve’s been sheltered all her life, Trey, and she
won’t be prepared for their cruelty.”

Faith sat quietly for a few minutes. Then she
questioned Ty, “What happened to her rose pendant. Whoever was
watching her knew the minute her system went down. I activated it
myself, Ty, you know it was working when I put it on.”

Yes, I know she took it off about
an hour ago telling me the latch broke. Of course, I believed

What about her earpiece? When did
she turn it off?”

It must have been just before they
left the bar. What are you thinking Faith?” Faith glanced at Trey
and smiled.

They took her to Ty’s house!
Remember, we gave them the information that Ty was going to be gone
for weeks. They don’t realize he has a safe room. It attached to
your parents’ property, doesn’t it? Eve will get there if she can
and you know it.”

Trey smiled and showed that one dimple again. “Yes,
he does and that’s where they have her. However, if we storm the
house they may kill her.”

Faith lowered her head to her hands wiping the
strand of her hair from her face that had fallen into her eyes. She
knew this decision could be deadly for Eve, so she softly said,
“Eli, it’s your call, but I feel in my heart that Ty should set up
inside the safe room and the tunnel leading to his parents’ house.
He needs to bring in the big guns and be ready to go if Eve needs
us. We can’t let her down and I have to find a way to get Mr. Moore
to take me instead of her.”

Eli sat quietly for only a second, then said, “Ty,
you work the safe room and the tunnel. You have all the manpower
you need. Faith has to wait for Roni. We realize she’ll be back.
Mr. Moore will send her back to let us know what we have to do to
get Eve back. In the meantime, Ty, you have to get the teddy bear.
However, don’t let anyone know what you’re doing. Keep the bear
with you. No matter what happens, don’t give the bear up.

Trey took Faith’s hand and squeezed it telling her,
“Now we wait.” Even though both their thoughts and prayers were
with Eve, right now, they pretended to listen to the band. Cash
kept glancing at Faith smiling. She gave her best fake smile to
him, however, she couldn’t help remembering the love she felt for
him in the past. He sang one of her favorite songs and she knew he
was singing it especially for her.

When his set was over, he walked straight to their
table. Cash took Faith’s hand and looked into her eyes, smiling as
she felt him slip something into her hand. As he turned and walked
away, she opened her hand to find a room key, his room key. Oh,
God, her heart skipped a beat. She quickly shuts her hand and slid
the key into her purse. Faith knew she should show the key to Trey
but she didn’t nor did she throw it away. Faith sat wondering, “Do
I want to be with him. It’s as if we’re back to the days he would
give me his room key and I would be ready and waiting for him.”

If Trey saw Cash give Faith the key, he made no move
to let her know it. Eli sat down beside, Faith leaning in he
whispered, “Please be careful, Faith. He’s playing with your heart
again, babe. Trey would do anything for you because he loves you
completely. Not when it’s convenient for him. And he’ll never leave
you again. Can you say that about Cash? He does have a record for
loving and leaving you.”

Faith only nodded, thinking why did everything had
to be so confusing when it came to Cash. Eli placed his arm around
Faith as she whispered, “I love Trey. So what is it with Cash that
makes me so crazy?”

Before Eli had a chance to answer Trey said,
“Because you loved him once and never put a close to that
relationship. Faith, have you forgot the two of you have your
earpieces still on. I heard your whole conversation.”

Trey, I’m so sorry. I love you.
But you’re right, I have to talk to him soon.”

However, you don’t have to go to
his hotel room to talk with him darling.” Faith didn’t reply she
just put her face in her hands, shaking her head as if to clear her


Faith looked up, seeing Roni walk in the door. Eli
quickly explained. “Don't anyone move, let her come to us. She'll
tell us what we need to do next.” Roni strolled up to our table
with a wicked grin on her face.

Hi, Faith, how are you

I'm great, Roni, and how are

Roni laughed. “Aren't you going to ask me where Eve
has been taken? You know I know where she's at, don't you

Then Faith stared straight
into Roni's eyes. No one at the table moved or spoke. Faith stood
and motioned for Roni to sit down. Faith scowled. “Roni, what do
you and Mr. Moore want in exchange for Eve. If you want me, I’ll
walk out with you right now. Let Eve go, she hasn't done anything
to you or Mr. Moore.”

Faith waited for Roni to answer, however, she sat
quietly smiling for what seemed like an eternity. Then she leaned
in closer to Faith and whispered, “Daddy wants you dead, but not
until you tell us where the information is your father had on our

I don't have any information about
your family, Roni. You can bet if I did, Mr. Moore or Daddy as you
call him, would be behind bars right now. Did he tell you he killed
my parents? You knew my mom and dad, remember we had sleepovers at
my house? How can you let him convince you to kidnap Eve and hold
her for information I don't even know where it would be, Roni. What
am I looking for anyway? What does your father think my dad knew
about him?”

Roni's eyes darted back and forth between Trey and
Faith. She almost appeared ready to run at any moment. Faith
wondered what she's afraid of them or some of Mr. Moore's men. She
questioned Roni. “How many of Mr. Moore's men are here with you,
Roni? Come on tell us the truth, we’ll help you get out of this
mess alive. You know if anything goes wrong, you’re dead. Mr. Moore
doesn't care if you're his daughter, Roni, he will kill you just
like he did my parents.”

Roni stood up, knocking over Faiths drink on her way
up. “Daddy won't hurt me as long as I do what he says and right now
he wants you.” Roni stood silently, pinching her ear, pushing her
hair out of her face. Faith realized she must have an earpiece
connecting her to Mr. Moore or his men. Faith gathered every ounce
of calmness she could find from deep inside and stood, putting a
gentle hand to Roni's shaking arm.

Sit down, Roni, let's calm down
and work everything out. We’ll straighten this mess out and satisfy
Mr. Moore. You'll be all right, let's talk through everything I
need to accomplish here tonight.”

Roni shakily sat back down. She started to relax a
little and she quietly told Faith, “Daddy says you have exactly two
days to volunteer the information to him in person or Eve's dead.
Do you understand Faith, Eve will die.” Then Roni half-smiled,
standing up and swiftly walked out of the bar.


Ty immediately came on the air. “If Eve is at my
house, why haven't we heard from her? I can't go home now, they
know I'm out of town. At least that's the information we planted
for them to find. What now, Eli? You're heading this operation up
and my sister is in danger.”

Eli turned to Faith and to Trey, “Any ideas from the
two of you? Are we one hundred percent sure that she's at Ty's
house? If so we can try to go in through the safe room, however,
I'm thinking we need to wait this out a few more hours.”

Trey reached over taking Faith’s hand. “We're going
home right now and waiting for Eve to contact us with the
information as to where she's located. Every one of us sitting here
at this table knows as soon as she can she'll contact us. Katie
you're welcome to stay with Faith and me until this mess is
straightened out. You'll be safe with us and you can call your
parents and let them know where you'll be staying. And Ty, place
some of your men in the tunnel leading from Mom and Dad's house to
yours. Tell them to stand down until we contact them and tell them
to move. Eli try to talk to Cash. I think he knows more than he
wants us to think. He's been in this band for years with Roni so he
has to know Mr. Moore and Joey really well. There is no way he's
worked that close to Roni every day without her confiding in him.
Faith let's get out of here. I need to think like Eve would think
now. She's my twin sister and we aren't hearing from her because
she's afraid they'll find out she's talking to us or she's unable
to contact us. I prefer to think she's awake and waiting for the
perfect moment to let us know what's going on. See you guys later.
Come on Katie you can call your parents on the way.”

Faith and Katie stood to leave as Faith glanced over
to Eli saying, “If you hear anything from Eve, please let us know.”
Eli only shook his head in agreement before he stood pushing his
chair back into place, turning to walk to the stage for his next

Cash was late as usual running from the bar to the
stage. Eli glared at him and declared, “Why can't you be on time
for once. The rest of the band is always waiting for you.”

I'm the lead singer and I'll get
on stage whenever I want to Eli. Besides, what's wrong with you
tonight? I saw you flirting with Katie. Did she blow you off or
what? Where did they go anyway?”

Eli caught his breath, realizing he should tell Cash
where they went so he could tell Roni. “They went to Trey's house
to wait for her to call them. She left a few hours ago and Roni
came back alone. Roni doesn't know or isn't telling us where she
went. So you know how protective her brothers are and she is like a
little sister to Faith. As far as Katie goes, keep your mouth shut
about her. Yes, I enjoy her company a lot. So stay away from

Cash grinned and laughed. “You can have Katie. I'm
going to win Faith back. Trey isn't worth her sweat besides, she's
still crazy about me.”

Sure she is, Cash, what makes you
say something like that. She probably threw the room key you tried
to slip to her away. If I saw you put it in her hand you can bet
Trey saw too. He's not going to let you near her again. I'll bet my
lousy paycheck from here, she's through with you.”

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